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New Start. New Job. New Woman.

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Unexpected sexual requests during the day job.
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I was approaching my 39th birthday, and out of work.

I'd just finished my last shift at the bakery, I had been there for the last six months and enjoyed baking cakes and making bread, often staying behind to finish a particular task without any extra pay. I liked the people who worked with me, they were a great bunch, we always had lots of laughs.

I had occasionally even been praised for the high quality of my work and my dedication to making sure everything I did was just perfect. It was a nice place to work.

I would have still been there, if my boss hadn't decided that I should work longer hours, for the same money, and what's worse was he couldn't understand why I didn't want to do it.

He said, "I should be grateful that he had set me on in the first place and given me such a great job."

I said, "He should be paying me more, not less, for the extra work I do."

He didn't listen, but carried on speaking saying, "If you don't do as I ask, then you can go and find another job."

The die was cast.

I stayed on, but only to work my notice out.

I wasn't worried about being out of work, I had been unemployed a few times before and had always managed to find a job without too much trouble.

I'd had a lot of different jobs in the past and could turn my hands to almost anything. I also lived on my own so no wifey pressure from that side.

Time to chill for a bit I thought, and then start the hunt.

A few days later saw me wandering around town looking for any vacancy notices, there weren't many, but I didn't fancy any of them.

Time for a sit-down and a coffee.

I found a coffee shop, ordered a latte, then lifted the steaming mug and looked round for a seat, and found to my dismay, there wasn't any.

I couldn't believe it; I was sure there were loads free when I came in.

I took another look around and managed to spot an empty chair right at the back of the shop, it was at a small table. Sat at the table was an old guy reading a newspaper. I walked quickly over and asked if I could sit on the empty chair.

"Course you can. I'd love the company," he said, folding the newspaper and laying it on the table.

"Not working today?"

"No. day off."

"You're lucky it's a nice sunny day."

We chatted, and finally, I admitted to him. "I'm out of work, I just finished my last job a few days ago."

"Oh, I see, what is it you do?"

"I haven't got a trade, but I've done lots of different things, my last job was in a bakery, before that I was a used car salesman, but not a very good one, before that I worked in a DIY store."

"Been around then." He smiled.

"You could say that."

" Do you like helping people?" he asked.

"Why yes I do, how did you know?"

"Just a lucky guess"

"Why do you ask?"

"I might know of a job opportunity, it's all about helping people. Have you heard of a company called Care-hire?"

"No, what do they do?"

"As the name suggests they provide care to people who need it and can afford it. The client pays a joining fee, which entitles them to request help in the form of a trained Carer. The Carer's attendance can last as long as 48 hours at a time. The client can have as many sessions as they want, as long as they pay for each hour attended."

"The company is very particular as to whom they set on, but if you are selected, you will be put through a very thorough training program, which covers all aspects of being a Carer. You must have completed the course before you are allowed to visit any client. A police check is also required, together with two references."

"The pay is good, and you can claim expenses, are you OK with all that, what do you think?"

"It sounds good to me. What do I have to do?"

"Give me your phone number, and someone named Janet will ring you tomorrow morning to set up an interview."

I did as he asked. We shook hands and went our separate ways. I didn't even know his name but for some reason I trusted him, and I knew, without a doubt, everything would happen as he said.

I returned home feeling very optimistic and relaxed, in the belief that I would soon be starting a new job. I'd never felt this optimistic before, I felt so confident, and I was looking forward to the challenge of gaining new skills and learning something fresh and new.

Bring it on!

Janet rang about ten o'clock as he said she would, and after asking me a few questions, we arranged to meet at her office for my interview the next day. "It will take around two hours," she said.

To say the interview was intense is an understatement, I liked Janet a lot, but boy, was she a smart cookie. I felt drained when I left.

I hoped I'd said the right things and not made too many mistakes. I wanted this job and didn't want to fail at the first hurdle.

Another phone call from Janet the following day, excitedly telling me that I had passed with flying colours, and subject to the Police check being OK and the two references coming back, they would like me to start the Monday after next.

I was over the moon.

Everything came back positive, and I started the first day of my new job on the designated Monday. I sat in a classroom with five people, all wanting the same thing. To be a Carer.

The challenge had begun.

The class was small, six of us, four women and one other guy who looked slightly older than me. The ladies were of various ages, the oldest in her mid-fifties and the youngest about thirty. Our teacher was a lovely middle-aged lady called Dawn, who was very experienced at teaching people to become Carers.

She warned us; that it was a very tough course and would last for 6 weeks, ending with us taking a very hard in-depth exam. She finished by saying that she expected that we would all pass with flying colours.

That said, we were all looking forward to getting our certificate and starting work.

Thankfully we all passed the exam, and a date was set for the presentation of our certificates, they were to be presented by the company's CEO in front of the existing workforce at a nice restaurant in town. Congratulations all round.

I turned up early, arriving by taxi, already about forty people were sitting at the scattered tables in the restaurant, I assumed them to be employees.

I was dressed in my best suit and a new shirt; I joined the others at the table which was reserved for us. My class comrades were also in posh dresses and sharp suits, and with lots of bottles of wine already on the table, I could see it was going to be a good night.

I was sat between Margaret and Gemma, both around my age, Margaret was a married woman with two children and Gemma was slightly younger than me and looked a million dollars. About my height of 5'10" she had a very well-proportioned body with nice breasts and delightfully long legs. Her hair was blond, and she wore very little makeup, I glanced at her left hand and was surprised to see all her fingers were naked. No rings at all! Something I hadn't noticed before.

She had on a very nice and somewhat revealing blue dress that covered part of her breasts, but not everything, as when she leaned forward to talk to me, I briefly glimpsed her nipple. A little bit of chat revealed that she lived on her own, having been divorced for about 5 years. I answered her questions honestly, mentioning that I too was divorced and lived on my own. We got on well with each other, as well as the rest of the classmates at the table.

We all laughed together throughout the meal, the wine just kept coming, and we were soon a very happy crowd.

It was time for the presentation.

The MC stood up and thanked us all for coming and then introduced the CEO. Everyone stood, clapped, and cheered, and who should it be, but the guy from the coffee shop? I had to look twice to make sure it was him.

I was gobsmacked.

Luckily my name was not the first one to be called up to collect their certificate, quite the opposite, I was the last one to get up. I walked towards the "coffee shop man" as he stood there waiting for me, his arms held out, and he was beaming.

"Congratulations Paul, I knew you could be a brilliant Carer. You scored the highest exam points ever."

I could only take my certificate and stammer my thanks for giving me the opportunity.

"I won't let you down."

"Come and see me when you've settled in," he said quietly.

Everyone clapped and cheered as I walked back to the table.

As soon as the "coffee shop man" sat down, some of the tables were moved back, to make space for dancing. My classmates had gathered around me giving me handshakes, hugs and kisses, and congratulations for being top. I sat down and looked proudly at my certificate.

What a night and it's only just begun.

Music filled the air, and I was soon whisked onto the dance floor by Gemma, who kept swinging me around and around, in an attempt to dance us all around the dancefloor. I was soon breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Begging Gemma that I needed to rest for a bit, she let me go to sit at our table.

Gemma promptly selected another victim and pulled him onto the dancefloor, to take my place.

I was glad for a rest, and as I sat at the table recovering, having a drink of wine, I was able to watch with amusement the antics of some of my future, very funny new colleagues.

A little time later, I stood up to go for a wee, I glanced around, trying to see where it was, eventually spotting it in a corner at the other side of the room, I made my way through the throng and entered the toilet marked Male.

Standing at the first urinal. I unzipped and started to pee. It was then that I heard the slap-slap sound of skin hitting skin. Someone was having a good time in one of the cubicles. My peeing stopped instantly in mid-flow, as my cock started to get hard as I listened to the rapid pounding of full-blown sex taking place. Next came the high-pitched sound of a female voice.

"Don't stop! "

"Keep going!"

"I'm nearly there!"

"Go on. Go On!"

"Deeper. Go deeper Come in me I want to feel you cum!" Followed by silence.

After a minute of total silence, it was broken by a female voice saying "Well done John. That was good. I love it when you make me cum."

Moments later the door opened and out walked the woman.

I turned to look; I couldn't believe who it was. It was Janet. The same Janet who had interviewed me and had given me this job.

She checked her appearance in the mirror and then saw me standing there.

"Oh. Hi Paul, how's it hanging?" smiling whilst glancing down at my semi-hard cock. "I hope you are having as good a time as I am. See you later" and she was gone.

The guy came out of the cubicle smiling broadly, zipping himself up as he walked out saying. "What a shag she is. I can't wait for the next work doo."

It's surprising what you see when you're not expecting it.

Returning to the table, I found Gemma was waiting for me. Flinging her arms around my neck before I could sit down, she said "Let's smooch to this slow music."

Holding me close and pressing her boobs firmly onto my chest, she started to grind her groin against mine, causing me to grow an instant erection, which I am sure she could feel.

The tune came to an end, and we sat back down, I looked around and saw that people were getting ready to leave so I said to Gemma. "I think it's time for me to go."

Gemma took a big gulp of her drink and then refilled it again, saying "Just let me finish this and I'll come with you."

Downing it in one, she lurched to her feet and grabbed my arm saying, "Let's go."

We picked up our coats and staggered outside into the cold night air.

I thought it might sober her up a little, she was very drunk.

Luckily, a Taxi drew up, and we quickly jumped in before anyone else did.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

I was just about to ask Gemma where she lived when she shocked me by saying to. "You are not getting rid of me that easy, I'm going back with you to your place!"

Not wanting to argue, I told the driver my address, and off we went.

Gemma sat back and gently pulled across one side of her top, revealing her right breast.

"What do you think of this baby? Go on give it a feel."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the driver smiling, enjoying the view.

I felt her naked breast and played with her nipple. She immediately responded by putting her hand on my erection, over my trousers. We were kissing passionately and enjoying ourselves when she started to try and undo my zip. I purposely didn't help her, as I knew we weren't far from my home, and anyway, I didn't want to put on a show for the taxi driver.

She struggled and struggled with the zip, whilst I continued to play with her breast. At last, she finally succeeded in pulling it down, which happened to be the exact moment we pulled up outside my house, much to her frustration.

After giving the driver a nice tip, we staggered to my front door and opened it, almost falling flat on our faces as we went inside. Gemma was very drunk, and I had to half carry her to the settee where I sat her carefully down removing her coat and shoes.

Her top was still in disarray but by this time both of her nipples were clearly on show. She saw where I was looking then she too looked down saying "You might as well take my top off too."

She helped me take it off, and I put it over the back of the settee out of the way, by the time I'd turned back round she had fallen asleep, I slid her sideways laying her down on the settee. I made some room for her legs and lifted them onto the cushions so she would be more comfortable.

Then I sat back down, behind her feet and began to enjoy the views of her perfectly formed breasts rising and falling, topped by a pair of delicate pink nipples surrounded by large areolas, they were mesmerizing.

So, there she was, laid out on her side with her breasts fully on show, snoring lightly. I pondered what to do with her and decided I needed to put her in the spare bed. I left her there snoring while I made up the bed with fresh sheets and pillows. I returned and carried her up to bed intending to remove her clothes, put her in the recovery position, and leave her to sleep it off.

It started well, as she half-heartedly tried to help me remove her skirt and stockings, but we eventually managed it, however she suddenly woke up properly and shouted at me. "I've got to wee. NOW!"

I half carried half dragged her into the bathroom and propelled her towards the toilet, she quickly sat and immediately started to wee. Without of course removing her panties!

The wee sprayed straight through her panties splashing everywhere, mostly all around the bowl. It seemed to go on and on, eventually dribbling to a halt, I looked up at her face, to find that she was asleep again.

I shook her shoulders, saying "Can you lift a little so I can take your knickers off." She tried but couldn't do it, so, I rocked her slowly sideways left and right, pulling each panty leg down, bit by bit, until they were round her ankles. They were soaked, so I put them in the sink to wash them later.

I reached over to get some toilet paper; I got a handful but paused before starting to dry her. I just couldn't resist crouching down and taking a long look at her vagina, which was partly covered by a smattering of brown curly hair, some of which had droplets of wee on them. The hairs formed a perfect frame for the two lovely, small, dark brown, crinkly lips that dangled down slightly. It was a wonderful sight.

I carefully dried her off then picked her up and carried her back to bed, gently placing her in the centre of the double bed and positioning her on her side. I tucked her in tightly under the covers, giving her a good night kiss on her forehead, and said "Goodnight Gemma, sleep well."

I left her bedroom door open, so I could hear if she woke, then started to tidy up and get ready for sleep myself.

I went to the bathroom for a wee and washed her panties, hanging them over both the bath taps to dry. I also left the bathroom door open with the light on just in case she needed to go again.

'What a night,' I said to myself as I drifted off to sleep. 'Wonder what's going to happen tomorrow?'

I woke up at about nine-thirty the following morning, which is late for me, even for a Saturday, I made myself a bacon sandwich, hoping that the smell would drift upstairs and wake Gemma.

It didn't work, she slept until around eleven. I heard her going to the toilet. I'd put her clothes in the bathroom so she wouldn't have to look for them, but she came down just wearing a dressing gown of mine, which had been hung behind the bathroom door.

Slowly, carefully, negotiating the stairs, she walked into the front room and sat gently down on the settee.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as if I couldn't guess.

"I think I'm dying. Got any painkillers?"

I brought her some, together with a large glass of water which she gratefully drained as she took the pills.

"Is it OK if I go back to bed for a bit?" she asked.

"No problem, take as long as you need. Can I help you up the stairs?"

"I'll manage," she grunted.

She dragged her feet back upstairs and I didn't see her again until six o'clock in the evening, when fully dressed in her party clothes she almost skipped down the stairs.

"Hi Paul, how are you?" She burbled.

"Not as good as you by the look of it."

"I'm feeling great thanks, got anything to eat, I'm starving?"

Normality had returned.

After eating a bacon and egg sandwich we sat snuggled together on the settee, half-heartedly watching a film playing on the TV.

She asked if she could ask me a question. "Of course," I replied.

"Why were my knickers hung on the bathroom taps?"

I told her how she was bursting for a wee, dashed to the loo, and she just forgot to take them off before weeing.

She giggled.

"Was I very drunk?"

"Yes, you were, after you had a wee, you fell asleep on the pot, and I had to carry you to bed."

"Did you wipe me before putting me to bed?"

"I did, I couldn't leave you wet."

"Did you like what you saw?" She asked innocently.

"It was lovely."

"Would you like to see it again?"

" I certainly would."

"Give me a moment," she said, quickly disappearing upstairs, only to return a couple of minutes later wearing nothing but my dressing gown.

She didn't sit next to me, choosing to sit in the easy chair, directly opposite, she laid backwards in the chair and slowly opened her legs and hooked them over the arms.

I was hypnotized, I couldn't take my eyes from between her legs.

"Does it look any different?"

"You are too far away for me to tell." I lied.

"You are lying!"

"You are correct. I did lie, it looks even better today than yesterday," I smiled at my answer.

"It's time you showed me your crown jewels." Was the swift reply

I stood, dropped my pants and underwear, kicked them off, and sat down with my legs apart and a semi-hard cock dangling between them.

"How's that?"

Her eyes took it all in.

"Play with it." She whispered.

I held my cock gripping it lightly moving my hand slowly up and down its length.

She groaned, watching intently as my foreskin moved with my fingers.

"Your turn now."

She complied and started by slowly running her finger up and down her slit. The fingers of her other hand played with her nipple, rolling it between her two fingers, occasionally gently tugging.

We continued to play with ourselves whilst intently watching each other's movements.

Hers getting wetter, mine getting harder.

I was in heaven.

As we continued playing, she became wetter and wetter, as she rubbed around her vulva, she spread her wet and shiny juice all around her opening.

I was still playing but now I was producing pre cum in vast quantities, I spread it over my cock by using up and down movement of my fingers.


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