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Newbie Naked in Swinging Agde 04


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I used my hand, taking my time, keeping her uncertain when she would next feel her buttocks sting. I had watched the kilt guy, watch and learn, and I was playing out what I had learned. Spanking Yuuki there was so very different from doing it back in London in the privacy of our flat. She was bent over the stool with other people still wandering around, some watching for a bit, just as intrigued at seeing her submissive in the room with the bar, as they had been with the scenes in the corridor.

It was play spanking, but it was serious play spanking. Yuuki's buttocks were glowing pink before I finished. They were still glowing when we got back to our apartment, and when she knelt at the bottom of our bed. They were still glowing when I had finished fucking her.

She cuddled into me once we were properly in the bed, saying that next time we went, we should try something in one of the rooms. I asked her if she liked the kilt guy, and she cuddled closer, telling me that she wanted it to be me giving her what she deserved for all the bad things that she was enjoying.


We did go to the BDSM club a second time, but first we visited a swinger's club, Lantra, that we had seen the first night we were in Agde. Tat first night, all we had done was check out the entrance, although I still remembered Yuuki saying that when we went, she wanted to wear something sexier than the dress she had been wearing that first night. The implication was that even then, she had been interested in what was going on inside.

Just the same, going to Lantra was different. We had been told what went on. The guy on the door had explained that there was a disco for mixing on the ground floor, while upstairs there were two rooms for swinging, one for couples and single guys, and one for couples only.

I had noticed that the queue we had seen was mainly guys, presumably local guys not staying at the resort. They were obviously there for one reason only, the hope of getting to fuck one of the women whose husband, or partner, did not mind if she played with other guys while they were on holiday.

Of course, we had already been to a few clubs where sex was taking place, and Yuuki had been fondled, if not penetrated, and even fingered to a climax by a total stranger, when we had used a jacuzzi in one of the other clubs. The difference was that none of the clubs we had been to so far had been dedicated to swinging. That was an optional extra, and as much for voyeurs as for participants. In the bdsm club, full intercourse had not even been an option. In Lantra, however, the whole concept of the club was based around people swinging.

Lantra might have a disco area, but that would obviously be for ice breaking purposes rather than the point of being there. It would be where couples sized one another up, where single guys made tentative approaches, where you get close on the dance floor, to check out how it felt before mobing upstairs to get closer still.

The fact was that people went to Lantra to fuck. 'No' still meant 'no', but the expectation to participate would be a great deal stronger that in any of the other clubs that we had visited.

Of course we discussed things before we went. Neither of us was naïve. We knew that a swingers club was intended for swinging. Just the same, while Yuuki had said that she was excited about doing something as taboo as going to a swingers club, she had also made it clear that she did not like the idea of my being with anyone except her.

Discussing Lantra, we had talked again about our first night at the pole dance bar, the couple who had come onto us, and the woman who had started kissing me while her partner was kissing and fondling Yuuki, and how we both had felt about it.

I still felt the same as I had all along. I had slept with my fair share of women before meeting Yuuki, and had no interested in making love with anyone else. I had found the woman of my dreams. She was every I wanted, or needed. The fact that she enjoyed all things Agde made her even more of a perfect fit for me.

I was also aware that before we met, Yuuki was comparatively inexperienced, and I told her that I preferred her to extend her experience openly, with my approval, rather than to go behind my back, or to resent me for restricting her.

We both knew and understood what we had agreed. We would check out the club, enjoy acting as voyeurs to whatever action was taking place, would probably fuck at some stage, but we would not be exchanging partners. If anyone came on to Yuuki, it would be her decision how far to let things go.

Not having been inside, we were unsure of the dress code, and we assumed that once inside the club, women at least would be next to naked. In any case Yuuki was now regularly displaying her breasts and pubis every evening when we went out. It would seem weird to wear less revealing clothing at a swingers club.

Yuuki went for the 'not quite naked but getting as much attention as I can' look. She decided against a dress, or a corset, or anything see through. She wanted her breasts and pussy to be bare, but wanted a change from just exposing them as bare white flesh.

She decided on a pair of buttock skimming, red lycra hot pants. They were from a specialist lingerie shop online and were meant for occasions like this. They had a wide oval cut out that exposed her exposed her pubis totally, going right underneath to expose the lower part of her buttock cleft. Two more oval cut outs exposed the white of her buttock flesh all the way round the sides. It was difficult to work out if there was more red lycra or more pure white flesh on show.

To go with these hot pants, Yuuki wore a wide linked, gold effect chain that graced her breasts while leaving them bare. No dress, no top, no stockings, but a pair of multi-coloured heels with gold edgings to the toe cut out on the front.

We walked from our apartment past the restaurants and bars towards Lantra. Yuuki had put on her leather jacket but left it open at the front. Her red lycra shorts attracted the usual looks, her pussy on display as always. She did her breasts. Even something about her bare legs conveyed a message. You wear stockings to go out. Without them, you are saying that you are ready to be fucked.

The way Yuuki was dressed, I was wondering if she had already made up her mind. The Spanish know the way the colour red attracts a bull. Even in that part of France, they know about bull-fighting. In Lantra, there would be plenty of bulls, looking for a chance to score, and Yuuki's lycra hot pants would be a 'come on' to any and every guy there.

Flashing her cunt like that, Yuuki might as well have worn a gold 'Fuck Me' on her necklace. My guess, right or wrong, was that we were unlikely to leave Lantra without at least one of the young bulls skewering Yuuki's pussy with his cock and emptying his ball sack deep inside her.

I would not say that I was delighted at the prospect of watching some bullish stranger fuck the pussy of the woman that I loved. I will admit that I was willing to let it happen. If loving Yuuki meant allowing another guy to fuck her, then so be it. She had a right to explore her sexuality as much as I had. I was several years, and quite a few relationships ahead of her. I just hoped that she would chose a guy that I was comfortable with.

As soon as we were in the lobby, Yuuki removed her jacket and checked it into the cloakroom. We went through to the disco area first, to see what was going on, and rapidly realised that Yuuki was baring much more than most of the women there. Only a few were wearing outfits that revealed either breasts or pubis. Most of the women were wearing nightclub dresses or skirts and tops. There were slits and cut outs, some sheer fabric, and one woman in corset and stockings with her slit bare, but no one was as close to being naked as my beautiful , ripe and juicy Yuuki.

The disco was also quieter that we had expected. I do not mean the music, which was so loud that communication would be mouth to ear or sign language only. The disco room had space for around a hundred, but there only around twenty people there, maybe seven couples and half a dozen single guys. The single guys, and quite a few of the others, all turned to look at Yuuki. She was the reason they had paid the price at the door, a fuckable cunt with a guy who was not going to object.

Yuuki gave me a look as soon as she had taken in the scene. I could tell that she was caught off guard by being as naked as she was, by the relatively small number of people there, and by the looks that she was getting. Maybe she had not worked out just what her cut out, hot pants would be saying to these guys.

I sized up the situation. Most people were at the bar. We could go across and get our complimentary drinks there. No one was on the dance floor. There were two poles, with no one dancing there either. At the far end of the room there was another doorway, and a few people were walking through. I decided we should follow them, and led Yuuki past the bar, doing my best to look like I knew what I was doing.

The doorway led to a dimly lit corridor. This corridor had alcoves on both sides, with vinyl covered mattresses, obviously intended for people to make out on, while others stood and watched. No one was actually using any of the alcoves. All we saw were other couples and some of the single guys walking down, turning and walking back out. We did the same, Yuuki getting some serious looks from the guys who passed as close to her as they could get, their hands brushed softly against her thighs.

We headed straight back to the lobby and went upstairs instead. We passed through the room for couples and guys. There were two large bed height, vinyl mattressed areas, both empty. There were vinyl padded bench seats around the outside of the room and maybe a dozen guys were sitting holding drinks. Yuuki got looks from all of them. They were here for free cunt and it looked like it had just arrived. We walked on through a second doorway to the couples only area.

There was a bar at one side, seating around the outside of the rest of what was a good sized room, with curved bays creating group areas, some with 'reserved' signs on the low tables by the seating, and three bed areas, a big central one and two smaller, but still king sized beds. By beds, I just mean flat, vinyl covered mattresses that you could sit on, lie on, or fuck on, depending on what was going on.

Again, the room was not busy, but we had our tickets for our complimentary drinks, and with this area being couples only, there were none of the single bulls snorting their way around. We could relax. We got our drinks, and not wanting to sit right beside anyone else, we sat on the side of one of the unoccupied smaller beds.

It was quiet, but the music was good. It had none of the pounding beat of the disco room. It was more a mixture of sixties and smooth jazz. It was good music to make out to.

The way that Yuuki was dressed had obviously been noticed, just like downstairs and in the single guy's room. I guess if you are virtually topless with just fine gold chains decorating your breasts, and you frame your hairless pussy in red, cut-out hot pants, then you will get noticed. I guessed that being Japanese, with her white complexion, added to the interest that Yuuki was receiving from guys and woman alike..

Across from us, a woman was bent sideways from where she was sitting beside her partner. Her head was moving slowly up and down in the guy's lap. Each time it moved up, you could see the shaft of the guy's cock. They were both fully dressed, the guy in shirt and trousers and his partner in a white and yellow mini dress. It might not have been swinging, but at least it told us that sex really did happen there, since nothing before that had suggested that this was more than a disco club with single guys on the prowl.

Our vinyl mattressed bed had a fat, cylindrical cushion covered in the same vinyl, substituting as a full width pillow. We made ourselves comfortable, leaning against the cushion, legs outstretched on the bed, and Yuuki started to feeling my cock through my trousers. Being a gentleman, I reached diagonally across her arm and started to finger her pussy.

I had the advantage of direct access. Inside her slit, Yuuki was as wet as Niagara. It felt beautiful, and also told me that she was turned on, whether by wearing so little when just about everyone else was in trousers and shirt, skirt and top, or a dress, or by knowing that every guy who had seen her had assumed that she was here to fuck, and was waiting for their turn to slide their cock deep into her. Maybe, her subconcious mind and her body were harmoniously ensuring that penetration, when it happened, would be succulently slick and smooth.

We were still gently playing with each other like that when a guy in his thirties came to Yuuki's side of the bed. He apologised for interrupting. There was something he wanted to ask. His blond hair was combed back off his forehead. He was clean-shaven and wide jawed, with cool, blue eyes. He wore a white shirt and sharply creased, light blue trousers. If it had to be anyone, this was the kind of guy I would prefer.

I wondered how guys go about making the approach, and waited to see if he would just come right out with it, and ask if Yuuki was willing to let him fuck her. Then I remembered that this was the couples area, so he could be about to ask if we wanted to swop partners, to which, however sexy his partner might turn out to be, Yuuki and I both knew the answer would be No. We had agreed that I would not be interacting with any of the women.

I was wrong both times. What the guy asked was whether Yuuki liked a woman to suck her pussy. His partner would like to go down on her. Yuuki and I exchanged looks. Walking over to join the guy was a slim girl about his age and height with pageboy blonde hair, in a white sleeveless top and short white skirt.

I gave Yuuki a look that said I was fine for her to agree, and she just about managed to say okay to the guy. Next thing we were rearranging positions. I took my hand from Yuuki's pubis and moved slightly to the side. Yuuki made herself comfortable and opened her legs.

The girl slipped off her top and skirt and moved between Yuuki's open legs, kissing her inner thighs alternately, left and right, from her knees all the way up to her pubis. She was lightly tanned, wearing only a white thong, and her back was decorated with a shoulder to shoulder, angel wings tattoo. She slid her hands beneath Yuuki's buttocks, dipped her head and Yuuki closed her eyes.

Yuuki kept hold of my hand all the time that the girl licked and probed her slit and sucked on the flesh of her pubis. You could tell that she had done this before, but I knew that it was the first time for Yuuki that a woman had gone down on her. I wondered how different it felt from the times that I had been there.

The girl lapped at Yuuki's cunt with her tongue, using her hands as well, holding Yuuki's pink labia apart to let her tongue reach even deeper, and to expose her clit so that she could tongue tip tease it with the accuracy and precision that came from practice. I wondered how many cunts this girl, with her angelic back, had licked and teased before..

Meanwhile the guy had sat down sideways on the bed, and was caressing Yuuki's leg, his hand slowly moving from her ankle to her inner thigh. Yuuki was giving out low moans of pleasure, more from the girl's pleasuring of her pussy than from the guy's stroking of her leg, or so I guessed.

The place was getting busier, couples walking past, watching for a moment or two, or longer, and then moving on. Yuuki had wanted to explore herself, and it was happening. I was still in touch with her, but only through her hand in mine.

The scene, as such, was a real turn on. My cock was hard. I loved the sheer pleasure that Yuuki was obviously experiencing. I loved the way she looked, naked apart from the red panties, gold chains decorating her breasts, her cunt displayed, lips held open by the girl's slender fingers, its inner pinkness visible. The girl's tattoo was fascinating. The soft contrast of her golden skin and blonde hair against Yuuki's milk white thighs was amazing. Only the guy's hand left me slightly wary.

I was remembering the other club we had visited, where in a back room a woman had had several guys interested in fucking her. This guy might be waiting for the opportunity to take his girlfriend's place, and he might want to use more than his mouth. In spite of what we had agreed, I sensed that I was not yet ready to have another guy fuck Yuuki, and I was not sure that she wanted that either. I was realising that we should have talked more about just how far we might want things to go, and where and how to draw the line.

The couple must have done this kind of thing before. She continued to lick and such at Yuuki's cunt. She reached with one hand to Yuuki's breast and started playing with her nipple stub without breaking off with her mouth and tongue. The guy used his free hand to do the same, teasing Yuki's other nipple. The hand on Yuuki's inner thigh was now hidden by his partner's head, but judging from the angle of his arm, his fingers were close to Yuuki's entrance.

I felt Yuuki squeeze my hand, and thought it might be her thanking me for allowing this to happen. Then I saw her other hand. It had been trapped when the guy had sat beside her, betweenher body and his trousered leg, but now it was resting on his thigh.

Whether it was the two sets of fingers playing with her nipples, or the guy's fingers penetrating her wet cunt, Yuuki arched her back and groaned. Right then I was pretty sure that Yuuki was so into what they were doing her that if the guy had unzipped his fly and taken his partner's place between her legs, she would have let him fuck her.

Except, he did not have to undo his zip. Yuuki did it for him. She reached for his fly and eased the zip slowly downwards, slipping her hand inside. That was when I was certain that she was more than ready to let this stranger fuck her.

The guy left off caressing Yuuki's breat and playing with her nipple. Without taking his other hand from Yuuki's cunt, where his partner was still licking at her clit, he undid his belt buckle and opened the waist button of his trousers. The front parted. He had come prepared. He was commando, no underwear. His cock stood proud, the head rearing, the shaft with Yuuki's hand wrapped around it, slowly moving up and down.

Yuuki herself was still lying back, her eyes closed, her mouth open, emitting low moans of pleasure, her entire consciousness focused on sensation, those that the girl and her partner were giving her, her mouth and his fingers at her cunt, her hand still playing with her nipple, and through her palm and fingers, the warmth and hardness of hard cock flesh. It was incredibly beautiful, almost awe inspiring, to watch her body luxuriating with carnal pleasure.

She whimpered, and then began to shudder as her climax took hold. She gasped, her body twisting as if the sensations were now too much, but his hand and the weight of the girl's shoulders on her thighs prevented her from escaping, and she gave a low pitched scream of ecstasy. Then she lost control. She writhed and squirmed as the spasms and shock of orgasm wracked her body.

As her climax receded, and Yuuki lay recovering, the girl raised herself, giving her partner a knowing smile. Mission accomplished. She turned to me, gave me a beam of pleasure, and thanked me for allowing them to play with my wife. She, Yuuki, was very beautiful. She, the girl, was sorry, but they did not swing fully. They just liked to enjoy another woman.

Yuuki opened her eyes, drawing herself together, and told the girl that she had been amazing. She looked at the guy's cock, which she was still holding. Then without asking or signalling in advance, she sat up, twisted, and put her head to his lap, raising and lowering it slowly and steadily. Because of the angles, I could not see it happening, but I knew that her mouth was wrapped around this stranger's cock.

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