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No Mercy Ch. 01


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She did her best, I'll grant her that, slurping several inches of fake fuck-rod into her mouth and giving it a good, noisy suck, then releasing it and slavering her way all over the thickly ridged shaft. But all I could think of was how much better I could use that mouth and throat if I accessed them with my own pole. How much better I would do it. 'Good girl,' I encouraged. 'Fuck your face some more. Deeper. Show me what I want to see.' And she tried once more, gagging a little this time, as she shoved an extra inch or two past her full lips. Then she withdrew it, spluttering saliva involuntarily over the head. A lovely sight and one that reinforced the hardness of my cock, but also proof of how badly she needed a lesson.

'Okay, now fuck that big, wet cock with your tits.' She held the great dildo to her chest and wrapped her pliant breasts around it, drawing her nipples together with one hand, then she began to pump the slick shaft up and down the resultant channel, looking at me subserviently all the while. 'Harder, do it harder. Imagine my big dick thrusting up to your chin. Go on, give me what I fucking need.' She worked it harder, but not hard enough. Not as hard as I'd work it once I got my chance. 'That's good, Holly. Give it a nice, hot tit-fuck. Now, spit on it again. Get it really wet. It's got somewhere to go and we both know where...'

I was bone-hard, ready to see some really nasty solo action from my camera-slut. I watched in lustful wonder as she drooled all over the massive fuck-toy, spread the moisture with her fist over the whole length and aimed it between her spread legs.

'Like this?' she asked, scared but anxious to please. 'I've never used one of these before...'

It occurred to me how much she must have blushed purchasing the obscene cock. Had a guy sold it to her? If so, he had surely looked at this lovely, lithe girl and pictured where the big motherfucker would finally end up. Maybe he grinned at her knowingly, causing her to blush to the roots of her hair. He most certainly wanked himself off at the thought later on. But it was me who was about to see the thing make its slow journey into her wet snatch. 'Don't worry Holly,' I encouraged wickedly, 'it works just like a real cock. You stuff it up your cunt and imagine some horny bastard like me has just overpowered you and slammed it in. Go on, let me see you stick it inside!'

She gripped the shaft with both hands and pushed down like she was about to churn butter. My cock pulsed and grew in my pumping hand, as the dildo split her glistening cunt-lips and tunnelled its way inside her young body. She gave an aching cry as she commenced fucking herself, but on my instruction kept bearing down, filling herself with the huge, shop-bought pussy-plunger. My hand went frantic on my engorged tool. To reduce the pretty librarian to this - an cheap, internet fuck-slut, impaling herself for my horny gratification... 'Go on Holly, get that bad-boy inside your cunt. Shove it all the way up yourself! That's it, let me see it go in! That's the way... Now, fuck yourself with it! Fuck yourself with it and imagine it's me fucking you!' She did everything I demanded of her, gave it her best pumping effort and squirmed her cute body as she did it, but it still wasn't enough for me. Because I knew how much she was holding back. Had she forgotten everything her randy English teacher had taught her? Well she was going to get a serious refresher course, I would make damn sure of that. 'Go on Holly - plough your cunt like some dirty fucker is violating you!' My hand worked my dick like a maniac and my balls inflated - their hard ejaculation imminent - as I watched her increase her desperate efforts. 'That's it, imagine me inside you, ramming you good! 'Cos I'm going to do it for real, real soon...Oh God....Ohhhhhhhh FFFFUCK!!!!!'

I was flung into a violent spasm, like a thousand volts were being pumped through my chair, while I fired copious, white cock-sauce all over my stomach and chest. Holly was coming too, shuddering crazily like a vibrating doll on the beast stuffed inside her. Either side of our internet divide we emptied forth our bodily juices, till we drained ourselves and slumped exhaustedly into the aftermath of a hot, virtual fuck. I could see her there sweating silently, the mighty rubber dong still embedded in her twat.

'God, you look a million fucking dollars, Holly,' I told her, as her head lolled on the pillows. 'And you'll look even better once I've worked you over close up. So why don't we stop fucking about and set a date?'

Hahahahaha! You should have seen her face when I said that. She knew she couldn't say no, but she also knew that to say yes would set her up for one majorly hard fucking. Can you imagine that, Emily? Suddenly your fantasy can become reality just like that and you have to face up to the implications of living out those wild imaginings. You can't refuse, you can't not know what the experience would be like, but neither can you deny how scary it might be... to get what you wish for. And in Holly's case, just to keep on getting...

I let Holly do all the running. Once the evening was decided on (Friday evening the following week) I made sure that she drove out to a venue close to me. It amused me to cast my rod and quietly reel this fish in. I told her what to wear and what to bring. If she reconsidered at any stage, she kept those thoughts to herself; I never had reason to doubt that she would show up on time. Of course there was one other arrangement I made, about which I told her nothing.

It had seemed natural, somehow, to share news of my burgeoning internet friendship with Grant and Martin. And it was equally natural, when I had shared my news, that they should want a slice of Holly's prime little rump. Let me explain a little more, Emily, about how I met these fine gentlemen. The first time I exchanged words with either of them I was at a night club-based sex party, with my cock shoved deep in the face of some posh bitch (she was called Tamara or something). I had found her in one corner of the club already being fucked in the cunt, by Martin it turned out, who had a dong that surprisingly matched my own in size and hardness. It seemed perfectly fair in the circumstances, that I fill the space that was going free at the other end. Martin's pal Grant had just returned from the men's room and seemed pissed off to find some strange bloke crammed down the throat of the high-class slapper they had chosen to shag. 'Oi mate, don't you think you're muscling in here?' he asked, a touch aggressively.

'Look,' I grunted without breaking my stroke, 'a hot bitch like this needs more than two cocks to sort her out.' I had the bitch in question's face held flat against a table and was really slamming my dick into the back of her throat. 'There's room inside her for all of us.' He didn't argue, just whipped his own huge fuckstick out of his trousers and started taking turns with his friend screwing one or other of the woman's rear holes. Soon all three of us were skewering her, mouth, cunt and ass, working together with our trio of big dicks to give the slut the fucking she so richly deserved, before filling up her innards with three huge loads of boiling cum. Nice evening.

'You're a bunch of fucking bastards,' she scowled furiously, once we'd all drained ourselves inside her. This girl had obviously had a more thorough going-over than she'd been banking on.

'We know we are,' I said, swigging a beer with my new comrades. 'What's your point?'

Grant and Martin burst into loud mirth at this and figured from that moment onwards that I was a top-rate guy. We left and went to a local pub, where we sank a few pints and had a good laugh about fucking the posh slut. Grant was an investment banker, Martin an estate agent; they were both strapping lads, who played on the same five-a-side football team and regularly joined forces to roast hot women. Both well-endowed and with near-insatiable libidos they had created The Bitch-Tamers, an exclusive two-man club, which based on tonight's exploits and the impressive size and hard-thrusting performance of my cock they were ready to expand to three.

We had gone out on various mad sexpeditions since then, as well as regaling each other with our solo efforts. The guys enjoyed reading my porn fiction, but ribbed me that it was a poor substitute for carrying out the real thing. When I told them about Holly and let them read the story in which they so prominently featured, however, their reaction was much more enthusiastic. They liked my portrayal of them in the tale as a pair of pussy-drilling cock-heroes, feeling it was damned accurate. Any cynicism over Holly's true identity was laid to rest by the photos she'd sent me and my description of the web-cam evening. Their sense of excitement was palpable, although tinged with doubt that she would actually show up.

'You're meeting her here next Friday?' Martin repeated in awe, as we sat in The Five Bells early that week. 'The hot little madam in these photographs is going to be coming here in person...'

'Yes. For the express purpose of getting laid. Properly.'

'And the little tart dug all that filthy shit you wrote about her in your story,' said Grant, all but rubbing his hands together, so thrilled was he at the prospect.

'Fucking loved it,' I told him. 'Couldn't get enough. But here's the kicker...' They leant in, as I imparted the crucial information. 'As far as I can see she's a nice girl in everyday life. This is a big deal for her - it's her secret walk on the wild side.'

Martin broke into a broad grin. 'Well then let's make it wild for her.' He looked round at Grant, whose face was registering the same evil intentions, then back at me. 'What do you say we provide a little back-up?'

'Yeah, we've got to do this,' Grant put in, his eyes gleaming with the thought. 'If she says she's into all the nasty shit you write in your stories, then let's give it to her for real. She liked your Library fantasy - well let's give her the gangbang she's obviously looking for. It's what the little darling needs.'

I can't lie, I'd known when I told them that the guys would want to join in. Truth is, that's what I'd always secretly wanted. For pretty Holly to be stretched to her very limits. Literally. 'Well naturally I'm going to share my good luck with my friends,' I grinned back. 'But let me give her a good warm-up fuck to start with. Then when she thinks it's all over...'

'...The party's only starting,' Martin concluded, and we all laughed, raising glasses to the impending violation of Holly's sweet, young body.

What a week. What delicious anticipation. Five days of sudden-springing hard-ons every time I thought of what was in store for this girl. Exchange of Instant Messages every night just to keep her on edge and to fire up the burner of my own expectation.

Wickedjake: Little slut doesn't have to wait long to get what she needs...

I sprang this on her one evening when I saw her on-line.

HollyBookworm: I know. Only three more nights and your little slut will be there.

I could almost hear the catch in her breath as she wrote it.

Wickedjake: She's not going to run scared, now is she?

HollyBookworm: No Jake, she wouldn't do that! She'll be there like a good girl.

But when I phoned her the night before to finalise details, I could sense the apprehension that lay behind her on-line playfulness. This virtual sex-play was one thing; even exposing the intimacies of her body on web-cam had a sense of detachment about it. To actually submit herself in reality to a stranger, however, one who did not conceal the purity of his lustful motivation - that was giving her pause for thought. A little shrewd manipulation was called for to ensure that she did not back down. I adopted a kinder tone and explained that since we were meeting for a drink she would had ample time to see how she felt about it face-to-face. But I also explained softly that I would not be messed around; she had one chance to pursue her fantasy and prove to me that she could follow through. If she did not leave the bar with me that night, she would never know...

The suggestion was all it took to steel her resolve and early Friday evening I received a text notifying me that she was setting off in the car and would be joining me presently. How my cock grew with joy to read those words. I immediately notified Grant and Martin, so they could install themselves in The Five Bells and observe the initial meeting. Isn't it rich, Emily? Pretty Holly the Literature student driving herself into the middle of her own gang-fuck.

I was waiting at the bar in The Five Bells when she arrived; I could see her hovering uncertainly just inside the door, trying to pick me out. Instantly recognisable, even without a dildo crammed into her exposed cunt. She had, however, made herself over a little for her secret night of debauchery. Her shoulder-length fair hair had been shortened and styled into a sexy wet-look. The exotic green of her eyes, I saw, was brought out by densely mascara'd lashes and eye liner, her full mouth enhanced with a crimson lipstick. Males eyes were flicking her direction as she made her nervous way into the place, black mini-dress clinging to her svelte curves, its plunging V showing off her splendidly plumped-up cleavage. She was wandering unevenly in high-heels, as if unused to putting herself on display like this, and she was carrying a large, black shopping bag, the contents of which I could guess at. It had been part of our plan. My dick hoisted like a crane inside my pants, as soon as I saw her. Her reaction on seeing me was to hesitate just slightly, before walking over, eyes cast bashfully downwards.

'Holly, lovely to meet you.' I greeted her warmly, rising from my seat despite my inflating cock and kissing her on the cheek. 'You look even better than on-line.'

'Thanks.' She smiled falteringly and her whole body seemed to shudder slightly, as from a combination of thrilled excitement, embarrassment and downright terror. 'So do you, from your photo, I mean.' Her body language was at odds with the sexy outfit I had insisted she wear; this was a girl who knew she was out of her depth, no longer with the internet to provide safe distance between her and her fantasy scenario. She was putting herself into the hands of an internet pornographer, who had so far shown himself to be as sex-obsessed and ungentlemanly as the male characters in his stories. Someone for whom she had utterly demeaned herself on camera. I could tell at a glance that the sexual kink in her nature was at war with all her wiser instincts and made a quick decision to rework my persona a little before she bottled out of the encounter.

'Let me get you a drink. What'll you have?' I was the essence of politeness, as she seated herself opposite me an a bar stool, crossing her legs modestly, but failing to conceal a thrilling flash of thigh above her black stocking-tops. My dick stretched an inch longer at the sight, but I channelled all my concentration into putting her at her ease. No mean task. She sipped a white wine and I asked her about her trip, her day, her studies, anything to distract from the reason why she was there, i.e. to be soundly fucked by my horny self. I was affable, charming, civil, all the things I hadn't been in our virtual chats. Two glasses in and she finally began to shed some of her nerves, to laugh and flick her eyelashes and show a little of her flirty on-line spirit.

'Why don't we take this drinks somewhere a little more private?' I suggested. She blushed and almost dropped her glass, and I steadied her as we moved to a discreet corner table. Discreet but for the fact that Grant and Martin were huddled a few feet away at the adjoining table. I knew I could trust them to be clever, though. Once they saw Holly close up there was no way they would risk blowing the plan with some cheap piece of joking. They supped their pints and kept their heads low, their eyes glancing guardedly from time to time over her spectacular body. I knew they were imagining the rest of the night just as I was and the thought of what we would do to her swelled my cock till the skin stretched taut.

'Look,' I told Holly softly, as the conversation progressed, 'I write porn, I use fiction to explore all my crazy fantasies, you know?' I took her hand lightly under the table and held her nervous gaze with my own earnest one. 'And you've been exploring your fantasies by reading them, it's the same thing. And when we got together on-line it was fun to be those kinds of people for each other, right? Keep the fantasy going.'

'Right,' she said, and I could see a dawning of relief on her face.

'So you come here wondering if I'm going to be the same as in the story I wrote for you, or the person who made you - you know - do what you did in front of the camera.' She blushed beetroot. 'Which you did stunningly well, I might add.' At this she laughed, despite herself, and suddenly even that memory was okay. I grinned back at her. 'But at the end of the day we're both just ordinary people who've owned up to our wilder inner thoughts. It doesn't say everything about who we are, am I right?' She seemed to relax fully at last and I felt her hand squeeze mine. 'What I'm trying to say is, we can be relaxed about this - go back to mine, have another drink, take things slow and - well - not worry about whatever image we've been trying to live up to.'

Holly broke into a beaming, soppy smile. 'Thanks, Jake, it's so good to hear you say that. I was so so nervous all today and driving down here I was thinking I was mad to go through with it. And - now I don't feel there's any reason to be nervous at all.'

'No, there's not,' I said in a sincere tone, delighted at how she had accepted every word of my ALB. That's Absolute Lying Bullshit. Now she was going to come serenely back to my place, where she would be given the most incredible reaming in the history of sex. What a fucking result! 'Look, let's drink up and go explore what the night has to offer.'

'What does it have to offer?' she asked with a coquettish look. In answer

I guided her hand to the leg of my trousers, never breaking eye contact, so she could feel what was snaking down it from my crotch. She gasped in astonishment, as her slender hand fitting around my uncoiled python. 'Oh my God!' Her breath caught, but rather than pulled her hand away she ran it up and down the bulged fabric of my trousers, exploring the whole concealed length. 'You're - you're huge...' The words died in her throat.

'When we get to my apartment I'll let you feel how huge,' I said, and she just stared back in wonder. 'But don't worry. I promise we'll take things slow.'

'Just - just give me a minute. I have to use the bathroom, then we can go.' She held my gaze for several moments, as if she did not know whether to throw herself at me or flee. Then she headed off to the ladies' room, leaving her bag beside me on the chair. I turned to my two buddies once she had gone and found them both staring after her in a lustful trance.

'So, you both up for a piece of that?' My own blood-gorged member was straining against my flies, as I thought of getting inside Holly.

'Fucking hell,' Martin breathed, still looking where she had disappeared. 'I never actually thought you'd get her to come here. I'm going to fuck that girl so hard, she won't be able to walk for days...'

'Too right,' said Grant. 'I've got one huge fucking hard-on to share with that little honey. She's not going to remember her own name when I've finished with her.'

Now these are two hard-shagging sex-junkies, but I swear I'd never seen them as pumped as this. Holly's nervous innocence, along with their inside knowledge of her slutty fantasies, was driving them over the edge. This girl was in for one hell of a night and the certainty of it fed into my own wildly escalating desire. 'Okay,' I told them, 'I'll take her back to mine and give her a good, hard poke to warm her up.'

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