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Newfound Lake


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"Hey, I'm about to give my speech. You wanna go last?" Mike asked.

"Nah, I'm not in a mood for speeches. I'll say bye to everyone the normal way," he said. Thinking a moment, he asked, "Last? Who else is speaking?"

"Quickly, Mike covered, "It's a party, right? Anyone can make a speech if they want."

Evan figured Mike would tell him why he was acting strangely later so he dropped it. Mike grabbed a chair, bringing it over to the deck entrance, he stood on it.

"Everyone, can I get your attention over here please," he announced, waiting for them to gather around.

When everyone's eyes were on him, he continued, "First, I want to thank all of my employees, even the temps. You guys had my back and I have yours eternally for that. I've kept this a close secret so it could be a surprise for right now. This summer, we hit a record high on visitors and profits!" A few people clapped and all the employees had a great sense of pride.

Mike tapped his fist, "This thing on?" he said. He grinned, then continued, "Oh, and you guys are all getting bonuses because of it." That time everyone clapped, cheered or whistled. "Yeah that's what I wanted to hear," he yelled, happy he had made their years, hopefully. Winter in New England on the lake could be disastrous for some.

Once everyone had calmed, he continued, "I want to thank our regulars too, who are here today because they're here every fucking day." Most laughed at that.

"Do we get bonuses too?" Johnny, one of the regulars asked.

"John, your drinking my booze for free right now, shut the hell up." Johnny raised his beer to him as others laughed on.

Again, Mike continued, "Next up, I want to add someone to my list of people I couldn't survive without. Lisa," he said to her, she lit up completely. "I never thought I would be truly happy again after Teresa passed, but somehow I am. Believe it or not, she always used to tease me about the crush you had on me. Somehow, I know she would approve. You help me get through the offseason. You keep me honest and very occupied. You do so much it would take too long to list it all. I love you, baby."

Lisa blew him a kiss as she wiped tears from her eyes. Evan watched, thinking how lucky Mike was to have a girl like her so in love with him.

"And then, there's my nephew," Mike said, getting to the end. "This kid...Sorry, fine young man; has been there for me during the worst time in my life. He's helped my business more than anyone besides Teresa and her parents back in the day. He's my half-son, my nephew, my brother, and my future partner. To Evan," Mike said, raising his beer before chugging it.

Much of his family cheered for him, patting his back. He really wasn't great with receiving praise since he thought all he was doing was his job or what he was supposed to. He gave the polite smiles and anything else that would finish the kind words. Making his way back to the bar, he opted for rum that time. After downing the glass he heard the strangest thing.

"Hey, everyone, could I get your attention back, please? Just for a few more minutes," a familiar voice said.

Evan looked back to the chair to see Jane stood there now. Having not been drinking enough to hallucinate, he stepped forward to hear what she had to say.

"I'm Jane, as I think most of you know...Wow, I'm honestly really nervous. I had some things to say but had no idea I'd be saying them to a room full of people," she said nervously, glancing briefly in Evan's direction. "First, I don't think I've ever had a more fun job than working at the Lake House. I've certainly never been so quickly accepted by people as I've been here. For that, I have to thank you all."

Jane was far too nervous to look at Evan, which may have been good because he was doing everything he could to keep a straight face.

She focused on Lisa instead, "Lisa, thank you for being my summer best friend. Maybe things will work out so we can keep in touch." Lisa smiled, nodding conspiratorially. Turning to Mike, she said, "Mike, Thank you so much for this once in a lifetime opportunity. The free food, a place to stay, and the money were the best ever," she joked, getting a few laughs, Mike raised another beer up to her.

Jane looked down, resisting the urge to flee that wanted to take over. With resolve, she looked up to Evan, who was slightly taken aback by the intensity in her eyes.

"Many of you don't know this but before Evan invited me here, we had barely spoken. Now, I'm talking about someone I've known since 1st grade. We both lost the same job we worked the rest of year and Evan took pity on me by inviting me up here to make some extremely necessary money. I told myself to give him a chance, get to know him and maybe we would become friends after all; we did. We got closer and closer until our relationship evolved, and evolved. The point is, Evan showed me the best time of my life so far, and I hurt him in return."

Evan looked down, not wanting to add to how she may have felt. It took some time for Jane to compose herself, revealing such personal things to an audience.

"Evan, I came back to apologize to you. Everything I said yesterday was bullshit I only said because I was scared. I want to change the rules again. Let's be us all the time. Not only do I want us to continue after summer but also..." She turned to Mike, "You said earlier if Evan and I worked things out, I was welcome to come back. If that were the case, would you be willing to drop the 'no girlfriends' rule?"

Mike instantly loved this girl for Evan. "I would, as long as he's cool with it," he told her. Everyone else in the room was looking back and forth between those involved.

Jane looked back to Evan for the moment of truth. "What do you say, Evan? Forget summer girls, I want to be your year-round woman," she declared.

Evan tried not to, very hard. The grin spread too quickly to pretend it wasn't the greatest thing he had ever heard. Everyone in the House had their eyes on him but that time he wasn't anxious; he was confident.

He walked up to her, holding his hand out to help her down from the chair. She took it, hopping off but never letting go of him.

"What changed?" he asked quietly, as a few people stepped close to overhear.

Jane glanced back to the crowd before saying, "Everything, we can talk about it in private whenever you want," she said, nodding her head towards the eavesdroppers.

"So, boyfriend and girlfriend, that's what you want?"

"Yup," she confirmed confidently.

Evan smiled devilishly, "On one condition," he said.

Jane bit her lip, looking him dead in the eyes, she said, "Anything."

"I want an open relationship," he stated seriously.

"No fucking way in he-"

Evan grabbed her, kissing her passionately to the eruption of cheers and whistles. Jane responded immediately, returning the same passion. Anyone that loved Evan and wasn't sure about Jane before her speech was sold after. Evan and Jane quickly forgot they had an audience and needed to be broken up by Mike. He ushered them into the hall leading to his office.

Ensuring no one would listen in, Mike said, "So I'm very happy for the two of you and all but I was wondering if it'd be okay to steal your thunder." Mike pulled a small box out of his pocket to show them.

Jane covered her mouth with her hands in excitement while Evan grinned wide. "So, it's like that, huh?" Evan asked happily.

"It's like that. I love her more than I ever thought I could love someone again," Mike declared.

"Well, better not keep her waiting," Jane urged him.

Mike smiled at them before walking back over to Lisa. He took her hand, leading her back over to the chair. Lifting her up, he told her to get everyone's attention again.

"Hey everyone, Mike has something else to say?" she announced, unsure of what her lover was up to.

When they had an audience, he began, "None of you would have been invited here today if you had a problem with Lisa and I being together. Thanks, for that you're not banned. You guys are my family and Lisa has become more important to me as the days go by. This woman standing here before me is my world and I know I'm hers. So," he dropped to one knee. "Lisa lets become a family legally," he said, opening the small box to reveal the ring he had been holding onto since before summer.

"Oh my god, Mike, YES!" she exclaimed, jumping down and tackling him to the floor.

Of course, everyone cheered, yet again. Mike had lost his wife in a car accident years earlier. After, he went down a very rough path, coming out of it mostly by the grace of Evan. When he recovered he still gave no thought to ever falling in love again. That was until Lisa made her moves on him despite being turned down so many times.

When the commotion died down, Jane asked Evan, "Wanna get out of here?"

He smiled at her in response and Jane grabbed his hand to lead him outside. Past the parking lot, Evan tried to lead her to his apartment, she resisted.

"Uh uh, we should talk first," she said, gesturing they go to Mike's house instead.

"We can talk at my place you know," he said, barely able to contain his bullshit smile.

Jane giggled, pulling him in her direction. "If we go to your place, I won't want to talk," she explained, smiling seductively back at him.

Evan gave in, following her lead. "You do realize what just happened?" he asked. She looked back questioningly so he continued, "I just let my girlfriend get her way."

Jane blushed almost turning away instead she let him see how he made her feel. She had slowly shown him more of herself over the summer, but that day he got all of her at once. The way she turned red, held his hand, and seemed so giddy; it was as if they were 14 again. She took them to the dining room table, sitting on top with an open chair in front of her. Evan sat there, remembering the time on the bar.

"I wish you were wearing a skirt," he teased, slipping his hands in her pants to massage her ankles.

"I'm glad I'm not, it's already getting cold, not that I wouldn't want to do that again sometime," she said, reminiscing.

"So, let's talk," he got to the point.

Jane blushed again, covering her face she said, "I don't know why I can't stop doing that."

"It's adorable," he assured her.

Gaining courage from his compliment, she powered on, "So, I think we should discuss what I said yesterday. If only so it doesn't get brought up in an argument months from now because there are still shitty feelings. To start, I meant none of it, not really. Everything I said was out of fear and panic."

"I figured that around the time you were making your speech. What I'm way more interested in is what changed? You're like the complete opposite now," he commented.

Jane winced, knowing she should tell him everything. "Evan, I...If we had dated in high school, I would've cheated on you, because that's who I used to be. About 4 years ago, I got caught, humiliated, and shamed for it. And just like Maggie, I deserved it. I made the decision to not be that person anymore. Sadly, to punish myself I purposefully dated guys I thought, or knew would cheat on me. I was trying to balance out my karma so when a good thing came along, it wouldn't be ruined."

"Am I the good thing?" he asked like a boy with a crush.

"Is that seriously the only part you heard?" she feigned anger.

"Of course not, please continue," he appeased her.

Jane laid her hands, palms up on her knees, Evan took them. "My brother Adam helped me realize that I was scared by how I feel about you. If I consider this summer as the beginning of us, then I love you, Evan," she explained quite proudly to his surprise.

"I love you too, Jane. I didn't realize it until you left last night," he said, standing up between her legs.

"I'll never do that again, I promise," she assured him.

They kissed until Evan started undoing her pants.

"Let's go up to one of the bedrooms," she suggested.

"Why, we have the house to ourselves. All the booze is over there so nobody's gonna bother coming over here," he explained, continuing to pull her pants off.

Jane lifted her ass, letting him take them. She gave him a sultry look as she knew Evan wouldn't change any after summer. Pulling her shirt off as he took off her shoes, she sat there naked on the dining room table, ready for their first makeup sex. Standing back up, he pulled his shirt off as she worked on his pants.

Once he was free, she said, "Damn, I've never seen you that hard before I did anything."

"It was pretty much instant when you said you love me."

"Aw, it's a love boner, gimme," she said, grabbing it and pulling him to her opening.

Evan pushed himself in easily, moving in and out with need. After the summer they shared, more than 24-hours without being inside her was too long. She felt the same, feeling him fill her so perfectly once again. A flutter of excitement filled her too, thinking of all the places they were going to do it back home. They would be pissing off her brothers with the sounds of sex in no time.

Jane's legs went up, down, and around his body trying to pull him in more. She clawed at his arms, back, and chest as her butt stayed in place on the table. Evan held onto her thighs, attempting to have a quickie but enjoying her too much to really try. He did love her, and she loved him back, finally. The crush he had when he was younger never ended, it was just waiting for a better time.

They had gone at it longer than they realized.

"Ahem," Lisa announced her presence. They both froze, gazing at her in shock. "You know, this party is also a going away for you both. Seeing as you can officially do it whenever you want, hurry up and finish so you can join us again," she said, giggling at them.

"Be right out," Evan said, lacking any other retort.

"I'm sorry, Lisa, and Congratulations by the way," Jane apologized.

"Thanks, and no need, honey. You're not exactly the first girl to get fucked on that table," Lisa hinted, winking.

Jane smiled back as Evan couldn't help pulsing inside of her at the scenario they were in.

"Oh and you'd better clean it when you're done," Lisa ordered, turning to leave.

"Yes Aunty," Evan teased, welcoming her to the family.

Lisa turned the deepest shade of red. "Evan please, I'm so not ready for that," she said, walking away so they could finish.

As soon as Lisa was gone, Jane was all over him. Kissing his chest and neck while she rubbed the rest of his body with her arms and legs; worshipping him.

"What has gotten into you," he asked, not that he minded at all.

"You and I don't just mean literally. You make me feel this way and you better keep it up because I'm pretty low maintenance otherwise. Keep me happy, love me, feed me, fuck me; see I'm easy. I'll do it all right back," she said, knowing the offer was irresistible.

"I'm so in, and I also mean that literally," he declared.

"Oh, and starting Monday, you need to give my poor pussy a week off. It needs to recover so we can get back at it."

"I probably need one too. Just to build up my cum reserves," he joked.

"Speaking of, cum in me, I really want to feel you again," Jane begged him.

"As you wish," he said before picking right up where they had left off.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Excellent story and wonderful ending! Very unlike "Their Own World" that never had an ending. I still believe another chapter is necessary to properly end that story.

Thank you, Prof., for 'Newfound Lake".

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

No joke, one of the best stories I've read in over 12 years on this site

G5902G5902almost 4 years ago

Third time reading this story and it is still just as great! Thank you for sharing!

RaisetheruthRaisetheruthabout 4 years ago

This was my first read on the site and it blew me away. My only problem now is that I can't find anything as good as this.

texstertexsterabout 4 years ago
Utterly enjoyable summer fling

You have a gift - that was a near-perfect blend of story and erotic action, with righ characters and a lovely community...you could write a slew of stories about the characters in this one!

wheels0132wheels0132over 4 years ago
Great story!

... really enjoyed that, great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Favorite story ever

So clever and really loved the characters. They brought the story alive. That and sex scenes were very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Simply put, Best Literotica Story Ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
WOW!!!....I Give it Seven..... Out of Five Stars.... "Truly Exceptional!!!

One of the best stories I have read on the site! Please keep up the great work, more like this please!!

stealthwaspstealthwaspalmost 5 years ago
I love and hate

Great story that I rated 5 stars. This story is fine the way it is but one minor thing is bugging me. I wish Jane would have had a positive sexual experience at lake before hooking up with Evan. maybe having great sex with Chad and having the shotgun scene because he's not accepting it's over. I wanted desperation to play less of a role in her decision to pull the trigger. Once again, great story.

rayironyrayironyalmost 5 years ago
Very satisfying

I'm appreciative! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Awesome story! Sequel still coming?

This was a terrific read! Read it all in one sitting. Definitely excited for the sequel if it's still coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Great story! Having grown up on Newfound, it would have been amazing if you put in a few easter eggs about the lake!

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosover 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

Which ever reason it is I’m glad. I started writing so I could make stories I wanted to read and to hopefully reach out to others. If my writing makes you question something in your own life or simply view a situation in a different light that’s awesome. My favorites have done the same for me.

BlissfulEcstasyBlissfulEcstasyover 5 years ago
God. Damn.

I don't know if it's because of where I am in life at this point, or if it's just the way this and your other stories are written, or lastly if it's the skill in which you grasp the pen - but I absolutely loved this story, and will always fondly consider it one of my very favorites.

Thank you for this, and I sincerely hope to see you keep writing.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosalmost 6 years agoAuthor

Thanks for helping me realize I had any! I said before I wouldn't write continuations unless they were as good as this. They're coming along well enough that I'm definitely posting them. I'm about 1/3 finished with the prequel. Not sure how well it will be received but it follows Mike coming to the lake at 18 (Evan is 5). The bulk of the story will be him and his first wife, then him and Lisa years later. It ends when Evan and Jane slam Mike's door and interrupt the sex scene in this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great story

Absolutely wonderful story. The development of the characters and the story draws you in and makes you a part of the story. Happy to see that you are continuing the story line. Thank you for sharing your talent.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosalmost 6 years agoAuthor

I appreciate your words and they motivate me to keep future stories up to par with this one. I started writing erotica with 2-3 stories in mind and now they're coming to me every couple weeks. I'm still getting used to writing things that people will actually read, but positive feedback like this will always make me try harder with my future projects.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great read

This is the first time I've felt compelled to share feedback here. Thanks for a great read. Your character development, pacing, and story thread bring this all together into the most enjoyable story I've read in here. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for finally commenting!

I'm working on Newfound Hope (Prequel) & Newfound Life (Part 2) simultaneously right now. Part 2 will have a quick rundown of how their relationship developed when they went back home, but will mostly pick up the night before they head back to the lake again. To me, back home is boring, as they're both busy finishing up college; it's too much of a typical relationship. Also, the only character who doesn't consider the lake home, yet, is Jane. One spoiler I will say is that back home, Evan doesn't change from lake Evan. Being with Jane keeps him in the mindset year round and because of it, Jane only falls for him more.

I agree that she should've suffered a bit longer but to me her waiting for Evan to come home felt hollow and Evan wouldn't have made any more moves after what she did. When she comes back to give her speech to everyone at the party, she's apologizing to all of them. It seemed like the best way for her to fully redeem herself, especially since all those people are Evan's family.

P.S. Love the story about you and the girl chasing each other. I can just imagine the tension both of you had before you realized what happened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Awesome read! Enjoyed this immensely.

I have never commented before on a public board, pertaining to sex based stories. You captured my attention and held it! Thank you for the great read of 9 pages, but I too want to know what happens to Evan and Jane when they return home? I wanted to strangle Jane when she left the poor guy, and I think you should have made her suffer a few days more, rather than returning the very next day. I chased a woman from Florida to Texas to woo her, only to find she left Texas to come to Florida to find me to work things out. We missed each other (physically) and laughed at our stupidity at not calling each other first. This was such a great read; thank you and I look forward to your sequel. :)

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosabout 6 years agoAuthor

I like the idea of reminiscing, but I was thinking the begging of a prequel would cover Mike moving to Newfound Lake 15-16 years before, meeting Teresa, his wife that died. From there it would quickly cover how Evan helped him afterward, leading to how Lisa saved him after that. Jane, is my entire inspiration for this story, as she's one of the characters that is 95% like the real person she's based on. When she and Evan are together, Mike and Lisa are more supporting characters but part 2 would definitely have their wedding.

blackdragon54blackdragon54about 6 years ago

I def would like to read about Mike and Lisa. Make it a prequel/sequel if you will. Have Evan and Jane come back for the wedding, whether it's one year or two years down the road, and they all talk and Mike and Lisa reminisce. Maybe even finish off Evan and Jane's story by having Evan propose to Jane if you will. Like you said, don't want to force it, and don't want to be one of those characters that get over done with multiple/too many stories if you will. Great work, look forward to reading more from you.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosabout 6 years agoAuthor
This was the end, or was it

I hadn't intended on continuing this story but I've honestly read it three times since it was posted and I love the characters way more than I expected. I have an idea for a prequel, all about Mike & Lisa getting together. A part 2 is possible but it would only be during summer. Evan & Jane coming back to the lake, together. However, I would only post them if they were as good as the first; some stories you can't/ shouldn't force.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
More like this please!

Great story...good ending...or is it?

Would like to know how things work out at home!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Re: perspective switches

Here is an example: 'He needed more of a distraction than alcohol, so he went to find Mike. Of course, he was with Lisa, who was showing him something on her phone when he walked up.

"Hey guys," Evan said. Lisa hid her phone, looking guilty, but Evan thought nothing of it.'

"Looking guilty" cannot be from Evan's point of view, since he "thought nothing of it". Apparently, POV switches to Lisa (but how could she know that she 'looked guilty'?) and immediately back to Evan. That's head-hopping.

I just read a bit about POVs in narratives (various writer's blogs). The consensus is that it's better to write in 'limited third-person POV' and signal POV switches very clearly.

"people should be able to tell the difference": sure, most of the time I could tell in this story. But I find it distracting when I discover in the middle of a scene that the entire scene was from a new POV.

For the record, I give five stars.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosabout 6 years agoAuthor
Construvive Criticism!

Thank you for giving me my first, non-insulting, real criticism. The story I wrote before this one I gave a lot of thought to perspective switches in the third person. With this, I was under a time limit I didn't make, which resulted in the first real writing assignment I've had in more than a decade. Before erotica, I only ever wrote outlines for movies. I've never actually written a complete story until I started posting on here. I understand the possible confusion and thus I tried to make it as smooth as possible for the reader. I can't say I would change it though. I've developed a system in a quick few months and as long as I clarify those perspective switches well, people should be able to tell the difference. Also "This needs to be made into a movie!" is one of the best compliments I could receive. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This needs to be made into a movie!

Five stars - wish I could give it more. The most enjoyable, captivating, sexy, well-written, and grammatically error-free story I've read on Literotica! I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of the characters' thinking and emotional processing, which felt very realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Too many perspective switches

Only one point of criticism: I found the switching points of view a bit distracting. One moment you see the world from the point of view of Jane (including her thoughts), then from Evan's PoV, then from Mike/Lisa's, and sometimes from an external observer's PoV. At some points, multiple switches happen in one paragraph. ("Head hopping")

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosabout 6 years agoAuthor

Movies & music inspire me as well as my own life experiences. I'm a new fan of Rihanna, but 'Stay' is a song I listened to quite a lot while writing this.

Professor_ChaosProfessor_Chaosabout 6 years agoAuthor
Well Damn

These comments are 180% from those on my first submission. I'm actually wondering if I'll be able to top this now. Yes, I will try, but I have to admit I'm quite humbled by the responses. Like most others, I write what I know. specifically, I write what I wish. If I can find a few people that wished the same, I'm good.

wazkman3xwazkman3xabout 6 years ago
Enjoyed this

Usually a 9 pgs story will make me close it, but this story was interesting from beginning to end. Well written and a nice 'what if' fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Amazing work. Just to reiterate the other comments, a variety of emotions. It made me reflect on a summer / work romance of my own and how I could have handled it better. Just superb story. Sexy, horny, emotionally invested in the characters, anxiety and compassion. Brilliant!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I couldn’t stop reading it

You paint a mental video in my head of each character and scene. In color! With a soundtrack! This is good writing and the best of storytelling. I could see this happening to me, or wish it, so I felt part of the story. You were descriptive yet allowed the imagination to fill in even more. Thank you.

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