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Obsessed with Miss Best of Breasts


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The shirts were white, and the shorts orange, making the dining room look like a Hooter's restaurant on steroids. Given some of the girls were, in fact, from the famous restaurant chain, they must have felt right at home. The only difference was that, instead of the well-known owl logo, the only writing on these shirts was a discrete 'MBOB' curving over the left breast.

Actually, the MBOB was straight; it was the girls under it that were curved. So many curves.

A little late getting to the dining room, as I walked in I could see my table fully populated already, with just my seat empty. As I snaked through the room around other tables, I saw Vanessa. She was at one of those other tables, tonight, but stood up to greet me as I came within range.

"I thought you were going to sleep for a week?" I smiled, as she wrapped her arms around me. Her huge boobs were almost more than the tiny tank top could take, stretching it to the limit, but they felt great against me.

"Recovered faster than I thought," she giggled, flashing those teeth at me. "I see you're walking without assistance. I must be losing my touch."

"Oh, don't worry," I said softly in her ear, as I held the hug. I even grabbed her ass. "You are plenty lethal. Only modern medical science has me up already."

"Yes, I can feel that," she whispered, grinding into me. "Have fun tonight, but don't wear yourself out completely. I'm going to want some more of that big dick before we all go home."

"I'll set some energy in reserve, then," I smiled, rubbing her back, and pulling those breasts against me harder. "You have fun, too."

"Always," she winked, before giving me a peck, and turning away to take her seat.

When I arrived at my table, I saw a whole new set from last night, except Dannielle, who stood as I walked up.

"I saw you with Vanessa," she said softly. "That was some greeting. You must be pretty good in bed."

"Nah, we just dance well together," I smiled, deflecting the compliment.

"Well, I was hoping we could... dance... together, tonight?" she ventured, playing the demure card.

"I'm sorry, honey," I consoled, with my hands on her shoulders. A deep slice of cleavage gaped open in the deeply scooped neckline of her top. "I already have a partner for tonight."

"But... But I really want to fuck you!" she blurted, clearly not accustomed to having so much competition around her. Still with eight judges, and fourteen nights, simple math told me every girl here could get laid by at least one judge.

"And I'd love to rip your clothes off, pin your legs back, and pound your little pussy into ecstasy," I said, a little more forcefully. "It just won't be tonight. Okay?"

She pouted, but nodded, accepting a kiss to soothe her.

"I'd like a little of that treatment," one of the other girls smiled at me, as I sat down.

"Me, too," a brunette to my left nodded.

"Mmmmm hmmm," Kaitlyn smiled, from across the table. She made it. Not in a prime seat, but she was here. We'd just have to exchange glances over dinner, and save everything else for later.

As far as dinner goes, it went quite smoothly. No blowjobs under the table, tonight, although the girls to either side of me did seem to take shifts with their hands in my lap, caressing my bulge. Conversation turned to the events of the day, events I missed by holing up in my room.

"So, how about the show on the beach, today, huh?" Dannielle asked, sipping her wine. Several other girls giggled, and nodded.

"Well, that's her job," a blonde to my right observed. "She's a pro."

"I'm sorry. I must have missed something good. What happened?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much," somebody laughed. "It was quite the performance. Done without the benefit of editing, too. Live, and in colour."

"Yeah, that's great, but there's no rewinding to the good bits," someone else added.

"I'm beginning to regret staying in my room," I smiled. "Details please."

"Eva took on all comers," Dannielle giggled. "Perhaps that should be... All cummers."

"More?" I asked.

"There were several judges down at the beach, wagging their dicks in the sunshine, and Eva took care of them. All of them," she added.

"One in her pussy," a brunette continued.

"One in her mouth," someone else added.

"And one in her ass," a blonde shuddered, expressing her dislike for anal.

"All at once," Kaitlyn finished. "Airtight. Then the three of them, and a couple of spectators, came on her face and tits. It was spectacular, if a little disgusting. I mean, really, once you get past two or three loads, you're just making soup. Give the poor girl a towel."

"Uh huh. I see, or rather, I wish I had," I chuckled. "I guess I'll have to visit the beach tomorrow, just in case there's an encore."

I looked across at Kaitlyn, who was smiling, and finishing her dessert. She put her spoon down, drained her wine glass, and slid her chair back.

"Well, ladies, I'm going to turn in," she announced to the group. "Beauty sleep, and all that. See you tomorrow."

I watched her supple ass wiggle away in those tiny orange shorts, and disappear around the corner, out the door. I waited for a pause in conversation to bid the table a goodnight. I'm sure it was easy enough for them to put two and two together, and would likely be talking about us once we were gone.

Kaitlyn was nowhere to be found, outside the dining room. I wondered if maybe she had changed her mind, but as I exited the elevator, there she was, waiting patiently outside my room. She had one foot against the wall, balanced on the other, and her body in profile, showing just how significant her chest was. She was certainly qualified to be in the contest.

"I was beginning to think I was spending the night alone," I smiled, stopping beside her, in front of my door.

"Not a chance," she purred, slinking closer. "You said something about pinning legs back, and pounding someone's pussy into ecstasy? I'd like to volunteer for that very dangerous mission, sir." A salute and a smile followed.

"The honour is mine," I answered, gesturing for her to enter.

"Nice room!" Kaitlyn gasped, as I closed the door behind us. "How come you get a suite, and we girls just get regular rooms?"

"Eight of us," I pointed to me. "One hundred of you. Simple math. So, why don't you tell me something about yourself?"

"Okay. My name is Kaitlyn McCumber, I'm 24. Five foot-six, one hundred and twenty pounds, 38-24-35, and when I wear a bra, which isn't always, because I like to watch the faces of men when I jiggle past them, I wear a 32F," she rattled off happily, clasping her hands behind her back, and rocking on her heels like a schoolgirl during show and tell.

That's great, thanks," I nodded, "but I wasn't really asking for your statistics. I'll be happy to meet your lovely breasts... again... in a few minutes. Until then, tell me more about YOU, not specifically your boobs."

"Oh, right. Force of habit," she laughed. "Okay. You want to get me started, here? I'm not sure what you want to know."

"Where do you live? What do you do? Why did you enter the pageant?" I suggested.

"Alright... I live near Washington, DC. I'm a student, just starting law school after getting a Bachelor's from Columbia," she answered.

"A law student! Jeez, I'm glad I didn't say you had to sleep with me to get my vote! That would have been a bad idea," I smiled, putting my hands up in surrender. "What law school?"

"Harvard," she grinned.

"You're going to Harvard Law, and you're a beauty pageant contestant?" I asked.

"Yes, well, Harvard isn't cheap, and student debt sucks. My parents are having enough trouble saving for their own future, so I won't ask them for help. I saw the contest online, and thought maybe my boobs might be useful for more than just torturing unsuspecting men," she explained. "I figure to put any money I win towards my debt, and if there's any left, to help my Mom and Dad."

"I admire your mixture of altruism and selfishness," I nodded. "What if you win the grand prize?"

"Oh," she smiled, glancing down at her lovely chest, "I'm entertaining no delusions about winning it all. My girls are nice, but I'm not blind. I've seen what I'm up against. Some of these women are huge!"

"True, but size is only part of it, in my opinion. It's 'Miss Best of Breasts', not just 'Biggest'," I reminded her. "And you're only really competing with the girls in the natural category. Those with surgical improvements have their own group. Yours are very attractive. They suit you."

"Thank you," she giggled, and sauntered over to me, putting her arms around my neck. She kissed me, softly. "I'm really glad I don't have to sleep with you. It's much easier to just want to. So much more enjoyable."

She was right about that. Turning something so inherently enjoyable as sex into a job would taint it. I suppose most prostitutes would agree.

I put my arms around her waist, and lifted her off the floor, causing another giggle, and for her to wrap her body around mine. I cupped her ass with both hands, and carried her to the bed, laying her gently in place.

Already, I could feel the difference tonight. Last night, with Vanessa, she had just stripped, and away we went. Sure, eating chocolate mousse out of her pussy had been fun, but when we got to it, it was a purely physical fuck. Neither of us were interested in much beyond our own pleasure, and we simply thrashed each other to exhaustion. This felt much more relaxed, as though we were in no hurry.

Truthfully, we weren't. She was here by choice, and I was happy to have her company for the night. The whole night. We could take all the time we wanted.

While we kissed, I palmed her left breast. The stretch Lycra fabric was slippery, and felt wonderful under my hand. I could feel the lace of her very brief bra, and the bump of an erect nipple.

"Didn't want to jiggle, tonight?" I asked.

"Hmmmm?" she frowned, pulling away from my lips. "Oh. The bra? Well, this top is pretty tight, and see through. My nipples get pretty tall when I'm horny. If we hadn't had our talk, earlier today, I would have been flashing my high beams at you for sure, trying to get your attention, but it wasn't necessary. I went for shapeliness. Wanna see the bra? It's pretty?"

"Well, if you insist," I smiled, folding my arms behind my head. She was, I'm sure, aware that most men really didn't care about the bra itself. We were more interested in the bra's contents. Same would be true of panties, stockings and most other lingerie, unless it's really slutty. Now that, we like.

She sat up, on her knees, and slowly freed the bottom edge of her top from where it was tucked into her shorts. She rolled it up her body, peeling it over her breasts, and finally over her head.

Okay, the bra was quite sexy, with a combination of smooth satin and intricate lace, all white. However, I would hardly notice it hanging in a lingerie store.

On her though, with her big tits packing the cups full of luscious flesh, it had my full attention.

"Well?" You like?" she asked, giving her shoulders a little shake, which made her boobs ripple.

Maybe she didn't understand a man's limited interest in lacey garments, after all. I debated, very briefly, explaining it to her, but decided against it. She liked it. That was good enough for me.

"Yes. It is very pretty," I nodded. "You get credit for a good portion of that, though."

"I like it," she smiled, adjusting the straps slightly, and inspecting her cleavage from above. "It makes me feel feminine... in a naughty sort of way. It's cut pretty wide, so it's pretty devastating under a blouse with a few buttons undone."

"It's pretty devastating without the blouse, but again, I think that's you, more than the bra," I replied. "Why don't you take it off? Just for comparison purposes, of course."

"Of course," she giggled, reaching behind her back. The fabric went slack, and it dropped off her shoulders, landing in her lap. I grabbed it quickly, and held it up, giving it careful consideration.

"Hmmmm," I mumbled, scratching my chin, and looking at the cups from all angles. "Hmmmm."

"Alright, you!" she laughed, grabbing it from me and throwing it across the room. "I get it! You don't care about the bra! How about these?" She grabbed a breast in each hand, and leaned closer, smacking me repeatedly in the face with her tits.

"Hey! Where did those come from?" I laughed. "Boy! That bra was so dis-tract-ing!"

"I'll give you distracting!" she growled, reefing my shorts down. My cock was stiff, and popped straight out at her. She hesitated for a second, then dropped her mouth over the head. "Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm."

"Um, I, um... I forget what we were talking about," I moaned.

"It's bigger in person," she smiled, slapping my dick across her tongue. "I saw you on the beach, from a distance, but it's nicer up close."

"Thank you," I moaned again, as her mouth slid down, taking more of my thick shaft between her lips. She sucked deeply, and I laid my head back, gripping her long, red hair with one hand. I'm not sure there's such a thing as a bad blowjob, but some are better than others, and this one was feeling very good. "Oh, Kaitlyn, that's wonderful. It's too bad there's no talent competition in this pageant. You'd win for sure with this."

I heard a snort, from below, and felt the vibration of her throaty chuckle.

"Can you imagine?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with joy. "It would be the talent of choice! One hundred girls, giving blowjobs on command! Think of the pay-per-view revenue!"

"Perhaps for next year's contest," I sighed, as she went back to work. She was bridging her body on all fours, bobbing her head, while her beautiful breasts hung and swung rhythmically. I could see what she meant about her nipples, as they were quite stiff, and long, like thick pencil erasers.

I watched her for a minute or so. It was very erotic, the way her young, pretty mouth and plump lips stretched open and slid along my cock. She would reach the bottom, and reach with her lips just a fraction more, touching my pubes like a swimmer tagging the end of the pool. Then her head would move upwards, leaving a glistening trail of saliva in its wake. Her cool blue eyes were open, focused on the base of my dick. In the background, her large boobs quivered. It was almost more than I could take.

Suddenly, she lifted her head away, and sat up, frantically pulling at her hip-hugging, skin-tight shorts. She still had her sneakers on, too, and she flopped back to kick them off, letting me see the huge wet spot darkening the crotch of the shorts. I was glad to see she was not immune to the excitement of the situation.

I took advantage of the lull, to remove my clothes as well, and when I was done, she was waiting, mouth open, ready to resume her task. She pounced on me again, with a fury. I tapped her on the shoulder, causing a pause, and a sideways look, with the head of my cock still in her mouth.

"Pussy, please?" I asked, making a circling motion with my finger, and fluttering my tongue. "I want to taste you."

She smiled, and pivoted on my cock, knee-walking her lower half up, and over my head. A delightfully wet, pouty pussy appeared before my face. It was shaved, of course. All the girls would be either shaved, or trimmed to the point where they might as well have shaved. The bottoms of their competition bikinis left little room to hide renegade pubic hair. Kaitlyn had a little tuft left, just above her clit. The coppery curls proved that she was a natural redhead.

She went back to sucking me, while spreading her knees wider, lowering that pretty, juicy gash into my reach. Her supple hips eased down, until my tongue made contact with the delicate folds. I gave her a long, slow lick, from clit to butt hole.

"Mmmmmnnnnnaaahhhnnnn!" she moaned, her hips twitching. I grabbed her ass with both hands to keep her within range, and did it again, spending a little more time at both ends of the lick. She repeated the moan, but longer, and deeper. The vibrations of her throat felt fabulous on my cock.

"Mmmmm," I moaned, my lips pursed around her clit.

"MmmmmMMMMMMmmmmmm," she squealed, as the sensation excited her.

Soon, the room filled with moans, counter-moans, and counter-counter-moans. We were making each other crazy, I was unable to keep my hips still, thrusting upwards into Kaitlyn's mouth, and she was mashing and grinding her cunt on my face, using her own very mobile hips.

"MmmmmwwwaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHNNNNN!" she screamed, as my cock pistoned into her mouth. She came, and her pussy literally dripped delicious syrup all over my face. It was the final straw.

I grabbed her head with both hands, shoved my hips up one last time, and erupted, spewing hot cum into her throat. She swallowed desperately, but cum leaked out past her gasping lips. It puddled on my stomach. She coughed, and I released her, letting her sit up, in so doing, planting her sopping wet muffin on my tongue.

I gave her a few extra licks, before she wearily lifted off. She looked down at me, streaks of cum on her lovely face.

"Sorry about that," I apologized. "You got to me. I didn't choke you, did I?"

"I'll live," she smiled. "Besides, you got to me, too. You look like a glazed donut."

"And you look like a nasty slut," I smiled back. She wiped a string of semen into her mouth with her finger, and grinned an evil grin.

"If you think I look like a slut, now... Just watch this!"

She leaned her head over my belly, and sniffed the puddle of cum, making yummy noises. She hadn't been able to swallow much, and the vast majority of my prodigious load was now either oozing off my spent dick, or already on my stomach. Her tongue extended out, and she ran it up the underside of my cock, scooping up a slimy mouthful as she went.

"Oh, fuck, baby, that is disgustingly hot!" I gasped, unable to pull my eyes away. I watched, while she sucked my cock clean, then moved on to the blots, blobs and pools on my stomach, slurping them up like strands of spaghetti. When she was done, my belly was as clean as if a kitten had just licked it for an hour, and her face was coated with semen. She then went to work with her fingers, scooping the glop into her hungry mouth, until she too was clean.

She sat back on her hip, licking her fingers, and wearing a satisfied look on her face.

"Such an angel," I sighed, gazing up at her. "The devil in disguise."

"That's me!" she smiled, and laid beside me, snuggling under my arm, with those big tits pressed into my ribs. She seemed energized by her orgasm, while I was wanting a nap. I wasn't going to get one, at least not yet, as her hand began to gently stroke my exhausted soldier, gradually bringing him back to consciousness. Then her mouth took over, until he was once again fit for duty.

"You just rest," she said softly. "Let Katy take care of this." She swung her leg over me, guided the head of my cock to her vestibule, and speared herself. "Oh fuck, that's where it goes. All the way inside me!"

A few grinding strokes later, her pussy had engulfed me to the root, and her pouting labia were tickling my balls. She leaned forward, and dangled her breasts in my face, dragging those stiff, pointy nipples across my lips. I captured one, and suckled it deeply.

"Mmmmm, yes. Keep that up and I'll be cumming again in no time," she purred.

She quickly established a rhythm, bouncing her hips, while keeping her upper body relatively still. I hand both breasts squished together in my hands, and was switching from one long, sumptuous nipple to the other, and back again. True to her word, she came again in no time. Then again, and again. Her appetite was insatiable, but her energy was running lower. She managed one more, then collapsed on my chest, sweating and gasping for air.


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