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Never Better

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My name is Scotty Conner. I am 6'4" and weigh around 235. I possess a black belt in karate and a bachelor's degree in computer science from Cal Poly. At 25 years of age, I am living the American dream, except for the fact that I am hopelessly in love with a girl who is impossible to reach.

This girl is 20 years old, 5'1" and weighs in at 103 lbs. She has dark hazel eyes, a pert little upturned nose, beautiful lips and size 34 C breasts. Her hair is dark auburn and is shoulder length. She is a gymnast studying Oriental Languages at UCLA. Her name is Rebecca Conner. She is my sister.

I have loved her forever, but I have been in love with her for the past 5 years. This situation is extremely frustrating for me, as it keeps me from dating or even having any female friends.

She lives with our parents in a small house in Westwood. I have bought a house close to where I work in Santa Monica. It is a small 2 bedroom place close to the beach.

My story starts one Thursday afternoon. I had just gotten home from work when the telephone rang.

"Hello", I said as I punched the 'on' button.

"Hi Scotty, it's Becky."

"Oh, hi sweetie, what can I do for you?", I queried.

"I need to ask a huge favor of you.", she replied.

"Shoot, honey, I'm all ears."

"Scotty, can I move in with you for a while? Mom and Dad are going to tour the Caribbean, and I don't want to stay in this house all by myself."

Suddenly, I broke into a slight sweat. My tongue went dry. I could hardly croak into the phone, "Sure Becky, c'mon over. When will you be here?"

I knew I should have said no. I knew that living in the same house with her for 6 weeks was going to destroy what little morals I still possessed. However, as is always the case with men, my #2 head took control and before I could put the brakes on my mouth, the fatal words were zipping down the phone lines. I was screwed and I knew it.

"Thank God," Becky giggled into the phone. "I've got a lot to discuss with you and besides, we need some time together. I hardly ever see you and I want a chance to get to know how you're doing."

Yup, that was it. I was doomed. My fate sealed by 103 pounds of dynamite.

Two days later Becky appeared at my door with a host of baggage and packages. As is usual for a woman, she had enough gear with her for a 2 year safari. I helped her bring her things into the house. She started arranging them in my spare bedroom.

Finally, we had her stuff moved in. She collapsed into the sofa in the living room with a sigh of relief. I brought sodas for her and me from the refrigerator and she accepted hers gratefully. We ordered a pizza and turned on the big screen TV. The pizza arrived in about 30 minutes and we both munched it up.

It was Sunday evening and both of us had to be up early the next morning so Becky retired to her room and me to mine. All night evil little thoughts trickled through my brain. I composed all sorts of scenarios in which I would somehow take possession of her, but wound up running off a batch by hand. I fell into a fitful sleep which did nothing to rest me.

In the morning I was off and running. So was Becky. She was close to graduation and wanted to maintain her 3.9 GPA. I was close to getting a promotion and didn't want anything to interfere with it. The next week was pretty much a replay of the first day with both of us zooming around and doing our respective duties. Yes, I jacked off every night to thoughts of the sweet little package ensconced under my roof, but didn't make a move on her. Points for me, I guess.

Friday afternoon, our lives ground to a snail's pace. The pressure was off and at last we would have a chance to chat and really become acquainted. I got home first, got a quick shower, put on my sleepwear and started dinner.

Did I mention I'm a pretty good cook? We were going to have chicken Kiev with roasted veggies and a mild white wine. Chocolate mousse would provide the finishing touches.

Becky got home about an hour after I did. She immediately jumped in the shower and 30 minutes or so later, made her appearance in the kitchen in her pajamas. As soon as she strolled into the kitchen, I got a good shot of the female aroma that surrounded her. My cock twitched. I knew I was in deep trouble.

"Wow, bro, that chicken looks great!" she exclaimed.

"Well, it only costs a little more to go first class." I replied.

I served the chicken in the small dining room. We consumed it with the gusto of a couple of hound dogs. We also consumed almost the whole bottle of wine. In keeping with the old adage, never travel without a spare, I broke open another bottle and we retired to the living room. I put a Trish Trang disk into the player and turned it down fairly low.

"So, Scotty, what have you been doing with yourself? Are all the Santa Monica chicks ravaging your body on a regular basis?" she inquired.

"Actually, I have not been ravaged even once." I stated.

"Why not? You're a good looking guy."

"I've been too busy to do much dating." I said.

"How many dates have you been out on in the last couple of years?" she nosed.

"Well in fact, what's the number just before one?" I admitted.

"What?" she exclaimed. "Are you a little light in the loafers? There must be some reason you're not dating. It is unnatural for a young stud to be that reclusive."

"If you must know, I'm in love with someone unreachable. I just can't seem to get her out of my mind long enough to corner one of those beach bunnies."

"Oh, my! Do I know the lucky girl?"

I almost lost it right then and confessed, but I figured that if I did, she would move out immediately and I'd never see her again. I poured some more wine.

"My turn," I said. "How many boys are snuffling up your path? There must be dozens!"

"I'm really in the same boat as you." She sighed. "I have not had a date since high school. I am also deeply in love with someone."

My heart sank like a stone.

"How are things going at home?" I queried.

"Not too great. That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about."

I saw tears in her eyes. Her head dropped. "I think I've got to get out of that house for good. Mom and Dad are always yelling at me and at each other. Dad gets drunk sometimes and tries to feel me up. I don't know how far he'd carry it if he were really drunk. Home is becoming a living hell for me." And with that, she burst into tears.

I was shocked. I wanted to kick Dad's ass. I wanted to bitch-slap Mom. But most of all, I wanted to get Becky away from there.

"So why don't you move in with this guy you love? Surely, he'd have to be the world's biggest idiot to turn you down."

I looked into the eyes that I loved with all my heart. She looked up at me and before she even said anything, I knew.

"I already moved in with him. Scotty, it's you!"

Tears now came to my eyes. My voice caught in my throat. I stared intently at her.

"I knew if I told you that, you would hate me! I'm so sorry Scotty. I'll just move out and find a place of my own."

"You aren't going anywhere!" I shouted.


"I just didn't have the guts to tell you this, but you are the one I'm in love with! I've been in love with you for years."

I leaned over and kissed her deeply. Not a brother-sister kiss. A deep down tongue and tangle kiss. She responded with some tongue action of her own, gave a little squeal and jumped into my lap.

"Oh, Scotty!! I can't believe that you love a little shrimp like me! I have waited so long to tell you this because I thought you would laugh at me or kick me out. I've never been in love with anyone else. It has always been you!!"

There is no way to imagine the elation I felt. It was as if a giant load had been lifted from my shoulders. I sobbed quietly at my good fortune.

"We need to talk about a lot of things." I said. "But most of them can wait until tomorrow. For right now, we are going to discuss a couple of "are nots".

"What "are nots?"" she whispered.

"Well, first, you 'are not' going to cry anymore because you 'are not' going back to that house. Secondly, you 'are not' sleeping in the spare room anymore because tomorrow, you 'are not' going to be a virgin. You are going to be my wife, with or without ceremony. I love you too much to let society steal you from me."

With that, I lifted her feather-light form into my arms and skipped down the hallway to our bedroom. I flipped her onto my California king sized bed. When she bounced, she immediately shed her pajama top revealing her perfect virginal breasts. I stripped off my tops and bottoms.

When she saw my 11" cock, she looked at me with a mixture of lust and fear. I reached down and jerked off her bottoms and there before my wondering eyes was the most perfect pussy I had ever seen. I picked her legs up and started kissing her little feet, sucking in her toes one at a time. She started to shiver.

"Please be gentle." She begged.

"I would kill myself before I hurt you!" I exclaimed.

I started kissing and licking up her legs while worshipping her pussy. Soon, I would possess it, but first she must be made completely ready. By the time I got to the tops of her thighs, she was shaking and moaning in low guttural tones. I slid up her body and kissed her sweet, sweet lips. I rammed my tongued into her mouth and she sucked it as far down her throat as she could get it. I scooted back down a little and started playing with her magnificent breasts. She was moaning louder now and starting to writhe around on the bed. I still had not touched her beautiful pussy, but that was about to change.

"Scotty, Scotty" she whined. "Let me touch your cock. I want to taste it and love it."

So I slid around into the 69 position and felt her take me in her hand. Her pussy was now directly above my lips. Moisture dripped from it and the heavenly aroma emanating from it overwhelmed me. I stuck my tongue out and licked her labia just as she inhaled my cock. I thought I was going to faint. Her pussy juice was salty and sweet. Perfect. When I stuck my tongue deep into her, her pussy tasted like roasted duck. I was in heaven. I could have munched her muff all night long and been perfectly happy.

"Scotty, get up here and fuck me!!" she wailed.

Never being one to disobey a direct order from a superior, I switched around, got up on my knees in between her legs and started my final plunge into heaven.

She looked into my eyes and said, "This is gonna hurt, isn't it?"

"Yes," I said, "but the pain will go away quickly and be replaced with feelings you didn't know existed."

"OK," she whispered. "Let's do it!!"

I slid my cock up to her virginal entrance and slowly pressed forward. Never had I felt anything so tight! Soon, I came to her hymen. When I bumped it, I saw her twitch. I looked down at her and she gave me a shy smile and a small nod. I pushed forward, but didn't break it. I knew it was going to hurt her a lot, so I started to pull out and tell her we would try it another day. That's when I felt those gymnast's legs wrap around my butt and jerk me into her all the way. She issued a scream and I thought I had killed her. I started to pull out again but those super strong legs held me in place.

"No Scotty," she smiled. "Just leave it where it is until I get used to it. Then we're gonna have some fun!"

I lay there with my cock in her for a little while and then I felt her start to move under me. I took the hint and started to slowly stroke in and out of her in the age-old mating rhythm. The longer I stroked, the more she wanted.

Soon, she was panting and pleading "More, faster, harder, more, more. Yes, yes, yes, yes" in time with our love strokes.

Soon, her rhythm changed and her breath became a gasp. So did mine.

"Scotty, what's happening to me?" she pleaded.

"You are about to cum for the first time. Let go. Let it happen."

So she stroked on with me trying to keep pace. Soon I felt a stirring deep in my balls.

"I'm going to cum soon." I grunted. "Where do you want it?"

"In me Scotty!!! Make a baby in me."

"Are you sure?"

"It's all I've ever wanted!! Your baby!! Give it to me now!!" she screamed.

And with that, I could hold back no longer. She couldn't either and we came together in one of those cataclysmic bursts of stellar energy that define the universe. God!! I had never felt anything like it.

She lay there panting and puffing. "Is it always this wonderful?" she puffed.

"So far!" I gasped like a guppy on a sand pile.

As you may have guessed, we did, indeed, conceive a child during that first session. Or maybe it was one of the many sessions that followed that weekend. I love that girl with all my heart and my entire being. I would kill for her. I would die for her. She professes her undying love for me. There is nothing better than this!

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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Wow, faster than a speeding bullet and he's balls deep in her. A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination (memories?) and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

LegallySaneLegallySaneover 4 years ago

The best Brother/Sister LOVE story here on this site. I've read a lot of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
5 stars but can't activate them!

Lovely story. Lovely couple.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
The only unrealistic thing about this story ...

Was that this guy has a black belt in karate.... psshhft!!! As if!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
11 inches?

11 inches? Get real. If it's not "38JJJ boobs" it's over sized cocks.

I stopped reading at, 11 inches, and flipped here to give a minus 5 star, but 1 star was the lowest.

If you can't do any better, STOP writing!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I was really getting into until the 11inch cock showed it up. I don't know why so many writers think the huge genitals is a turn on, for me personally it destroys the story, what makes for a better story is less concrete descriptions or more average size genitals. Also while them saving them selves for each other is sweet just so overused that it loses its value it would have been better if they have had passed lovers and just couldn't resist each other.

The confession was a bit too unrealistic for me, if you have feeling for say your sister you know its taboo and you know the risk of them rejection you is far too great than to simply just blurt it out. You know that by telling her she may hate you, think that your sick, an never want to talk to you. It something that has to come out slowly maybe their spending their nights cuddling on the couch and her hands begin to wander more and more each night untill he just can't resist any more, maybe she thinks she's ugly and he's comforting her which leads to a kiss and they both spending the week apart beating up themselves until they have a confrontation that leads to a heated confession. The point is it has to happen slowly not a simple confession over their love lives the risk rejection is too great and they have to test the waters before bearing their soul.

The point is be more realistic be less descriptive of the genitals we all like different things by using less concrete description in the body the reader can imagine what that want. Go in for a slow seduction instead of rushed spur of the moment confession.

trite_readertrite_readerover 10 years ago

I don't understand why there are so many sizists commenting on this story!!! What have they all got against a normal and average 11' cock? Mine is about that big and no one I've ever been with has complained about it! I mean sure, just like anyone else, I've always wished mine was just that little bit bigger, but what are ya gonna do, eh? -Idiots come to a porn site and expect literary masterpieces ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Eleven inches?

I stopped reading as soon as I read the sentence declaring his size!

I gave you a 1 because yo had a marvelous story that I couldn't finish reading!

Great story going until then, goodbye!

HonorandLoveHonorandLoveabout 12 years ago

Now this is true love!!!! Two people who saved themselves for each other!!! Starting from scratch on both sides!!! Please continue!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
good but

it sounds like you are over compensating for something with the 11" cock you really ruin a story with the bull shit sizes it get real boring try using normal sizes for a change

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
My God!!

This exact same thing happened to me! Except my baby sister had to practice with a little 12" dildo before she would dare to attempt my 15" lovepole. Hehehe...

bahadur227bahadur227almost 17 years ago
Never Better

Verry nice to find the love of life.keep fucking and making love all the time.Keep writing like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Never Better

Very nice story, I would have given you 100, except for

that 11" cock.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 17 years ago
Loved It!

Loved your sibling incest tale. Enough class to be confused with a Western Slope Cut-throat Trout. Keep writing, it's good stuff.

AmyfriendAmyfriendabout 17 years ago

so sweet. Wish I had had a brother like that...wow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

you have very good writing skills...you used some very good descriptive words..

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