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New Neighbour Pt. 15


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There was a knock on the door, I looked at Ma'am.

"There's a spy hole."

I went over and looked, it was Emma. Ma'am pointed to the middle of the room, put her dressing gown on and opened the door.

"Hi Louise, I hope I'm not disturbing you. Do you fancy a drink and a chat? We had to cut you off earlier. It felt slightly rude."

"Not at all Emma, and yes, please come in. I'm not really dressed for the bar though, neither is my boy."

Emma spotted me, "oh, lovely! Hello Tom."

She turned to Ma'am.

"Is it OK to speak to him?"

"Yes yes, we're pretty casual most of the time."

"Good evening Emma. Can I call you Emma?"

"Miss would be fine."

"Good evening Miss, can I get you a drink?"

"Yes, gin and tonic?"

I looked at Ma'am.

"It's all in the minibar boy. I will have one too. Ice and a slice."

I glanced at Emma, she was wearing tight denim shorts and a tee shirt that showed off her lean stomach. Her toned legs seemed to go on forever.

The ladies settled down on the sofa and started chatting. I served them their drinks and moved away.

"That's a lovely looking device Louise. Can I have a closer look?"

"Of course, come here boy. Sorry, he's a little over excited at the moment."

Emma laughed, "aren't they always?"

I stood in front of her, arms behind my back and feet shoulder width apart. She had a good look before moving it around to check out the base ring and the fit. My cock hardened slightly and Emma smiled.

"Beautiful device. What's inside looks nice too."

"You are correct on both counts."

"I don't recognise it, is it hand made?"

Ma'am explained about who made it, what material is was made of and how secure it was. Emma was impressed.

"That's a big outlay on such a young boy Louise. How long have you been together?"

"About eight months and yes, I did take a bit of a gamble on him. But it has paid off handsomely. When do you want to be without this device boy?"

"If it was down to me Ma'am, never. I love it."

"What about you Emma? You mentioned a full belt."

"Yes, he wears that full time, apart from situations like this. It was actually his idea, if real life didn't interupt he would want it on forever and never be released. He finds his sexual needs are a distraction from more important things, like me."

Ma'am nodded, "don't you miss playing with it and using it?"

"Not really. We played a lot earlier in our relationship but we just evolved to a different place. I was never a massive fan of penetrative sex, and his cock isn't as impressive as your boy's. Anyway, if I want a cock I have various men I can call on."

"I love playing with my boy, he's so reactive as you can see."

My cock was still hard in front of Emma, she toyed with it briefly.

"We are still very early in our relationship so who knows where we will end up. Also I don't think it's a good idea, mentally or physically, to deprive someone as young as my boy of his cock. Not entirely anyway."

I felt like a specimen being discussed in a laboratory. But all the chastity talk was having the usual effect on my cock.

"I agree entirely Louise. We have a duty of care in both respects."

"Where is Jerry by the way?"

"He's at a delicate stage in some multi million dollar deal. When he's needed, he has to be available. He is going to be busy tomorrow too. It's a bit of a downer on the holiday but if it all goes well he will be in line for a hefty bonus so it's a necessary evil unfortunately.

"Do you snorkel Emma?"

"I do, I love being in the sea."

"We've got a boat chartered tomorrow to take us to a lovely little cove with fantastic snorkeling apparently. Would you care to join us?"

Emma smiled broadly.

"That would be lovely Louise, thank you so much."

The ladies arranged the time and place and had a quick hug at the doorstep before Emma sauntered off into the night.

"Well that will be nice baby. You'll have two gorgeous ladies with you tomorrow. Lucky you!"

"One is enough for me Ma'am."

She grinned, "more than enough. Time for bed, I need to get you ready. Seeing as all the floors are tiled you will have the privilege of sleeping in my bed this holiday. But I will make sure there are no wandering hands."

I feigned astonishment.

"As if I would ever be so bold Ma'am."

Ma'am gave me a wink and approached with a lot of rope. We moved to the bedroom and she went to work. By the time she finished my wrists were securely attached to my chastity device in a way that meant my palms were around the cage with everything tied off behind me.

The finishing touch was the hood of course. I wondered if I was going to wear it every night from now on. It was intense but I loved it and my cock sprang into life every time it went on.

Ma'am settled in near me and I realised what she had done, basically I couldn't move my hands away from my throbbing cock. I squeezed the cage and the bulging skin. Unless I could control myself it was going to be a long night.

Before long I could tell Ma'am was asleep. Her breathing was slow and rhythmical, a bit like the throbbing in my cock. I carefully turned on to my side, it made no difference at all, my hands were still glued to my cock. I turned back and tried to relax but I kept thinking of Ma'am's bikini and Emma's tight little shorts. That didn't help at all so I thought about going snorkeling tomorrow. That didn't help either, I was going to spend the day on a deserted cove with both of them and I suspected that Ma'am would have something kinky in mind. Every time I started to drift off, my cock twitched and I was wide awake again. It took a long time before it went down and sleep took me.

I was woken by Ma'am opening the sliding doors to our little patio area. I sat up to let her know I was awake.

"Morning baby, it's another lovely day."

I heard her approach and the ropes and hood were removed.

"Good morning Ma'am, thank you. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby. But I do need a coffee, let's go to breakfast."

She handed me a pair of shorts. Much like everything else, they were thin and fairly tight and showed the outline of my cage if you took more than a brief glance.

We both had a bowl of cereal and a bowl of absolutely delicious fresh fruit. Back at the chalet Ma'am made some preparations for our trip. The boat would drop us off and come back about five hours later. Ma'am handed me a suspiciously heavy bag to take down to the jetty.

Emma was already there when we arrived. She was wearing the same sexy shorts as yesterday. She waved as we walked towards her.

"Hi Louise, hi Tom. I'm a bit disappointed to see that you're dressed."

I smiled and shrugged.

"Unfortunately not everyone is as broad minded as us."

"Don't worry Emma, the cove is completely private. We can do anything we like once we're there."

Emma gave Ma'am a big hug, I thought it lasted slightly longer than normal but that might have been wishful thinking. I picked up Emma's bag and we boarded the small boat.

The pilot set off and we sped down the coast.

It wasn't long before I heard the motor slow and we cruised carefully into the cove. As we approached the pilot pointed out the reef that protected the little bay. This was where the best snorkeling was, looking down I could already see a variety of exotic looking fish. Most of the reef was only three or four meters under the sea.

He gave us a satellite phone in case of an emergency and unloaded some parasols and a couple of cool boxes full of food and drink.

The cove was stunning and totally unspoiled. It was surrounded by steep sided forest and I heard birds calling to each other. It was just perfect.

"Ma'am, this is amazing. Thank you so much."

She smiled.

"It's lovely isn't it? You're welcome baby. Sort out those parasols and the snorkeling gear. I want to get in there.

The ladies both had their bikinis already on under their clothes and were ready in seconds. I looked around but I couldn't see any more swim wear. I mentioned this to Ma'am.

"Oh no! Baby, I must have forgotten to pack yours. How silly of me."

No one was going to give her an Oscar for that performance, Emma burst out laughing. Ma'am just pointed at me and made a down motion with her finger. I pulled my top off and slid my shorts down. The ladies had a good chuckle, there I was, stark naked on a Caribbean beach with two beautiful and dominant women. The funny thing is that I wasn't in the slightest bit embarrassed. Ma'am had pretty much cured me of that. I did feel my cock getting hard though.

Ma'am threw me some sun cream.

"Do the honours baby."

I did Ma'am first and then turned to Emma.

"Can I put some sun cream on you Emma?"

"That would be lovely boy."

I did her shoulders and back, before long I was on my knees smoothing the cream into her long toned legs. My head was very close to her pussy, doing Ma'am had got me aroused and this just added to the strain in the cage. She put her hand on my head, holding me still.

"Do you like what you see boy?"

Her bikini was very tight, it almost seemed to be molded to her body. I could see her lips pressed into the thin material.

"Yes Miss, very much."

"I've heard about the skill you have with your tongue boy, I might have to put it to the test later."

"If that is OK with Ma'am then I would be honoured Miss."

"Of course it would be fine boy. In fact, I insist that you give Emma the benefit of your lovely tongue. Sun cream and sea first though."

Emma took the bottle out of my hands.

"Would you mind Louise?"

Ma'am grinned, "be my guest Emma. Make sure you are very thorough. I don't want any little bit of him catching the sun."

Emma was very thorough indeed. She pointed out that plenty of skin was visible through the cage and took a good five minutes massaging the cream into my cock and balls. I was raging hard by the time she finished.

"Thank you very much Miss."

My cock was pounding in its prison and she gave me a little tap under my balls.

"No problem boy."

The ladies had a little walk around the cove while I set up the parasols and checked out the cool boxes. The pilot had given me a small shovel, the best way to keep the food and drink cold was to bury the boxes in damp sand so I dug a couple of holes and put the boxes in them.

The ladies came back so we got ready and all did a comedy walk in flippers into the sea.

It was like swimming onto a David Attenborough nature documentary. There were fish everywhere, every colour of the rainbow, all different sizes and shapes. It was astonishing, at least it was to me. I could have stayed out for hours. I was just floating and looking when something grabbed my foot. I nearly jumped out of my skin, it was Ma'am getting my attention and pointing back to the beach.

Emma was already there pulling her flippers off in the shallows.

I collapsed next to her.

"That was amazing, absolutely amazing. I've never seen anything like it."

"It is great isn't it? I've done a bit of scuba diving in Australia but this is just so accessible. Beautiful."

Ma'am had taken her flippers off in slightly deeper water and was now doing a fine Ursula Andress in Dr. No impression as she emerged from the water.

"That was cool. I've never seen that many fish before, thousands of them."

We chatted away as we got back to our little base, who had seen what, and what the hell were they all called. Ma'am and Emma had recognised a few but it really didn't matter. It was a dazzling display of nature at its finest.

Before we had got in Ma'am had made me put my speedos on saying that the flashing silver of my device might look enticing to some of the bigger fish but she pointed her finger down and I quickly removed them.

"What's in those boxes then boy?"

I unpacked a fine selection of fresh fruit and cold meat cuts, plus some fresh bread and we got stuck in. There were some beer bottles but we stayed on the soft drinks as we were going to go back in later.

We were relaxing after lunch when Ma'am got up, grabbed the shovel and started digging some odd looking holes.

"Ma'am, can I do that for you?"

"Nope, I'm formulating a plan. Relax."

She had dug a shallow V shape with a couple of sausage shaped holes by the side. Emma and I were intrigued.

"Stand up boy."

Ma'am reached into her bag and produced some rope, Emma grinned.

"Oh, this trip just became more interesting."

Emma was sitting up now, and watching carefully. Ma'am tied my wrists behind my back. She did a very professional job, I suspected she might have been trying to impress Emma with her rope skills. She did the same with my ankles.

"Could you give me a hand Emma?"


Emma jumped up and they put an hand under each of my armpits.

"Back you go boy."

They lowered me to the sand and into the grooves.

"Ah! I get it Louise, nice."

I got it too as I lay flat on the sand. The V shape was for my arms. They fitted into the V so that I could lie on my back without crushing my wrists or hurting my shoulders. I knew what the other grooves were for now too. Knees and shins. If someone wanted to sit on my face, they could now do it in much greater comfort.

Ma'am looked at Emma, "would you like to avail yourself of the facilities Emma? Today's special is fresh tongue."

"Sounds delicious, if it's good I might have seconds. It seems your boy likes the idea."

I had predictably hardened and my cock was keeping the cage bolt upright. Emma stood, over me, legs apart and looked down at me. She looked every inch a goddess and I suddenly felt very small. Ever so slowly she untied the knots at the sides of her bikini bottom and peeled the tight fabric away. She had full plump lips and was clean shaven. She moved her hand to her pussy and carefully slid one finger between her folds.

"I'm going to enjoy this boy. I have had a lot of oral sex so you had better live up to the hype."

I was feeling slightly nervous but so far I hadn't failed any of the women who had used me like this. But I also knew that all women were different. All I could do was my best. It was Ma'am's mantra and I intended to do exactly that.

Emma slowly dropped to her knees. She hovered briefly an inch or so above my waiting mouth.

"Make me cum boy."

She dropped the last inch and her moist pussy was on me. I stayed calm, I had been taught well. Start slow, and try to read her reactions seemed like the best plan.

She tasted different from Ma'am, but then all women are different. It didn't matter, it was still the glorious taste of a women's arousal. At some point soon I was going to give her that beautiful moment of orgasm.

All women react differently, or so I thought in my limited experience, but I had been given the privilege of taking her to a magical place. What I loved more than anything was creating that point where it was inevitable and unstoppable.

Edging was fun, but what I lived for was those few seconds between when a woman came and the beginning of her orgasm. It was like a free fall before the parachute opened. A thrilling and heart stopping moment before complete joy.

I had a duty to make the whole journey as amazing as I possibly could. My tongue moved gently across her clit. I moved when her body moved. I felt her energy and anticipation growing.

She hadn't offered any advice so I was content. I knew she would have let me know if there was something she wanted that I wasn't giving her. She was making small circular grinding movements on my mouth so I moved my tongue in the opposite direction, that way neither of us had to do much.

A shadow fell over me as Ma'am knelt by my head. Glancing up I saw her untying Emma's bikini top and start to caress her pert breasts. She pinched her nipples and I felt a tension grow. Her movements became sharper and less controlled.

Emma's body had become tense, I could feel tremors running down her thighs. It would happen soon. I knew Ma'am so well that I could probably countdown from about ten seconds and be spot on for when her orgasm hit. I didn't know Emma at all, her orgasm took me slightly by surprise.

I heard a whoosh of air as she exhaled, nothing happened for a second then her whole body started shaking uncontrollably. There was a gasping intake of breath followed by a strangled sigh that seemed to go on forever. Her whole body was vibrating with passion, I saw her hands digging into Ma'am's shoulders as she steadied herself.

Then, as if someone had cut a puppets strings, all the tension left her and let out three or four long moans as her body relaxed. Her head was hanging down as she slowly recovered. She looked up at Ma'am with dazed eyes and smiled.

"Oh my Louise. Good job! You weren't over selling him at all. That was a damn fine orgasm."

She looked down and ruffled my hair.

"Not bad boy, not bad at all."

There was a flexing in her torso and she athletically jumped to her feet.

"Mmm, thanks for that Louise. Oh, I'm tingling. Lovely, lovely, lovely."

Suddenly the ball of her foot was pressing on my testicles.

"I love the way a proper sub gets so exited about giving pleasure to someone else, don't you?"

Ma'am was smiling broadly.

"It's definitely a very good sign of a sub Emma, although it's sometimes hard to tell with this one as he's almost permanently hard."

Emma laughed heartily.

"The enthusiasm of youth. Young, dumb, and full of cum. Just how I like them!"

They both laughed out loud. Emma was moving her foot from side to side across my balls, squeezing them from side to side. It was quite painful but my cock was loving the attention.

"It reacts well to pain too. Actually it reacts to anything."

"Are you going to take advantage Louise? Actually, do you know what? I can't remember the last time I went down on a woman. What do you reckon? I figure I owe you one, I've had one and you invited me here too."

"That sounds like a great idea Emma. Thank you!"

Ma'am threw a towel over my head as Emma got into position. It was infuriating, they were right next to me but I couldn't see anything. I listened to Ma'am's breathing as it slowly accelerated before hearing the moans that I knew so well.

I felt jealous. This was my job. Making Ma'am cum nourished me emotionally, it was central to my existence as a sub. But my jealousy passed quickly as I heard her cum. Ma'am was happy, I hadn't been the cause of her happiness but that didn't matter at all. Her orgasm had kept me hard in my cage so that would please her.

The ladies took a quick dip to wash some sand off their bodies before returning and putting towels on either side of me. They lay down next to me and chatted about their dominant lifestyles. Obviously they took this opportunity to casually play with my bound body between them.

"Have you ever considered putting your boy in a full belt Louise?"

"I have, it's another level of control, an extra layer of dominance. But he's at university at the moment, I don't think this is the right time. I want him to enjoy his time there and a full belt isn't the most discreet of things."

"That's a sensible decision. He's so young, there so much for him to learn and experience yet in real life as well as in the kinky world."

I felt Ma'am's hand grip my balls.

"How do you feel about a big, steel belt boy? It will hold you like nothing else. Your cock will be held straight down and the tube will be tight even when you are soft. The front plate will lie flush against your abdomen, you won't be able to achieve any kind of erection.

I prefer the ones that have a urethral tube, a catheter, so when you pee it will come out of a small tube between your legs. It keeps things clean and hygienic. The best devices have some very ingenious ways of keeping you clean too.

Would you like to be in Jerry's position boy? Locked away like that for a whole year?"

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