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Not Your Typical Damsel Pt. 03

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Their family settles in.
4.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/26/2021
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"How was school today, girls? Hermana?" Francesca sweetly asked, serving her homemade enchiladas onto the plates I had set. She had finished her GED after 3 months (she was exceptionally bright, and the test evidently wasn't that hard), and the data science company I had founded was benefiting greatly from her help in the book-keeping and billing departments. The 2 of us worked about 4 hours total each day most days, and spent the rest of the time making sure everything was as good as possible for our family.

Well, and fucking. We did quite a bit of fucking. But mostly the wholesome thing!

Carla just grimaced, but to her relief Katya jumped in, saving her having to tell us whatever had bothered her. "It was great! Mr. Omelette finally hatched!" she exclaimed, referring to the class chicken that her teacher had been incubating in the classroom.

"Oh, that's so exciting!" Francesca encouraged, loving how cute my (or our, really) little girls were when they got excited. "I'm sure you'll all take great care of him!" Katya nodded, and then it was Sasha's turn. "What about you, sweetheart?" my daughter's mother-in-law (we had since gotten married in a small, private ceremony) asked, genuinely interested.

"Eh, it was okay, just really boring," she said dismissively. "I finished all of my homework in class, and Mr. Roberts said they might move me up a grade in math, so that's cool I guess." She looked up, a proud smile cracking through her coy, feigned boredom.

"Oh my god, Sash!" Carla exclaimed, taking a second to sit up straight despite her big, heavily pregnant belly. "That is so amazing!" There were hugs all around, and after Sasha had presented us with the letter showing that she was, in fact, being moved up, we all settled down.

"This is really delicious, honey," I warmly complimented my talented wife. Francesca grinned, but then we turned to her little sister. "So, Carla, any reason today was hard?" I asked gently.

"Gee, let's see," she started sarcastically. "I'm 4 months pregnant, so my feet hurt all the time and sitting is hard, especially in those ancient desks; I'm going to be valedictorian hands-down, but they still won't let me graduate early for some bullshit reason - sorry, girls," she looked guiltily at my daughters, regretting swearing in front of them, "and that... bad guy, Dale Forester, won't stop hitting on me! He talks about how well I'm carrying the pregnancy, and how much bigger my chest has gotten, and ugh, I'm sick of it! Like, I'm pregnant with your baby, isn't that enough of a hint?" We all laughed, acknowledging that it must be tough for her.

"Stupid boy can't see past the tits," giggled Francesca, hefting her own even-more-prodigious globes sympathetically.

"Hmm, I can see how that would be annoying," I commiserated, hugging Carla to me and feeling her substantial breasts pressing against my own chest. "How about this? I've been working on a surprise for you all!" I was met by 4 beautiful, excited female faces, and went on with a chuckle.

"After you finish the semester, and before Francesca delivers little Veronica, let's take a nice, long family vacation! I was thinking the alps, a nice mountain resort with an all-inclusive spa to help alleviate some of those aches. It could be a really nice baby-moon!"

Everybody seemed thrilled at the idea, so I resolved to book it the next day. I loved travelling with my women and my girls, but so far with their school we had only been able to do weekend trips. This would be our first family vacation!

After the girls went to bed, I was banished to the game room to shoot some pool solo while my pregnant wife and her almost-as-pregnant sister took a bath in the master roon's jacuzzi for "mommy time." I hurried upstairs when Francesca called down for me, wondering if they needed anything, and found a dizzying sight waiting for me on the king-sized bed.

My two baby-mamas were lying in the middle of the bed, facing each other. Their large, pregnant bellies bumped into each other, and their colossal, soon-to-be milky breasts ballooned out from where they had their nipples rubbing back and forth against each other. As the door opened, they both looked in my direction expectantly, and Carla called out, "hey Leo! We were feeling pretty... well, you know: super hormonal and needy!" I gulped, and practically sprinted to the bed.

At the start of our 3-way, sexual relationship, I had been pretty much in charge, with some direction from Francesca. I had "claimed" them and knocked them up, and they were "my sluts." Now, with them both heavily pregnant and filled with raging hormones, I sometimes felt like a well-loved, frequently utilized sex toy that they shared.

Tonight was evidently one of those nights. As I approached the bed, Carla pinched her sister's swollen, over-sensitive nipples, making her scream in pleasure and spread her legs wide, indicating where I was to start.

When I reached the bed, having taken my pants off on the way, I immediately thrust my entire length into Francesca's sopping-wet pussy. "YES Leo, yes!" she moaned uncontrollably, kissing her sister and shaking as she experienced a small-ish first orgasm of the night.

"Quick! I need a fast one, too!" Carla demanded, and I rapidly moved between her spread legs and delivered the same service.

When they had both come down from their introductory orgasms and were just hugging, pressing their gigantic breasts together, they turned to look at me. "Okay, mi amor," Francesca purred in her sultry, latin accent, "you can decide now: do you want to fuck my wet, needy pussy..."

"Or my slutty, tight throat?" Carla finished cheerfully. I froze. This was an impossible choice. Did I let Carla lavish me with her skilled tongue, thereby rejecting Francesca and also minimizing the pleasure I gave to them, but receiving the amazing gift of her oral attention? Or did I slide my cock back into Francesca's perfect pussy, feeling all of the love and tenderness between me and my wife but making Carla feel like second best (something she struggled with, seeing as I was married to her sister)?

I stood and anguished for about a minute before they both broke into a giggling fit at my expense. "Oh, your poor husband!" Carla hollered, shifting to full-blown raucous laughter.

"Leo, honey! We'd never make you choose like that!" Francesca said, trying to sound sympathetic, but it was undercut by the evil smile on her face and the laughter she couldn't contain.

I just stood there, cock still hard, letting them get their laughs. When they settled down a little, they both moved to their hands and knees and positioned their heads near me at the edge of the bed. "We were thinking double blowjob, and then you can take turns fucking us until we're both delirious," Francesca informed me kindly.

"Yeah, and then you can keep fucking us until we forget our own names, and then you can fill our tight, pregnant pussies with your daddy-cum!" They both smiled at me, opening their mouths and letting their sexy tongues roll out.

It was time to put my foot down. That was about enough of their ganging up on me; I almost had a heart attack when they were going to make me choose! "Not yet."

"What did he just say?" Francesca asked her younger sister.

"Hermana, I think this white boy just said he wasn't going to fuck us silly..." Carla answered, acting confused at my idiocy.

"But that couldn't possibly -"

"Stop! Enough!" I snapped. "I've been so good to you both! You wanted to have babies; you're pregnant. You want me to make you cum? I do. I eat you out, massage you, play with you, and fuck you whenever you want! And I love it, because I love both of you! But the messing with me like that has to stop. I can't deal with it!" I stood, almost hyperventilating, and they just stared at me in shock.

"Oh, Leo... we're so sorry... we didn't mean -" I cut Francesca off.

"No, you didn't, did you? Well, I'm tired of being the toy you pass back and forth. You used to be my sluts, my whores. Now I'm just a convenience? This ends tonight." They both looked genuinely frightened. Their breathing had gone from aroused pants to almost completely stopped, and they just stared at me with tears in their eyes.

"Leo..." Carla said, looking up at me with big, watery eyes, and then had to stop as a small sob wracked her petite frame.

"Mi amor..." Francesca uttered quietly, hanging her head.

"What?!" I demanded. I knew they were pregnant but come on!

"Please don't... don't..." my fiancee started.

"DON'T MAKE US GO BACK!" Carla begged, crying freely and hugging herself and her pregnant belly. "Please, Leo! I'll do anything!" she blabbered, breaking my heart with her terror.

"I wouldn't -" I started, caught completely off guard. We were a family! I might have been mad, but I would never send them back onto the streets!

"Leo, darling, we're soooo sorry," Francesca said, with no hint of her usual teasing, happy tone. "We didn't mean to hurt you like that; we had no idea you were actually stressing out about it!"

"I mean I was, but it's seriously okay!" I said, but they seemed to not hear me.

"Sister, we fucked up," Carla mumbled, still crying.

"I know, Carlita... We need to make it up to our man." Francesca resolved.

"I can't go back, Cesca..." Carla said, sounding completely broken at the thought.

"You think I want to be a prostitute again?" Francesca demanded, and I realized what was happening. I had been angry, sure, but they thought I was so mad that I would send them, and therefore my unborn children, back into the hell I had saved them from! I knew that I could take advantage of this, probably use it to get anything I wanted or at least for them to stop teasing me, but I didn't want that kind of relationship, one where I tried to "win" against my loves.

"Stop," I said softly, and immediately they were both silent, holding in their breath to keep from crying. "No, you can breathe!" I hurriedly amended my request. They both gasped air, and then turned to me with curious, still-remorseful gazes.

"What can we do, Leo?" Carla asked pathetically, seemingly ready to suffer any pain in order to stay in her charmed life.

"Both of you, stop, and look at me!" I asked, quite exasperated. "I'm not going to punish you, or be mean to you, and I will never send you back onto the streets!" I reassured them definitively. "I just meant that I am getting fed up with the teasing, and treating my cock like a dildo!" They couldn't help but giggle a little bit at that; it was funny!

"You... you wouldn't send us back?" Carla asked, her voice still wavering. I shook my head emphatically 'no' and she seemed to come out of an emotional abyss.

"How could you think I could ever do that?" I asked, a little hurt they would think so little of me.

"5 years on the streets, sucking cock for money?" guessed Francesca, and I had to give it to her; that would probably do it in terms of trust issues.

"I... I'm so sorry," I started, about to repent all of my earlier anger. I couldn't believe I had scared them like that!

"No, Leo, we're sorry," Carla cut me off. "I know you wouldn't do that - I think we might have just been a bit hormonal and, you know, traumatized - but I think we can both see now that we have been unfair to you."

I picked up a little at that. This seemed like a much more balanced, reasonable response! "Thank you, I just meant that -"

"No. You were right," Francesca stated solidly. "We haven't been fair to you. We've been using you, and abusing your generosity, and taking advantage of your kindness."

"I... I guess that's kind of what I meant?" I said doubtfully, not 100% sure she was on the right track.

"You deserve better, and we do deserve to be back on the streets," she continued, and I immediately started to object.

"Let me finish," she ordered, and I quieted down. "We deserve that, but you would never do it, because you're a good man. It was unfair of us to panic like that; we should have trusted you."

"Thank you! I love you both and -"

"Leo, just let her finish!" snapped Carla, apparently seeing where her sister was going and growing tired of my interruptions. Realizing what she had just done, she smiled apologetically at me, but I just motioned for her big sister to go on.

"We love you too, dear husband. And we're yours, forever. But we haven't been treating you like it," she explained. "That is going to change."

"Absolutely!" Carla agreed. "We're going to be so much better for you!"

"Si, and we'll make sure you don't have to stress over us. We'll be the women you deserve," Francesca finished.

"Wow, uh..." I began, "I don't know what to say, Thank you? I just wanted the teasing to stop, but what you're saying... Wait, what do you mean 'the women I deserve'?"

"We won't pick on you, or ask too much of you, for starters," Carla said immediately.

"Right. And we'll be your slutty, eager-to-please, pregnant whores again..." Francesca added.

"Oh yeah! Oh please, Leo? Please still fuck us? My horny, pregnant pussy needs your cock soooo bad!"

"I... of course I'll keep having sex with you! You're the 2 hottest women in the entire world!" I assured them, and they smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, lover," purred francesca. "But we want to do more for you, something special..." I gulped a bit, nervous what that would mean. Francesca looked meaningfully at her sister, raising an eyebrow. "Carlita? The thing you had been talking about?" she egged her sister on. Carla looked confused for a moment, but then gave a devious smile and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Leo, I'm yours. I've only ever been yours, and I will be forever." I smiled at her, showing her that her words were appreciated. "You took my virginity, and got me pregnant, and now... Leo, I want you to take my ass." There was silence in the room. Both women stared at me, seemingly nervous as to my reaction, whether their peace offering would be enough.

"What?" I asked, not sure I understood.

"Your young slut wants you to fuck her butthole," explained Francesca, smiling happily at her sister. "And while you're at it, I'd like to give you mine as well!"

I was floored. This was amazing! But wait. Were they just doing this because they were still scared of me? "That's... wow. But you're not... you don't still think..."

"Are we worried you'll throw us out on the streets if we don't give you our assholes?" Carla laughed, "NO!"

"We know you love us, amo. This isn't us trying to change your mind or anything like that." Francesca added.

"This is about us realizing we haven't been too good to you, and wanting to go back to being your devoted sluts!" Carla explained.

"Besides, your younger whore has been fantasizing about you fucking her ass for a while now," the older latina whispered conspiratorially, and Carla elbowed her to shut her up. I look at her questioningly.

"I mean, fine, I have..." she admitted. "But this isn't about what I want! This is about submitting to you, completely. This is about us remembering who we belong to, and showing you that things really are going to change."

"We're sorry, Leo, for mistreating you like we did," Francesca said remorsefully. "We've been very bad girls, teasing you like that."

"We deserve to be punished, but you're too kind to do that," Carla chipped in.

"So we're going to do the next best thing!" Francesca concluded. "You own us, babe. It's time we started acting like it again." I thought for a minute. It seemed like they had realized what I had been trying to say, and maybe even more importantly it seemed like they weren't just doing this out of some unfounded fear of me ruining their lives. They had apologized, and it seemed like they just wanted to show me how much they meant it.

"I... you both... Thank you. I love you," I said with conviction. They smiled at me, pleased that I seemed to be understanding them.

"We love you, too," they said at the exact same time, and then giggled because of it. We all hugged and they dried their tears. Everything was back to normal (back from the fight and before they started treating me like a piece of meat).

"Yay!" Carla finally spoke up. "But so, Leo... " she trailed off. "Can you please fuck my ass now?"

I laughed, smiling warmly at her, and my cock began to harden once more. "Sure, sweetheart. Francesca, can you lube up your sister's ass?" I asked sweetly, and we all laughed at the naughtiness of the situation.

After Francesca had grabbed the bottle from the nightstand (she had objected to me keeping it there, because "it's not like we ever aren't wet enough for you..." and she had a point, but I kept it there to be safe), she was lovingly rubbing a lubed finger on her sister's tight, star-shaped hole. Carla was moaning wildly, looking between the sister who was preparing her and her baby-daddy, who would be taking her last virginity.

"Okay sis, I think you're just about ready!" my fiancee said happily, sliding to the side and slapping Carla on the ass as she went.

"Oh god, yes," Carla enthused. "I am so ready for Leo to take my ass!"

I moved behind her on my knees and placed my hands on her hips. "I love you, Carla," I said to her sincerely.

"I love you too, Leo, but... maybe this isn't the time to be all romantic?" she suggested, giggling.

"Hmm, that's probably fair," I agreed while rubbing the head of my cock against her tight rosebud. "I mean I am about to make you into more of a whore than your sister..." Francesca rolled her eyes; she had been an actual prostitute!

"Fuuuuuck," Carla moaned at the thought of being the sluttier sister, and wiggled her hips to entice me into her butt. "I want you to own every one of my holes, baby..."

Well, I didn't want to disappoint her! Without any verbal warning, I lined my cock up with her tight rear opening and buried most of my cock inside. "EEEE!" she let out a high-pitched squeal, arching her back and almost pulling away, but my grip on her hips prevented her from pulling off of my invading member at all.

"Holy shit," Francesca exclaimed, "it looks like you're tearing her in half!" It did look quite obscene, my massive cock spreading open her tiny, tight butthole while she panted, struggled, and even cried a little.

"Are you okay, Carla? Do you want me to stop?" I asked, genuinely concerned that maybe this fantasy had gotten away from her.

"No. A. Chance," she growled through gritted teeth, moving slightly to fuck herself stubbornly farther down on my cock. "Destroy me ass. Make me feel it for a fucking week!" Well, if she was sure... I winked at Francesca, gripped her little sister's hips even harder, and drove the last few inches of my shaft into her forbidden passage.

"Not so eager now, huh?" Francesca teased, seeing her sister's entire body tense up and assuming it was because of pain or discomfort. She couldn't feel what I felt, which was Carla's assshole clenching rhythmically, or see her toes curled and her back arched in the very distinctive way she does when...

"HOLY SHIT I'M CUMMING!" she informed her sister after a few seconds, when she had regained the ability of speech despite the overwhelming pleasure. "Oh my god Cesca, my ass is cumming and it feels sooooo good!" Francesca's jaw dropped and she looked on with a new appreciation for what she was seeing.

"Carla, your ass feels so fucking good," I told her truthfully. Especially with all the lube, it was an amazing feeling. Hot, wet, and incomparably tight, her back door squeezed me in a vice-grip of pleasure.

"Good, mi amor," Carla growled, using her sister's usual term of endearment for me, "because after I give birth to your baby and my pussy is too sore and stretched out for you, I... unh... I still want to take your cock inside of me!" Francesca trembled at that, and I knew from experience that she was having a small, sympathetic orgasm alongside her sister's much more powerful one.


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