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New Start. New Job. New Woman.


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My cock had never been so hard, the pre-cum oozing out of my hole completely covering the purple knob end. I had to slacken my grip as I was getting close.

I glanced at Gemma to see her removing her wet fingers from her vulva, using them to caress her breast, wetting her areola, tweaking each nipple in turn making them hard and standing out proudly.

It was an intensely arousing spectacle.

I had to stop playing with myself, I was getting dangerously close.

I needed to take a break; I asked her if she needed one too.

She nodded.

We both paused our hand actions but remained sitting in the same positions.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, mentally preparing ourselves for the final scene.

Gemma said simply. "I want to see you spurt. Do it for me please."

I tightened my grip and increased the speed; it didn't take long.

My cock got harder and harder, redder, and redder, pressure building up inside, higher than I ever thought possible. I looked over at Gemma, she was slowly circling her clit, almost continually moaning, looking at my cock intently.

Who is going to get there first, I wondered.

"If you tease me, you will make me spurt."

Putting her hands on each inner thigh, she pulled them wider, her pussy lips moving apart, revealing the pinkness inside dotted with her white lady cream, which had gathered in globules in and around her opening.

I'd never seen anything like it. It was truly amazing.

My cock reacted to that incredible sight and erupted, shooting streams of cum all over the carpet. I didn't care. I felt a wonderful sense of release which passed through my jerking body causing me to thrash around the chair.

Meanwhile, Gemma was fast approaching her release too, having collected some of her cream on her fingers she pulled the hood back and spread it all around her clit, caressing the nub until she screamed with relief. A small jet of cum squirting outwards from her pussy, her body convulsing, she fell back, a contented smile on her face.

"It was over!"

I thought it was the best sexual experience I'd ever had, I hoped Gemma felt the same.

She was still laid back in the chair, exhausted but radiating happiness, looking at me with so much affection. I was so happy despite being emotionally drained.

We decided to go to bed, but in our separate beds, we both needed to recover and get over this very different experience.

I woke around eight Sunday morning to the smell of bacon, I quickly dressed and went downstairs, my tummy rumbling. A bacon sandwich was waiting for me with Gemma dressed in the proverbial dressing gown, she stood at the coffee machine.

Asking. "Do you want a coffee?"

"Yes, please but I want you first." I moved behind her putting my arms around her, I found her breasts and nuzzled her neck, she shrieked, turning around she kissed me deeply and passionately.

My cock sprang up tenting my bottoms, as I enjoyed her sensational kisses.

Taking a breath, I sat down, amazed at the wild emotions racing around my head.

I thanked Gemma for the sandwich and started to wolf it down. A steaming pot of coffee arrived.

I concentrated on enjoying the perfectly prepared sandwich, trying to make my cock go down.

Between bites, I asked. "Where are we going from here?"

"It's too early in the morning and too early in our relationship to make any sort of plans. Let's see how it goes. Finish your breakfast and then I'm going to make love to you."

I choked on a piece of bacon.

What a woman!

We headed upstairs, and I said, "I need to have a wee first."

"I'll come with you," she said determinedly.

I was in a quandary. I was wondering what to do.

She solved my dilemma, by grabbing my hand pulling me forward standing me directly in front of the toilet, she pulled my cock out of my bottoms.

"Go on then. What are you waiting for? I thought you wanted a wee."

"I've always wanted to see a man wee. Can I hold it for you?"

In shock. I nodded my head, she held my cock, and I released my pee.

She giggled and holding it lightly said, "I can feel it coming through." She aimed it so it jetted perfectly into the pot, then moved my cock around, making swirling patterns in the toilet water.

My peeing came to an end, but she wasn't finished with me yet, she knelt, licking all around the head and then drawing my cock further into her mouth, she rubbed her tongue around the shaft making sure she got every drop.

"I love the taste of your pee. Thank you so much for letting me do that. I've always wanted to see a man pee."

"Now it's my turn to wee." She said, removing the dressing gown.

Pushing me out of the way, she sat down, widening her legs, she asked quietly "Do you want to watch, this time without my knickers being in the way?"

By way of an answer. I knelt in front of her.

"Can you see everything?"

"Yes, and it's beautiful."

She then pulled her lips apart, and started to pee, saying "Come closer if you want to."

I did, she promptly leaned back a little and squirted her pee onto my face, some even going into my mouth. She continued her pee, whilst laughing uproariously.

I rather liked the taste and loved the feel of her wee running down my face, my cock did too, as it reared its head skyward.

Grabbing a towel, I wiped my face while she wiped herself with toilet paper.

"Well, that was a first. You're not mad at me, are you?"

"No, I liked what you did, we will have to do it again. Now let's go to bed."

We did, and it was glorious.

True to her word, I was not required to do anything, other than have a standing cock. She did the rest.

Laying me on my back, she slid down and licked all over the end of my cock saying. "It needs to be perfectly clean before it goes inside me."

She slid her tongue up and down, paying particular attention to the sensitive underside. It felt so very good.

Moving lower down and pushing open my legs she turned her attention to my balls, lifting them she felt the weight of each one, then popped both into her mouth, swirling her saliva-covered tongue all around them until they were both soaked through and dripping with her spit.

Another wonderful experience.

She said. "Keep still."

She straddled my legs and slowly inched her way up my body, shuffling her knees at my sides. I thought she was going to put it in, but no, she just leaned forward and pressed her nipple into my mouth.

"You may suck it if you wish."

I gorged myself on both of her wonderfully cute nipples until she said. "That's enough. Get ready for the next course."

She moved upwards over my body, surprisingly continuing past my shoulders, positioning her vulva directly over my mouth.

"Do you like the taste of pussy juice?"

"I'll let you know in a minute," was my reply.

She then lowered herself down onto my mouth, rubbing her pussy lips back and forth. I stuck out my tongue, pushing it between her lips savouring the texture inside her. She continued to move backwards and forwards. The taste was incredible, and the aroma I smelt was out of this world.

More and more love juice covered my face.

Then, a change of position.

She slid down a little and started rubbing her clit on the end of my nose. I stuck my tongue out further which allowed me to lick between her lips as she moved backwards and forwards. That didn't last long, as, somewhat reluctantly I thought, lifted herself off me and went back to sitting on my thighs. Leaning forward again, she kissed me deeply and licked my face clean.

Explaining. "I love the taste of me, too."

When she was satisfied, I was clean enough to carry on, she inched up my body until her pussy sat right on top of my horizontal cock resting against my belly. She slid up and down my cock, backwards and forwards, until her labia were positioned how she wanted them, laid each side of my cock. Her juices had lubricated my cock perfectly, so she slid up and down over it delightfully and smoothly.

I said, "Be careful, that's so nice, I might just cum before we get it together."

She stopped moving immediately, paused for a moment then moved upwards kissing up my chest and briefly nibbling my nipples, she slid off and laid to the side of me, resting her head on my shoulder, saying "I need a moment before the final act."

"Me too." I agreed.

We lay side by side and I enjoyed the feeling of her body next to mine, cocky even started to relax a little from the 'I'm getting ready to cum state' it was in previously.

A few minutes later, she shifted and gave me some very soft and sensuous kisses, ending by asking, "Are you ready?"

I nodded, she swung her leg over me, and positioned my cock directly onto her vulva, sliding it backwards and forward until it rested snugly at her entrance.

She looked down at me and said "OK?"

I mouthed a yes, she slowly sank downward onto my cock until it was about two inches inside. She stopped. It felt incredible, my cocks mushroom head felt like it was enveloped in a wonderful velvet cover. She lifted, nearly causing a cock-out, but no, she sank again, further this time. Internally she was soaking, the sensation of sliding my cock inside her tunnel of love was unbelievable.

A final drop down and cocky was fully home, she rested, both of us enjoying the sensations. Then she began the slow up-and-down movement we all love. It was glorious. I held both her breasts as she moved, feeling them wobble with each stroke.


I shifted my fingers and lightly held them both between my fingertips.

"Harder" she cried.

I did as she said.

I felt to be getting to the point of no return.

Gemma sensed it too and shouted "Go for it! Cum inside me."

That was the trigger, I thrust upward, hard, and shot my cum deep inside her, she responded immediately, by having her orgasm, as well as squirting her wetness all over my belly, it was a truly amazing experience.

I did another two thrusts to empty my sack, then stopped moving enjoying the feelings and sensations going around my body. I looked up to see the constantly changing expressions on Gemma's face. It was amazing.

I so loved the weight and feel of her body on top of mine.

It was bliss.

My cock started to shrink and slipped out of her with a plop, we stayed where we were, not moving, just enjoying the aftermath, and I felt more of her juices trickling down. I loved that feeling as the moisture started to spread over my tummy.

I said. "Don't you dare move!"

Eventually, of course, we had to move, and Gemma got off me, laying on her back at my side. She reached out to hold my hand.

"Did you enjoy that? Did I make you happy?"

"You most certainly did, you passed with flying colours. You were wonderful. I only hope I can be half as good as you the next time we get together."

We called at a pub for a meal before I took Gemma home. We both had a text from Janet giving details of our first client on Monday. Someone called Ethel for me, and Jeffery for Gemma.

We both agreed we needed to prepare ourselves for our first proper workday and we both willingly agreed to meet the following weekend to compare our experiences during the week. I escorted Gemma to her front door, and we said our goodbyes with a very intense kiss.

I would miss Gemma a lot this week.

My First Client.

I stood at the front door and knocked; I was there to take Ethel to the hairdresser's because she couldn't walk very well.

I was an hour early and I had rung to let her know I was coming so we could get to know each other, as we had never met.

She shouted to me through the door. "Come on in, it's unlocked."

Ethel was sat at the dining table and looked, at first glance like a typical nice oldish lady. I knew she was seventy-one years old, and a widow, but was surprised to see still had a nice trim body with lovely-sized breasts on a slim figure. She still had a social life she told me, relying on friends and others like me, to help her out when she needed it.

She was a lovely lady and very much had all her marbles. Sitting at the table we began to talk; she was funny and very entertaining but as time went on, I noticed she was squirming a little on her chair.

I asked her, "What was wrong?"

"I need a wee."

"That's no problem I can help you."

"Oh yes there is a problem, the toilet is upstairs, so you will have to help me to use the commode. It's over there."

She was pointing to a white metal framed chair in the corner.

"You will need to help me stand, then turn me around, and put the commode behind me, so I can sit on it."

I duly positioned it and stood her up, making sure it touched the back of her legs, so she knew it was there. Then I lifted the toilet cover, fully expecting her to sit down. She remained standing, holding onto a chair at her side.

"What's wrong?"

"You need to take down my knickers," she said softly.

I gulped, but got down on my knees, sliding both hands up her legs under her skirt I carefully pulled them down until they rested around her ankles. I got a slight whiff of wee, in the process.

"You might as well take them completely off now."

I did, placing them over the arm of a nearby chair.

Surprisingly, they were a lovely shade of pink, with lace frills all around the edges.

They looked quite sexy.

She held onto my shoulder to steady herself, as she lifted her skirt at the back, then sat on the toilet seat, tightly holding my shoulder so I couldn't move, I stayed kneeling. She immediately began to pee, a very strong jet of pee that hit the side of the plastic bowl making the sexiest sound I had ever heard. It seemed to go on forever. It eventually dribbled to a halt.

I stood.

A pee smell hit my nostrils, and that, together with the delightful sounds she had made, had caused my cock to spring to attention under my trousers. My cock was of course, right in front of her eyes, she couldn't miss it. Her hand moved towards my groin resting on top of the lump in my trousers.

Feeling around its outline she said "This feels like a nice-sized cock. Can I see it?"

Without waiting for a reply, she deftly unzipped me and quickly pushed her hand inside, finding the gap in my underwear, and then she pulled my cock completely out.

I was amazed, shocked, flabbergasted, all those things and more, as I looked at her seeing a big smile on her face as her hand gently rubbed my cock. I couldn't believe what was happening.

She looked up at my face and sweetly asked. "Would you like me to suck it?"

I nodded, not daring to speak. It felt like my cock had never been so hard. She reached into her cardigan pocket, pulled out a clean folded hanky, and removed her false teeth then wrapped them in the hanky, putting them back into her pocket.

She turned back to my cock and licked all around the crown, swirling her tongue around and around.

It felt wonderful.

Continuing her delightful slow swirling, the sensation of her lips sliding over the end of my cock, together with her tongue rubbing around my pee hole was truly amazing. Pausing for a moment, she opened her mouth and pulled me towards her, forcing my cock between her lips and then clamping down on it with her gums.

It felt sensational, I'd never experienced anything like it. The intense feeling of her gums rubbing up and down my cock, which was followed by the very different sensation of her soft lips sliding in front of the gummy sensation she was creating was just incredible.

Her mouth moved backwards, and forwards, and I got harder and harder and more and more sensitive to the pressure applied around my cock.

I won't last long at this rate, I thought.

She paused for a moment, obviously realizing the same thing.

"Shoot it down my throat. I want it all."

Three more of her sucks and I did just that, in anticipation, she clamped her mouth firmly around my cock, and I pumped and pumped my cream into her mouth, I wanted her to have it all. I didn't feel her swallow, so I assumed it was all still in her mouth.

Eventually, my deflating cock slipped from her mouth, flopping down between my legs, she swilled my cum around her mouth, making a "Mumming" sound of approval, eventually, swallowing it all.

"That was delicious."

I pulled myself together and started to turn away.

"You haven't finished yet Paul; you've not dried me." Glancing downward.

I looked around for some toilet paper.

"Use your fingers," she said sweetly.

She lifted her skirt higher and wrapped it around her waist, this revealed a covering of fine white hair on her lower belly. Cupping her sex with my hand, I moved my fingers to rest outside both of her dangling pussy lips and then pressed them, squeezing her lips together and forcing her remaining drops of wee onto my fingers.

I could feel them gathering on my fingertips, she reached down took hold of my wrist moving my hand away and upwards, she aimed my wet fingers towards my mouth.

She wanted me to suck them clean!

I did and returned my hand and dried her again, twice more in fact, until I thought her lips were completely dry.

I thought I had finished, but no.

"I always lubricate my lips after a wee, it keeps them soft and smooth. I use a very special cream that keeps them lovely and moist.

"Can you lubricate them with it please?" She politely requested.

How could I refuse?

Looking around, I innocently asked. "Where do you keep the cream?"

"I keep it in a special cave between my legs, but you have to rub around its little bump, it's just above the opening you need to keep doing it for a while before the cream is ready to come out, then you can lubricate my lips with it. Please make sure you cover them all over, probably three coats will be sufficient, even their insides might need a rub or two."

I laughed and did exactly as she had instructed me to do.

It worked!

As I carried on rubbing her bump Ethel politely said "I think the cream might be ready to come out now, put your fingers inside the grotto to see if you can get some out. I eased my fingers inside her 'grotto' it was very wet in there, scooping some up on my finger ends I started to massage and 'lubricate' her lips.

" You may need to go in deeper, keep rubbing, make sure your fingers are well coated, then spread it all around my lips until they both get fully coated."

I carried on until I had covered both of her lips, inside and out, until I felt they were completely covered and slippery.

"Put two fingers in to check if there is any cream left." was her next command.

I duly complied, slowly moving them into her pussy. As I did so she gripped my wrist pushing my fingers further inside until they could go no further, and my thumb hit her clit. She pulled them out a little, then pushed my fingers back in again. Still holding my wrist she set the in and out speed. More wetness surrounded my fingers, and the internal muscles of her pussy repeatedly gripped them as they moved back and forth.

She pushed and pulled my hand rhythmically causing my fingers to rub up hard against the insides of her pussy. She started to push them even deeper inside until they couldn't go any deeper.

Ethel let out a high-pitched scream as she came, her juices spewing over my fingers, her muscles spasming tightening onto my fingers, some juice ran down her legs, there was so much of it!

She released my wrist and without waiting to be told, I raised my hand to suck my fingers clean repeating the action several times until she was dry.

She tasted lovely, so sweet with just a hint of wee taste. I loved it, and so did my cock, which had again responded to my fingering her and the taste of her cum as I cleaned her.

It was already at half-mast, bouncing up and down in front of her face.

"Oh! Ready to go again, are we? Well, I never turn down a hard cock." Pulling my hardness towards her mouth.


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