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Nurse Julie's Patient

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Nurse Julie has Dr Paul as a patient.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2020
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Thank you for reading my story.

The setting is in the 1980's at a major university teaching hospital, where I was working as a medical intern.

Story elements are combined fiction and nonfiction.


The pain was intense. And worsening.

As the pressure in my back built up, it began to spread around my side, and then down into my groin. Spasms gripped at my flank shooting searing shards of glass into my balls. Sweat beaded on my forehead and I was feeling weak.

Just 7 months out of medical school, i was smart enough to know I was sick, and I probably had an obstructing kidney stone. Damn it!

I closed the patient chart I was reading and carefully headed down to the emergency room, hoping I would not pass out along the way. The experienced admitting nurse agreed with my diagnosis, pointing out that my temperature was 103.7 and my urine had blood in it.

Within an hour I was naked on the cystoscopy table, my legs in stirrups - up and spread - as the anesthesiologist prepared to knock me out so that the urologist could slide the cystoscope into me. The last thing I felt before I was put to sleep was the intern's latex-clad hand as she stetched out my cock to inject my urethra with a syringe of lidocaine numbing jelly.

The next two days were a blur; I was delirious from sepsis and pain medicines, as well as the aggressive procedure to remove the offending kidney stone. I have no meaningful detailed memories of the events, simply vague recollections of sensations.

On the second day I awakened feeling as though I had been hit by a truck. Even though I was in a comfortable hospital bed, I hurt all over and my flank was still tender. Each arm was tethered to an intravenous line and my balls ached and my pelvis was ... was ... not the same ...

Picking up the sheet to look, I saw my newly shaven pubes (was a full natural bush before surgery) and a thick rubber catheter extending from my limp tortured shaft. So that's what felt so different! Any effort I made to move was unpleasant, either because of my flank pain, IV lines, or the catheter. So I went back to sleep.

"Good morning, Dr Paul! I am Nurse Julie! Are you feeling well enough to open your eyes today?" Her cheery feminine voice was all I needed to awaken and open my eyes.

"Good morning, Julie. What day is it?"

As my eyes came into focus, all those unpleasant sensations faded. To my delight, the woman awakening me was quite attractive: about my age (late 20s), sparkling blue eyes and sandy hair to her shoulders, and an athletic build. Her white uniform pants were regulation nursing attire, which she offset with a light kelly green sweater and matching sneakers.

As my brain tried to process her presence and my impaired state, she put on a pair of latex gloves then pulled back the sheet to fully uncover me. "Any pain down in here?", as she firmly pressed low on my belly, around the pubic bone, and into my groin. She looked at me and I shook my head "no".

"And what about here?" as she cupped my balls together and rolled each one between her thumb and other fingers. Again, shaking my head, "no".

"Can you talk?" She smiled at me and chuckled. "Lost your voice?"

Her gloved hand was now resting at the base of my cock, just above my sack, and she used her fingers to squeeze the shaft with enough pressure to feel the catheter along its length.

"I um. Um. I um, do not have any pain when you do that. Or in the other places you...uh...touched."

"Good. Well, you look much better today. I will have the urology intern come see you and maybe we can get that catheter out of your penis. And cut back on the intravenous, so you can get out of bed into a chair. Would you like that?"

Now fully awake and starting to regain my senses, "Yes, that is a great plan. Thank you, Nurse Julie."

"I need to step out to check your chart, but I'll be right back to help you get up."

As I watched the back of my pretty nurse breeze out the door, my mind was a mess. My balls and cock were just groped by a beautiful woman, and there was not a single spark of arousal! Oh no! What did they do to me?

I pulled back the sheet to fully expose myself and looked at the sad situation. What if I try to get hard while I have a foley catheter in my cock? Could I do it? Could I get hard? Might I hurt myself or cause any damage? Maybe I could just take it slow and see if I could feel the stimulation, and if I start to get erect, just see how it feels? And, if I am uncomfortable, well, then I can back off and avoid a serious injury.

"Okay, let's do this. Carefully." I said out loud to the empty room, and let my fingertips gently begin stroking the hairless base of my cock. And with my other hand, I reached down to my bald balls and used my fingers to fondle them, exactly as Nurse Julie had done. I was just imagining that I felt some pleaurable arousal, when there was a rapid "knock knock" on my door and it swung open.

My illness-impaired reflexes hurried to pull the sheet up just as Nurse Julie walked in with an Asian woman. Judging by Nurse Julie's quick glance from my crotch to my eyes, and the smirk on her face, I suspect she saw enough to know what I was starting to do.

"Dr Paul, this is Dr Emily, the urology intern."

Dr Emily looked like the Asian version of Nurse Julie. They were about the same age and same height, and similar athletic build. She had fine black hair, swooped up in a bun, and wore surgical scrubs covered by a white doctor's coat. Her coat pockets were bulging with paper notes, her stethoscope, and her "tools" such as scissors, tape, and gauze pads.

"Well, Dr Paul, you do look much better today! I must say, you were terribly ill when we took you in for the cystoscopy and stone removal."

"Good to meet you, Dr Emily. You were in the procedure?"

"Yes, from start to finish; I put in the numbing jelly and assisted with getting the stone out.". She looked very pleased with herself, having provided relief to a suffering colleague.

"I see." And I paused, as though I had more to say.

She looked at me, "Do you have a question about the procedure."

A bit flustered, I hesitated, and choosing my words carefully, "Were there any complications? Do you expect that I will regain...full...function?"

Dr Emily and Nurse Julie looked at each other, and for a split second it seemed like I had asked if the sun had risen today; but then they both broke out in playful giggles.

"Sexual function? Dr Paul, are you asking if we damaged your sexual function?" Nurse Julie asked, holding back laughter. The two women exchanged glances again.

Nurse Julie continued, "Dr Emily, when we came in just now, I suspect Dr Paul was, shall we say, stimulating himself?"

I felt the need to speak up. "I was concerned that somehow, maybe something went wrong during the procedure. I wanted to make sure everything was working well."

The two women realized that I was sincerely concerned, and restraining their chuckles, they pulled back the sheet.

Dr Emily spoke first, "Were you really expecting to get a hard-on after being septic and delirious, and with a rubber hose up your dick?" Her incredulous facial expression underscored my stupidity.

Nurse Emily heaped on, "I did give him a very thorough hands-on physical exmination this morning, and there was absolutely no response. Not the slightest sexual arousal."

Dr Emily was about to say something, when there was another "knock knock" at the door, and before we could get the sheet back up, in walked my wife, Nancy.

Nancy and I had married about a year ago, and she was already 6 months pregnant. Although she is less that 5 feet tall, she has a commanding presence, especially now that the pregnacy is showing. Her olive skin was vibrant and her brunette hair shined, while her petite frame accentuated her full chest and round butt. She was a stunning contrast to Nurse Julie and Dr Emily, each almost a foot taller than her.

"My timing is perfect!" Nancy noted. "You certainly look much improved, Paul! Good morning, Julie. Hello, Dr Emily." Apparently, Nancy had met them both over the last two days. Nancy came close to the bed and joined the other women as they peered at my limp cock and foley catheter. "Kind of sad, isn't it.". The three women groaned and glanced at each other.

Dr Emily spoke first. "Your husband is concerned that his sexual function was somehow damaged by the illness and the procedure." Dr Emily glanced at Nancy and Nurse Julie. "I was about to reassure him that there is no reason to think his abilities will be reduced in any way, especially as he regains his strength."

Placing one of her bare hands on my shaft and the other on the foley, she twisted them in opposite directions. "There is free movement of the rubber in the urethra. If he were to get hard right now, his erection should slide along the catheter without restriction, although the balloon in his bladder will tug against his prostatic urethra." Now addressing me directly, "Dr Paul, do you feel as though you could get hard?" She asked me this while keeping her warm soft hand on my shaft and performing gentle rhythmic squeezing.

Looking first at Nancy (and seeing her smile) and then at Nurse Julie (and seeing the tip of her tongue wetting her lips) I turned to Dr Emily with a hopeful look on my face, "We should try..."

Dr Emily knew exactly how she wanted this to happen. "Each of the three of us will help him, because I want him to succeed; by time we are finished, I want him to be reasured that everything works well."

"Nancy, i want you to do everything you can to arouse him from the waist up; you are his wife, so you know those little things that can give him an extra sensual boost. Nurse Julie, you will need latex gloves and lubricant, because you will approach him from behind and inside. You do understand what I mean, don't you? (winking at Nurse Julie, who smiled and nodded her head in agreement). I will manage things up front: His erection, and the foley, and importantly, whatever bodily fluids we can collect. Sound good?"

The three women looked around at each other then at me, and we were all aligned. "Oh! Let's not forget about his balls!" exclaimed Dr Emily. "Nurse Julie, maybe you can use your free hand to keep them stimulated?" Nurse Julie nodded, "Happy to!"

This sudden turn of events was stunning to me! I had nothing to say, and even if I did, I don't think I had a vote in the matter. The three women had come to an agreement, and it was to my benefit to do as i was told. All three were well intentioned, and very importantly, my wife was fully accepting of the plan!

They rolled me onto my right side (the side that didn't ache) and brought my arms up and out of the way, resting my head on two pillows. To give them proper access to my man parts, front and back, they flexed my hips and knees, and put a folded pillow between my thighs.

Dr Emily was pleased with how I was positioned and confirmed that each of them understood the task at hand. Nurse Julie called up to the front desk through the intercom and told them that she could not be interupted, as she was assisting Dr Emily with a procedure.

Dr Emily looked me in the eyes, "Paul, dear, this is all about you. We want you to relax and enjoy this special moment, and simply let the sensations carry you to release."

My reply was soft and barely audible, "Yes, Dr Emily and Nurse Julie, I will. And, thank you, Nancy, my love!"

Dr Emily turned to Nancy, "Why don't you begin, honey?".

With that, Nancy took two left fingers and began to suck on them until they were dripping wet. She then placed those fingers on my lips and traced the outline of my mouth. As the fingers dried, she slid them into my mouth and said, "Suck them," So I did! And then I felt her right hand begin to play with my nipples, which Nancy knows are very sensitive.

Dr Emily watched how compliant I was with my wife, lapping at her fingers, and noticing that my nipples were hardening. "What a lovely sight," Dr Emily commented.

Next Dr Emily turned to Nurse Julie, who was prepared for this moment. She had already donned the latex gloves and warmed the lubricant in her hand. i felt the warm jelly she was rubbing along my butt crack, and then the tip of her finger began to circle, then probe, my anal pucker. She skillfully applied pressure and then released it, repeatedly training my sphincter to anticipate and accept her stepwise insertions.

The two medical professionals signalled their agreement, and without further warning, Nurse Julie penetrated me deeply; each knuckle popped through the muscle until she was all the way in. I was taken by surprise with only a flash of pain; the sensation of fullness welled up within me. As Nurse Julie artfully stretched me to accomodate a second finger, I sucked my wife's fingers more vigorously and Nancy twisted my nipples.

Dr Emily was pleased, "Paul, you are doing great. Take some deep breaths and appreciate what Nancy and Nurse Julie are doing for you!"

I did take a deep breath, and let the sensations from my nipples and my rectum flood into me. "Thank you, both!" I managed to mumble around my wife's fingers.

Dr Emily had been busy too. I noticed only now that she had applied lubricant on my entire shaft and scrotum, and up along the catheter. Similar to what she had done earlier, her hands began a pulsatile milking action along the length of my shaft. She would tug at me, forcing my glans to run up the protruding rubber hose, then she'd use her thumb to stroke along the crown. it was an amazing sensation! Her other hand was synchronously twisting and sliding the catheter deeper in to me as she elongated my cock, and then slide it out as she slid my cock down, until the inflated ballon caught at the bladder neck.

It was at the point when Nurse Julie began to massage my prostate with her two fingers, that the deep sensitive core of my psyche was reached.

The sensual experince was overwhelming! Having these three women tending to my erogenous needs was givng me a tsunami of emotions!

I cannot tell you why, but I began to cry. Big sobbing tears of emotional overload. Nancy noticed first, and she leaned close to my head, caressing my hair and temples. She removed her fingers from my mouth and held my head close to her breasts.

I heard Dr Emily say, "Paul, it's okay. Yes, Paul, it's okay to cry. Let your emotions flow." As she spoke so kindly to me, she continued her magical stroking and catheter play.

Then I felt Nurse Julie's firm hand grasp my balls. She was coordinating her ball clenching with Dr Emily's strokes, as well as her prostatic probing. I continued to bawl heavily.

My tears had soaked Nancy's shirt, so with Dr Emily's blessing, Nancy stepped away to remove her top and her bra. Holding up her pregnant mounds, she approached the bed and placed my mouth on her dainty nipple. "Suck me, honey!" Through my tears, I took her tender teat with my lips and used my tongue to stroke her. Suckling her hardening nip, I succumbed to a surge of eroticicsm!

Eagerly consuming Nancy's maternal mammaries filled my cock with the lusty blood flow it craved! The harder i became, the less I cried.

Dr Emily was pleased, "Nicely done Paul and Nancy! You are becoming firmly aroused!"

Each stroke from Dr Emily with a twist of the catheter, and each ball clench and prostatic plunge from Nurse Julie, now added to my masculine response!

I was hard! And there was no doubt about it!

Nancy knew that now would be a good time for her to supercharge the moment. While keeping her tit in my mouth, she was able to slip off her panties. She showed them to me, so that I could see that they were soaked from her own sexual arousal. Bringing them to her face, she inhaled her own pheromones, and then tasted the gusset!

Noticing that Dr Emily was enjoying her exhibitionism, Nancy held the panties up to Dr Emily's face so that she, too, could smell and taste Nancy's cream. Dr Emily was clearly excited by Nancy, as she looked flushed and weak-kneed as Nancy shared the intimately soaked cotton.

Nancy slipped the panties over my head so that the girl-cum-glazed crotch covered my nose, leaving my mouth available for continued nipple play.

Nurse Julie was the one who knew best that I was nearing my climax, "His prostate is becoming firm and pulsating; I think he is close!"

Dr Emily affirmed Nirse Julie's observation, "He's been heavily leaking pre-cum. The volume has increased substantially since Nancy's sopping panties made him harder."

The women exchanged glances back and forth several times, but not a word was spoken, until Dr Emily said, "Okay Paul, let's do!"

Her words triggered an orgasm like i have never experienced!

Every sensual fiber in my body exploded at once! All sensation flowed from my brain, my mouth and nose, my nipples, my rectum, prostate and balls, my cock and it's crown and the catheter, the balloon in my all just fused into one big climactic burst of lust and primal sensuality...a carnal splash of eroticism blasting from my balls and turgid shaft, coating the foley catheter!

Dr Emily was ready for my release! She had total command of my body and knew exactly what to expect!

When my orgasm hit, she slipped a basin into place to catch evey drop of my semen, so as not to waste the vital fluid. She expertly coaxed and collected every last ounce of my cum, using her fingers and hands to drain me. She instructed Nurse Julie on her prostatic and testicular manipulations to maximize my release.

As the final waves of orgasm flowed through me to completion, and all my seed was saved, the three women folded me into a delightful group hug. Dr Emily was particularly affectionate, rubbing my back and humming a soothing Asian chant in my ears. Nurse Julie used warm oil to massage my buttocks and thighs. And Nancy looked into my eyes lovingly, kissing me all over my face, nibbling on my lips, and calming me.

I felt at peace and restored. Reassured.

Dr Emily stood up and caught my eye, "Paul, that was perfect! Thank you for letting us do that for you!"

She then looked at the jar full of my cum. "Hmmm...there's a fair amount of blood in here. Probably just due to the intense stimulation. But just to be sure, I think we should take out the foley catheter now, and then obtain serial semen samples until this clears. Nurse Julie would you agree?"

"Yes, Dr Emily. Nancy and I can obtain samples through the remainder of the day and the evening. The night shift nurse is experienced, and I am sure she can successfully do this."

Knowing that her orders would be carried out, Dr Emily snipped the drain valve for the foley catheter balloon, and then slid out the big rubber tube, catching me off guard. I was relieved to have the tube out; my cock was free! Immediately, I realized that it was going to be much easier to provide a semen sample now that the tube was out.

Dr Emily put the speciman jar in her white coat and leaned over to kiss me lightly on the lips. She caressed my face with the back of her hand. "You have been through a lot these past few days. You are a strong man! I will be checking up on you!"

Then she turned to Nancy, giving her a full body hug and a wet kiss on her mouth...which Nancy returned! "And I will check up on you, too!" As she rubbed Nancy's baby bump. "You see, I am rotating on urology just for this month. I am actually in the obstetrics and gynecology training program. With some luck, I will see you as your pregnancy progresses!"

And then she was gone...

Nurse Julie was watching all this with a big smile. "You were terribly ill two days ago, and look at you now! Well on the road to recovery!"

She began cleaning up the room and chatting with me and Nancy. She would check whatever orders Dr Emily left about specimen collection, and she would help as much as she could. She did comment that she was very impressed by my powerful response to Nancy's panties. She said, "I'd like to explore that further!" to which Nancy and I readily agreed!


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