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Not So Simple Love Story

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Rain Bradley sat quietly in the small plastic chair as the sun went down on Montefiore Cemetery in rural southern Michigan. He stared resolutely at the newly-dug grave holding the body of his wife of 24 years. He had been sitting by himself for several hours, everybody else having left more than nine hours ago.

He refused to leave when the graveside service was finished despite the best efforts of his two children and six grandchildren. He told them all to go on to the luncheon at the church after the service. He just wanted to stay a while longer with his darling Janessa.

"Dad, please, let's go," his son, Morgan, told him quietly. "The church ladies have worked hard on this nice meal. It would be rude not to attend."

"Then you guys go, please. I'll be along in a bit," Rain said just as quietly. "I've got a few more things to say to her. You know, I wasn't quite done talking with her, even after 24 years... "

"Wait. What?" his son asked. "Not 24 years, Dad... 51 years. You had 27 years the first time..."

The older man smiled gently at his son.

"No, 24 years, Bud. The first time... was two other people. That one didn't end so well for either of them. This one... was everything we hoped it would be. It went by so quickly. I wasn't ready for it to end. I'm still not ready for it to end. Just give me a little more time. You guys go ahead. Leave me your car and keys."

Rain's son handed him car keys before kissing the older man on the cheek and then leaving in the limousine with the rest of the family.

The cemetery workers completed their task of filling in the grave while Rain sat by silently. The head of the small crew nodded to Rain, received a nod in exchange and then left.

"Just you and me again, babe, just like always. What should we talk about?"

Rain quickly thought back to two days ago, when he woke up to find his beloved had apparently passed quietly during the night. Although he was heartbroken, he was glad his beloved went quietly. He also had to admit that despite her death, this was not his worst day; there had been one worse... in another lifetime.


Janessa was telling Rain about that year's crop of interns who had begun work that morning while she was gliding about the kitchen preparing dinner. Janessa was an actuary at Buchanan Life, and every summer Buchanan brought in a half-dozen talented interns to work in reinsurance through the first week of August.

"They say everybody's got a double out there, hon, and we've got yours, just 25 years younger," Janessa said. "He looks just like you did at that age. Got the longish, curly dark brown hair, mustache, probably 160 pounds dripping wet, runner's body."

"Ah, those were the days," Rain responded.

At 50, Rain had long since given up jogging but had gotten heavily into weightlifting. His lithe 160-pound frame had turned into a fairly muscular 180 pounds, and his hair was a little shorter and thinner. Janessa thought her husband's body was better now than as a younger man, and she also thought he was still handsome.

"I don't have any problem with these days, hon," she commented as her husband smiled back at her.

Janessa looked at her husband with hunger in her eyes. The two had been empty-nesters since their youngest left for college five years ago, and their sex lives, always pretty good, Janessa thought, got even better. It was not uncommon for the pair to make love four or five times each week, and sometimes spend most of a weekend day in bed. Rain took a little longer to recharge than when he was younger, and Janessa occasionally needed some help from Astroglide, but the pair certainly knew how to please each other between the sheets. In fact, there were times when Janessa had to put the brakes to her husband's playing because he was wearing her out with strong orgasms with his hands and mouth before even getting a chance to use his dick.

"You're kiiillliiinnng me, hon!" was a common refrain from Janessa during their recent sex.

It wasn't unusual for Janessa to give Rain a daily commentary on the comings and goings of the interns during the years, and this year was no different. The difference this year was her continued commentary on how much the one intern reminded Janessa of the young Rain.

"He's even shy like you used to be, babe. Remember when we first met. You didn't say a word to me for like the first three times we met. And, if I remember correctly, I was the one who first talked to you," she said.

Rain blushed. He remembered how tongue-tied he was around the short, curvaceous golden-haired, blue-eyed woman the first few times they met in the dorm.

That was in the beginning of their sophomore year at Michigan State University. Janessa had been in a different dorm as a freshman, but switched over to the dorm Rain was in the next year.

Rain eventually loosened up around Janessa enough to talk to her, and found out she was dating an upperclassman. He tried getting close enough to her to see if he might have a chance at getting a date, but after talking with her several times, he determined that he didn't have a chance to pry her away from the upperclassman, so he went in a different direction and scoped out other women for the rest of the year. For her part, Janessa was surprised when Rain gave up pursuit. That hadn't happened to her before.

Janessa dated the same student the next year and Rain dated several women during the same time frame. Janessa was baffled that the most she got from Rain was a quick hello when they ran into each other. He wasn't rude to her... he just wasn't interested, she noted.

By the time their senior year arrived, Rain was aware that the young man Janessa had dated for the previous two years had graduated. When he saw Janessa at a party at a friend's apartment right before classes were to start, he decided to see if he could strike a spark. While surprised with Rain's attention, Janessa figured that she shouldn't put off the young man this time or she might not get a second chance to date him. She was very attentive to Rain throughout the evening, and when they walked back to their dorm Rain asked her out for a date. She accepted.

The pair spent their entire senior year as a couple, and when Janessa got a job offer to remain in Lansing, Rain started interviewing locally and also got a job in the city in his field, which was chemical engineering. They moved into an apartment together and began their professional careers.

The two were married a year later. A son came along two years after that, and a daughter joined them another two years later.


Rain never worried about Janessa going out with her co-workers for their weekly Thursday evening steam blow-off. He completely trusted his wife of 27 years with the mixed age and gender Buchanan crew. Janessa never drank more than two glasses of wine at any event.

With a little help from her hairdresser, Janessa still had her golden blonde locks, bright blue eyes and plentiful curves, even if she was 15 pounds heavier after having two kids more than 20 years ago. If anything, the extra weight added to her curvy appeal, having mostly settled in her boobs and hips.

The first time Mark Masters showed up at a Thursday night get-together with the Buchanan crew, he was seated at the other end of the table and Janessa never said two words to the young man, although she kept close track of him visually as she was transfixed at how much he resembled her husband at a younger age. The young man couldn't help but feel good that a pretty older woman took note of him.

Janessa kept the seat next to her open and waved Mark over to sit with her at the next Thursday gathering. The two spent the entire evening in deep conversation and several times Janessa had reached out and taken the younger man's hand. Mark was pleased with the contact and the attention of the older woman.

Janessa didn't realize that she was so taken with the younger man that she was more than a little animated when she got home from the bar that evening. She was quickly all over Rain minutes after she got in the door. He had no idea why his wife was so amorous, but he wasn't about to pass up any opportunity to have sex with his hot spouse.

Janessa and Mark again sat together and talked intensely during the next two Thursday get-togethers and even danced together a couple of times. Janessa noticed that several of the other longtime women employees at the gathering were taking note of her and Mark.

With that in mind, Janessa told the young man that he should meet her the next Thursday at a different bar, away from prying eyes. She noticed his eyes go wide and his face split into a big grin before he agreed. She felt a little tingle in her lower stomach when he agreed.

The two had a great night talking. She continually touched the younger man on his arms, shoulders and hands. Throughout the evening she jumped back and forth in her mind between the present time and her past with Rain. She was happy and animated, and most definitely in her element. When it came time to leave, she leaned into the young man and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He sat transfixed for a second before smiling brightly and following the woman out the door.

Janessa practically floated home. She noted she had goosebumps on her skin. She felt exactly like she did when she was first seeing Rain all those years ago. She knew she was crossing a line, but she loved Rain... and Mark was Rain. Her heart was thumping. She could hear it. She could feel the tingle in her arms... and elsewhere.

Janessa knew she had to get a grip on herself before she entered the house and saw Rain... her Rain. Ohh... she needed her Rain. She needed him now. First, though, she had to calm down enough not to seem quite so desperate.

"Hey, Ness, have a good night out?" Rain called out from the family room when he heard his wife enter the kitchen.

The woman froze as she felt a gush of moisture leak from her pussy. God, she wanted the man in the next room so bad.

"Yeah, pretty good. Same-old, same-old," she said as she moved around the room doing minor tasks. "What did you do tonight, just watch TV?"

"Yup, pretty good game on. Yankees beating the Tigers," he said as she walked into the room and sat down on the sofa across from his La-Z-Boy.

"Damn, how did I ever get that lucky?" he thought to himself as he looked at his wife as if seeing her for the first time. He saw her beauty, but he knew she was even prettier on the inside. He got up from his recliner and sat down up against his wife on the sofa, leaning in hard.

"Hey, give a girl some space," she squealed happily.

Rain put his hand on his wife's right leg, just below her hemline, and gradually slid his hand up under her skirt. She moaned when his hand reached the crotch of her damp panties. Ever so slowly, her legs parted as he rubbed along her slit.

"I think we need to take this upstairs before we have to rent an upholstery cleaner," she said quietly.

He nodded, rose and gently pulled his wife to her feet. He rubbed her crotch with one hand and patted her ass with the other before gently pushing her toward the stairs.

Janessa could see Rain's erection straining against his gym shorts when he followed her into the bedroom. She reached out and closed her fingers on it as her husband started unbuttoning her blouse. He had noticed earlier that the blouse was unbuttoned one more than the way she normally wore it for work.

Rain helped Janessa onto the bed, kissing her sensually as he lowered her down. He kissed her neck, then the inside of her left shoulder. Janessa knew her husband was a skilled lover, and in 28 years of being together he had learned all of her sensitive spots. Experience had taught her that Rain liked to vary his pattern with her and tried not to do the same thing twice in a row, so each time together would have a touch of uniqueness to it, something not easily done after all this time together. She awaited what was next with a quiver and a sigh.

Rain felt the quiver and heard the sigh, as if he needed any more encouragement than the aroma of arousal wafting from his wife. He trailed his tongue slowly down her body, stopping to slurp at her belly button. She jumped slightly and wriggled, putting her hand gently on the back of his head.

Rain got up on his arms and moved back up to his wife's large breasts, which were now topped with bullet-hard long nipples. He loved those nipples, and nibbled and sucked on each for several minutes, making Janessa squirm in pleasure. She moaned when he reached down to stroke her soaking-wet pussy.

Rain slid down her body until his face was even with her gushing sex. He dropped to his stomach and gave a languid lick along the entire length of her slit. She shrieked out her first orgasm, causing Rain to growl and stick his tongue as far into her opening as he could reach. Completely mindless at this point, Janessa bucked her pussy up at Rain's face, banging hard into his lips, as he started to lick and suck vigorously. Three hard orgasms followed in quick succession before Rain finally stopped to catch his breath, resting his head on her left thigh as Janessa lay panting heavily.

Once he regenerated his supply of oxygen, Rain re-engaged with Janessa's vagina, inching up just enough to get his tongue to her very hard clitoris. She screamed as his tongue swiped the nub twice, first flicking up and then using the bottom on the downward flick. He then gently locked his lips on her clit, tightened his grip and sucked hard, inducing a body-shaking spasm that went on for at least a minute.

Rain growled again and looked up his wife's body toward her face. She was lying on her back breathing heavily, so he couldn't see the blank look in her eyes nor the smile on her lips, at least until he climbed back up her body to sink his full length into her warm, sloshy vagina.

"Mmmrrr," he moaned as she responded back with her own sound of "oh-oh-oh."

He started a gentle motion and kept up that pace for several minutes until he felt his wife's coming orgasm, then sped up to help facilitate that climax. He kept up that pace through her orgasm before pushing in harder and faster for several more minutes, bringing on yet another climax. He held off his own orgasm until his wife was done, then emptied himself inside her with hard, deep strokes. She made unintelligible noises while he pumped air out of her lungs with each stroke.

The pair lay entwined as they came down from their sexual highs, both with a smile on their faces.


A combination of veterans and interns from the reinsurance department ate lunch together in the Buchanan cafeteria every day. Mark made sure to be at Janessa's table every day, although he usually sat several seats away to keep up appearances, at Janessa's request. Still, several of her longtime friends kept a watch on Janessa and the intern, having been made suspicious by the somewhat obvious growing closeness of the pair.

"He's cute and he's very endearing in a shy, goofy kind of way, you know," her longtime friend Abby Miller mentioned to her one day over coffee. "I think he's got a bit of a crush on you, Ness. He gives you those big puppy dog eyes all the time."

Janessa looked up at her friend and blushed deeply. She would have to talk with Mark about being way more subtle.

"Get out of here," she responded to her friend. "Why would a kid even give me a second glance. I'm old enough to be his mother... maybe even older than his mother."

Both women giggled at that. Janessa hoped she sidetracked her friend enough.

Rain had his own thoughts about his wife's recent behavior. After telling him about how an intern named Mark Masters looked exactly like a younger version of Rain, she spent the next month talking about the young man, giving Rain little Mark snippets every night when the two talked about their days at work. Then, all of a sudden, it was as if Mark disappeared from the face of the earth. She hadn't even mentioned the man in the past week.

Rain had considered subtly mentioning something to his wife, but every time he was going to say something, his wife had distracted him... hell, hijacked him... with another great evening of sex. He was so distracted he never put the two thoughts together.

That Thursday night Janessa was even more animated and more touchy-feely with the young man at the bar than she was the week previous. She placed several kisses on his lips throughout the evening, and he felt emboldened enough to hold her hand and even kiss her back.

"I'm not a virgin, but I'm not very experienced, Janessa. I've never done anything like this with a woman like you before," the young man said as the evening was ending. "I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you."

"We'll take it slow, Mark. I've never done anything like this before either, but this feels... right," she said before giving him what he considered a scintillating kiss.

Although she wanted to, Janessa knew she couldn't attack her husband like she did the week previous, as much as anything to avoid the appearance that her evenings out were triggering her sexual urges. She jumped into the shower in an attempt to calm herself after giving her surprised husband a quick kiss and heading upstairs.

"Want some company?" her husband's voice asked from the other side of the shower curtain a couple of minutes later.

She did indeed want his company, but she knew she really needed to be smart around her husband, who she considered to be a very smart, perceptive man.

"Not tonight, babe. I just need to get the stench of the place off me. Several people were smoking tonight, and I've got a headache that would kill a water buffalo," she said.

Rain was disappointed, but being the gentleman he was, he didn't push his wife. He was rewarded the next night with another great night of sex.

Janessa was lying next to her husband in bed enjoying her afterglow. If asked, she couldn't explain what she was feeling. She was moving closer to the younger man but at the same time seemed to be falling in love all over again with her husband. She leaned into Rain and gave him a loving kiss, enjoying the feeling of his tongue exploring her mouth.

Both Janessa and Mark knew what was going to happen the next Thursday night. As the two were having their first drink, she looked at the younger man, smiled brightly and told him the two would have to go to his apartment since her husband was at her home. His stomach practically did a flip-flop. He jumped out of his chair, leaned in, kissed the woman and practically lifted her out of her seat. She followed him in her car to his one-bedroom apartment.

Mark wasn't sure how he drove the few miles to his apartment without wrecking his car. He waited until Janessa pulled in the lot next to his car before he got out of his and opened her door to escort her to his apartment.

Once inside his apartment, Mark took on the look of a child at Christmas, Janessa thought. She realized she would have to control the pace... the flow of the evening. For just a second, she thought back to her first time with Rain, how they basically learned from each other... and now, she would be the teacher.

She strode purposely to the young man, put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, her tongue snaking into his mouth. It took him a few seconds before he relaxed and responded back, but once he did, he returned the kiss with passion. They remained locked at the lips for at least a minute.

Two minutes later they were slowly undressing each other on Mark's single bed. Janessa noted to herself that it had been quite a while since she and Rain had sex on a single bed.

Janessa felt the young man's rock-hard dick pushing into her stomach as they kissed and his hands rubbed her large breasts. He moaned into her mouth, and she remembered that he had told her that he had only had sex once before. She knew that he would come quickly the first time so she decided she would get him inside her to not waste his first load.

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