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No Enchantments Allowed

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A wizard has to take off all magic items, including clothes.
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"Didn't you hear us? No enchanted items allowed!" A broad-shouldered orc guard simply named 'Big' said to Aldara, denying her entrance to the tavern.

The elven wizardress wrinkled her nose. She's been to The Redplate many times and knew it as a nice and cozy roadside place with great meat dishes and friendly staff. Here any fine adventurer such as herself could rest, get a few drinks with like-minded fortune seekers, and even recruit some of them for a quest, which was exactly what Aldara planned to do today. Unfortunately, the girl's plans got foiled by three armed goons who blocked her path and forced her to stand outside, barely kept safe from the rain by the tavern's canopy. As the weather kept raging, The Redplate's warm lights and tasty smells beckoned the mage like a spell, yet it seemed like these barbarians were set on not letting her in.

Aldara couldn't understand why. She wasn't some rogue or shady warlock planning to do harm, one could easily say so judging by her looks. The wizardess was a tall, statuesque woman in her twenties with a kind yet serious gaze behind her glasses. The woman's facial features were noble and exquisite, while the curls of her silver hair were freely lying behind her back, hiding her pointed ears. Aldara's clothing was no less elegant: a fancy shirt and dark pants modestly concealed the girl's hourglass figure, while her long mage robe acted as a coat. It was also easy to notice her pointy wizard hat, which still looked imposing even after taking severe hits from the rain.

"I already gave you my staff and my endless purse" Aldara pointed at the artifacts behind one of the guards, "what else do you want?"

"As I just said, whatever is enchanted," Big picked up an odd rod with an azure crystal that glowed each time it reached Aldara's figure.

A detector of magical items, no doubt. Why would a regular tavern owner need something like this?

"It looks like at least your ring and amulet are magical, you have to take them off before proceeding."

"So the rule also spreads to the things I'm wearing?" Aldara raised her eyebrow in surprise, "why is that?"

"New policy. You folks keep barging in and showing off whatever cursed garbage you found in a nearby tomb. Last time this happened, patrons' stakes came alive right on their tables due to some necromantic mishap. The keepers told me they're tired of cleaning up the place's reputation every time. Better safe than sorry."

Aldara pouted, obviously reluctant to part with the artifacts that she spent so much time getting, even temporarily.

"Listen," the silver-haired beauty retrieved a crumbled poster from her blue robe, "I simply need to ask whether anybody's willing to help me on this monster hunt, alright? Nothing else."

"Sure, and then you'll charm all of our patrons with your artifacts, lead them to their deaths, and further damage the tavern's image. The rule stands, while the stick's glowing, you are not going in." Big concluded, obviously proud of his professionalism.

"Alright, sweet gods," Aldara said as she began taking off the jewelry.

After handing the greenskins the necklace that gave her additional mana, a couple of rings with energy resistance, and even her earrings that made her immune to sonic damage, Aldara took a step forward. Yet, the orc blocked her off again.

"What now?"

"The stick's glowing."

"That stick of yours is obviously faulty, I have no..." Aldara was about to teach him a lesson, yet suddenly realized the problem.

A good chunk of her clothing had some kind of enchantment. Why wouldn't it? Enchanting something was a convenient way of raising an item's defense, giving it additional functions, or just making it more convenient. The silver-haired elf looked back at the wall of rain behind her, remembering that another tavern was miles away and that she desperately needed companions for her urgent quest. It looked like she'd have to face this challenge regardless of her wishes. Alright, Aldara thought to herself, so be it. She only hoped the stick wouldn't detect all enchantments, so she wouldn't have to waste too much time with these brutes.

The first thing the wizardess had to part with was her hat. It was encrusted with barely noticeable sunstones, which absorbed little droplets of magic energy from sunrays and gave it to the owner. Aldara's silver hair swung and fell back to her shoulders as she took the headwear off. The next was her long, blue robe, which allowed the girl to occasionally 'parry' a direct attacking spell pointed at her figure. One of the orcs winked at another as Aldara handed over the garment, enjoying the look of her well-proportioned body.

The guard kept waving his hand all around Aldara's figure. While the glowing got a little dimmer, it was still constant and noticeable. The artifact's light forced the silver-haired woman to take off her gloves, which conducted magic energy for better spellcasting. Then off came Aldara's boots that she occasionally used to walk on water, freeing the wizardess' feminine, tender feet. The stick kept glowing, prompting the woman to also hand over her waist, which had some mysterious properties even she couldn't fully recall.

"How many types of enchantment will that thing detect?" The mage scoffed in annoyance.

"Depends on how many you have," Big replied, while his two allies giggled to each other, enjoying the view of the slowly undressing woman.

Big clearly thought this to be the end, so his next look was full of confusion. All of the mages he checked today either had one or two magic garments, with the rest of their clothing being completely regular. Aldara was turning out to be an entirely different case. Still, this wasn't enough to make him bend the rules.

"This is absurd," the silver-haired woman said, looking at the shining trinket, "I have no spells that would warrant such measures."

"Then prove it by removing all of your enchantments," the orc responded, "otherwise, you can have all your clothes back... And go to another place instead!"

He seemed to enjoy watching the way Aldara forced herself to keep a straight face while unbuttoning her white shirt. This one also had magic protection, but instead of protecting the woman from spells, it would reduce the damage from cuts and slashes. You never knew what weapon some century-old dungeon monster would pull on you, but wearing full armor was a bit too much in many cases.

As she took off the shirt, all three pairs of eyes suddenly focused on her upper body. It wasn't strange, as Aldara's figure was truly worth gazing at. The overall slimness of her body was perfectly balanced by her feminine curves, made even more alluring by her soft skin. The girl's large, round breasts were now only hidden by a bra, while the rest of her torso was fully open to the eyes. Still, the silver-haired mage stood her ground and handed over the shirt, too proud and self-confident to show her embarrassment.

"G'day!" A middle-aged human warrior emerged from the rain, his armor partially covered by the soaked coat.

The fighter stared at Aldara with surprise, while one of the orcs pulled another detector and checked him from head to toe. The man turned out to have a pair of enchanted bracers, which he quickly took off and went into the tavern without an issue. While standing in the doorway, the warrior turned around and asked whether the wizardess needed any help.

"No, I have this under control," Aldara said while keeping her chin up high.

The bearded man nodded and went inside, while the elf's ordeal seemed to have only just begun.

"Your pants too," Big said, while one of his subordinates couldn't help but whistle.

Aldara didn't even flinch. The silver-haired woman knew of the power a female form had on men and never doubted the beauty of her looks, so there was no reason for her to feel shame. She was more annoyed that these buffons gave her orders, forcing her to stand in front of them in just underwear, but there was no reason to panic. They weren't going to catch Aldara pleading for mercy or running away in the cold rain. They were going to get what they wanted and then get beaten at their own game. That's what the wizardess thought to herself as she grabbed her pants and slid them down her beautiful, long legs.

Big forced himself to focus on the trinket while his subordinates began ogling Aldara's stunning body. Now, hidden only by the mage's black lingerie, her figure truly began to attract their gazes. The pleasant roundness of the girl's curves paired with her toned form swayed them better than any enchantment would, but they weren't done just yet.

"It's... still glowing," Big tried his best to keep calm, feeling like he was gradually losing control over his thoughts.

"Indeed. My bra was made lighter through magic, more comfortable that way. Especially during long journeys."

As the silver-haired girl said that, a young couple of commoners walked out of the tavern. The man gawked at Aldara's curves, to which his girlfriend replied by practically dragging him away, not even fearing the rain. She said something about indecency to the guards, but they were too busy admiring the elf's figure themselves. This moment felt strangely empowering to the wizard, suddenly igniting something in her memory. She was never afraid of showing off, but only during moments like this did she remember how nice it felt. The sweet anticipation in her mind, the empathy for the folks enjoying the view, the gentle tingle starting in between her legs and spreading all over her hot, bare figure...

"I understand, the rule still stands," Aldara broke the silence.

Before the orcs could reply, the girl unclasped her bra and handed it over to the guards, leaving her breasts completely bare. The large pair bounced off its textile prison and silenced the guards with their alluring image. Aldara placed her arms on her hips, not even thinking about covering up. Instead, the mage let this sudden arousal fill her thoughts and savored the situation. And so she stood proudly in front of the guards while Big was about to make his next judgment. The beauty knew it was inevitable and patiently looked at the guards with a dominating smile on her lips. After all, the rod was still glowing.

"...Even panties?" Big raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Convenience. A spell that prevents them from becoming dirty," Aldara explained while pulling the panties' edge to the side with a shameless smirk on her lips.

"Those wizards!" one of the orcs couldn't help but laugh.

"What? Adventures can get long and sweaty, I cannot carry my entire wardrobe with me."

Not even waiting for Big's order, Aldara lowered her hands and prepared to part with the last enchanted 'item'. Suddenly, the door opened with a loud creak. A whole band of adventurers came out of the tavern, their faces rosy from drinks and their mouths dry from laughter. A broad-shouldered knight fell silent as he saw the woman, a druid showered her with support for her 'nudist activism', while a bard began singing something filled with drunk talk and catcalls. Big was sure these idiots would make Aldara drop her act and run away, but he couldn't be farther from the truth.

"You all are just in time, boys," the light elf exclaimed with a predatory gaze, "I was just about to finally begin my evening!"

With these words, Aldara pulled her panties down and playfully raised her legs one by one to take them off completely. In a moment, the wizardess was already standing in front of the small crowd, naked, with her tender pussy in full view along with the rest of her body. The girl tossed her last garment into the guards, not even waiting for their response. Then, as they all followed her every move with silent gazes, Aldara smiled and walked into the tavern, hypnotically wiggling her feminine hips like a model from an elven fashion event.

"Looks like that was all, so yeah, you're free to... Come in," Big looked at his rod which finally stopped glowing.

"Can't believe she didn't enchant her glasses too!" One of his henchmen replied, catching Aldara's attention.

"And why would I do that? How silly that would be," the elf said with a wink.

The Redplate was full of both locals and travelers on this rainy evening. The tables were laden with food, and singing filled the air. The fireplace's flames along with alcohol kept the folks warm today, but the place got much hotter as soon as the wizardess got her bare foot into the door. Drunk adventurers got quiet one by one, turning their heads and nudging their peers to check out the naked beauty. She seemed to disregard their attention and freely sat on the barrel, serving as a bar stool.

More than a hundred eyes quickly focused on Aldara's bare backside, which she shamelessly highlighted by spreading her legs and bending forward. The old bartender nearly dropped a bottle when he met the girl's eyes. Or, more precisely, when he met a pair of impressive spheres below them. The apron-clad man opened his mouth to ask what Aldara was doing, but fell silent. The girl just made her order and looked at him with such a confident gaze that he actually began to doubt whether what she was doing was strange or wrong in any way.

"Dear gods, that elf is totally naked!" Shouted one of the drunkards, spelling out the obvious.

Others followed with jests and catcalls, while the heroine herself savored each moment of this exhibitionistic adventure. Men with varying levels of handsomness and drunkenness quickly occupied the bar stolls, each of them eager to be the one to catch Aldara's attention. A strong, muscular arm gently touched the silver-headed girl's shoulder, while another landed on her knee. The wizardess reacted by smiling at the nearby barbarian on her right and giving a wink to the bold ranger on her left, both of whom dared to get so close. However, she also noted to them that they shouldn't get too far with their play.

"Just for your information, I can be hot in more ways than one," Aldara said while one of her fingers lit up, as if she began preparing a deadly fireball.

This caused a wave of laughter to echo through the building, with the hottie getting even more attention from the surrounding crowd. The reactions weren't all positive, of course. A high-pitched voice suddenly pierced the sea of compliments and flirts, just as Aldara felt her nipples get hard from the surrounding company.

"What is this perversion? I shall not stand for this kind of behavior in a public place!" A long-eared, half-elven brunette said, approaching Aldara with her hand atop her sword's handle.

The wizardess turned around to see a tall, young woman with a shapely body and fitting clothing, which did little to conceal it. Aside from the boots, waist, gloves, and other typical adventurer's garments, she was only wearing colorful bikini armor consisting of a g-string and bra so little that it barely hid her nipples. Odd, Aldara thought. She was sure that someone like-minded would praise her for her bravery, but it seemed like the woman was angry instead.

"Why wouldn't you stand for it? You're already supporting this kind of behavior quite a bit," Aldara said, sipping her drink with a smug expression.

"Do not compare us. I spent an entire week choosing this outfit to look the best I can, as well as following the latest fashion trends for adventurers. You, on the other hand, were too lazy to even buy a pair of shoes!" The brunette scoffed.

The men booed in response, some suggesting the girl remove her bikini so they could rate her and Aldara's looks fairly. The wizardess, on the other hand, didn't expect her to agree since she was jealously hiding behind her anger. It seemed like the swordswoman enjoyed the male attention before Aldara showed up since her outfit was the least modest in the tavern, but it still couldn't compete with the mage's glorious nakedness. The elf tried explaining that she only followed the rules, but the warrioress was only getting more aggressive, forcing Aldara to teach her a lesson.

"Well, if you cannot see my point of view, maybe you'd benefit from a different perspective," the silver-haired girl said and suddenly began casting.

There was a puff of smoke and a scream gradually turning into a long 'ba-a-a-a'. Instead of a rowdy brunette, there was now a black sheep standing beside Aldara. The clueless animal yelled some more, but quickly got bored and went to chew some salad. A couple men got sad, as it seemed to them they almost convinced the swordswoman to get naked, but others cheered the naked mage on and kept enjoying her show. The bar quickly got so crowded that Aldara couldn't find a position where she wouldn't get groped, so she opted to sit right on the counter instead.

As she got up, the sweet tingle overtook her thoughts and made her strike a pose she wouldn't ever think about when she first approached this place: with her entire body on the counter, Aldara faced the stools and spread her legs as wide as she could, prompting a wave of cheering among the crowd. At that moment, the wizardess dominantly looked over the dozens of folks who admired her and realized that the time had come.

"You're all great today, but I must admit, I cannot remain here for as long as you'd wish me to," Aldara began with a smirk. "I have a quest I need to turn in as soon as possible. Unfortunately, while I am a powerful mage, I lack the pure physical prowess possessed by men and cannot defeat the monster on my own. Would it be too much to ask some of you, handsome warriors, to help me?"

The exhibitionist's hands lit up as she summoned the poster depicting the wanted creature through minor teleportation. She briefly put it over her pussy, as it was pretty much the only way the audience would care to look at it. There was a brief doubt on some of the adventuers' faces, as the creature seemed dangerous, if not downright horrifying. Then Aldara shook her breasts for a bit, and all of these doubts disappeared.

Big still stood under the canopy with his guards when the door to the tavern opened again. One of the guards tried peeking inside to see how that nudist wizard was handling herself, yet jumped away within the same second, nearly trampled down by the roaring crowd. Several dozens adventurers of all classes and ages ran out of the tavern swinging their weapons and shouting their spells like crazy. Big cluelessly watched as this wave of mortals poured out of The Redplate, unable to understand what was going on.

That was until he saw Aldara's naked figure amongst the crowd. The pervert mage was held up high by many arms, her arms and legs spread wide apart, and her naked body in full view of the public. The elf's eyes shone with joy as she directed her male followers and laughed as they gathered outside of the tavern. The crowd kept going, not even minding the rain and the mud, to the wizardess' quest location.

"You know, the rain is not so bad when you don't have that soggy fabric covering your body!" The wizard cheered, enjoying the cool water on her skin.

"What the hell?!" Big shouted angrily, catching Aldara's gaze, "I told you no enchantments! How did you charm so many patrons all at once?!"

"I followed the rules!" the elf screamed through the rain while the crowd carried her further and further into the forest, "magical enchantments weren't necessary for this charm at all, I just used those gifted to me by Mother Nature. Thanks for the help, by the way. You can keep the clothes, I doubt I'll need them anytime soon!"

She sat on her followers' shoulders and cheerfully blew Big an air kiss. The orc shouted at the patrons to come back, but all his attempts were in vain. Soon it got worse, as one of Big's own loyal henchmen tried going after the group, saying that he might try to take on the monster and 'earn Aldara's respect'.


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