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Nerdy Sister Nicole


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"I know, I know. I mean, I've had a crush on you since I was a kid, but... How would we do that? How do we tell mom and dad? 'Hey mom, glad you're back, just so you know, Nate's been banging me on the couch.'"

"We haven't fucked on the couch."

"Quit being a dick, you know what I meant."

"Sorry, I was just joking... I don't know. We don't have to tell them today, though."

"We *can't* tell them today. Or anytime soon. You'll at least need to get an apartment first."

"Yeah, I'll definitely get kicked out."

"And they won't let me see you. But if we moved out together..."

"They're not going to let you leave like that."

"They might. I mean, first of all I'm an adult and they can't stop me. But also they like me a lot more than they do you, so I'm pretty sure I can convince them."


"We'll find an apartment near my school. I'll tell them I want to move in with you, because the commute is easier. I bet I can even get dad to pay half the rent for me."

"So does that mean we're doing this?"

"Yeah... I started thinking of it like a problem to solve and I may have convinced myself."

I leaned over and kissed her. This time she didn't push me away, instead she put my laptop down and sat in my lap, straddling me. When we separated she pushed me down on the bed. She got up on her knees and placed my cock at her entrance so she could sink down onto me.

"Anh, you feel good."

"You too. You're so fucking tight."

She leaned over and kissed me while she rode me. She was having trouble with the new angle, so I started fucking up into her too. Then she sat back up and reached down and rubbed her clit. She started moaning more. I could see from the face she was making she was close. I sped up, fucking into her harder. She came hard, convulsing and collapsing on top of me. I wasn't done yet though. I continued to fuck her limp body from below, determined to cum inside her. I exploded, filling her fertile pussy with cum. We sat there in bliss until the realization hit her.

"You came inside me," she said softly at first, "Why the fuck did you cum inside me!"

"I-I wasn't thinking, I just... It felt so good."

"I'm not on birth control. You might have just impregnated me!"

"It'll be okay. I'll go to the drug store. I'll get Plan B."

"You fucking better! I don't want to explain to my parents how their virgin daughter is pregnant with their son's kid."


And so, off to the pharmacy I went. I came back and she took the pill.

"What am I going to do if this doesn't work?" she asked.

"Get an abortion?"

"...I guess."

"You should probably go to the doctor and get on birth control. Just hide them or something."

"Why would I need to hide them?"

"Because they'll want to know why you need birth control?"

"That medication isn't just prescribed as birth control. It's also used to help with periods and hormone issues. I won't need to hide it. I'll just lie about why I got it."

"Oh, cool. You're so smart."

"I know," she said with pride.

We got dressed and decided to hang out upstairs. We heard a car door outside. I got up to check.

"It's mom and dad," I said.

"They're really early."

"Dad looks pissed."

"Open the door for them," she said.

I opened the door and was immediately decked. I hit the floor and looked up at our dad.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed.

"Daddy!" screamed Nicole at the same time.

"You wanna know what the fuck? What the fuck have you been doing to your sister?"

"Huh? Did he know?" I thought.

I got up off the floor and took a step back. My hands went up ready. Dad stepped forward, but Nicole got between us. My mom was behind my dad too, holding him back.

"What is this about?" cried Nicole.

"You know what this about. This is about HIM doing... those things to you!"

"How'd you know about that?" I asked.

"You did it in the fucking living room! That busybody across the street saw you and called your mother. The whole goddamn neighborhood probably knows by now!"

We were silent. It hadn't occurred to us that someone might be spying.

"Well?! Nothing to say?! You get the fuck out of my house right now!"

"Daddy, calm down," begged Nicole.

"Calm down?! He forced himself on you!"

"What!? No he didn't!" she shouted back.

"What are you saying!? You..."

"*I* asked *him* for it."

He was speechless. For the first time mom spoke:

"Nicole, honey, why would you do that?"

"Th-That's none of your business," she said, trying to maintain *some* dignity.

"You're my daughter and this is my house!" shouted dad, "That makes it my business, now answer your mother!"

"Calm down!" mom told him, "Let me talk, okay?"

He stepped back and let her talk directly to Nicole.

"I'm not trying to hurt you, I just need to be sure you're okay? Now can we sit down and talk and you can tell me what this is all about?" mom offered.

Nicole took my hand and brought me to the couch to sit down. Mom sat down across from us in a recliner. Dad went and stood by mom. Nicole breathed out, collecting herself. I considered speaking since she was having trouble, but was thankfully smart enough to know I was too dumb to have that conversation. Plus they'd actually believe it coming from her. She still had my hand in hers as she started speaking.

"I haven't had any luck with guys. You know that mom."

"So you fucked your brother?!" shouted dad.

She would later tell me that she held back the urge to scream "YES!" at him.

"Let her speak!" demanded mom.

"Nate and I have always been close... I was venting to him. I told him I didn't feel attractive, but he told me I was. That he thought I was beautiful. I've always had a crush on him and I wanted to feel desirable... I asked him to do it with me."

"And you just went along with that?" dad asked me.

"Well, I-"

"No, he didn't," Nicole interrupted him, "He asked me a hundred times if I was sure and every time he did I told him yes."

"He still did it!" he shouted.

"So did I!" she shouted back.

"You're younger-"

"I'm still a fucking adult! I can make my own decisions! You don't get to treat me like a child forever! I'm not one!"

"Calm down, both of you," begged mom.

Dad remained silent. Nicole, who had stood up, sat back down and breathed deeply to relax.

"Okay. I believe you, okay? I don't think Nate hurt you... But this has to stop. You need to find other people to do... *that* with."

I looked at her and she looked at me. We weren't going to stop. She gripped my hand tighter for support before she answered.

"It's not just about *that*. I **love** Nate and he loves me too. We're together now."

"No. We're done here. You go to your room," dad said pointing at Nicole, "And *you* get the fuck out of my house," he said pointing first at me then to the door.

Nicole was perfectly calm, "If Nate goes, so do I."

Neither of them spoke.

"I'm serious. I love him. We're going to be together. The only question is whether you're going to support us or not. Are you going to kick us out? Leave us on the streets, because we found love with each other?"

Dad's face twisted in anger, but he couldn't say anything. Mom tried to talk some sense into her.

"Honey, you can't have that kind of relationship."

"We can, actually. It's legal here."

She was taken aback, "I'm sure it is, but... What will people say? I mean, how are you going to deal with that?"

"Dad said Ms. Ruth saw us. He's right, the whole street probably knows already. And frankly, I don't care what they think. You're not actually worried about us though, are you?"

"And what does *that* mean?" she asked, offended.

"You're talking about *your* reputation."

"I guess I am. Is that so much to ask? Do you know how humiliating this is?"

"Are you kidding me? Do you know how humiliating *this* is?"

"Look, let's move on from that. It won't be a normal relationship. You can't get married, or have kids."

"I don't care if we can't get legally married. As for kids, we might be able to. They can do genetic screening to make sure we aren't passing on any genetic issues. We might even be able to adopt."

"Really, you think they'll let an incestuous couple adopt?"

"No, but they might let a single woman adopt."

She sighed, tired of Nicole's answers.

"And you feel the same way about all this, Nathan? You haven't said much."

"Yeah, I love her. I want to be with her forever. I just thought it'd be better to let sis talk. She's smarter."

"You two go downstairs. Your father and I need to talk about this."

We went downstairs to my room and they went upstairs to their own bedroom. We couldn't make out what was being said, but we could hear the screaming even with two floors between us. They must have gotten tired of it, because it eventually got quieter. Two hours later they came downstairs and called us up. We all sat as we were before.

"So your father and I have discussed it."

"And?" asked Nicole.

"Well first, nobody is getting kicked out. Second, we'll tolerate your relationship. I can't say that we approve of it, but clearly this is important to you and I'm not going to lose my kids over it."

"Thanks mom," said Nicole.

"Don't thank me yet, we have rules too."

"Which is?"

"No more doing that in the house."

Nicole rolled her eyes, "And where are we supposed to do it? In the back of a car? We'll get arrested. In a hotel? The only hotels we could afford to do that at are the kind where you get stabbed in the parking lot. Let us do it here. We'll be safe."

"Honey... We just don't want-"

"To know about it. I get it. We'll be discrete. We won't do it while you're home and we'll only do it in Nate's room. No windows to be seen from. I promise."

Mom sighed, "Fine. Not just that though. No PDA around us either. I don't want to see my son kissing his sister."

"Sure, mom. We can do that. Is that it?"

She looked at dad and he shook his head yes.

"Yeah. That's it."


They might not have been happy about it at first, but over time they got used to it. Dad never was happy about it, but I think mom may have actually been glad we got together. Probably what changed was them seeing that we were serious. Things like watching us leave for dates, catching us holding hands or kissing when we thought they weren't looking, that sort of thing. They had to move on and accept that this is just how things were now.

Dad may not have liked it, but he at least accepted it. He only did it for Nicole though. Our relationship wasn't great before, but it was almost non-existent once he knew about me and Nicole. Still, when we got married a few years later he walked her down the aisle. We lost a few friends when we came out, but most of them stood by us and all the ones that did attended the wedding. We didn't have too many family members show up, but a few did, most of them young.

After the wedding we went to a fancy hotel we rented a room in for our temporary honeymoon. We were so broke, we decided to put the real honeymoon off until we could afford to do something special. But for that night, the hotel would do.

"I've got a surprise for you," she said.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled.

She bent over the bed.

"Lift my dress."

I lifted her dress revealing a cute white thong.


"I wasn't talking about the thong. Look behind it."

'Behind it?' I thought? Then I realized, she meant her ass. I spread her cheeks revealing a big fake diamond sticking out of her ass.

"It matches the one I got you," I joked.

"It's already prepared. I lubed it up ahead of time."

"Were you wearing this the whole time?"

"The. Whole. Time. When dad walked me down the aisle, when we said our vows, the whole ride over here. The whole time."

"Fuck that's hot."

"Are you going to fuck it or just talk about it?"

I flipped her dress over her back and pulled the gemmed butt plug from her ass. I whipped my cock up, lined it up with her hole, and sunk in to her.

"Fuck... It's so tight... It's even better than your pussy."

"You too. Your dick is so much better than a plug."

"Fuck... How long have you been doing that?"

"The plugs? Anh. A few weeks. I wanted to surprise you."

"Well it's the second best surprise I've ever gotten."

"Only second best?"

"Next to you asking me to fuck you that first time. Shit, I love your little ass."

"Well, I don't think I'll ever beat that."

"No. But you're welcome to try. Shit, I don't think I can last much longer."

"Wow, you really do like my ass."

"It's amazing."

"Then cum in my amazing ass!"

I filled her ass with hot seed then laid down next to her. She wasted no time in straddling my face and using it go get off. We spent the whole night fucking and most of the next day sleeping off the exhaustion.


As planned we rented an apartment before she went off to college. I paid half of our expenses working as a line cook. I was able to get a pretty decent gig working at an upscale restaurant downtown. The other half was paid by mom and dad on Nicole's behalf. Four years of college turned into eight before she finally finished school with her PhD in physics. She got a job as an adjunct and I dropped to part time while I went through a culinary program at our local community college. A graduated and resumed full time work, now with slightly higher pay. Over time we each moved up the ladders. She got a real position at her university, while I was able to move up to sous chef and eventually chef as the guys above me left for greener pastures.

With better jobs and more money, we were able to move into an actual house not far from our parents or our jobs. With a house and a yard came talk of kids. We were each tested and unfortunately the results came back that we both had a pretty serious problem that we would likely pass on if we had kids. Fortunately, being a scientist that owned a home and had two retired parents near by made Nicole a pretty easy sell as a single mother to the adoption agency. Mom and dad were delighted when we brought little Sarah home. I thought they would be disappointed that it wasn't their 'real' granddaughter, but if they were they never showed it. Once they saw her, I'm sure any feelings like that must have dried up instantly. She's ten now and we couldn't be happier.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice story… But it was really rushed. You could’ve developed more of the situation why she felt so bad and it would’ve been more believable.There are other areas in your story that could be better developed. It’s the backstory it makes the front of the story more in depth and real

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, the ending wasn't what I was expecting, but still good. I really liked the dialog between them in the first part of the story.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 2 years ago

You have a unique dry sense of humor for Nicole, it was really funny. Broke out chuckling twice while reading. Smiled a whole lot. too. You didn’t drag in a lot of superfluous emotions, and the big oh, no! it’s illegal Crap. Id bet most. liked it as well. Really a nice no b.s. story.

bshell47bshell47over 2 years ago
Nice story

Happy ending,

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