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New Family Rules Ch. 08

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Harry and Amanda finally marry.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/09/2016
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This story is the eighth in a series. I strongly recommend reading the prior chapters first to put this in context. I intended to leave Amanda and Harry forever in college. However, a reader asked me to continue their story. When I started this, my intention was to wrap up the story of the Turners and the Stones in this chapter. Amanda and Harry have persuaded me it may not be that easy.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


It was a warm, sunny Saturday in late June. At 1:00 p.m. that day, I was standing nude in the backyard of Bill and Joan Turner's home. Clark Tewes, my good friend from college, was standing next to me. Clark was also nude. He held a small box in his hand.

A band, with an attractive female vocalist, was set up in a corner of the yard. They had been playing soft background music for some time. After a short pause, the instrumentalists began a very traditional piece. Clark and I turned to look at the door from the Turners' house.

The first person to emerge from the door was my older sister Gwen. Save for a small bouquet in her hands, Gwen was also naked. She smiled as she walked between the chairs set up on the Turners' lawn. Gwen was now 28 and a published author. She still looked fantastic with no clothes on. The people seated in the chairs stood as Gwen walked by.

Next out of the house, several paces behind Gwen, came my long-time girlfriend Amanda Turner on the arm of her father Bill. Amanda and Bill were also nude. I said that Gwen looked fantastic naked. I mean no disrespect to her, and know she would agree, when I say that Amanda in the nude completely eclipsed Gwen.

Amanda was smiling broadly. Part of that, I hoped, was due to what we were about to do. I knew that part of Amanda's obvious joy was also due to walking slowly with no clothes on through family and friends. Amanda always enjoyed being seen in the nude by other people.

Bill escorted Amanda to my side. He then stepped back to a vacant chair in the front row, beside his wife Joan. My parents, Ryan and Linda, were seated to Joan's right. Like us, neither Amanda's nor my parents had clothes on.

Gwen, Amanda, Clark, and I turned to face a short young woman wearing a purple robe and a bemused expression. The Reverend Patricia Danvers, pastor of a small, very progressive congregation, was the only person we had found with the legal authority to solemnize a wedding who would officiate a nude wedding.

The ceremony was brief. Amanda and I promised to love, honor, support, and care for each other for all eternity. We each put a ring on the other's finger. Reverend Danvers pronounced us man and wife.

Amanda and I had been a couple since our senior year of high school. We had both decided back then that we were partners for life. Save for my third year of law school, we had basically lived together that entire time. After eleven years together, we got married. Our first act to celebrate our new status was to clutch our nude bodies together and kiss for, I'm guessing, a full two minutes.

We had the wedding, and the reception, in the Turners' backyard because we couldn't find a venue in town willing to host a nude wedding and reception. The best we could do was a naturist resort about 60 miles east of town which we ruled out as too far away. Given the available space, we tried to limit the guest list. However, between our friends and a few friends of our parents, we still had about 60 people.

We discouraged gifts, but we did not insist that guests go nude. A few friends that Amanda and I had made since we both moved back to town came and stayed clothed. Our older friends went nude.

My sister, Gwen, had been Amanda's best friend in high school despite being a year older. Amanda and I became a couple the summer after Gwen graduated. During the short time until Gwen left for college, the three of us had been extremely close. Gwen came to the wedding alone. Her primary occupation was writing about world affairs for magazines in the US and UK. She said her abrupt trips to places like Moscow, Hong Kong, and Beirut to follow stories precluded long-term relationships. She also claimed to have stripped nude for Vladimir Putin to keep him from walking out on an interview. "I'm not really sure he likes girls," was her conclusion from that experience.

Clark came with his wife Dani and her younger sister Amelia. All three of them had been our close friends in college. They shared our preference for being nude in any situation. Dani, Amelia, and Clark lived with Amanda and me during our last two years of undergrad. None of us ever wore clothes in the condo we shared.

Amanda and I were both thrilled that Amanda's other best friend from high school, Meryl Cohen (now Dr. Meryl Cohen), came with her current partner Kim. During our senior year in high school, Amanda, Meryl, and I had a three-way love affair.

Most surprising to us was that Amanda's high school tennis coach, Jan Hill, came with along with two of Amanda's high school teammates, Patti and Joan. Coach Hill brought her current boyfriend. Patti and Joan came without their husbands. Still more surprising was that Patti, Joan, Coach Hill, and her boyfriend all undressed and stayed nude for the wedding and the reception. Patti and Joan had been attractive in high school. Both had visibly added some weight in their hips and thighs since. Now almost 40, Coach Hill was still slender and still coaching. I didn't really form an impression of her boyfriend, although he seemed to make an impression on Patti and Joan.

There were a few tables, but most of the guests took food from the buffet and/or drinks from the bar and walked around. Because the reception was on a lawn, it didn't lend itself to dancing. Instead, guests were welcome to use the Turners' pool.

The band, which turned out to be good, played about thirty minutes into the reception before they took a break. I happened to notice my mother and Joan Turner talking to the musicians during the break. I vaguely recall seeing the five musicians go into the Turner house. Everyone noticed, however, when the three women and two men came back out and started playing again. I found out later that our parents offered to double their fee for the reception if they played nude. Amanda and I were talking with the band while they packed up just after 9:00 that evening. All five musicians told us this had been their most enjoyable gig and they were glad our parents had challenged them to perform nude for several hours.

In general, the reception was a relaxed affair, as we intended. The one exception to that came when the wedding party took over the microphone from the singer for the traditional speeches. Not being a fan of tradition, Gwen preempted the speeches by grabbing the microphone.

"Friends," Gwen announced, "we all know that my little brother Harry and my best friend Amanda have already been together for many years. We assume they've had sex during those years, but do any of us really know? (Gwen, Meryl, Dani, Amelia, and Clark all knew firsthand).

"No, we don't!" a voice called from the lawn.

Grinning, Gwen said into the mic, "don't you think Amanda and Harry should prove to us that they have consummated the marriage?" A cheer went up. "Does anyone think," Gwen continued, "that Amanda and Harry should not make love right here, right now, with all of us as witnesses?" No one said a word. My new father-in-law and Dad carried the Turners' picnic table over and set it down about eight feet from where Amanda and I were standing. Still talking into the mic, Gwen said, "Amanda, Harry, your family and friends have spoken." She pointed to the table and said, "get up there and get fucking." Another cheer went up.

The idea of intercourse with Amanda live in front of our parents and friends was scary and exciting. I was already getting hard. I looked at my wife. She was smiling, her eyes sparkled, and her nipples were erect. "Don't you think this is the perfect way to start our marriage?" she asked me. I nodded. Amanda reached out and wrapped a hand around my half-erect dick. I reached out with both hands and began rubbing her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. After a few moments of that, I put a hand between Amanda's thighs and began rubbing her clit.

Gwen had kept the microphone and began what I can best describe as a play-by-play. She announced to our friends, "we have foreplay, although I think Amanda and Harry are already aroused."

We were aroused. Amanda gave me a quick kiss on the lips and led me to the picnic table. She got up on the table and lay on her back. "Come on, circle around," Gwen invited our guests.

I climbed onto the table on my hands and knees as people closed around the table. I positioned myself above Amanda, lowered my hips, and slid my hard dick into her wet pussy. Gwen announced into the mic, "we have penetration!" Another cheer went up.

As I said, Amanda and I had fucked, and fucked in front of, Gwen, Meryl, Dani, Amelia, and Clark. We weren't complete strangers to doing it with someone watching. However, this seemed so much more public. Our parents were watching, as were Amanda's old coach and complete strangers like the band. It was an exhibitionist fantasy made real. Amanda very quickly wrapped her strong legs around me and began crushing me into her as she bucked her hips. Sex with Amanda was always special and, for the reasons I just mentioned, this time was very special. However, we were both so aroused that we came much sooner than I wished. At least, we both had very intense orgasms.

Although it had been a few years, Gwen had been with Amanda and me often enough to know our signals. As I felt myself ready to explode, I could hear Gwen announcing, "I think they are close," and moments later, "ladies and gentlemen, we have orgasms. The first orgasms of this marriage!" That brought cheers and another round of applause.

I stayed in Amanda until we had both caught our breath. She looked at me, looking more beautiful than ever, and we both started laughing. I suppose it was a reaction to the sheer outrageousness of what we had just done.

After we got off the table, the singer took the mic from Gwen and the band started playing again. People came up to shake our hands (Covid 19 vaccines had been widely enough used by then that handshakes were acceptable again) or pat our bare asses. Dani brought us both drinks. I know this sounds perverted, but I felt proud that these people had just seen Amanda and I fuck to orgasm.

The reception broke up around 9:00 p.m. Amanda's parents spent the night with my parents, leaving the Turner house for Amanda and me. Gwen, Dani, Amelia, and Clark stayed with us that night. Old relationships were pleasurably renewed.

A bit of background is probably appropriate here. Amanda and I had both graduated from college on Chicago's North Shore six years earlier. Amanda stayed to get her M.B.A. I got into a decent law school on the south side of Chicago and commuted every day. Amanda finished grad school a year before me, leading to the only extended period of separation we've ever had. Amanda went back home to become CFO of her dad's businesses, which had expanded into real estate development as well as construction. Dani's sister Amelia was finishing her master's during my last year of law school. With Amanda's permission, Amelia lived with me that year.

Since Amanda moved home, I had to. I got a job with a large downtown law firm which just happened to represent Bill Turner's companies. Covid 19 happened the next year. It hurt the Turner businesses, but it decimated the legal profession. The firm let me and most of the other lawyers with less than five years' experience go, along with about 25 partners. The other big firms in the region were making similar cuts. Many smaller shops just closed. That led to me becoming general counsel of The Turner Group, the parent company under which Bill Turner's construction and development companies operated. In other words, before Amanda and I married, we both already worked for her dad.

One consequence of working for Amanda's dad was that, unlike most couples, Amanda and I didn't spend our working days apart. We got up together, went to work together, worked in adjoining offices (later a large, shared office), and came home together. There were months at a time when Amanda and I were not apart for more than a few minutes. That was wonderful from my perspective. What sane, heterosexual man wouldn't want to spend every minute with Amanda Turner? It speaks volumes about Amanda's capacity for self-sacrifice that she tolerated me on a constant basis.

Another benefit of working for Amanda's dad was that we got as much time, and money, as we wanted for a honeymoon. We took two weeks to go to Europe. We thought about Cap d'Agde, but our research made us wonder whether we were ready for that. We ended up going to Baden-Baden, which offered coed nudity in the baths, Munich, which is a great city with several opportunities to go nude, and a new ski resort in Austria.

Neither Amanda nor I ski, and we were at the resort in summer. The resort was isolated and difficult to get to. The surrounding mountains offered hiking and scenery which justified the trip. The other attraction was that the resort included a large spa with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, saunas, steam baths, Jacuzzis, sand volleyball, a bar that stayed open late, and a grill that served food from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Clothes were required everywhere in the hotel part of the resort, but nudity was mandatory in all parts of the spa. Even though it was summer, the resort was about 70% full, meaning that there were always people around although it wasn't crowded.

Amanda and I had booked a week at the resort. We spent the first day hiking from morning until late afternoon, relaxed in the spa, dressed for dinner in the hotel restaurant, and went to bed together early. Expecting that we would be a little sore from the first day's hike, we had booked a couple's massage for late morning of our second day. We had expected there would be a dedicated massage room. When Amanda and I met the young man and young woman who would be giving our massages, we were surprised to be led to massage tables set up between the indoor pool and a jacuzzi, overlooked by the bar and grill on the second level. Amanda and I would be getting our massages in full view of almost everyone else in the spa.

Since it was a nude spa, my masseuse and Amanda's masseur didn't bother to cover us. We lay nude on massage tables a couple of feet apart. The clothed masseur and masseuse did not, of course, provide happy endings. They were, however, very thorough, and not reticent to touch any part of us. They earned the hundred Euro tips Amanda and I gave them.

Following the instructions to drink lots of fluids, Amanda and I were in the bar a little while after our massages when a couple about our age approached us. In accented English, the man, Stefan, asked if we had enjoyed our massages. The woman, Birget, giggled and said, "we're sorry, but we watched. You both appeared to be having a good time. We didn't think you would mind. You like people to see your bodies?" Birget gestured down her bare body with her hand, stopping at her neatly trimmed triangle.

"Yes, we do," Amanda replied.

"So do we," Stefan said.

Birget and Stefan were German, from near Frankfurt am Main. Birget had light brown hair and a wide, expressive face that grinned a lot. She was not fat, but had large breasts, wide hips, and large thighs. Voluptuous might describe her. Birget had recently finished her training and tests to become a physician. Stefan was about my height, although at least 50 pounds lighter. We learned later that Stefan was a talented amateur soccer player and a structural engineer. He had short black hair, a very precisely trimmed beard and mustache, and a long thin dick.

Amanda and I invited Birget and Stefan to join us for lunch. It was a sunny day and warm at the resort's elevation. There were a few tables on the lawn outside the grill. As we talked, we learned that this was Birget and Stefan's third visit to the resort. Birget and Stefan skied. "This is the first time we've come in summer," Stefan said. "I thought it might be boring if we couldn't ski and brought several books. I haven't opened one yet."

"What are you doing while you are here, besides get a massage?" Birget asked.

"Yesterday," I replied, "we hiked up into the mountains. We thought we 'd do more of that."

"Yes," Stefan said, "we saw you coming back yesterday. You wore clothes. I suppose you would if you were going to higher elevations. It gets cool up there, yes?"

"There are some lovely hikes down through the valleys," Birget said. "It is as warm there as here or warmer. Stefan and I have walked on two different days. We leave our clothes here at the hotel. We plan to explore a new valley tomorrow. Would you wish to join us?"

We discussed Birget's and Stefan's planned hike further. They planned to follow a valley southeast of the resort to a lake. They thought the hike would take about five hours out and back. They planned to go nude except for boots, walking sticks, and small rucksacks to carry water and food. "We never take clothing with us," Birget said. "If we encounter others, we cannot give in to temptation to cover up."

Amanda and I agreed that the hike sounded like fun and agreed to join Birget and Stefan. "Meet us by the outdoor pool at nine hours tomorrow morning," Stefan said.

"It will be cool at that time," Birget said. "Harry, you may shrink up like Stefan does," she giggled. She brushed her hand over one of her nipples. "Amanda, these will get quite hard. It will warm up quickly."

It was uncomfortably chilly when we met Birget and Stefan the next morning. Amanda and I had one rucksack between us. I had put sandwiches and sunscreen in it and strapped two large bottles of water to the outside. Stefan opened my pack and added four cans of beer. Birget and Stefan had also brought walking sticks for Amanda and me.

Our route took us down from the resort and the air warmed quickly as we descended. Stefan led, followed by Birget and Amanda with me at the rear. Walking behind Amanda's bare ass was always aesthetically pleasing. What I soon noticed looking beyond Amanda was that Birget's bare ass, while wider, was also lovely in motion.

We walked down through woodland for about an hour. We then walked around the perimeter of a small village, something Birget and Stefan had not mentioned in advance. People were out and saw us. I had always thought of Austrians, especially rural Austrians, as very conservative. However, no one commented on our nudity. People just smiled and a few waved. Perhaps conservativism in Central Europe didn't condemn nudity.

We began encountering people on the trail as we descended past the village. The people we encountered were clothed. Again, no one said anything about our nudity. Either they didn't care, or they enjoyed seeing Amanda's and Birget's bodies enough to forgive us.

After another hour of walking, we arrived at a large lake. We were not the only people there, but we were the only people nude. "You see why we do not carry clothes?" Birget asked. She answered her own question: "It would be too easy to simply get dressed in a circumstance like this." Everyone looked at us. I wondered whether simply getting dressed might be the better part of valor.

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