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New Girl in Town Pt. 12

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Will the arrival of a new girl at school change his luck?
16.8k words

Part 12 of the 25 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 09/08/2017
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All characters are 18 years old unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for everyone's patience between parts. I appreciate all the comments, feedback and votes.

I'd like to give a big thanks to a real life Jessica for helping keep me on point while I write and again to Devir Ginator for all his help. You both are awesome!

And we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


"Mom?" Staci asks while attempting to cover her nakedness.

"I don't want to hear it, Staci!" Mrs. Daniels snaps. "I know that I've talked about you and Jake getting together before but not like this!"

"Mom, it's not what it looks like." Staci tries to tell her, but her protest is ignored.

"I expected a lot better from you, Jake." Mrs. Daniels states when she turns to him. "Jessica is the sweetest girl and I cannot believe that you would treat her like this! And she's your best friend for goodness sake, Staci!"

"I still am, Mrs. Daniels." Jessica calls out from the top of the stairs. Having heard the yelling from downstairs, both Jessica and Ray came out of the bedrooms to see what was going on.

"Jessica?" Mrs. Daniels calls out.

"Yes ma'am, I'm here." Jessica answers.

"I am too, Mrs. Daniels." Ray calls out.

Mrs. Daniels takes a moment looking from her daughter to Jake then sighs with relief. "I think you should both join us down here right now. Also some clothes for your significant others are needed."

"Yes, ma'am." Both teens answer.

"So you and Jessica?" She asks pointing at Jake.

"Yes ma'am." Jake answers.

"And you and Ray?" she asks her daughter.

"Of course, Mom. And before you ask, we were in different rooms, too." Staci answers. "You didn't seriously think that Jake and I were... ya know, did you?"

"Well sweetie, you have to admit that it looked pretty bad from my point of view." Mrs. Daniels tells her. "I walk in with Jake standing half nude in my kitchen and then you come walking downstairs with that look on your face and not wearing very much."

Ray and Jessica descend the stairs, both fully dressed, both holding clothes for Staci and Jake and both looking just as embarrassed as Jake and Staci at being caught.

"I think we should all head into the living room to discuss this." Mrs. Daniels states. "Ray and Jessica, come along with me. Staci, you and Jake take a moment to get dressed then join us."

As the foursome departs for the living room, Jake turns to Staci.

"So, on a scale of one to ten, how much trouble do you think we're in with your mom?" He asks as he hops into his jeans.

"That's tough to say. This is a new situation for me." Staci answers as pulls on a pair of pajama pants that Ray found for her. "We could just be in for a lecture on being safe to me being grounded until I'm a sophomore in college. Either way, it was kind of worth it wasn't it?"

"It certainly sounded like it, on your end at least." Jake chuckles.

"We all heard exactly how much fun Jessica was having, so don't you even try it, Jake." Staci giggles.

Jake sighs. "Ready for this?"

"Not really," she shakes her head. "I'd suggest that we sneak out the side door here and make a run for it but we can't leave Ray and Jess here to face the music alone."


Jake and Staci join Ray and Jessica who are seated on the couch opposite of Mrs. Daniels.

The couples immediately clasp hands with their respective significant others and Mrs. Daniels must hide the smile that blossoms on her face.

"Staci, this is not acceptable." She begins. "We had discussed Jessica staying the night tonight, but you neglected to share that both your boyfriends would be here as well. I don't like it when you lie to me."

"It wasn't exactly a lie, Mom." Staci answers. "Ray is always over and Jessica is usually with Jake so..."

"An omission is the same thing when you're trying to be sneaky and you and I have been through this before, young lady." Mrs. Daniels argues. "I hated it then and I don't like that this behavior is poking its ugly little head up again. I thought we were past this."

"Mom, it's not like before." Staci says.

"The company is certainly better this time around but that doesn't excuse this." Mrs. Daniels states. "While I appreciate the changes in you this year and I truly do, I know that you can't sit there and tell me that none of you has had alcohol tonight."

"Well Jake didn't." Staci answers. "Jessica and I had maybe a half a glass of wine each and Ray had a beer."

"Half a beer." Ray corrects. "We got uh... distracted before I could finish it."

"With the way I caught Jake and Staci dressed, I can imagine exactly what the distraction was." Mrs. Daniels says shaking her head. "Jessica, were your parents aware that Jake was going to be spending the night here with you?"

"No, ma'am." Jessica answers. "Mom knew that he was going to be here, but I never said he was staying the night."

"That's what I thought." Mrs. Daniels says. "Jake, where do your parents think you are tonight?"

"They know that I'm with Jessica but how long I was going to be out didn't come up." Jake answers.

Mrs. Daniels nods. "Okay then. Jake, you'll need to gather your things and head home. I can't allow you to stay unless both you and Jessica parents know that you're both going to be here together."

"Yes, ma'am." Jake answers and gets to his feet.

"Mom, seriously?" Staci asks.

"Staci, it's fine." Jake says.

"I hate being the bad guy here, Jake. I really do but this is how it has to be." Mrs. Daniels says. "I could get into a lot of trouble with both your and Jessica's parents if they found out I knew what was going on here tonight and allowed it to continue."

Jake nods. "I understand, Mrs. Daniels."

"I should go to." Ray says getting to his feet. "It's not fair for Jake to leave and for me to stay."

"When did you have that half a beer, Ray?" Mrs. Daniels asks him.

"About two... wow, two hours ago." Ray answers when he checks his phone for the time. "Was it really two hours?"

"Uh huh," Staci sighs contentedly.

"Oh yeah," Jessica answers similarly.

"All right, enough of that you two." Mrs. Daniels tells them as she blushes slightly. "Walk your boys out and get to bed."

"I'm sorry about how this turned out, Jake." Jessica says as she's saying goodbye at the door.

"I'm not. Everything was perfect up until Staci's mom got home." Jake says giving her a smile.

"It really was." Jessica smiles back.

"We're still on for seeing a movie tomorrow night, right?" He asks.

"We are as long as I don't end up getting grounded over all of this." Jessica answers.

"Don't worry about that, Jess." Staci says as she pulls her lips from Ray's. "Mom just wants to scare us a little bit, so we know that she's serious."

"It worked." Jake laughs.

"That it did." Ray agrees.

"So, movie tomorrow night it is." Jessica answers. "You guys want to make it a double date?"

"I think that we'll be staying in." Staci says while giving her a wink.

"That plan sounds a lot better than going to the movies, right Jake?" Jessica giggles.

"We should probably go." Ray states. "We don't want to make things worse with a long goodbye."

Jake nods and gives Jessica a long, wet kiss. "Love you, Jess." He says as he pulls back.

"I love you too, Jake." She answers once she's caught her breath.


Staci and Jessica are lying on her bed after Staci's mom sent them upstairs, telling them that they would talk more in the morning.

"I would ask you how things went but from all those moans and groans coming out of your room, I already have a pretty good idea." Jessica giggles.

"Oh, like you have any room to talk, Jess. I heard all those cries of pleasure coming from your room as well." Staci points out with her own giggle. "Not that I expected to hear anything less since you were in there with Jake. With what he taught Ray, I knew he'd be amazing for you."

"He really was!" Jessica answers enthusiastically. "Now I know why you've kissed Jake."

"I needed to show my appreciation in some way. He gives great pointers, your Jake." Staci giggles.

"He gives even better tongue." Jessica sighs.

"Ooo you bad girl," Staci teases. "I have to ask, did you and Jake do it? Because from what I was hearing it certainly sounded like you were."

"We didn't but after the second time he made me come, he could have done whatever he wanted, and I wouldn't have dreamed of stopping him." Jessica admits. "The third one hit me so hard that I nearly passed out."

"My first one almost did me in." Staci shares. "Ray teased and teased me right to the edge then kept me there until I was ready to kill him. Then he slid into me and I blasted off like a firecracker. I couldn't believe how worked up I was. It's never been like that."

"When your only comparison is Patrick, I seriously doubt it would have been." Jessica jokes.

"No kidding." Staci laughs. "He's nothing but a self-centered asshole that was worth about two minutes worth of thrusting and that's on a good night."

"Get in, get off, get out." Jessica sighs. "That sounds awful familiar. Makes you wonder how we got so lucky this time around."

"I'm blaming you." Staci answers. "You come strutting down the first-floor hallway that first day of school with your AP schedule and that attitude of yours."

"I didn't have an attitude that morning." Jessica argues. "I was just trying to find my class and you took my schedule from me."

"It was so cute how nervous you looked when I took it and looked it over." Staci giggles. "And yes, you did have an attitude that morning. Patrick tried most of his best moves on you and you weren't even fazed."

"I was too concerned about losing my schedule that I didn't even notice his moves ." Jessica states. "I've had nightmares about losing my schedule and not knowing where I'm supposed to be."

"I have that one, too. Well that one and the one where I'm cheerleading at a game and find out I'm not wearing my spanks or any underwear." Staci admits.

"You should totally do that for Ray sometime as a surprise. He'd love it!" Jessica tells her.

"I'm not flashing a whole football stadium for my boyfriend, Jessica!" Staci exclaims.

"I meant here in private, you goof." Jessica laughs.

"Oh... duh," Staci laughs. "I thought for a second that your time with Jake was still affecting your brain."

"I'm perfectly clear headed. At least until I think about all the things Jake did to me tonight then things get all tingly and all my coherent thoughts go bye-bye." Jessica answers.

"I saw Jake in his boxers so I understand that completely. He looks scrumptious." Staci teases.

"Now who's a bad girl?" Jessica giggles. "Anyway, so back to your tale of how I'm to get credit for making tonight so incredible for you and off thoughts of my half naked boyfriend."

"If I must," Staci sighs. "So I'm looking over your impressive schedule and think that it could have easily been my schedule had I not fell in with Patrick and his party goons my freshman year. Watching you over those first few days, I was envious of how you handled the pressure of a new school, all those tough classes, kept a smile on your face and managed to keep Patrick at bay."

"Believe me; I had a whole lot of help." Jessica shares. "And you were a big part of that."

"I originally just wanted to find a way to keep Patrick away from you. Then Ray and I saw you and Jake together and thought about getting you two together but then you went ahead without our interference." Staci tells her. "I can't tell you how pissed Patrick was when he saw Jake's car outside your house that night after he came over."

"Is that why he still won't let it go?" Jessica asks. "I wound his masculine pride because I didn't drop my panties when he showed interest in little ol' me?"

"He isn't used to being ignored by anyone. Add that to the fact that all your attention seemed to be solely focused on Jake and that just pushed all of his buttons." Staci tells her.

"I guess that I did that." Jessica acknowledges. "I just wish that he'd realize that it's never going to happen and move on."

"You're a challenge to him, Jessica." Staci says.

"Yeah and I've already been told that the Greene's don't like to lose but that's too bad for them." Jessica tells her. "Now that I've had a taste of just what Jake can do, there's no way I'm trading his hours of pleasure for a two-minute man. This is one game that he never stood a chance at."



Staci and Jessica make their way downstairs a little after eight and finds Staci's mom seated at the kitchen table staring into a cup of coffee.

"Morning, mom." Staci says as she takes a seat opposite her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Daniels." Jessica says as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

"So how much do the two of you hate me right now?" Mrs. Daniels asks.

"Oh mom, we don't hate you." Staci answers.

"We absolutely don't hate you, Mrs. Daniels." Jessica assures her as she takes a seat at the table.

"We both understand why you had to do what you did." Staci answers.

"We may not have liked it because we think we missed out on some quality cuddles, but we understand." Jessica giggles.

Mrs. Daniels chuckles. "The last thing on either of you girl's minds last night was cuddling. Don't forget that I saw how undressed Jake and Staci both were, so I know exactly what you had done prior to coming down our stairs."

"Mom, it was about time for Ray and to take our relationship to the next level, don't you think?" Staci asks.

"As long as you're being safe about it." Mrs. Daniels answers. "And I do mean all four of you."

"Mom, you know I'm on birth control." Staci says. "You insisted I get on it when I started hanging out with Patrick."

"Once I met that boy, I knew that I needed to be proactive in protecting you as best I could." Mrs. Daniels answers.

"I wish that I had listened what you had to say about him earlier on." Staci admits. "It could have saved me a lot of regrets."

"We all have some things that we have to learn the hard way, Staci." Jessica shares.

"That's the truth." Mrs. Daniels agrees. "How about you, Jessica? You're being safe I hope."

"I'm on birth control as well, Mrs. Daniels." Jessica answers her. "I got on it when I got checked out after my crappy first time."

"And the boys? They've been... tested, I assume?" She asks.

"Ray asked to be tested when he went in for his football physical just to be sure. He's clean." Staci answers.

"I'm not sure that Jake's been tested but then Jake is a virgin so I'm not sure he even needs to be tested. He hasn't even done anything below the waist..." Jessica begins to say.

"Until last night she means," Staci giggles causing Jessica to blush.

"Staci!" Jessica exclaims.

"Staci, don't embarrass Jessica like that." Mrs. Daniels admonishes but with a smile. "And Jessica, you should make sure that Jake has been checked out, just in case. Lord knows I trust that boy more than I can trust most of the men in my life but better safe than sorry."

"Yes, ma'am, I'll make sure to talk to him about it." Jessica announces as she pushes up from the table. "I'm going to start breakfast now."

"Jess, you're my guest. You don't have to cook breakfast for us." Staci tells her.

"Consider it my thanks for letting me stay over." Jessica answers. "Also, I figure the faster I get something stuffed into your mouth, the better off I'll be."

"That's probably a wise move, Jessica." Mrs. Daniels says getting to her feet to help the teen make breakfast. "Come on, Staci. You can help, too."

Staci hops up and is soon operating the griddle as Jessica mixes batter for waffles and Mrs. Daniels opens a pack of bacon.

"So, did the boys treat you girls' right last night?" Mrs. Daniels asks. "Or do I need to have a chat with them about how to take care of a woman's needs?"

"No complaints on my end." Staci answers. "And since Jake taught Ray how to treat a lady, I don't even have to ask Jessica if she was treated right. I know she was and then some probably."

"I thought you girls said that Jake is a virgin?" Mrs. Daniels asks. "How would Jake have taught Ray how to treat you well?"

"He reads a lot." Staci answers.

"Apparently from all the right kind of books." Jessica says with a smile.

"It sounds like I need to have Jake and Ray have a talk with whomever I try and date next." Mrs. Daniels jokes. "From the smiles on both your faces that... well, I'll just say that it's nice to hear that there's no complaints."

"My only complaint is that we waited so long to get to this point." Jessica answers.

"And Sean didn't pop into your head or anything, did he?" Staci asks.

Jessica turns towards Staci and as she pours some batter on the griddle she answers with a wicked grin, "Sean who?"



During his study period, Jake walks into the school office and up to the desk.

"Hey, Jake." Somer says giving him a smile.

"Somer? What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Your queen volunteers here." She answers.

"What?" Jake asks then nods. "Oh yeah, the homecoming thing. Congratulations on that, by the way."

"Thank you." She gushes. "And congratulations to you for winning the game. I missed you at the dance afterwards. I was looking forward to personally thanking you for how you went out there and played. It was amazing."

"No need to thank me, I just got lucky a few times." Jake answers.

"With that kind of play on the field, I'll bet that you could get plenty lucky whenever you wanted." Somer says with a knowing smile. "I know that I for one would be down for a little sack action with you."

"That's very flattering, Somer, but Jessica made sure to thank me for a whole seasons worth of wins."

"If those smiles I've seen on both of your faces today are any indication, I believe that she did just that. It's a shame that she got to you first this year. We could have ruled the school together if she hadn't come along." She tells him.

"I'll leave the ruling up to you and Patrick." Jake says. "You two are better suited for that sort of thing it appears."

"He's fun and all I guess but you, Jake, you are the shiny new toy that I want to play with most." She tells him. "Any chance that Jessica of yours will loan you to me for a weekend? A swap sort of deal?"

"No." Jake answers curtly.

"I didn't mean to offend you, Jake." She apologizes.

"Just struck a nerve is all." Jake comments.

"Oh shit, the whole thing with Jennifer, right?" Somer realizes. "I am sorry, Jake."

"It's fine." He says dismissively. "So, what are you... excuse me, what's the homecoming queen doing working in the office? Is this her majesties royal court now?"

"I can keep an eye on all my subjects here." She announces glad that Jake changed the subject after her screw up. "But for real, it looks good on my college transcripts or, so my mother keeps telling me."

Jake nods. "Transcripts are what brings me here. I have an appointment to see Mrs. Santora about mine."

"She's my counselor, too." Somer enthuses. "You'll like her, she's really good. Let me see if she's ready for you."

"Good to know. Thanks." Jake nods.

Somer picks up the phone, speaks with Mrs. Santora then hangs up. "She's just finishing up with someone else. It'll just be another minute or so."

"Cool," Jake answers. "So, working here must be interesting. Free reign over most of the office looks like it could be fun. You haven't been doctoring anyone's grades, have you?"

"Jake, I would never." Somer admonishes him but then smiles. "It's not like I have access to that anyway. The furthest I can get in student records is addresses, phone numbers and such so I can verify when someone needs to get checked out or in by a parent or what not."

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