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Nysa and Nick

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Sometimes love is right under our noses.
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I actually wrote this story under another name but since forgot the login information. I have went back over this and fixed the errors so to speak. Hope you enjoy.

*All characters in this story is over the age of 18 and are consenting adults. *


My name is Nysa, I just turned eighteen and I am a cheerleader and on the swim team in high school. Only standing 5'2, and weighing a modest hundred and six pounds, most being muscle, 36 B cup breasts which most of the boys love to ogle, with green eyes and auburn hair. At home it is just me, my mom, and my older brother Nick. My dad was a police officer and was killed during a traffic stop when I was only three and Nick was eight. I really don't remember him, but with pictures around the house to prove it, I know my brother has grown to look like him.

My brother became the protector and the rock for mom and me. My mother told me that instead of her comforting him after the loss of dad, it was him comforting her and even at a young age shown traits of a man. My mom was laid off from the post office around Christmas one year when I was six. My brother sold his videogames, console and bike to ensure I had gifts. He would continue this throughout our childhood, making sure I was taken care of before him.

We were always very close, and it was never uncommon for Nick and me to spend most of our time together. We would often watch TV until we fell asleep, sometimes even in the same bed, sleeping the night away snuggling and keeping each other warm and secure. It was totally innocent, sweet and fun at that young age. I loved it that he was always so gentle with me treating me like I was this princess. We would often hold hands unashamedly and everyone thought it was so cute. But as he grew older, especially when I started to develop breasts, it stopped. He would avoid me and go to his room for long periods of time locking his door and it made me think I had done something wrong.

When my brother was a freshman, he started to work out, bulking up, not freakishly, but in a sexy hot way so he could play football. He would go to school, do weight training, practice, work his part time job, come home and spend time with us, and somewhere during all of this, he studied. He was on the honor roll, which made mom proud, and remained dedicated to us as I remained his faithful sister and never missed a game.

During his senior year, right after he turned eighteen, he became the star linebacker on the team, and began to date one of the popular girls which I hated, especially when they would go out on dates. I would drill him when he came home to find out what they did and didn't do. My brother was mostly honest with me as he told me they just made out a lot, and sometimes felt each other up. It would make me mad, and it turned me on, because I wanted him doing those things to me. One night he came home, and he was in a weird mood, saying that he wouldn't be dating her anymore. Mom and I were wondering what happened, but neither of us received an answer. Poking around school, I found out she finally talked him into having sex with her. Afterwards, she broke it off with him because she only wanted him for popularity among the girls in school. My brother was crushed, and I was pissed. I wanted to hurt her in ways I had only heard or seen in movies. I tried to be there for him, but he said he was fine but rarely went on dates after that except to homecomings or prom, with friends only.

After graduating, he could have gone to college, but instead he wanted to stay home to take care of us. So instead he took an apprenticeship at the local diesel mechanic shop. He never stopped working out, maintaining his physique, or his good looks. After a year of being an apprentice, he was finally hired to be a mechanic, doing light work, and gradually became one of the best at the shop. He would go out with his friends on occasion but would come home earlier than most guys his age to check on me and mom.

Two years ago, my mom became very ill, and found out she had stage four pancreatic cancer. They said there wasn't much that could be done, except to make her comfortable. It was devastating news, and mom and I was a mess. I never once seen Nick cry, but he would hold us when we did and let us drench his shirt with our tears. Six months later, mom succumbed to her illness and passed on. If it wasn't for the strength of my brother, I would never have pulled from the black hole I fell into. Although I knew he was hurting, and loved mom, he cared more about my feelings. Each day became more bearable because of his warm smile, letting me vent. What he didn't know was each day I became more in love with him.

Now that I am eighteen, we have become like roommates, except he was the boss, at least I let him think he was. I did most of the cooking and cleaning, and he did the manly stuff around the house. Of course, he was paying all the bills, and I wanted to do everything for him, just to let him know how much I appreciated him and his dedication to me. He was pulling doubles most days so we could live a little better than just getting by. He never took time to date or go out really. I wondered some nights when I could hear him masturbating in the next room, if he was thinking of me or some random girl. Maybe it was that bitch from high school, which infuriated me, so I fantasized it was me.

When he comes home so dirty, sweaty, his knuckles sometimes bloody or bruised from hitting them on an engine block, it makes my panties so wet, and all I would think about was being in the shower with him washing his body down. Lathering my hands with the soap, then taking his cock in my hand and sliding it up and down, and then under his balls. Taking his cock in my mouth when it was clean, and him taking my hair in his hand, forcing it down my throat. Usually I would orgasm with my fingers far up my pussy, moaning his name, and creaming my sheets. He really turned me on. Several times a day I would have to get myself off to thoughts of him in various scenarios in my mind. I never thought I would ever act upon it or even have the chance. He was my brother after all, and I didn't want to ruin our relationship.

Throughout my teenage years, not only did my feelings for him become stronger but they had to be secret and were extremely frustrating. I didn't date anyone or have any guy friends nor sleep overs like normal girls did, because most of my friends all thought my brother was hot, which made me jealous. My brother was hot, standing 6'2, about 220 pounds of solid muscle, light brown hair, ocean blue eyes, and I know he is packing, because I have seen the bulge many times. So of course, any woman who looks his way, I become jealous and bitchy.

With my nineteenth birthday coming around the corner, I asked him one night if he was going to do anything special for me. He looked at me for a long period of time. "I haven't thought about it honestly sis. What would you like to do for your birthday?" He asked as he took a drink of his beer.

I smiled, thinking naughty thoughts, but decided to keep them to myself. "I want to go out, maybe out of town where nobody knows who I am." Playing with my hair, looking at him with a mischievous smile.

He chuckled under his breath, "I don't think that is going to happen. Mom and dad would roll in their grave if I let you do that. Besides you are going by yourself is hysterical, I'd like to see that."

"Who said anything about me going alone?" I said as I got up and sat beside him on the arm of his recliner. "Maybe a certain someone could escort me, show me a good time in the big city?" I reached over and touched his shoulder giving him my best pout face. He just groaned and shook his head as he drank the rest of his beer.

"OK, but if I do this, you will be doing what I say, and not going on your own." I shook my head in agreement. "I worry about you enough sis." My eyes lit up when he said that, and he raised up from his chair, leaving me there, feeling empty. "We will talk about it more tomorrow Nys', OK?"

I smiled the biggest smile, "Yes big brother, I'd like that." Making an emphasis on the big part. I watched him walk away and I could feel the juices running down my thigh. I went to my room and worked my pussy until I had one of the best orgasms, hoping it would be him someday doing me instead.

The evening before my birthday was on a Friday, and Nick had promised me we were going to the big city for the weekend. I could not believe he was taking off work and wanted to be with me in that capacity. I woke the next morning to him sitting on my bed, and my heart fluttered. He just smiled and handed me a small box. I opened it, and inside was a necklace with a pendant dangling on the end. It had a heart with a sapphire stone in the middle of it. I turned it over and, on the back, it was inscribed, "I will love you forever sis, Love Nick". I wrapped my arms around him and started to cry happy tears, loving the gift. When we let go of each other, he kissed me on my forehead and told me to get up and get a move on.

The drive was uneventful and when we arrived, we went straight to the Marriott, and to our room. When we opened the door, we knew there had to been a mistake. There was only one king sized bed. He called down and asked them to switch rooms, but there was an FFA convention in town and all the double beds were taken. I smiled inside and told him the bed was big enough for the two of us. He said he would sleep on the sofa and went in the bathroom to take his shower. After he came out, I did the same.

When I came out of the bathroom, his jaw dropped as he stood from the chair in the corner. I was wearing a red form fitting dress that was just above the knee, and low cut to show my cleavage, with 2-inch-high heels. I also wore my favorite lacy boy shorts underneath with stockings. He Looked gorgeous himself in a buttoned-down oxford, khakis, and a sports coat. He was clean shaven, and I could smell his cologne that I loved so much. When we left the room, his hand went to the small of my back, sending chills down my spine. As we walked, I wrapped my hands around his arm, like I was his piece of candy for the night.

We arrived at this fancy restaurant half an hour later, and it was busy. We were shown to a booth, and I sat next to him, not across. We looked over the menus, and ordered wine, without being carded. It was becoming the perfect night. The ambiance of the restaurant reminded me of a nineteen fifties movie with dancing in the back room, a bar in the corner, and low lighting. For some reason, whenever he introduced me, he failed to mention I was his sister, instead just by name. The waitress kept giving us knowing glances like we were lovers on a date. We ate a wonderful meal, talking about anything and everything, and even ordered dessert. I sat there looking at him afterwards, wondering what was going on in his mind as he took the last drink of his wine.

A man behind a piano played throughout dinner, and then after dinner around 9 o'clock, a band took their place and started to play for those that wanted to dance. After a little time, Nick asked me if I wanted to dance. I love to dance, so I readily accepted. The more we danced, the more handsome he had become. At some point I realized that Nick was pulling me tighter and tighter against him and became aware of his cock pressed against me. I knew it was wrong, but I was so turned on, my pussy was throbbing. I leaned in and gave him a quick but soft kiss on the lips. He looked startled, but kept dancing with me, although he disengaged his body with mine.

When we left, he surprised me by taking my hand in his as we walked around the city, getting compliments of how cute we looked together by passerby's. I just giggled, and he would look down at the pavement in embarrassment. We came upon this bridge, that was lit up across a river. We stopped and I leaned over the railing to look down onto the water. His reaction took me by surprise as he grasped me by my hips with his hands.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, as he wrapped an arm around me. I shivered and said, "Take me back to the hotel Nick."

We walked in silence as he held my hand, my other hand wrapped around his arm. I gave him the warmest smile I have ever given anyone. I felt like I was with the one I was meant to be with for eternity. He made me feel so loved. As we walked into our room, he closed the door and I turned to face him. "I had a great time tonight."

Without hesitation he answered, "So did I."

I thought about everything that had happened today. There was so much to sort through, and I knew that I had feelings for my brother that no sister should probably have. I was going to have to do something about the way I felt about him or go insane. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly, feeling his strong arms wrap around me. I kissed his cheek, and whispered in his ear, "I love you Nick."

"I love you too sis." My heart sank, because I felt like a fool. There was no way he had feelings for me. He was just being nice to me and showing me a great time for my birthday.

I walked over to the chair beside the bed and motioned for him to join me. He came over and sat in front of me on the bed. I was looking at my feet on the floor as I talked to him, afraid I would back out from telling him how I felt. "We have always been honest with each other, right?"

I looked up into his eyes and he was staring into them, "I have always and will always be honest with you Nysa. Why?"

"When dad died, the only male I ever had around me was you. You have made me feel loved, cared for, and protected all these years, and I feel I have never thanked you"

"Nys, you don't have..."

"Wait Nick, I'm not done," I said cutting him off, looking at him as serious as I ever have been. "You made me feel special and loved tonight."

He must have seen the lone tear in my eye, as he leaned forward and took my hand in his. "Sis, you are loved. You have always been special to me, and you look so beautiful and mature tonight. It felt so easy to be me."

"Really? You mean that?" I asked him with pleading eyes.

"Of course, I meant it, remember we are being honest here." He said with his smirk I loved so much.

"You've never told me that before. You always said I was pretty or cute or something. Why now?"

"I'm not supposed to say things like that to my sister," as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Thank you, Nick, you don't know how much it means to me. I wanted to look beautiful next to you tonight."

"Why? What do you mean sis?"

"We have never been out like that and it made me feel special. I were taking me out for once on a date, and it felt good."

He looked at me, with a weird expression, "Is that what this was to you, a date?"

"I'm sorry", I looked down at the floor, sliding my hand back into my lap away from his grip.

He grabbed both of my hands this time and I looked up noticing a serious look in his eyes. "Don't be sorry sis, I enjoyed our date as well." I just blinked my eyes at him and nodded, holding the tears back due to the happiness and love I was feeling.

He proceeded to get up, and walked over to his bags, and said he was going to get ready for bed. He told me I could have the bed, and he would sleep on the couch. I of course, gave him my pleading eyes, and told him the bed was big enough for both of us, and he better not sleep on the couch. He finally agreed, and I went to get into the shower. As the water cascaded down my body, my thoughts were on Nick, and the feeling of his erection against my thigh. The small kiss we shared on the dance floor, and the way he told me that he loved our date.

I dried off and put on some pink and white lace boy shorts, and a long t-shirt that belonged to Nick, and went into the bedroom. He was laying there, looking at his phone. He looked over my way when I reached the bed, and it looked as if his eyes were undressing me. I pulled back the covers and seen he was only wearing his boxers, and my face became flushed with some excitement. I scooted over close to him like when we were kids and I asked if he wanted to watch a movie. He agreed, so we laid next to each other, laughing at some comedy until my eyelids were heavy. My dreams were filled with Nick, touching me, kissing me, and making love to me.

Waking up I found that I had managed to shift all the way to Nicks side of the bed. My head was resting on his naked, toned, slightly hairy chest. My leg was draped over his, with my knee nestled between his legs I felt 'him' against my calf. My pubic bone was in direct contact with his muscular thigh, and I could feel the dampness through my panties. I started to grind myself on him, dry humping his thigh, as my hand began stroking his chest feeling the muscles, the strokes became more a squeeze as I enjoyed the feeling, and then I stroked lower... A light crop of hair covered his belly and continued down until it disappeared under his boxers. Knowing the risk, I let my hand slide across his boxers and cover the top of his flaccid cock. I rubbed it lightly, feeling my breath quicken in my throat, as I felt it twitch under my fingers and begin to harden.

Rubbing myself on my brother and touching his cock, I was close to a release. My mind conjured up images of the night before, of the kiss, as I imagined him sliding the dress off me and pinning me against the wall and making love to me. This was enough to give me the most intense orgasm I had ever felt, without using my own hands. He made a noise as he turned slightly, and it made me jump, snapping me out of my orgasmic bliss. I looked back over at him, and seen where my hand had been, with his cock testing the limits of his boxers. I wanted to slide them down, take him in my mouth, and impale myself on it. The thing was, I wanted him to want me as well, so I gently eased myself out of the bed and made my way to the shower. Sighing with satisfaction as the warm jets of water struck my naked body and I began to apply the soap. Smiling to myself, wondering if he ever did the same thinking about me.

When I dried off, I dressed in a nice red lacy bra and boy short lacy set, put on the hotel robe and went into the bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and went over to the couch beside the bed and opened a file of old pictures of our family we had recently saved digitally. There were so many pictures of my brother and I together. It made my heart flutter on occasion as a picture would come across of a look or smile, he would give me. Then I noticed how I looked at him as early as five. It looked like love and admiration even then. I stared at the pictures and wondered how I was going to tell him. He took care of me and made sure I always had money and clothes for school, always helped me with my homework. He was like a parent as much as a brother to me. He was my best friend.

I stared at him for a long time until I seen he had opened his eyes. He stretched letting out a loud groan then finally looked at me. He gave me that cute smirk loved. "Morning sweetheart." Sweetheart? I thought, this is a new thing. I smiled inside and outside at him, acknowledging his good morning. He raised himself out of bed and padded toward the bathroom, trying to hide his erection from me. I watched as he walked, noticing every muscle in his body move like a well-oiled machine, feeling myself become moist.

When he came back into the room, he grabbed a shirt out of his bag and put it on, and noticing the disappointment in my eyes, he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me. He knew I was looking at him differently. He knew something was wrong.

"Why don't you tell me what is really on your mind," he asked as he leaned back a little on the bed.

Not looking directly in his eyes, "Nothing, just was thinking about how much I love you." I started to cry uncontrollably, remembering the events of the evening before and this morning. Sobbing now, with just enough strength to blurt out, "I'm so sorry Nick."

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