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No Mercy Ch. 02


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'Oh my God, it's - it's huge!!! Ohhh fuck...'

'Fucking right, it's huge for you sweetheart! You got it all pumped up and you're damn well going to deal with it!' He was off again, sending her towards the stratosphere and boning her to the very centre. His cock was tight inside her as well, stretching her wide, but her slippery cunt-walls were lubing its surface, providing her with a greasy pole on which to be bounced. The driving force of Grant's loins was flinging her about like a puppet. Her hair was dancing around her face in damp shreds, her buoyant tits were being flung all over her chest. And her hand was diving down to her hairless crotch, so it could move on her clitoris. The decadent part of Holly was taking over totally, she was getting off big time on being so utterly dominated. She would frig herself silly on this fucked-up night for years to come.

Grant very quickly found a different use for her hands. 'Get in close, lads. Holly, make yourself useful. Wank those cocks!' She did it instantly, groping out to where we had placed ourselves and wrapping her palms around our eager pricks. What a great memory, Emily. Little Miss Sugar-and-Spice trampolining helplessly on Grant's huge prong, the vertical motion aiding her hands as they jerked my and my buddy's iron shafts; our own hands kneading those luscious breasts as she bounced. What a slut we had made out of this girl. What a nasty, dick-hardening little tramp... Ohhh Christ, I needed to bang the living fuck out of her all over again!

'Let's get her to the bedroom.' I said it with the utmost urgency, as soon as I saw Grant slowing down. 'Give ourselves more room to work on her.'

Grant was down with that plan. He grabbed Holly's ass cheeks and heaved himself off the chair, with her still pinned on him like a stuck bug. She automatically wrapped her stockinged legs around him, so taken aback was she by her precarious position. Carrying her before him like a fuck-trophy - which was exactly what she was - he moved through the apartment to the bedroom, Martin and me following purposefully behind. Once inside he proceeded manfully to the dresser, dropped Holly's naked ass down on its enamel surface and instantly recommenced his reckless battering of her cunt.

I could stand and watch no longer. Having deferred to my friends' needs, it was time to claim my rights as host again. 'Okay Grant, let's dump her on the bed.' He turned to look at me, still thrusting vigorously inside Holly, and pissed off at being interrupted again. 'Time we took things up a level, what do you say?' Grant's face registered that he understood my meaning and he instantly pulled out of the hole he was filling with a succulent squelch. Holly too had a good idea as to my intentions and her just-fucked expression became even more possessed with lust than before. I caught her by both wrists and pulled her tottering from the dresser to the bed, on to which I flung her stupefied form. While she was still face-down looking around to see what was going on, I climbed up after her and gave her a good, hard series of whacks on the rear, so that her lovely, peach-like bottom quaked. She yelped aloud, but that only reinforced the standing hardness of my cock and made me spank her quivering ass some more.

I seized her pretty, smarting cheeks with both hands and gave them a good massage, prising them apart and staring breathlessly at the sweet little asshole hidden away between them. Grant and Martin were at the top of the bed, feeding her more pipe, giving me space to get on with my task. I began by sticking a finger into Holly's anus, testing its tightness. No disappointment there. Her anal muscles contracted around my prodding digit like they didn't want it to leave. Holly's squeals at my intrusion were muffled by cock, so was her alarmed response when I stretched her buttocks wide apart and thrust my tongue where my finger had just been. I delved as far as I could, let my saliva drip into that tiny entrance, then withdrew my mouth and used the same finger to work it in. Still way too dry. But my bottle of good old Liquid Silk Lubricant was back at the dresser and in some brief seconds I was kneeling behind Holly's vulnerable ass, as my friends held her down, working over my nine inches of petrified lust with lube.

'Holly's old English teacher used to give her a good ass-fucking, isn't that right, Holly?' I said, as I wanked myself to a slippery sheen. 'He used to get off on plugging his favourite student's back passage!'

Her whole body seemed to tense, as I confirmed her suspicions of what was next. Martin vacated her mouth so she could answer. 'Yes - yes, but that was years ago! Be careful, I havent'...I haven't...'

'You haven't had your ass fucked wide open for a long time. Well don't worry, I'm going to break you right back in! You knew I was planning this when you showed up tonight, didn't you?'

'Yeah, yeah, I did... It's just your cock's so big...' Shit, Emily, was that a reason for me not to do it?

'So don't you want me to do this, Holly? Don't you want me to do it any fucking way I want?'

She stared around at me, her face fraught with conflicting passions. But, 'Yes, yes I do,' is what she said.

As I aimed myself at her rectal passage, the logistics indeed seemed absurd; this swollen beef bayonet, sticking out stridently from my body, to be shoved right up Holly's fiercely tight asshole. My whole body coursed with excitement. Nothing else mattered in the world than that I get myself up that cock-squeezing crevice. 'I don't know whether I can fit all this inside your ass, Holly, but I'm going to have a shitload of fun finding out!' I jammed my purple-domed warrior against her little anal rose-bud, grabbed hold of her upper thighs to brace myself and thrust hard.

Almost four inches sank in straight off, making that bitch sing one crazy fucking song. The lube had got me so far before her anal ring tightened defensively against me. The artificial moistener would obviously have to be aided with brute force. I backed out a little and drove in hard, backed out and drove further - kept going like I was hammering a huge, iron stake into hard-packed ground. And each time I pounded that rigid spike deeper, Holly's screams ripped the air. 'Ohhhhh God! Ohhhhh fuck!' Let her feel it - her asshole felt so sweet I just had to keep going.

'Go on, get it all in there! Open her wide!' Grant was shouting, and with a few more determined thrusts I had victory - I rammed myself to the hilt into Holly's crazy-tight ass. It felt like her sphincter was trying to crush me, but my diamond-hardness was pushing right back, stretching out her hole like it had never been stretched before. Every inch of my extension was buried in that sweet thing's shit-box and I felt King of the fucking World.

I drew back and slammed myself home again, home into the hot, dick-clenching depths of her rectal tract. Holy motherfucking shit, Emily, to be embedded to the balls in this naked honey's delicious twenty-two-year-old ass, my friends witnessing the whole filthy act, urging me on to bugger that ass even harder - you think I was going to be nice about it? Fuck that. I started to saw in and out of her, letting the lube do its work, her animal-wailing a testimony to how much she was feeling my cock deep inside her. And those wails just fired me up even more, reinforced my hardness, made me want to slam-fuck the shit out of her. My hands moulded themselves to the her buttocks, my driving cock accelerated wildly, until I was slamming into her tender body like machine-gun fire. Sweat rolling from every pore in my body, splashing on to her equally perspiration-drenched back. Her inhuman screaming as her willing ass was plundered. The raging encouragements to shaft her from Grant and Martin. And the hard smack of my flesh on hers, like a high-speed car crash into her body, over and over, as her rectum sucked in my pole like a vacuum pump. Giving it to her, giving her all I had and loving the shit out of it. Way past all my expectations - this was the wildest, most unhinged sex I'd ever had.

And then it all got wilder.

Martin was sliding under Holly, holding his rampant cock in one hand. 'Pull her up,' he told me frantically, 'I need inside her cunt!' Our girl squealed anew as I dragged her upper body off the bed, stilled anally crammed. She knew she was about to get double-pluggedand her sweet face yearned for it. Martin was there underneath her somewhere, pressing his huge bell-end to her pussy lips, slotting himself inside her, getting himself in place. Then he pushed her back into a diagonal slide, right on to his cunt-busting fuck-stick, till she hit bottom and gave out a cataclysmic holler. I held her from behind and climbed up into a crouch, so that she had Martin entering her hard from below and me right there on her back, slamming into her bum hole with renewed fury. We clung to the soft curves of that nubile young body and surged in together, giving her the sort of filling few girls ever receive.

I don't think she even realised Grant was standing up on the bed. I don't think she saw his torpedo heading for her obscenity-screaming mouth, so preoccupied was she with her stuffed ass and cunt. He grabbed her by the back of the head and went roaring down her throat, all ten colossal inches, before she could even blink. Then he held on to her and just pounded. Now she was under siege from three enormous battering rams. Imagine it, Emily, that's over two feet of thick, hard cock rammed into this girl's slender, exotic body. All of it powered by a trio of lust-maddened bastards, whose only thought in the Universe is to pound their way to explosive satisfaction. Grant was clutching her hair while banging his length brutally down her throat, his teeth gritted in savage sexual bliss. Martin was shafting her pussy like a deranged maniac; I couldn't see his face, but I could hear his primal rasping as he ploughed her - shit, I could sense the movement of his thrusting cock every time it hit home, so close together were we inside Holly. As for me, I pulled on her big, springy tits, worked my cock like a steam-driven piston and massacred that ass. No mercy, no fucking mercy for this sexy bitch. Just total, depraved sexual insanity. We were three happiest fuckers on the planet, as we banged the shit out of every hole she had.

And I shit you not - in the midst of it all, she reached down and started strumming manically on her clit. Holly the closet freak was getting off on the most crazed hole-hammering she could ever have dreamt of. She couldn't help craving it, couldn't help loving the shit out of our misuse of her body. It was this, more than anything, that pushed me over the edge.

I'd already been emptied once that evening, so I should have lasted better, and believe me - I wanted to keep on defiling Holly's ass. But Jesus... If you knew what it felt like being shoved up there... 'God, that ass is so fucking tight! Oh shit oh shit - I'm going to blow my wad!' I pulled out, my cock already livid and twitching, my whole body going into orgasmic seizure. My balls clenched tight and the cum burst gloriously from my spasming prick. Christ, it felt great, all that pent-up sexual ardour spending itself, hot and sticky, over the smooth arch of Holly's spine. My torso was bolt upright, my loins straining, pumping like fuck, until every last drop of sperm had been expelled from my sac. Semen trickled from Holly's back down the cleft between her ass cheeks, as my motor finally shuddered to a standstill.

But by the time I was done Grant and Martin had already banged their own way to the climactic verge, or maybe I had triggered them with my own rush. Martin extracted himself rapidly from Holly's ravaged cunt-hole and climbed up beside his buddy, wanking himself frantically as he made the journey. Grant knew what to do next. He wrenched Holly's head back, so that both guys could aim their fully-loaded weapons directly into her still-open mouth. Then with not an instant to spare they both let out a raging yell and came like a couple of fucking fire hoses. It took a split-second for Holly's mouth to fill from the double power-blast of hot sperm, then it overflowed like a blocked drain in a flash-flood. A great tide of thick, white fuck-fluid rolled over her pretty face, gushing up her nose and flooding her screwed-up eye sockets, cascading down over her chin, while the guys continued to siphon off their stupendous, spraying loads. And Holly, I saw to my delighted wonder, was coming too, frantic fingers a blur on her cunt, spluttering her screams of anguished ecstasy through the choking mouthful she had received, as her whole body went epileptic. The guys' bodies were wracked with orgasm - muscles taut, veins standing out on their necks, both of them screaming raw obscenity - 'Ohhhhhhhh shit, fucking take it, you fucking filthy bitch!!!' - but still they kept their aim, inundating their victim's overwhelmed mouth until, finally, they were pumped dry.

If Holly's face had been a mess earlier on, Emily, it was a spunk-drowned disaster zone now. She was blowing cum out of her nostrils, spewing it from her mouth, trying to raise eyelids that were weighted down with plastering, white muck. Her demure features were utterly obscured by a glistening mask of ball-snot, great globs of it dripping from her hair. In short, she looked how any pretty girl should, at least once in her life. When Holly finally did succeed in ungluing her eye-lashes, the first thing she saw was me flashing the camera-phone I had fetched, right in front of her. The shot perfectly captured her striking, almond eyes staring out dazed through the clinging snowfield of fresh semen. I would later send the picture on to several friends, labelled 'A Good Night's Work!' 'Fuck!!!' It was Martin, collapsed on the bed, satiated at least temporarily. 'Holly, you are one ball-emptying little slut.'

'Yeah,' Grant concurred, spinning the exhausted Holly around where her limp form was slumped, so she could see her cum-covered self in the dresser's mirror. See her utter reduction to a sperm-drenched fuck-whore. 'And trust me, sweetheart, you really wear it well.'

'So how was it for you?' I crouched beside her and strokes her arm, as she stared at herself, gradually regaining her breath.

'I...I loved it...' she breathed, almost weepily.

'Then you won't want the evening to end just yet?'

'What?' she mumbled hazily, looking at me as though not sure what to respond. 'Oh God...I...I...' I held her gaze. 'No, not yet...'

The guys let Holly rest for a while, not out of consideration, but because they needed some R and R themselves. I knew they'd be at her again before too long, only having fired off one round. The last I saw of Holly before leaving the room, she was being made to clean up her own face, using only her fingers and tongue. Entertaining though that was, I left the three new acquaintances to continue their game without me and came in here. I wanted to put it all down in print straight off and send you a vivid account, while it was all still fresh in my mind. It's four a.m. now and as I've been writing over the past few hours, Grant and Martin have been hard at it with Holly next door, giving her a further, extended going-over. The grunts, screams and lewd sex-talk have been keeping my cock rigid as I sit here at the computer screen and it's been a fucking miracle I've only rushed back in once to join the filthy fray. I emptied a load down her throat and then returned to the keyboard. That's how much I wanted you, my perverted American friend, to know the sort of Friday evening Holly has been enjoying at our hands. I should add that no one's sex-talk has been lewder than hers.

Grant and Martin have just crashed out for the night in the living room. They left Holly in the bedroom - tied to the bed on her hands and knees to be precise. Her torn panties have been stowed in her mouth and secured with one of her stockings. Oh yes - and the little angel has had her own dildo stuffed up her ass, to keep her nice and open. In a moment I'm going to go in and remove it, then make her suck it clean, while my own equally large and very real cock is rammed hard up the space it's vacated. We're thinking of keeping Holly here for a whole weekend of full-on bitch-training. She may be a sweet little thing, but she's not complaining. Quite the reverse.

You know, Emily, my two friends and I have been thinking about taking a trip to the US next summer - with the intention of sampling some hot American ass. Maybe we'll take a sight-seeing trip round NYC. Maybe we'll come knocking on your door when you're all alone, Emily, with hyper-stiff cocks and loaded ball sacs that want serious relief. Maybe we'll play long and rough and nasty with you, put all your fantasies to the test. Trust me - if we do, we won't spare you any more than we did Holly...

Talking of which, got to go. There's a nice, pert, female rear in the next room that needs reamed harshly one more time and injected with hot ball-juice. And hey - check out this boner, bitch - looks like I'm all ready to do the job! Screw fiction - when you're rammed up a pretty girl's ass reality is so much better...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
Well done

That's what I call a good reading material

flyhigh42flyhigh42about 2 years ago

Just read "No Mercy"

Please send me Holly's phone number.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

hey jaymal

i love ur stories i hate and love the devil male characters at the same time

the way u narrate the inner turmoils ,conflicts and feelings of ur characters both male and female its mind blowing

when the male character of ur stories says that the woman told him not to fuck in her ass

and he says how emily how can i resist squeeze my hard dick into very very tighthole god i creamed my panties and my hubby almost came at that line

i mean we can feel the lust and release his dick might have felt in tearing down that super tight asshole yum even though i dont have a dick i can feel how gud spewing his cum deep into that tight asshole after rubbing through that tightness must have feel god i am super straight female but it made me wanna have a dick and put and rut into super tight asshole while kneading her soft soft ass cheeks with my hand and telling her she belongs to me now completely

i cant believe that what men want is a fantasy some dark part of me wishes it was real 😆

u know funny story i forced my husband to do the same things done to mary jane by joe while role playing and we loved it

he used me like a cheap whore and then dropped me on middle of the road while calling me dirty anal whore

and then returned back after 10-15 min kissed me all over and took me bridal style in our car and literally made love to me whole n8 calling me his princess as a reward for giving him the best n8 of rough anal fuck and domination over me

so thankyou, thankyou for making our married life so hot

i cant believe why was i so disgusted by anal and i deprived my sweet hubby even though it was the only fantasy he ever had

whenever my hubby reminds me of surrendering my anal virginity to him i get so hot i feel so dominated by him ,i mean him having my ass where no one ever had been its so naughty and intoxicating

my hubby proud of my tight ass only for him hmmm

i still cant believe

"what men want "is just some dark fantasy i mean how could it be it feels so real ?

i mean my hubby and me lived every moment of this story in the roleplay u really sure its not real and just a fantasy (what men want)

oh dont listen to neg comments about violent anal we love it

u know we even did the dp with him in my ass and rubber dildo in my pussy oh the way i came i reahed to heaven oh wow what ur story did to us

oh god please dont stop writing and write more and both of me and my hubby love ur stories and fuck each other crazy

we love u jaymal

stay blessed from the super horny depraved couple😘

JaymalJaymalover 2 years agoAuthor

Emily was an online friend in a failing marriage (separate from the friend who inspired me to write What Men Want), who wanted some escape and to revel in some rough-sex fantasies. She thoroughly enjoyed having all of No Mercy addressed directly to her. And no, I never actually met her, although it might have been interesting if I had.

JaymalJaymalover 2 years agoAuthor

Hi, my Anonymous friend - thanks for your comments, and for taking such an interest in my stories! I don't have time to say much now, but let me just say a couple of things in general response on your comments on 'What Men Want' and 'No Mercy' in particular.

'What Men Want' was written as a dark fantasy for a female friend, and should be considered as such. The reckless nature of how the Joe character behaved was indicative of the time in which the story was set, and the point he had reached in his life, hence his lack of concern for anything other than his short-term gratification.

'No Mercy' I wrote shortly after, in response to an outrageously lusty and explicit story that the same friend and I had both read. She challenged me to write something even more hardcore and nasty, so 'No Mercy' was the result. Both stories were early in my time of writing erotica, so they're both (NM in particular) raw in more than one sense, I think. I wouldn't portray anal sex like that when writing a story now, unless it was for a good narrative reason.

Let's just say I don't necessarily fuck like I wrote back then (probably just as well, right?)

Your other comments engaged my interest too, and I hope to get back to them in the near future. Hope you keep reading. I really need to post more work on here again.

Best wishes,


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