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Nude Lesson in Humility Ch. 06

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More and more women see Mahesh naked.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 11/12/2023
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The third day, Mahesh woke up at 5:30 AM. The surroundings started to get more and more familiar. He was still in Gowri Aunty's house. His punishment for mouthing off still had 4 days left. He had insulted her profession and he was now living that profession as punishment. That was not a big bother. The big issue was, he was to do it naked.

Naked, completely! Not a stitch on! Bare as board.

Naked as the day he was born.

While Urvashi, Meghana and Gowri herself were fully dressed. Well, that was debatable! Gowri, of course, was always in a saree. Urvashi and Meghana, however, never covered their legs. They always wore shorts, skirts or mini-dresses. However, by comparison, it was still a fully dressed state compared to him. Completely naked. As usual, his morning wood was in its fully engorged state and the women had their fill. By now, he was starting to get used to this. He was warned that he would be punished even more if he even tried to cover himself with his hands. Frankly, he had no intention to do so, anyway. Since, it would be no use.

For, Mahesh gigantic. His organ was massive. People talked of being hung like a Horse, but this was nothing short of an Elephant. Both in length and girth. Urvashi and Meghana were really impressed by it and Meghana was already planning to ride that. However, she was firm that it was Mahesh who had to come to her for it. When Mahesh came and knelt in front of them, he did a double take. Today, the two young women were wearing pants. And, their shirts had some sort of frills. He was surprised. They smiled at him and pointed at their feet.

"Good," - kissed left foot - "morning," - kissed right foot - "madam" - kissed left foot - "Can" - kissed right foot -"I" - kissed left foot - "start" - kissed right foot -"on" - kissed left foot - "the" - kissed right foot -"morning" - kissed left foot - "chores". He asked Urvashi.

"Well, the other two are waiting. Go to them first." She ordered him. As he turned right, she landed a strong one on his buttocks. Mahesh winced. Whenever they smacked him, it was always with their full strength. He went to Meghana and Gowri who both gave him the same treatment.

"All right, naked boy." Urvashi took charge. "Kneel, shut up and listen. We are going to get you shaved today. Our colleague who does this lives 3 blocks away and we will take her Bike for it."

"Yes, madam. Thank you madam." Mahesh replied as though he was possessed. However, the next sentence chilled him.

"You will ride with us, dressed as you are." Mahesh was shocked. Outside? Naked? No, please.

He begged them but they reassured him that this early, no one was on the streets. Also, all three of them would go and he would be sandwiched between them.

"But, ma'am. It is still risky." Mahesh begged.

"Well, you have two choices. You can ride with us, completely naked or you can walk with us."

Mahesh, obviously went for the riding option. Urvashi, however, replied. "No no, naked boy. Now, you need to convince us. Beg us. Beg us for the privilege of the Bike ride."

And so, Mahesh kissed Urvashi's feet. "Please, madam. Please take me on your Bike. Please show mercy on me."

Urvashi relished it. She relished the sight of the naked 19-year old grovelling at her feet. She was really wet down there. She still made him beg for some more time and took him downstairs. However, true to their word, they had actually made sure no one was present at that time. Once Mahesh got on the Bike, with Urvashi at front and Meghana behind, he could see their point. They had actually planned it this way to protect him. They waited until he was up and Meghana put her legs on top of his. His feet were visible but his nudity was not immediately apparent. Meghana also put her arms around his stomach. Her broad hands, arms and the frills ensured that no one would guess his nudity unless they squinted at him for some time.

In addition, she also pressed her breasts against him. It was ostensibly to cover him fully, but in reality, she wanted to crush him. She was now really into him despite being two years older than him. She tried to tell herself that it was because of servitude to them but even she knew the reality. She wanted that gigantic organ inside her. However, she didn't see it happening anytime soon. Mahesh, on his part, threw his own arms around Urvashi and rested his head on her shoulders. Closing his eyes, he prayed no one else would see him. Thankfully, she whizzed through the three blocks very quickly.

She got into the basement and Brinda, their colleague was waiting for them. Meghana got down first. Mahesh became aware of his predicament and hugged Urvashi tightly.

He was now completely naked and out in the open. Granted, there was no one at the cellar apart from Brinda. However, Brinda herself was a stranger. 24 years old, she was Urvashi's old classmate. She hugged Meghana and turned to look Mahesh who looked at her fearfully. She was a round, dark-skinned woman. Mahesh put her at least 25 kilos heavier than him. She was now watching the naked man from behind. Urvashi and Meghana had already told her about his organ and she couldn't wait to see it. However, watching the kid stare at her fearfully, knowing that her eyes were on the exposed part of his butt-crack, hoping that not enough of it was visible, and then realising that it was no use since he would get down soon and expose himself fully anyway was good enough. Urvashi, however, was sympathetic and allowed him to hug her for as long as he wanted. Eventually, Mahesh understood that the more time he spent there, the likelihood of someone else coming only increased. He released Urvashi and got down.

When Urvashi and Meghana had talked about him, Brinda had inwardly scoffed. She Felt that the claims were just exaggerated. However, when she saw Mahesh, naked, and in all his glory, she was flabbergasted. Being dark-skinned and also a little fat, she was far less experienced with male nudity compared to the other two. Yet, she knew this was not a normal size. She was mesmerised at the sight. Mahesh stood in front of her. The way Brinda eyed him made him self-conscious after some time and, involuntarily, he covered his organ.

SMACK! "Hands by your side." Urvashi Felt so powerful as she gave the command. unlike the last two days, she was covered from head to toe. so, the difference in the clothed state between her and her slave was magnified. She was covered from head to toe, and she was not allowing her slave, even the most basic form of modesty. As Mahesh immediately accepted her command, she felt so powerful. Brinda, on her part, took a decent fill of the naked slave in front of her. Finally, she looked away and spotted her bike. She turned to the slave.

"We will leave upstairs. Our apartment is number 403. You will clean the Bike and come there."

Mahesh was horrified. "Please, madam. Don't leave me alone. Please, at least one of you stay back. What if someone comes?"

Urvashi reassured him. "It is fine, naked boy. This apartment is only for working ladies and all of them are adults."

Mahesh stared at her. Did she actually think this was a reassuring line?

Urvashi continued. "If anyone asks, you can tell them that you are Brinda's slave. She will take care of it. If the women are still not happy, we can placate them by offering your services to clean their vehicles as well." Urvashi said with a wink. Mahesh was having none of it.

"Please, Madam. I will feel so much better if one of you is here."

If it was anyone other than Brinda, Urvashi and Meghana would have been so unhappy. Mahesh was openly defying them and this was an insult to them. However, Urvashi and Meghana still loved this kid. They decided to forgive him. However, he had to learn his place.

"Naked boy! How dare you question our orders in front of someone? If you do it one more time, we will leave you out on the streets. Completely naked."

Mahesh instantly fell at their feet. " I am so sorry, madam. But, I am just very scared of this. Please-" Meghana finally came forward.

"Naked boy! I have faith in you. But, first, remember this. Like Urvashi said, this is your first and last warning. Never again should you question our orders. And, secondly, let's make a deal. Do this and come upstairs. This evening, when we go back, we will inspect the Bike. If you have done a good job, we will allow you to rub one out today."

Mahesh stared at them. Could there be anything more humiliating? He was a 19 year old man. And a 21 year old woman was giving him an opportunity to rub one out. The only thought in his mind was to make sure that he would get the opportunity. And so, he finally agreed. They left for the elevator, leaving him alone, terrified and naked. Better get to work! His mind voice told him.

One of his most loved possessions was his modest Pulsar Bike. This was a Harley. He surmised that Brinda's father must be rich. He surveyed the beauty in front of him, recognizing the intricacies of the task before him. Starting with a soft brush, he gently whisked away layers of dirt from every nook and cranny, revealing the hidden gleam of the metal beneath. Switching to a soapy sponge, he meticulously cleaned the surface, his hands working deftly to remove stubborn stains. Just as he was being done with the engine, he heard a voice and he stood up, rooted to the spot.

"What do we have here?" The woman called out, as she stepped out of her Bike.

Turning his head, he saw a woman leaning against a pillar. She was older than Brinda but had her same build. She called him over to her. Feeling her eyes on his naked body made his massive, fully erect penis throb all the more, and he know he was blushing from head to toe! The woman, on her part, eyed him appreciatively.

"Good morning, madam. I am Mahesh and I am a slave of Brinda's."

 Her gaze lingered on his parts, all of his parts from head to toe. Obviously, when it went over the midsection, it lingered more. Glancing around, Mahesh was lucky to find no one else was coming. He turned to his new superior. By now, he was programmed. Every woman in the world was superior to him and he had no modesty with any of them.

"Good morning, naked boy. Slave, huh! Good. Men are fit only to be slaves to women. But, why are you without any clothes?"

"Well, madam. Technically, I am a slave to Brinda's friends. They decided that I should not be wearing any clothing."

"And, what was your say in the matter?"

She was making him say it. He decided to fully embrace his new position in life. "I would prefer to wear clothes, madam. However, I am just a slave and I will follow their orders to the letter. Would you excuse me, madam? I need to clean Brinda madam's Bike."

She eyed how he had worked on that Bike. She then turned to him. "Well, would it really be too much to ask if I wanted you to clean my Bike as well."

Mahesh almost groaned. He caught himself just in time. He had no idea if Urvashi and Meghna would punish him for that in insolence and did not intend to find out. Also, he decided to take advantage of this.

"It wouldn't be, madam. However, would you be open to a trade. I am actually not that good in this. If you would supervise me and tell me if I am doing wrong, I would gladly clean your Bike as well. Also, it would help me if I have someone nearby."

She agreed and held her hand out. When he went to shake it, she shook her head. He understood and stood on tiptoes. He placed his organ in her hand. She brushed it openly. She was surprised to see such a small action make him excited very much. She finally told him her name was Chaitra. With her guidance, he cleaned the two bikes quickly. She said she wanted to come with him and they got into the lift. Just as the elevator door closed, Mahesh heard the sound of a car come and felt inwardly relieved.

They finally came to apartment 403. Brinda opened the door and cooed when she saw Chaitra. The women hugged each other. They all sat on a sofa or a chair. This was a decently posh apartment and it had two more chairs. However, Mahesh wordlessly knelt on the floor.

"I hope he did not cause you too much trouble?"

"Trouble? Are you kidding me? He was an angel. I mean, look at him. We didn't have to say anything and he is kneeling in front of us. This kid is a gem. Never let him go." Mahesh felt proud as Chaitra praised him like this. Urvashi asked her how he cleaned the Bike and when she praised it again, Urvashi decided to give him his reward.

She beckoned forward and pointed to her knees. Even though he knew what she wanted, he decided to do something on his own. He went down on fours and kissed her feet. He then caught hold of her right leg, lifted it up and looked for her permission. Urvashi nodded and he lovingly sucked her toes. Meghana watched as he licked each of her toes and Aishwarya groaned. Meghana finally grabbed a hold of him and put him over Aishwarya's knee. She then moved towards his face and lifted her feet. She placed it on the sofa and Mahesh kissed them. She positioned herself correctly and Mahesh started sucking her toes as well.

Wordlessly, Urvashi and Meghana coordinated well. As he sucked, Meghana forcefully inserted her toe further and Urvashi picked the moment perfectly.


The smack was vicious. He could not even scream with Meghana's toe in his tongue. SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! Urvashi struck and struck and she was not holding back. On his part, Mahesh was still fully erect and each hit was only getting him closer. He started rubbing himself against Urvashi. He then realised what he was doing and was horrified. He did not know how she would react and he could not see her either. However, he watched Meghana and she nodded. He finally realised this was their plan and this was what they had meant when they said he would not like it fully. Emboldened, he rubbed himself harder. Urvashi was still going at him as hard as she could. Very soon, they both knew. However, just as he reached the edge, she put her thighs on the tip of his cock. That completely denied him and, unable to continue humping, he could feel himself coming down.

Mahesh begged her. She was denying him and at the same time, the smacks continued. Brinda and Chaitra were watching the scene passively. A few seconds later, Urvashi finally lifted her thighs.

Once again, Mahesh started. As he did, he understood that Urvashi was actually helping him. He was denied for nearly 5-6 days. And now, he would have come very soon. And so, Urvashi was denying him this way to extend his rubbing. Again and again he got to the edge and she stopped him. Finally, she allowed him. Mahesh rubbed himself vigorously. He knew he must have taken at least 40+ spankings. However, he was fully focused on his wanking. Him wanking completely naked in front of four older women was the most humiliating experience of his life. And yet, paradoxically, it was the same experience that was bringing him to edge.

And, inevitably, he exploded. He shouted even louder when he did and Urvashi pushed him down. Both of them were breathing heavily as Mahesh continued his humping on the floor. Consistent with his massive organ, he let out a massive load as he finally caught his breath. Both their feet was within reach of his mouth and he kissed all four feet. He was coming into contact with his own load but he did not care. He then dutifully went back a few paces and resumed his kneeling position.

Urvashi stood up. All her earlier excitement had gone away and she was now business-like. The power was clearly visible as the naked 19-year old Mahesh continued to kneel and look up to them.

"Naked boy! The tissues are on that table. Fetch them and clean up your mess. Then, go to the bathroom and fetch the shaving cream and utilities."

The four women watched as Mahesh dutifully cleaned every last speck of the mess he made. There were some amounts on the sofa and on her thighs. Urvashi allowed him to spray some water on the sofa and clean it up. When he proceeded with a fresh tissue to her knee, however, She stopped him.

"Clean!" She commanded, and then released him. He brought the tissue again and Urvashi stopped him, again.

"Clean!" She commanded a second time. Mahesh understood what she wanted. "NO!" He shouted, without any hesitation. "Not happening!" He said firmly.

"That is correct, not happening!" Meghana announced firmly. Urvashi accepted it. She was actually happy. Happy that her baby was showing some spine finally. 

Chaitra, too, came to his rescue. "Naked boy, if they ever make you do something too uncomfortable, you call me. Got it. Slaves are supposed to get some consideration, too." She kissed his cheek as she consoled him. Once he cleaned up his mess from her legs as well, they started shaving him.

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