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Quarantine with a Naked Flatmate

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You'll wish you were in lockdown with Maddie.
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We'd watched with a mix of awe and confusion as the Coronavirus spread across the world. In China it had seemed so far away that we could be detached, even relaxed about it (judging by all the memes people were sharing, anyway). Then, suddenly, it was upon us. People were panic buying face masks and toilet paper and the case numbers were rising. Tom Hanks got sick! It seemed almost overnight that the world changed, and suddenly that train or bus ride to the office seemed like one risk too many. It was almost a relief when the lockdown came in and we were being told to work from home and do all our meetings through video calls. The lack of direct socialising might suck for a while, but at least we'd be safe.

For me, working from home was going to be pretty easy. I've got the sort of number-crunching finance job you can do from absolutely anywhere on the planet as long as you have a laptop and a decent wi-fi signal.

It wasn't even as though I was going into isolation by myself, either -- I share my flat with a roommate, Maddie. She's rented the other bedroom in the flat for three months now, although most of the time you wouldn't know it. See, Maddie's a night owl -- she works at a couple of bars and sometimes at a nightclub, so she tends to be out most of the time I'm home. We see each other in passing, but our lives are pretty separate -- at least, they had been until the lockdown.

But of course, no bars or nightclubs were allowed to open now, and so Maddie was out of a job. She'd been worried but I'd told her I would cover as much of our rent as she needed me to until this was all over, and she had some money put aside, so she was in a better place than many in her position. The only thing she was going to have to adjust to -- well, that we were both going to have to adjust to -- was having someone else around in the apartment, rather than each being on our own.

In a way though, I was rather looking forward to getting to know my roommate a little better. Maddie's always seemed pretty fun, with her punky cropped hair box-dyed red, her various tattoos and her outgoing, take-no-shit attitude. She's one of those girls who seems to relish whatever new experiences life gives her. Meanwhile I'm more your introspective, thoughtful sort of chap, who tends not to rush into anything -- but I've always envied people like Maddie, and I was hoping a bit of time with her might cause some of her spirit to rub off on me.

The Tuesday that was the first official day of the lockdown, however, the flat was as quiet as it usually was while I made my coffee and set myself up at the table in our open-plan living room/kitchen area. I'd read that keeping a routine is one of the best ways to cope with a sudden transition from being office-based to home working, so I had decided that despite swapping my usual suit for sweatpants and a t-shirt I was still going to be 'at my desk' for 9am. Maddie, though, had no need of such a routine, so I wasn't too surprised that she'd chosen to sleep in.

I beavered away at my work until almost lunchtime before I heard my flatmate come into the kitchen behind me.

"Morning Will," she slurred sleepily behind me.

"Morning, Maddie," I replied, turning to acknowledge her. Then I performed an almost cartoonish double-take.

My flatmate was stark naked.

"Um..?" I began.


"Forget something?" I managed. She looked blank for a second, then realisation crossed her face.

"Oh, this," she said, gesturing at herself. "Yeah I always walk around nude here. You know that, right?"

I shook my head. "I've never seen you," I answered.

Maddie looked puzzled. "You sure?" she asked. "I could have sworn I had mentioned it before now. I'm like this most of the time."

My pulse was racing. "No," I squeaked. "I'd remember if you told me something like that."

She shrugged. "Oh, well, I guess you aren't usually here during the day..."

"Lockdown, remember?"

She grinned. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm all over the place first thing in the morning."

"It's lunchtime."

"Maybe to you," she pouted.

There was a silence. Maddie stood completely nonchalant and unembarrassed by her lack of clothing, a quality I found suddenly intriguing. Intriguing in the sort of way that made me glad I was seated behind a desk and wearing sweatpants.

"You don't... mind, do you?" she asked.

I thought.

We were going to be on lockdown for weeks, who knew how long. Maddie wasn't exactly my type of woman; I'm a bit of a vanilla bore in that regard, all my exes have been girls with long straight hair and curvy figures. Maddie, now I could see all of her, was slim almost to the point of being skinny, and pretty flat-chested, her body decorated here and there with tattoos. But in a choice between spending my lockdown with a naked woman to look at, or with one who wasn't naked, it wasn't much of a contest.

"Its fine," I hurriedly assured her.

She grinned disarmingly. "Good, because I'm not changing my ways just 'cause we're stuck indoors together."

I smiled to myself. Evidently Maddie hadn't really been asking for permission. Again, her unapologetic attitude towards her nakedness was something I found myself liking.

Maddie hung out in the kitchen for a while, standing leant against the counter eating a bowl of cereal. I tried to get to learn a little more about this hitherto-unknown-to me-clothing-optional side of hers, but there wasn't much of a story there. She didn't have some unusual passion for going to nude beaches and she wasn't part of some naked social circle with like-minded others. She simply found being unclothed at home more comfortable. It wasn't something she gave much thought to, which perhaps explained her scatterbrainedness when it came to whether or not this was a new sight for me (after a while we established she was confusing me with a previous male flatmate), and she didn't have much to say about it beyond a few monosyllabic responses and some shrugs; but she said enough that I began to understand that she just didn't really see nakedness as taboo, and that for her standing naked in front of me was no more intimate than if she'd been in her pyjamas (which, of course, were something she didn't own). She seemed completely relaxed about the fact I could see every inch of her; her perky nipples and small, flat breasts, the minute swell of her belly, even her patch of fuzzly growing-back pubic hair, and I tried my best to appear as nonchalant as possible in return. I don't know why, but I kind of felt she would lose a lot of respect for me if I started acting like a horny teenage boy around her, even though my inner horny teenage boy was currently feeling very happy about this new development in our living arrangements.

In spite of the fact that she didn't have much to say about her nudity, Maddie was more than happy to hang out, and so it was more than just her state of dress that led me to feel that my idea of getting to know my flatmate more during lockdown was off to a flying start. In the end though, it became obvious that we'd chatted long after I should have returned to work (unsurprisingly, having a naked girl to talk to was something of a distraction), and Maddie, for my benefit, excused herself back to her room, while smiling to myself at my good fortune, I settled back down to work


Soon enough it was time for me to wrap up for the day, and almost on cue Maddie made a return appearance. She still, I was pleased to see, hadn't bothered to put on clothes, and once again I felt my cock stir at the sight.

That, I had to admit, was a bit of a problem; I was fairly sure Maddie wasn't strutting around in her birthday suit so as to get me excited. Once again I got the feeling that if she spotted me pitching a tent in my sweatpants, she might start to feel like I wasn't the sort of cool guy she could hang out with and, more importantly, be her naked self with. That I definitely didn't want -- now I'd been given the gift of a naked flatmate, I wasn't keen on having to give it up again. At the same time, I'm a red-blooded heterosexual male, so I wasn't sure I could really do anything about how my body chose to respond.

Fortunately, Maddie didn't even seem to notice, she was simply enjoying her bare state, and I soon found that familiarity helped me relax again in her company.

"How are you doing?" I asked her.

"Well, it kind of sucks not being able to go out or go to work, I'm not gonna lie," she admitted. "But it's not all bad."

"I think not being able to go to the pub after work is going to be the worst thing," I said light-heartedly.

Maddie laughed. "I work in pubs, you don't need to tell me." She frowned. "Never seen you in ours though?"

I shrugged. "I don't usually drink around here," I admitted. "After work we tend to stay in the City."

She smiled. "Probably for the best," she joked. "In those suits you wear, anyway."

"Hey, what's wrong with my suits?" I objected, half-seriously.

"Nothing, but we're more of a leather jackets and denim sort of crowd in the places I work," my flatmate pacified, but a wounded expression still remained on my face, and so she followed up with; "you look good in your suit; just better out of it."

"You as well," I chanced, and she grinned a little.

"So they tell me," she said with a warm chuckle.


So things went, for the first couple of days of our lockdown.

When it became apparent (even more than it had already) that Maddie was going to be trying to use the lockdown to break some sort of personal record for time spent nude, it finally became necessary to broach the subject of a few ground rules. Specifically, on the uncommon occasion when I might have to attend a virtual meeting or video call a client, I needed to know there was absolutely no risk that a naked, tattooed girl was going to photobomb me in the background.

We came up with a pretty neat solution. Although it would probably be obvious 90% of the time if I was on a call, for the few remaining occasions when it wouldn't, we devised a system; a homemade flag, stuck in a plant pot on my desk. This was visible from the door into the living room-slash-working area, so Maddie would be able to see it before she walked in. She would could therefore then either throw on some clothes or, if it wasn't urgent, simply stay away out of sight until my call was done.

That one consideration aside, Maddie was pretty much free to be as bare as she wanted to; indeed, the only time I saw her don clothes voluntarily in those first few days was when she was Facetiming her parents; and even then, she was only dressed on her top half, covering only what was going to be visible on her phone's camera.

"My parents are prudes," she said by way of an explanation. "It's easier for me if they think I'm normal."

"You don't think you're normal?" I asked. Maddie grinned.

"Nah," she answered. "Who wants to be normal? Live freaky, that's how I do it."

I had to admit, her spirit was definitely attractive. I suppose I've always been a bit of a square, at least in comparison to girls like Maddie; never really had the urge or inclination to let loose. But I'd seen in Maddie from the start something that I both envied and admired. Perhaps that's why I'd taken her on as a roommate, in spite of the fact that we superficially had little in common. Why she'd wanted to live with me though was a lot less clear!

We were getting along famously though, in those first forty eight hours, and by the end of the third day we even cooked a meal together, something we'd never done before, and watched a bit of undemanding TV.

After a while though Maddie grew restless and headed off to her bedroom. It was a light evening, still a way off of sundown, so I settled down to play some videogames without worrying that I was monopolising the big TV.

After no more than a few minutes, however, Maggie called to me from her bedroom.

"Will! Come here! You have to see what's happening!"

"Be right there," I responded, and I put down the game pad and made my way to her room. Maddie (naked, of course) was kneeling on her bed, looking out through the window.

"Look," she gestured, and I got up on her bed next to her.

Our flat is high up in an old building, and directly opposite is an almost identical building, made up of more flats. I peered out of the window and struggled to see what Maddie was so excited about at first, until with a wicked grin she pointed to one of the windows across the street. I followed her gesture, and soon a similar grin crossed my face.

There was a couple visible in the window -- a man and a woman. I thought I recognised them, had seen them coming and going in the time before the lockdown. The guy was bearded, dark of hair and complexion, probably a little older than me. His girlfriend, as I knew her to be, was younger, a tall blonde who I had always noticed to have a particularly eye-catching figure.

I'd seen them out in the street, but I'd never seen them like this. Oblivious to the fact they were in full view to the array of windows in our building, the two were naked, and enthusiastically fucking.

"Wow! Do they... do they know we can see them?" I wondered.

"Oh, they know," Maddie grinned. As if on cue, a laddish cheer issued from the direction of the flats on the floor above us, no doubt a shout of encouragement from others who had found themselves spectating on this couple's lovemaking. The couple looked up, acknowledging the shout with obvious delight, and I realised my early assessment, that they were unaware of their audience, was incorrect; they actually wanted one. Their position attested to that; the woman was bent over, holding on to the window sill with straight arms, the better to reveal her large, naked breasts to us and whoever else might be watching. The guy was slightly less visible but was behind her, rhythmically fucking her, holding on to her hips to steady them both.

"They're putting on a show," Maddie explained needlessly.

"That's pretty funny," I responded.

"I love it," she returned. "I think it's hot."

I looked back out the window. They were a good looking couple. In fact, the girl looked as good naked as I had imagined her to be when I'd seen her fully-clothed naked; a tanned blonde with ample breasts and a nipped-in waist. The guy clearly looked after himself too. They obviously felt like they had something worth showing off, I thought, and on reflection I couldn't really disagree.

We knelt on Maddie's bed, watching the couple. I was struck by an amusing thought -- between Maddie, me and the couple, I was the only one with clothes on.

The woman being fucked in the window turned to look at us, and smiled. Her smile broadened as she realised that my roommate was naked, and then her mouth opened and her eyes widened, apparently because she was either climaxing, or at the very least, having a really good moment.

"This is wild," I said to Maddie.

She nodded. "Haven't you ever done it with people watching?"

"No," I answered. I'd had sex out of doors with a mild risk of discovery, of course, but I wasn't about to treat that as quite the same thing. Compared to the show we were getting, it suddenly seemed pretty tame. "Not sure that really appeals to me."

Maddie's eyes, though, were alight. "I'd love it," she said. "Being watched. I bet it would feel amazing, just all on display like that."

"I'd be too nervous," I admitted in a flash of honesty. "I'd get performance anxiety."

Maddie laughed. "You need to loosen up," she suggested.

I was starting to think she might have a point.

The couple in the opposite flat had clearly attained the maximum amount of enjoyment they wanted from their performance, and the curtains drew across the window. Whatever else they were going to do was for their eyes only. I was suddenly aware I was sitting on Maddie's bed, and that she was naked; the room was filled with her scent, her discarded clothes and the other intimate detritus of her life scattered around. We rarely intruded into each other's bedrooms; they were our own private spaces -- somehow now it seemed more taboo than simply seeing Maddie parading around nude in the communal spaces of the flat. My ears grew warm and I made a mumbled excuse to return to my gaming.

Maddie, this time though, followed me.

"Oooh!" she exclaimed when she saw the screen. "What games have you got?"

I reeled off a few titles, noticing my flatmate nodding in approval. "You into gaming?" I asked her.

Maddie nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't afford a PS4 on what I earn at the moment but I used to play loads."

"Well, you're always welcome to play here," I offered.

"You don't mind?" she responded, please.

"No, not at all. I can't promise I won't kick you off in the evening but while I'm working you can play all you want. Just don't touch my saves."

Maddie grinned. "Thanks, that's gonna make this lockdown a lot less boring!" She frowned playfully. "I'll do something for you in return."

You already walk around naked in front of me, I thought, that's more than enough repayment for letting you use my PlayStation. "You don't need to do anything," I said out loud -- but Maddie shook her head.

"Nah, one good turn deserves another," she insisted. She thought for a moment, then a wide grin spread across her face -- along with just the hint of a blush. "Tell you what," she suggested. "The next time I masturbate, I'll leave my door open. Then you can watch, if you like."

"Oh, that's okay, I... you'll what?!?!" I exclaimed.

"I mean, you don't have to," she added. "But if you want to, it's okay."

My face was red now. "Maddie, I don't need to watch you masturbate," I stammered out.

"You sure?" she asked, somehow surprised. "I thought guys liked seeing girls get themselves off. My last flatmate used to watch me all the time."

"Really?" I squeaked in disbelief, suddenly acutely aware that I was staring right at the pinkish fold between Maddie's slightly parted legs.

"Well, no..." she admitted, "but I always wanted him to. I used to try and get him to catch me at it but he was always too polite to pry into what I was doing, I guess..."

I suddenly felt uncomfortably hot, and very aware of the blood rushing to my cock, as I regarded this cute, naked girl discussing masturbation and her apparent exhibitionist fantasies with disarming frankness.

Maddie seemed to read my thoughts. "Sorry..." she said, her tone changing, "have I made this awkward? I didn't mean to."

Instinctively I shook my head. "No!" I managed. "No, not at all... it's just... it's not every day a naked girl throws me an invite to watch her play with herself."

Maddie laughed. "Sorry," she apologised again. "I guess it's just the lockdown getting to me. And seeing those two opposite, well, I guess it just made me hornier than I thought."


Maddie hadn't discussed her 'offer' further after that; indeed, she had seemed keen to brush it off as a joke, or the real-world equivalent of horny posting; just throwing her sexual thoughts out into the void with no thought for how they would come across. I wasn't sure I bought that, though; there had seem a flirty excitement to her, and a fire in her eyes when she'd said it, that seemed genuine.

All the same, I wasn't sure how I felt. On the one hand, if I was honest I was as horny in lockdown as Maddie was suggesting she was; hornier, in fact, because I had a naked girl walking around in my field of vision all day. Although Maddie, with her short punky hair and boyish figure, wasn't physically the sort of girl I usually went for, her utter confidence in her body made her incredibly attractive, and if I was honest, memories of Maddie's little tits, tight ass and fuzzy pussy had almost entirely replaced internet porn as my spank material of choice. If she was really serious about letting me watch her wank, seeing her finger herself and moan and gasp through a self-induced orgasm, well, I'd be dumb to refuse such an offer.

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