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New Year's Eve at Grandma's House

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Ringing in the new year with a kiss and so much more.
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New Year's Eve 2016

The snow came down heavily as Tim drove deep into the suburbs to see his grandmother. It was already dark out, midway through the evening on the thirty-first of December, when he finally found the time on his winter break from college to visit her. He recalled how disappointed she was on the phone when he told her he couldn't be there on Christmas, it would have taken a blizzard to keep him away for New Year's Eve.

The neighborhoods he drove through became older and more established the closer he got to her house. He reached her brightly-lit, cozy little street with a few hours to spare before midnight. Pleasant memories of childhood visits here all came back to him as he surveyed the friendly neighborhood. His grandmother's house was the sweetest and most welcoming of them all.

Tim parked outside her house and exited the car. Harsh wind roared around his ears as he made the short journey up the steps to her porch. The door opened before he could knock. The calming, familiar voice of his grandmother, "It's getting awful out there. Get in here quick."

She shut the door the second he made it inside. She had her arms wrapped around him tightly before he could get his boots off. She embraced him tenderly and kissed warmth back into his frozen cheeks.

"I'm so glad you made it. Now let me get a better look at you," she said. Grandma Vivian took a step back and cast her eyes approvingly over her grandson. "You've changed so much. What a man you've become," she remarked.

Tim had to chuckle. He was just thinking the opposite of her, he was relieved to see she hadn't changed a bit. Vivian remained the beautiful, silver-haired grandmother he remembered. Her bright blue eyes had a way of shining when she was happy, and they were shining now. Her full, bee stung lips appeared untouched by time, just as ripe and kissable as when she was his age, dressed up in a fresh coat of vibrant red lipstick.

He was being polite by noticing her facial features first. The next man to focus his gaze just upon her face would be the first. Vivian's most prominent feature had to be her enormous breasts. They were a pair of hooters for the ages. Grandma Vivian's rack held the record for capturing the most wandering eyes. Even her own grandson had succumbed to their bountiful charms and blown big loads into his bedsheets fantasizing about those fat knockers.

Tim could recall with some embarrassment the afternoon a few years ago when his mom found a picture of Grandma Vivian in her bathing suit in his nightstand. He wondered if his mom bought his excuse that he'd just stolen the picture to remind himself of her when he couldn't visit.

In the years that followed that embarrassing picture incident, fantasies involving the beautiful, scantily-clad women in movies, and girls he liked at school, replaced those of his grandmother. Tim couldn't help but remember some of those earlier fantasies as he indulged in a quick glance at her breasts, practically popping out of a festive red sweater that matched her painted lips, then forced himself to look away. Vivian steered him over to the sofa, which he was all too happy to take a seat and stretch out on after his long, snow-plagued drive.

"Would you like something warm to drink, dear?"

"Yes, that would be really nice."

Vivian was halfway to the kitchen before stopping on her heels. "Last time you were here I would have gotten you a cup of hot chocolate. Now I don't know whether to get you hot chocolate or coffee. Which would you prefer?"

Tim tried to think of when the last time he visited her around the holidays was, and felt so guilty at how long it had been that he answered hot chocolate even though a hot cup of coffee would have really hit the spot. He looked around the room from his perch on the sofa while his grandmother prepared his drink in the kitchen.

The well-kept, cheerful house was still decorated for Christmas, with all the pleasant sights and smells of the holiday. It was comforting at first, but Tim started to worry as he looked around, imagining the difficult time his grandmother was going to have hauling all these decorations back down to the basement and taking care of that tree in the corner.

Grandma Vivian returned to the living room, holding a steaming mug with snowflakes and reindeer on it by the handle. A candy cane hung from the rim. She put the mug down on a coaster and slid it over to her grandson. Tim took the mug up and blew on it before taking a sip of hot chocolatey goodness. Vivian took a seat in the chair next to the table.

"Give me a few minutes to warm up and I'll take down some of these decorations for you while I'm here."

"No!" Vivian's sudden outburst made her chuckle with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, it's just I see you so infrequently, I'm not going to waste your visit having you do chores for me."

Tim felt chastened into silence. He took another sip of hot chocolate, reprimanding himself for not finding more time to spend with his grandmother over the years.

"I shouldn't have put it like that. I don't want to be the grandmother that scolds her grandkid for not seeing her more often. Please forget I said anything. How about I give you your Christmas gift?" She forced a smile on her face.

He smirked with a childish delight. "You didn't have to get me anything, Grandma."

"I would buy you the world if it had a price tag, honey." Her forced smile was washed away by a real one as she looked admiringly on her grandson. Vivian got up to retrieve the present, but was diverted when the doorbell rang. She was surprised to find her two closest friends at the door.

Tim looked back and saw two older women, one a little older than his grandmother and one a little younger. They jostled through the door before noticing Tim on the sofa.

"Let us in. It's colder than a witch's tit out there," the woman older than his grandmother remarked.

The slightly younger woman's eyes immediately wandered over to Tim. "Oh, Viv, you finally splurged on a stripper this year! Things are about to heat up."

"That's my grandson, Kathy!"

"All the better. Means I won't have to compete against your big tits for him."

Vivian stepped between Kathy and her grandson. She looked over at him and said, "Tim, these are my friends, Kathy and Cassandra. I'll tell you why they're here as soon as I figure that out myself." She turned her attention back over to the two older women with a discerning look on her face.

Cassandra pulled a deck of cards out of her purse. "We're here to play cards," she said. "Same thing we do every New Year's since Bob died."

"Didn't you get my message? I told you not to come over, that my grandson was visiting tonight."

Cassandra reached back in her purse and pulled out her phone, she shook it in her hand at Vivian. "You have to reach me by text now if you want me to get it."

Kathy negotiated around Vivian and ran her hand across Tim's chest. "So this is your grandson. I was beginning to think he didn't exist. Now I get why you were hiding him from me," she declared with a sharp, seductive smile.

"Keep the innapropriate comments to yourself," Vivian cautioned. "That's enough of that," she said, removing her friend's arm from around Tim. "Well, girls, thanks for stopping by, but I don't think my grandson wants to play cards with us."

"Don't shoo us out with the storm brewing out there, we'll be good," Cassandra said.

Vivian looked out the window and then asked her grandson, "What do you want to do, Tim?"

"I guess they can stay," Tim replied. He was still a little shaken up by the things Kathy said and the way she touched him. The girls at school certainly didn't act like that around him.

"And he's a gentleman, too. Be still, my beating heart," Kathy joked.

"If you're going to stay, you have to cut that out," Vivian warned her.

"It's settled then." Cassandra unknotted her scarf and sprawled out on the sofa. "You got any New Year's bubbly, Viv? How about those little sweet cakes you made last year?"

"Yes, I'll get them. Tim, would you lend me a hand?" Her suggestion had the double purpose of letting her spend some time alone in the kitchen with her grandson as well as keeping him away from her insatiable friend Kathy.

Tim accepted Vivian's prompt and followed his grandmother into the kitchen. "I'm sorry for all this," his grandmother said once they were alone. She unwrapped a cake and began to slice it at the counter. "This isn't going to help my case for more time next year, is it?" She laughed.

"What do you mean?" Tim asked, taking a seat at the table.

Vivian brought the cake over to the table and sat across from him. "I know I'm the low woman on the totem pole, your mom told me how much time you've been spending with your friends since you got back. Driving all the way out here and spending any of that time with your grandma isn't very enticing, I understand that," Vivian's eyes dimmed and her smile evaporated as she spoke.

"I should have been here for Christmas," Tim said.

"That reminds me, let me get your present." Vivian's eyes lit up once again. She pushed up from the chair and bustled out of the room, returning a couple minutes later, impeccably-wrapped present in hand, with a red bow on top.

"But aren't your friends waiting for us to come back out?" Tim asked.

"Don't worry, darling. Cassandra's playing solitaire and Kathy's trying to find the nudie channel on the TV, they'll be at it a while." Vivian set the present down in front of her grandson, the color and cheer fully returned to her face.

Tim removed the bow and discarded the wrapping paper, all while his grandmother watched with a glowing smile. He reached into the box, through the colorful tissue paper, and pulled the case to a video game out.

He grinned like a child on Christmas morning as he read the title, "The Last Guardian, this is one of the hottest games this Christmas!" he remarked. "Thank you, Grandma."

"You're very welcome. But what were you expecting, did you think I was going to knit you a sweater for Christmas?"

Tim laughed, then replied, "I don't know, I wasn't expecting this."

"You told me once you wanted me to get it for you when it came out."

Tim looked up from the case. "This game has been in development for like ten years. That must have been forever ago. How did you remember?"

"You're my grandson, I remember everything about you," she answered proudly. "You still have that game system your grandfather and I got you before he passed, don't you?"

"Yes, you can bet I'll be playing this as soon as I get back to school. Thanks again, Grandma."

"I can't take all the credit, I could only remember part of the name. A nice young man at the store was very helpful, when he wasn't staring at my rack," she said with a raunchy smile.

Tim allowed himself a glance at his grandmother's big, wondrous chest. "There was probably a line of guys just waiting to help you," he joked.

Vivian looked for a moment down at her breasts. "Yes, but these things don't work as well as they used to," she remarked, adding a lighthearted giggle.

Tim licked his lips, watching her stupendous tits move slightly with each inhale and exhale of breath. "There isn't a man out there who wouldn't do anything you told him to once he caught a glance of those."

Vivian laughed. She was feeling especially mischievous when she added, "I doubt that. Even with these big balloons, I can't get my grandson to visit me more than once a year."

Watching her beautiful breasts gently rise and fall had almost a hypnotic effect on Tim, it was like he didn't know what he was saying until he was already speaking. "If I had a crack at those tits when I visited, I'd be here every weekend. Hell, I'd quit school." When the last word came out of his mouth and Tim realized what he'd said, he quickly ripped his eyes away from his grandmother's bosom and his cheeks turned a deep red color. "I, I'm sorry," he tried to clean things up.

Vivian knew the lines they were crossing, but she freely crossed them anyway. "And if I thought it would get you here every weekend, I would have opened the door to you topless." Her cheeks turned red to match his.

Cassandra and Kathy barged together into the kitchen, breaking up their conversation. "What gives, Viv? Where's the cake and the champagne? Let's get this New Year's party rolling," Cassandra said.

"I found the sweet cake," Kathy said, suggestively wrapping her arm around Tim and pushing her hand down his chest.

"Uh, I've got it right here," Vivian said, slowly calming down. "Kathy, why don't you get glasses from that cabinet?" she asked, pointing toward the far end of the kitchen, which worked as a tactic to direct her perpetually-horny friend away from Tim.

They gathered up the dishes and the glasses and went back out into the living room together. Both grandmother and grandson were a little rattled by the talk they were having in the kitchen and trying not to show it in front of Cassandra and Kathy. They kept accidentally locking gazes and then uncomfortably looking away from each other.

Cassandra accidentally spilled a little champagne on herself, allowing Kathy to nestle in closer next to Tim on the couch and quip, "I thought for sure I'd be the one who was all wet by the end of this night."

Vivian shot her cougarly friend a disapproving look, then said, "I'll get some napkins. I'll be right back, don't get too comfortable." She aimed the last sentence pointedly at Kathy.

Kathy leaned over to Tim's ear and notified him in a sultry whisper, "You're getting a big fat kiss when that clock strikes midnight, stud. Then afterwards maybe we'll excuse ourselves and end up in the broom closet together, and, if you don't know what that means, well, then you're going to find out."

Tim blushed, he smiled nervously as his grandmother walked back out and handed Cassandra a bundle of napkins. She watched Kathy carefully.

The rest of the night felt rather uneventful to Tim. Cassandra was harmless, and he figured the kind of harm Kathy wanted to cause him wouldn't be too unpleasant. The most concerning matter was with Grandma Vivian. He was worried he'd messed things up in the kitchen. She worried the same thing.

The new year was fast approaching as they clicked around on the TV for the ball drop. Cassandra and Kathy counted the seconds down together while Vivian and her grandson exchanged forlorn looks.




Happy New Year!

Cassandra took a long drink as Vivian watched Kathy reach for Tim with a big grin. Vivian lurched forward and grabbed Tim by the collar before Kathy could. "I've got dibs on my grandson," she declared before bouncing off the balls of her feet, leaning up, and pressing her lips against his.

Grandmother and grandson kissed gently. Her full, beautiful lips felt soft and moist against his own. He was still stunned by the time their lips parted.

"You haven't deterred me, Viv. I'll make do with sloppy seconds." Kathy grabbed Tim away and kissed him. Kathy was an attractive woman, a good kisser, and Tim was sure that she could teach him a few things about the opposite sex, but her kiss had little effect on him, not after the one he'd shared with his grandmother.

"I shouldn't hog you all to myself if anyone else wants their New Year's kiss," Kathy said with a laugh when their lips finally pulled apart. Tim looked apprehensively over at Cassandra.

"Don't worry, sweetie. The only thing I'll be kissing tonight is another bottle of Champagne," Cassandra said.

"Oh," Kathy said, then looked back at Tim with a cunning smile, "I'll have hers."

Vivian, who was looking quite flustered after having to stand there and watch Kathy kiss her grandson, said morosely, "I'll go get Cassandra another bottle of Champagne."

Kathy waited until Vivian left the room and then attempted to get Tim back into her arms to kiss him. Tim, knowing his grandmother was upset, pulled away and excused himself from the room. He followed after Vivian, discovering she hadn't gone for more Champagne, but was in her bedroom instead.

Tim knocked softly at the door and entered even more softly. The only light in the room came from the hallway, he could only just make out the silhouette of his grandmother alone in the room. He was about to say something when she ran to him and threw her arms around him. Her lips were on his and she kissed him hungrily. The surprise nearly knocked Tim over, but he managed to stay on his feet and to kiss her back.

Vivian's tongue pressed into his mouth and pounced on his. They walked backward until Tim's body pressed the door shut behind him and they were in complete darkness. Her arms wrapped tighter around him and wouldn't let him go.

"Tell me you don't want Kathy or some little girl from school. Tell me you want me," Vivian said finally, but she started to kiss his mouth again before he could answer.

Tim eventually managed to lift his face away from his grandmother's needy lips. She kissed his neck and around his face. "I don't want anyone but you," he replied. "Is this really happening?" he asked, his lips seeking hers, he could feel her big tits pressing against his chest.

They were holding each other close enough that she could feel the bulge growing in his pants. Vivian's pussy, dormant since the passing of her husband, began to tingle. She wantonly rubbed the front of her cotton pants on the growing bulge. Sparks of excitement prickled through her cunt as she sensed how large and thick the bulge was and could feel it beginning to throb against her, whilst in the midst of their hot, passionate kisses.

"Yes, this is happening, darling. And you don't know what it means to me. I love you." Vivian brought her hand around his front and massaged the muscles of his chest. With the room completely dark, they knew each other only by touch.

Tim couldn't believe he was feeling his grandmother's pussy rub against his growing erection. "I love you too. I never want to let you go, Grandma."

"You can touch my breasts. I know you want to. I want you to," she told him, catching her breath.

Tim reached between their bodies until his hands pressed against two big, warm pillows at chest level. Tim's dick couldn't have been harder as his fingers dug into the soft, ample flesh of his grandmother's tits. He squeezed and groped them in the dark of the bedroom like a big kid with a new toy.

"They're amazing." Nothing else could be so soft and so supple, nothing except his own grandmother's breasts.

"Better than those girls at school?"

"Better than anything," Tim answered.

"Just wait til you get my bra off," she said.

"How long do I have to wait?" He reached one hand down to the hem of her sweater and waited for an answer.

Before Vivian could reply, they were called to from outside the bedroom. "How long are you two going to be in there? We found the other bottle of Champagne," Cassandra informed them from the other side of the door.

"We better go out there," Vivian whispered, embarrassed, but still wishing to feel her grandson's hands on her for just a few more seconds.

"I can't yet. You go first."

Vivian was about to ask why when the reason throbbed against her. She'd continued to rub the crotch of her pants against his bulge right up until then, when she was finally able to stop herself. She nodded and smiled to herself through the embarrassment as she walked out of the room. "Come out when you can. When your big friend disappears. I love you," she whispered before closing the bedroom door behind her.

Tim tried everything to get his cock to go down, but after what had just happened, it was a difficult task. Even just his grandmother's bedroom, which smelled faintly of her, was enough to keep him hard. It was a few minutes before Tim could safely walk back out to the living room.


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