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Nudist Neighbor Ch. 02

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Bob has a second date with his nudist neighbor.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/10/2020
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Bob and his nudist neighbor have a second date

After our nude walk around the neighborhood, I started going nude in my house more. I went to bed naked, woke up and took a shower, then stayed naked while I walked around my kitchen and made breakfast. I kept the blinds open on the window that faced Kathy's house, hoping she would see me. But then I closed them when I saw she had her kids over.

We hadn't talked for a few days while she watched her kids. I also didn't see her sunbathing nude, obviously. I kept thinking about her, her tanned body, juggy breasts, toned and sexy legs. She was more experienced than I was so her inhibition also turned me on. I would've chickened out on our walk if it weren't for her pushing me on. I started to get an erection thinking about her, but I wanted to save my love for her so I tried to distract myself. Putting clothes on seemed to help.

Eventually her dopey looking ex-husband took the kids away. He seemed like one of those tight ass accountant types, most likely a good provider and probably a good father, but not much in terms of fun and excitement, I could only figure that was why they broke up.

Soon enough, I saw Kathy in the yard, naked. My heart started to palpitate, wondering what to do. I didn't have her number, why bother when I lived next door. So maybe, just intrude. I took my clothes off and walked through my backyard, nervous I would get seen by my elderly neighbor on the other side. I walked up to the privacy fence that separated our yards. I stood on my tip toes, and being tall, was just able to look over the fence.

"Hey good looking," I called out.

She was sitting on a folding chair, her front side and bare breasts basking in the sun. She lifted her sunglasses up and looked at me. "Hi, Bob!" She waved enthusiastically. "What are you doing? Come on over."

In order to get to her backyard, I had to walk around the front of our houses, meaning I'd be exposed to the street and the houses in front of me. I never really interacted with them except for a few waves hello, so next time I cut my grass should be more awkward. I walked quickly around the fences and unlatched her gate. I walked into the back.

"Pull up a chair," she said, not minding that I was naked.

I sat down and admired her figure. The sunlight making her tan skin glow, she had her leg up slightly, her head was back, even under her sunglasses I could see her eyes were closed. It was turning me on how relaxed she was. Meanwhile I was twisting my body a little to not expose myself too much. A plane flew overhead, I was actually nervous even though I knew there was no chance they could see us at 30,000 feet. I had a lot to learn about being a nudist. The crazy things we do for love.

We sat mostly in silence, she seemed content with just sunbathing and I didn't want to say anything. After a while she turned over, and I got a look at her amazing tan butt. I decided to follow her suit, and I rolled over as well.

"Feels good, doesn't it," she asked me.

"Yes. That walk we took the other night was exhilarating," I said.

"I Know. My ex wouldn't ever do anything like that."

"I was thinking maybe...we could do it again?"

She agreed, and turned her head away. I was a little confused, was that a yes or was that a 'maybe'? But with her head turned I sharpened my gaze on her body. I felt so indecent staring at the crack of her butt. Were nudists supposed to not look? So many rules I didn't know yet. I snapped out of my trance when she turned her head towards me.

"I think we shouldn't press our luck," she said.

My heart sank. What did that mean? Was this relationship over so soon?

"Why don't you just come over tonight and we can have a drink," she said.

Now I understood. She didn't want to take a nude walk again, pressing our luck would mean eventually someone would call the cops on us or something.

"Sounds great," I said, but I wanted clarification on what that meant. "I'd love to come over...nude?"

"Of course," she giggled.

Whew, that was a relief she said yes. But also a little bit scary. I didn't know if I could restrain myself within the privacy of her home, I didn't want to act like some horny dog the moment I saw her.

"Well I have some things I need to finish up," she said and lifted up in her chair. "Come by around 9?"

"Sounds great," I said. Did I already use that phrase? I was so nervous. I watched her get up and walk towards the house. I had seen her do this a number of times from my peeping window, but now I got to see her up close, walking away from me. Her body and butt gliding across the lawn. As she went through her door she turned back at me and winked.

I rushed home, a car drove by as I was making my way to my own yard, I don't think they spotted me. I was already a nervous wreck.

At 9 o'clock sharp I worked up the courage to walk over to Kathy's house, nude. I didn't want to go half-way on this one, awkwardly taking my clothes off when I got there. I was going au naturale the whole time. It was getting dark so I at least didn't have to worry about too many eyes on me. I waited for a car to drive by then made my way over to her front door. I rang the door bell and waited. And waited, stark naked on her porch. This was like one of those bad dreams.

I tried the handle, it was unlocked. I opened the door, not wanting to barge in but also not wanting to be exposed to my whole neighborhood. "Hello," I called in.

"Hi Bob, come on in, sorry," she said. "I was just getting ready."

She turned the corner, she was naked. Figures, even when a woman has no clothes to put on she still takes a while to get ready. But she had done her hair, I could tell, and put on some makeup and lipstick. I'm glad I remembered to shave my beard at least. And she wasn't completely naked. She was wearing black stiletto high heels. The sight of her completely naked but wearing high heels was the sexiest sight I had ever seen. Talk about an entrance!

"Wow," I said. "You look great"

"Thanks," she said, looking down. "Being nude means not being able to hide your true feelings."

I was confused at first what she meant, then I noticed my penis had grown a little bit, until it was half erect. I must've been blushing because she said not to worry about it. While looking down I also noticed something else. Where she had a neatly trimmed bush, now it was clean shaven. She also had a bracelet on. The shoes and jewelry made her naked body that much more enamoring.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Yes, please," I squeaked out.

She had two wine glasses and a bottle, and poured the glasses before setting the bottle on the table, turning the label towards me intentionally. I picked up the bottle and read the label out loud, "Naked Harvest," I said.

"I spent way too much time trying to find the perfect wine for the occasion," she smiled.

"I appreciate the effort."

There was a silence as we reached for the glasses, cheered each other and took a sip. Under the soft lights of her kitchen I could really marvel at her amazing curves and tan skin.

"I really like your home," I said.

"Thanks, I have a thing for decorating, unfortunately I have some projects that need fixed but I'm not very handy."

"Well I'm pretty handy," I said.

"What do you do anyways, I've been meaning to ask you?"

"I'm retired, I used to be an electrician," I said.

"So, you are handy," she tilted her hips out when she said it, my eyes were drawn to the movement of her body and once again her freshly shaved pelvic region.

"And what do you do?" I asked.

"Retail. It's boring. But sometimes I go into the changing rooms to clean the mirrors. I take all my clothes off while I do it. They have three full length mirrors, so it's kinda fun."

The thought of seeing every angle of her at one time was enticing. "How long have you been a nudist?" I asked.

"Oh, probably all my life, I guess," she said. "Though I started to really get into it more after the divorce."

She turned her head away, I knew she didn't want to talk about that subject. I was worried she'd ask me, how long I was a nudist, so I had to change the subject quick.

"I really do like your shoes," I said.

"Thanks, I thought maybe it was gaudy,"

"No way, you look amazing. I would love to take you to a fancy restaurant and have you wearing nothing but them," I said.

She laughed and took a sip of wine. "Maybe we should go to a nudist resort someday."

"Yeah," I said and took a giant gulp. I keep getting myself into trouble.

"Do you want to finish our drinks outside?"

"Sure," I said, my voice cracking, and it's never a good sign when a 50 year old's voice cracks.

We walked into the backyard, onto her patio. We sat down in some chairs. The night was clear, the moon was bright and some stars were visible. It was peaceful and quiet out. Except for the mosquitos buzzing around. Those are the little things you don't think about when it comes to being a nudist. She must've seen me swat one away. She took out a citronella candle and lit it. The glow made the scene romantic, and I loved seeing the light bouncing off her skin.

"I also have this," she said, pulling out some bug spray." It is made with natural ingredients."

She sprayed herself and then handed it to me, and I did the same. It was not a bad smell, but fragrant, and natural.

"I prefer this to the stuff with all the chemicals in it, I don't want to spray that bad stuff all over my body."

"Good call," I said.

Now that we had our mosquito repellant and candle, we could sit and enjoy our wine and the night sky in peace.

"Sorry to ask," she said. "But are you really a nudist?"


"It's just, you always seem a bit nervous, or uncomfortable," she said, then threw me a sly smile. "You aren't doing this, just to be near me naked, are you?"

I swallowed hard. I'd been found out. "Well to tell you the truth, I may have exaggerated a bit about being a nudist."

"I thought so!" She seemed delighted instead of mad, but when she saw that I was hurt she changed her demeanor. "It's okay, I'm not upset. In fact, I think it's kinda romantic."

"Me not being a nudist is romantic?"

"No," she laughed. "Doing something outside your comfort zone for someone else. Putting yourself in an uncomfortable position for love. It's beautiful."

"Well as they say, beauty is pain," I tried to joke, but still felt like a schmuck.

"Yes, very true," she said, lifting her leg up and reaching down to her shoe. She unstrapped the belt and took her shoes off. "I know you like these shoes but they are killing me."

"No problem." I felt more relaxed, knowing she really didn't care.

"There's another reason I wanted to take my shoes off," she said. I followed her gaze to the middle of her yard where a full size trampoline sat. "Have you ever laid on one?"


"It's a great way to look up at the stars," she said, and got up. We held hands as she guided me towards it.

With one quick motion she leaped into the air and was on the trampoline. She turned towards me and was bouncing up and down, her boobs flopping with each bounce. I looked down, the ledge was maybe 3 feet off the ground, and no step stools nearby. Uh-oh.

"Oh come on, you can't get up? My 7 year old gets up here all by herself," she said, "Plus, think of the motivation" she said, putting her hands underneath her breasts that were bouncing up and down.

Well that was enough of a motivation for me, without thinking I leapt up, and rolled over so as not to get my penis anywhere near those moving springs. I stood up, a little weak in the knees and light headed, but started bouncing up and down with her. I already felt like a kid again. My unerect penis was bouncing up and down as her boobs were doing the same. She started bouncing higher up in the air, propelling herself off of my jumps. Her dark hair was flowing up and down and her breasts mesmerizing me with each up and down motion. She then kicked her legs out, and did almost a full split in the air, exposing her pussy lips to me quickly.

"I think I hurt myself," she said.

"Me, too."

We both laughed, as she plopped to the mat and drug me down with her. I fell into her and was worried I hurt her, but we were in a close embrace and she was staring at me with sparkling eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her. Then she moved her head away and leaned back, looking up at the skies.

"Isn't it amazing?" She asked. But I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Yes," I said.

She looked back at me, and we snuggled closer together. I felt so close to her I wanted to open up more, going against my instincts I apologized again. "I'm sorry I lied about being a nudist."

"It's okay, I'm glad to share this experience with someone. I probably would've never had the courage to take that walk around the block if it weren't for you."

"Really? I felt like it was you that gave me courage. You seem so uninhibited."

"I enjoy being naked, but I'm not much into exhibition to be honest."

"Just a shame you don't have a nicer body to join you," I said, looking down in shame at myself.

"Oh stop that, you have a fine body," she said. "Plus beauty's on the inside, and I can tell you are a good man."

We moved closer and kissed again, and I began rubbing my hands all over her naked body. She closed her eyes and began kissing my neck. My hands moved down her back and over her well rounded butt, then moving up her stomach and over her breasts, I could feel her breathing heavier on me, she was melting deeper into my arms.

She moved her hand over my body then dropped down to my throbbing member, I leaned my head back and let out a soft sigh. "Well look at that," she said with a smile. I looked down at my fully erect penis, the first time she saw it at full length. "Someone is more relaxed," she said.

I took her in my arms and kissed her passionately, I felt the muscles on her back and butt as I sucked hard at her mouth. We finally came up for air and she threw her head back and sent her hair flying. I pulled her on top of me, and I grabbed both of her boobs with each hand, squeezing them gently, the soft flesh against my hardened skin. She gently held my penis in her hand and guided my cock into her. We both let out a moan of pleasure. I held onto her rack as she started to move up and down on my dick.

The springs of the trampoline began to make louder and louder creaks. I was acutely aware of how loud the pinging sounds were in the still of the night, but Kathy was too focused on riding me. Then I noticed a neighbor's porchlight turn on. The bright light glowed across her eyes. She ducked down a bit but then started to ride me harder, eventually forgetting about hiding under the top of the fence posts. The trampoline was creaking now very loudly, and I could feel her pussy getting wet around my cock. Every thrust she made sent me compressed into the trampoline and then bouncing back up, only to then go deeper down and higher up again. We reached such a crescendo I actually lifted off the mat and into the air. I wrapped my arms around her and we landed back on the mat.

We both laughed, we apparently got a little too carried away. I readjusted inside of her and we started again, slowly. She now leaned back, her breasts pointing upwards slightly to the sky, as she held herself back with her palms on the mat. I knew at her height she was visible over the fence to whomever nosey neighbor might be lucky enough to be watching. We started bouncing, more controlled now, having learned out lesson the first time around.

She leaned forward again, resting her chest on mine, as I started to stroke harder inside of her. Timing each bounce of the trampoline, as I went down, she moved up, then as I came up she came down hard on my dick. We got into a good rhythm, I lifted my hips up at just the right moment to give it a little bounce each time. When our momentum started to get out of control I slowed down a bit, then I leaned forward, grabbing a hold of the side rail with one hand, I started thrusting harder into her, using small, sharp bounces to drive into her while my hand prevented me from launching into the air. The springs were humming louder than an army of crickets, and her moans of pleasure started turning into loud screams of delight. We were most likely waking up the entire neighborhood at this point, as a few bedroom lights that towered over our privacy fence turned on.

She noticed them too, and we slowed down a little and she stopped her loud squealing. I moved slower in and out of her as our eyes locked onto each other. I began massaging her butt cheeks as she rocked up and down on my cock. She began to get wet again as I felt an orgasm beginning to brew inside of me. The springs started pinging again and she couldn't help but start moaning, louder and louder. I was now thrusting fully into her and starting to feel her muscles and g-spot clenching and unloading their juices on me. I let out an involuntary moan as she placed her hand on my cheek, I squirted like a volcanic eruption inside of her, our bodies depressed low into the trampoline as she ground her hips and pelvis into me. I pulled at her hair and she bit my earlobe, all I could hear was the sound of the springs, heavy at first, then slowly dying down until we finally came to a stop.

We rolled over slightly as I tried to catch my breath. We were both covered in sweat, but the cool breeze played gently against my skin. The night once again turned quiet as we heard crickets singing their song. I was still inside of her as we laid side by side to each other.

"That was quite the experience," she whispered. "Do you feel more relaxed now being a nudist?"

I was, so much so I was even in a joking mood. "And how about you? Do you now enjoy being an exhibitionist?"

"Were they spying on us?" She gasped, looking at the bedroom window that had now turned back off again. But I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When she turned her head back towards me I gave her a wet kiss.

I leaned my head back and looked up at the stars and the moon as she breathed gently on my neck, stroking my hair. My penis finally slipped out of her as she made one final gasp of joy. It took a while before my chest stopped heaving as we sat quietly in each other's arms, resting under the glow of the moonlight.

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GoofyRobGoofyRobover 4 years ago

Just the right amount of intregue. Taking it cool. Wish it ha d beenme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Love the story, but the past tense of 'drag' is not 'drug' - sorry, but that one drives me crazy whenever I see it!

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