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New Start. New Job. New Woman.


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A loud shout of "Yes" came from the girl. We both looked to see her shudder as she came, He waited a moment then gave a massive thrust forward, as he emptied his seed into that willing pussy. They paused for a while, as they both came down from their respective highs, both of them slowly starting to recover.

But not in the car.

I was furiously wanking my cock, while Ruth rapidly rubbed herself, under her panties.

I came first.

My sperm shot up, splattering the steering wheel, and the rest shot all over the front of my trousers. Ruth watched intently, her moment of ecstasy had arrived, she lifted her bum, and her body stiffened as if it was a plank. She screamed and came, her body finally trembling with the effort.

She sank back down onto her seat, and with a big sigh I too relaxed. We were both in a state of total euphoria and relaxation. We sat like that for a few minutes, enjoying our sensations. I had closed my eyes and when I opened them and looked downward, the couple had gone.

We were alone again.

I looked at Ruth. She looked at me, and we both burst into laughter.

She had the most wonderful laugh.

I managed to find a hankie in my pocket and cleaned off my cum, the best I could, while Ruth buttoned up her dress and made herself presentable.

She turned to me and said, "That was the best experience I've had for quite a while, and would I mind taking her home now please." she said in a delightfully soft voice.

I almost didn't recognize the sound of her voice it was so soft and gentle, not like previously.

When we arrived back at her place, I carefully helped her inside and then sat her gently on a chair. She asked, "Would I mind helping her upstairs to the bathroom."

"Of course," I said, holding her tightly and helping her up the stairs. I helped her through the bathroom door, stepping into a very large shower room, with a toilet and sink to one side and a bath chair placed in the corner opposite.

"Please get me the chair Paul," she said.

I brought it over.

She sat and said, "Would you help me undo the buttons on my dress?"

I did as she asked.

"That's good, now help me get it off please."

Removal meant that I could see her naked breasts in all their glory, and although there were several red marks on them from her recent manipulations, they looked nice with perky nipples and small areolas, they looked good to me.

Looking up at me she said. "Please take my knickers down, they are soaked through."

To help me, as I bent down, she put her hands around my neck, then I straightened up she rose off the seat.

"Would you mind removing them please, I'll lean onto your back for support while you take them down."

I bent down and slowly pulled them down her legs.

She was right, they were wet through, almost dripping, but what caught my attention was the glorious smell coming from them. It was incredible.

I'd never smelt anything like it before, it was intoxicating. The panties were at her knees when gravity took over and they dropped to the floor, she stepped out of them still resting her hands on my back.

She sat back down, saying "Will you put them in the sink?"

"Don't you feel overdressed?" That was her next comment.

I nodded and removed my clothes leaving just my underpants on.

"Not shy are we? I've seen it before you know, come on get them off."

I did as she said.

She looked and looked at my cock, closely watching as it got harder and harder, until it stood, tight against my belly.

"I think it's just the right size for my mouth. Let's see if it fits."

Pulling me forward into her open mouth and then pulling it slowly out again.

She said, "Oh, it fits beautifully, let's see if I can make it a bit cleaner."

Pulling me back inside her mouth. It felt sensational, she squeezed around the shaft with her lips and rubbed her tongue on the underside, as it was moving in and out. It felt superb.

She stopped for a moment then said. "I'd almost forgotten how much I loved sucking cock."

"Please cum in my mouth, I want to know if it's as good as I remember it being."

I came, holding her head close, as I pushed in deeper, spurting against the back of her throat. She took it all, before letting my cock slowly fall from her mouth, then licking her lips.

"It was much better than I remembered. I do like your taste."

"Thanks for everything, Paul. Would you mind making a cup of tea, while I have a quick shower?"

Collecting my clothes and going downstairs, I put the kettle on, got dressed, and poured the tea out, when a fully dressed Ruth walked down the stairs.

She was not holding the rail.

It appeared she had made a remarkable recovery and was now able to walk unaided. I just smiled to myself and said nothing.

We sat at the kitchen table and drank our tea.

"I want to thank you for today, Paul, and want to apologize for my ridiculous attitude before lunch. You see I haven't had sex for 2 years since my husband died suddenly after a heart attack, and I was getting so frustrated and took it out on you, I was a real bitch and I'm sorry. I took you to that specific restaurant, where we used to go regularly, we always had a good time.

I wanted to go there to help me get out of my foul mood. We always went to that particular beauty spot and always made love at the same place as that couple did. It brought back so many happy memories. I felt so much better. Thanks so much, I couldn't have gone on my own."

"So that was the story. I was wondering."

"I am pleased to help in any way I can, and I've enjoyed it very much too. If you ever need to relieve your frustration again, I'm your man, just ring Janet, and she will arrange it but don't tell her the reason I cautioned.

She walked me to the door and before opening it gave me a delightful kiss saying. "I hope to see you soon Paul, Goodbye and thanks for everything."

Job done!

I Help a Legless Client

Janet rang me shortly after I got home, asking how I got on with Ruth.

I said, "It's been good, we had a great day together, I left her much happier than when we started." Janet confirmed that she was in a poor mood with her as well when she asked for a Carer yesterday.

"So well done for today, I have another challenge for you tomorrow. It should be a relatively easy day for you. I would like you to spend all day with Samantha who has been in an accident and broken both her lower legs. She's on the mend but is bed-bound at the moment, so you will have to see to her medication, take care of her needs, and generally make her as comfortable as possible. How does that sound?"

"I think I should be OK."

"Be at her place at eight-thirty, the back door will be undone just shout who you are when you go in. I'll text you the address. I will ring her now and tell her you are coming."

"By the way, please make sure to e-mail me your timesheet and expenses form over to me tonight. Thanks, Paul."

"Goodnight Janet."

The next day I easily found Samantha's house, went round the back, opened the door, and shouted "Hello. It's Paul from Carer Hire," as I walked in.

"Come on up Paul, I'm in the front bedroom. "

She was laid in a big king-sized bed, propped up with some pillows.

She waved her hand and said. "Nice to meet you Paul, come and sit on the bed and we can have a chat to get to know each other."

That's exactly what we did.

Samantha was a lovely young lady about twenty-five I would guess. Slight of build she looked to be very athletic and had a lovely face. She was wearing a blue filmy top that had lots of flowers around its edges and was not too revealing. She looked very nice indeed.

We spoke for a long time, and she told me that she was a professional dancer, and her job kept her fit and active, as she was always dancing either during rehearsals or performing on stage. She was constantly on tour with the company, both here and abroad. She had broken both legs when she fell from a high trapeze during a performance in London's West End.

Sam was so very easy to talk to, and I found myself liking her more and more as time went on.

Out of the blue, she said. "I'm afraid I have to ask you to get me the bedpan from the bathroom. I hate using it but have no option."

The en-suite bathroom was accessed through the closed door she indicated.

"There is another option, I could easily carry you to the toilet, and then you won't have to use the pan." She was overjoyed,

"Oh yes please, that would be great."

She pulled the covers back, revealing both her lower legs which were encased in plaster, I also noticed that she wasn't wearing any panties, which became plain to see as she shuffled her bum to get closer to the edge of the bed. She lifted her arms so she could put them around my neck.

I bent down to allow her to do so, carefully straightening my back to lift her, she was as light as a feather, even with the two plaster casts. I had one arm under her thighs and my other arm keeping her close to my chest.

It felt nice having a woman's body so close to mine. We negotiated our way into the bathroom, and I put her carefully down on the toilet seat.

"Give me a shout when you are ready," I left, closing the door behind me.

A few minutes later Sam called my name, I went in, and she said, "I've been thinking, do you think you could carry me safely downstairs; I am fed up being in that bedroom, I have been in it solid for a week."

I felt sure I could manage to safely transport her and told her so. She clapped her hands in glee, held her arms up, and said. "Let's go."

I was able to lift her again, putting one arm under her leg she hung on tight to my neck, this freed my other arm so I could hold onto the handrail for extra safety, as we went down the stairs.

Safely reaching the bottom, I placed her in an armchair with her legs outstretched. She was so pleased and gave me a big kiss on my cheek after I lowered her down, I went back upstairs and got a blanket to cover her legs.

Sitting opposite her, we continued to chat for a bit, then I suggested that it was time we had something to eat and drink. "What would you like, I will make it for you."

"I'll leave it to you to surprise me."

I looked at what was in the pantry and made us both a bacon and cheese omelette and a mug of coffee each. Putting hers on a tray which I placed on her lap. She looked up at me with gratitude all over her face, saying this looks wonderful.

We ate slowly in silence, savouring every bite, it was very nice, even if I do say so myself.

We finished our snack, and both sat back with satisfied looks on our faces.

I took the pots away and washed them up, coming back to sit in the same place. She started by asking about my job and what it entailed, I told her the story about the coffee shop man, etc. She was engrossed in the tale.

Then it was my turn, I asked her "How did she get into dancing and performing on the stage at the London Palladium? It was a long fascinating tale, but I noticed she never once mentioned taking holidays or having a boyfriend.

I asked her "Why?"

She shyly said "I've never had a boyfriend. I am always too busy."

"What about the other dancers?"

"A lot of them are gay and those that are straight, are either married or in a relationship, I don't mix with them off stage, I am usually too tired after the performance, and I always seem to get the most physically demanding parts.

"Wow, it must be a hard life, what about the other girls? Do you mix with them?"

"Sometimes one of them will come to my room and we will have a chat and a drink together, to relax after the show, we even end up sleeping together occasionally.

I wondered if she was a lesbian.

Changing the subject Sam asked me "If I was married?"

"No, I was, a long time ago, but not now."

"What about a girlfriend?"

I'm not sure, I think I'm at the start of a relationship that could turn into girlfriend boyfriend thing."

"Sounds intriguing, tell me more."

I told her about meeting Gemma at the presentation last weekend and how we both qualified as Carers at the same time. and that we had a great night celebrating, and it carried on when we got to my place.

"Did you have sex?"

"Sort of."

"What do you mean, either you did, or you didn't."

"I explained how we ended up playing the tormenting game, where we sexually tormented each other until one or both of us climaxed. After we had finished playing, we decided to wait and see what happened with our jobs and if we enjoyed being a Carer before planning any future.

"We are getting back together this weekend to compare notes."

"I'm intrigued about the tormenting game; can you tell me more about it?"

"Give me a minute.

I'll need to think about that."

Hoping to deflect her questions I asked, "What about your sex life."

"I haven't got one. I've never had one."

"You mean you're still a virgin?"

I was shocked.

"Yes, I am, my job has always got in the way of sex."

"You must masturbate when you get the urge."

"I was brought up being told that masturbation is a sin, and I mustn't ever do it, so I never have."

I was stunned and speechless for a moment.

I just didn't know what to say.

"Don't you ever feel sexy?"

"Yes sometimes, but I dance until the feeling goes away."

"What if it doesn't,"

"I dance some more until I am exhausted and have to sleep."

Wow, what a situation. I'd never heard anything like it.

"So, have you ever had an orgasm?"



"I'll make us a cuppa," I think we need one.

Returning, I asked Sam. "Why she wanted to know about the tormenting game Gemma, and I had played."

She blushed and said "It sounds like a good way to see a hard cock. I've never seen one, only soft ones occasionally at work."

I made my decision and agreed to tell her about the "tormenting" game.

"OK, I will tell you what we did. Are sure you want to do this?"

"Oh yes, I'm certain."

"We have to get undressed first, is that ok?"

She nodded.

I helped her take her top off, then carefully lifted and spread out each plastered leg, lowering them gently down onto the soft carpet.

When I opened her legs, she immediately put her hand over her pussy.

I stepped back, removed all my clothes, and then pulled the chair closer to her. I sat down directly in front of her and

widened my legs so she could see my cock hanging down.

"Your part of the game is to tease and torment me by playing with your breasts and nipples. Have you ever done that?"


"Try it, you might like it?"

She tentatively rubbed her small nipple between her finger and thumb.

"Keep going." I encouraged.

She did, it got bigger and darker, and my cock responded by getting harder, lifting a little higher.

She continued squeezing and releasing her nipple, gently tugging on it as if to pull it out further from her breast, simply saying "I like doing this, it feels nice."

She looked happy.

"Keep going, try the other nipple as well."

She did so, with a smile on her face.

After a while I said. "Does it please you?"

"Oh yes, it's a lovely feeling."

"Well, let's see if you like playing with your pussy as much."

"I'm not sure I want to go any further."

"You can't play the game without playing with your pussy."

"Play with it for a bit and see what happens."

Looking down I told her "My cock will start to get hard when you rub your pussy. Don't forget the aim of the game is for us to do as many sexy things as we can, to torment each other."

She moved forwards to the edge of the chair and started gently rubbing over her lower belly.

"How does that feel?" I asked quietly.

"It's ok," she said flatly.

"Go lower, rub all around your opening and it will start to feel better than just OK."

She moved her finger downward, slowly, and tentatively rubbing all around her lips, as I had instructed. She kept slowly moving them around her opening, I saw her fingers were gradually starting to glisten with her juice.

Watching her play with herself aroused me greatly, it caused my balls to tighten and my cock to swell, rising it started to twitch, nodding its purple crown as it got bigger.

"See what you have done."

She looked quickly across "You mean just by me rubbing my fingers around my pussy lips, it made your cock get harder. Have I done that?"

"Yes, keep playing with your pussy and my cock will get even bigger and harder."

She looked in wonder at my animated cock, continuing rubbing as her fingers got wetter and wetter.

I said, "Just stop for a moment."

She paused.

"Lick your fingers."


"Lick the wetness from your fingers. Do it!"

She brought her hand upward in front of her face and paused.

"What are you waiting for? Lick them clean!"

She put one finger in her mouth and started to suck the wet coating off, and after a moment, she pushed it further in. She liked the taste because she licked and sucked all her fingers clean, one by one until she was satisfied there was no juice left on them.

"Well." I said, "What do you think?"

"It tastes nice and sweet. Not what I had feared."

"Carry on rubbing. I'll be back in a moment."

I ran upstairs and fetched her makeup mirror. I'd noticed it earlier in the bathroom due to its unusual bright pink frame which had ribbons all around the outside.

I placed it on the floor and angled it towards her. So by looking at it, she could see all her pussy and what her fingers were doing. She looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Wait and see, keep rubbing."

She returned to the task of giving herself pleasure and of course, getting my cock harder too.

I noticed that her breathing had increased slightly, and her labia were swelling, getting redder, responding to all the attention they were receiving.

"Look in the mirror, can you see how wet you are."

She looked. "Yes, it is, very wet isn't it."

"Your body is making lubrication to get your pussy ready for penetration. Put a finger between your labia and move it up and down the slit, then push it inside a little bit to feel the wetness."

She hesitated.

"Just try it." I coaxed.

"Father O'Donnell said it was a mortal sin."

"Forget Father O'Donnell, he's not here and he will never know."

I cursed him in my mind and hoped he would rot in Hell.

"Just try it, push your finger in slowly, watch the mirror, see it disappearing as it goes in."

She rubbed a few more strokes around her lips, then slowly pushed her forefinger in between them. She eased it out then pushed it ever so slowly inside her, keeping moving it.

I saw her relax a little, she winced, stopping moving, another little push, she winced again, her finger would go no further. Slowly she pulled her finger out and looked at me waiting for instruction.

"Lick it and push it back in but not as deep. Keep doing that and watch the mirror as you are doing it."

I glanced at her face she was enjoying it all.

My cock was enjoying the performance too, it was twitching against my belly, and my bell-end was deep purple covered with pre-cum.

I let her carry on.

Her pussy lips were thickly coated in juice, it was also running out, down towards her anus.

"Can you see how wet you are?"

"Yes, there is a lot. Is that normal?"

"Completely normal, are you enjoying it?"

"Oh yes."

"Have you seen what my cock is doing?"

"She looked over and nodded in wonder.

"It's moving by itself." She exclaimed as it continued to slap against my belly "And it's wet too like me."

I directed her. "Move your finger upwards until it comes out from between your lips,"

"Can you feel a little bump?"

She nodded.

"Move your finger-end round it."

"I like doing that. It's so very nice."

"Keep circling it, until I tell you to stop."


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