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Of Blackmail and Black Panties


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I closed my eyes as I wrapped my lips around his member, trying not to think about the humiliating position I found myself in; trying not to register the taste of the stringy, now cooling spunk that his cock was basted in. Eventually, when he was satisfied that I'd done a good job, he moved my head away towards Antonia's large gash on which I could see large droplets of white, sticky semen clinging to the pubes and labial lips.

"Unlock Polly's cuffs dear," Antonia advised, "then she can lie on her back, and I can sit astride her. I'm sure Polly will behave herself."

And so I found myself lying on my back on the bed as Antonia's hairy, cum-laden snatch descended onto my face. Then, with a gasp, she relaxed the vaginal muscles that were holding her husband's spunk in, released it into my open mouth. I choked and swallowed on the creamy, salty, sticky fluid, desperate to have it done with.

"Now, lick any still on my pubes Polly, you'll get a spanking if I find some later on, and then get to work and let me see your oral skills."

It took a while to get her to climax. I admit, I enjoyed burying my face in her bush, in her labial curtains and teasing and licking and tasting the fishy odour of an excited, aroused woman. The sensation provided by my own panties holding in my stiff member also added to my arousal. I had no real trouble, despite my vision being obscured by her body in locating her clitoris and did my damndest to bring her off as quickly as I could but she seemed to resist; to be holding back -- maybe just to make me suffer. When she did eventually climax, I just had to lay there and let her gushes of excitement rinse my face. I heard her gasp in pleasure, and I guess satisfaction. In due course she lifted her leg over me and got off the bed. I could see David had been watching all this and been wanking so that his tool was now stiff again.

"Turn over Polly, stick that bum in the air. We've not finished with you yet," he ordered me.

I had to do as he ordered; I just couldn't afford my previous sexual adventures to become public knowledge. I sensed David get on the bed and Antonia get off it. Then I felt a finger move the gusset of my panties to one side. I knew what was coming next and, although his penis was someway smaller than Dambisa's, it had been so long since I'd had anal sex that his entrance into my "pussy" was painful.

"That's it darling," Antonia sang out, "ride Polly's pussy. I'll take a few pictures too. This was a great idea of yours. What a way to celebrate my birthday."

With my bum up in the air, I just had to let him ride my "pussy", eventually shooting his load to groans of delight and satisfaction. When he'd finished, he dismounted me and I felt strings of his spunk stretch out of my bum hole and rest on my bum cheeks and thighs.

I was then ordered to go to the bathroom and clean myself up. I returned with my panties on to hide the fact that I was, in spite of being blackmailed into subjecting myself to this abuse, semi-rigid. The evil Markham couple now dressed but Antonia had her panties in her hand.

Antonia spoke. "Now Polly, I want you to jerk yourself off -- in to these panties -- whilst saying you're a sissy faggot who wants to wear lingerie and worship his mistress. Go to it then, what are you waiting for?"

How they both laughed as I did as I was told, eventually releasing a giant pool of spunk into the soft gusset of her briefs, spunk which I then had to lick off and then clean up any drops that had landed on the carpet. Once this was over, I was made to take my panties off as they both worked out how to assemble the pink, plastic chastity cage about my balls and cock. Once fitted, I was then told to get dressed and return home and await further calls to service my new owner -- Antonia.

About two days later David met me in one of the bars in the House of Commons and handed me a note with a name and address on it.

"Go and see Mr Crowther at this place tomorrow at 6 p.m. He's expecting you and knows what to do. You won't come to any harm I assure you, but you must let him do whatever he wants. I've instructed him on what wants doing. Understand?"

"But why? Who is he? What is it you want him to do?"

David looked around to see if anyone was within hearing distance, they weren't, but even so he lowered his voice.

"Look Polly, you're in no position to question my instructions are you? See Mr Crowther, let him do his job and you'll please me. Don't let me let slip to a member of the family how you enjoyed your African visit. What would your father-in-law think eh?"

I visited Mr Crowther at the appointed time and place. I left his surgery some two hours later minus four molars and with a number of other teeth filed down. Mr Crowther was very professional and didn't question me on why I needed to make my mouth more comfortable for cocks to be pushed into it. He probably thought I actually wanted this dentistry done; little did he know.

It was over three weeks before I received the call from Antonia requesting Polly attend to her. I'd not come in those three weeks obviously and, if nothing else, I hoped I might get unlocked at her house and allowed to ejaculate.

I arranged for my children to stay at my in-laws and, on arriving at the Markham's, was shown into a room where a "lady" named Jenny was to train me in make-up and dressing and walking like a woman. Jenny was pretty and wore a purple sticky-out maid's dress, white stockings with bows at the back of the tops and appeared to have a fair size pair of tits. She had long, black curly hair and long, painted fingernails. "Jenny", I was informed, was a most willing sissy, loved being a sissy and had been David and Antonia's willing maid for some years. She too wore a chastity cage but enjoyed being subjected to this deprivation.

We spent a good few hours where I grudgingly did as I was told and learned about make-up and putting on a wig and walking in a feminine manner etc.

Antonia --or rather "ma'am" as she was now - had told me that if I was well behaved and obedient and was conscientious in my training with Jenny, I'd be allowed release before being locked-up again. If you knew how it felt not to be able to have even a hard-on let alone to come for so long, you'd know why I was an obedient attentive pupil.

At the end of the session, Jenny told ma'am I'd been a good girl and, to my horror, she was handed two keys.

"Follow me Polly," Jenny smiled and I walked behind her petticoated arse to an empty bedroom. The upshot was that I could only come if I allowed Jenny to suck me off and I had to suck her off at the same time. I didn't want to suck Jenny off -- no way. But I desperately needed relief - so agreed, after all, I couldn't be certain when (or if) I'd get another chance of release any time soon.

Mutual fellatio with Jenny turned out to be the only way I was to get any relief. As the months went by, my make-up skills improved and I was eventually able to turn myself into a convincing woman -- albeit one dressed in a black maid's uniform replete with white frills, stockings, black lacy panties, long painted nails, false boobs, wig etc. I learnt how to walk in very high-heeled shoes too. It was now - as the convincing Polly that I was transformed into - that I had to munch my owner's fanny and get "serviced" by her husband. How he loved fucking my "pussy" as I lay on my back with my stockinged legs over his shoulders, my briefs pulled down and my frilly petticoats shaking and rustling as he rode me, plastic chastity cage making a clacking sound as it bounced up and down.

Then, one summer's day, after the Markham's had taken advantage of me once again, I was informed that Polly was required to wait on the guests who would be attending a party at the house. I asked permission to ask a question, which was granted.

"But what if I'm recognised ma'am? What if there's someone there who'll know me?"

I was reassured though that they would make sure none of the guests knew me and that Polly looked nothing like the man I was without the make-up and dress etc. They made a point of saying they would never invite Karen to a party when I was waiting on.

And so, some years after being a guest at one of these parties, I ended up flouncing around as a maid waiting on. The only good thing about it was that I knew when all the guests were gone and I'd helped clear and wash-up, that I'd be unlocked and would get release, albeit with Jenny!

Little did I know though that the Markhams had a "special" bash arranged. Jenny, with an air of excitement, had got to hear about it and informed me that it was her idea of heaven. I wanted to punch her face in, the big sissy, but I knew I couldn't afford to be exposed, even the thought of my father, let alone my children, sister, in-laws and constituents finding out about me was too awful to contemplate.

Jenny explained that it was a fancy dress party, and all the guests would have to wear masks, but it was, in reality less of a fancy dress party than a fancy dress orgy!

Other willing and convincing sissies had been hired and together with me and Jenny, would have to allow the party guests to "service" (as ma'am put it) us however and whenever they wanted.

When the big day arrived, we maids, done-up in the sexiest, sluttiest outfits had to serve the guests drinks and canapés so that they could eye us up for later fun.

When 8 p.m. arrived, all us maids / sissies had to go to our own designated room, whereupon should any of the guests enter and we were on our own, could do with us what they like, short of physically harming us.

I waited nervously in my room -- a picture of me and the name "Polly" was attached to the door. The first to come in was a rather portly man (pretending to be Elvis) who fucked the arse off me and then had me suck his dick clean. After each "visitor", we were given twenty minutes to clean ourselves up and return to our room. Next a guy dressed as some old English Edwardian king came in and demanded a blow job. The third visitor, a pretty young lady, wanted me to suck the spunk out of her bum hole that she'd just had fucked. Another blow-job, then an elderly lady had me perform cunnilingus on her. And so it went on. By the end of the night I'd swallowed more spunk and pubic hair than I thought was possible, licked out male and female butt holes and taken up my own arse more pricks than the proverbial second-hand dart board. I'd had to change panties at least four times as ma'am insisted on a fresh-looking, stain free uniform. Sure, munching the various fannies was arousing but hearing the women and men mocking my pink chastity-caged dick emphasised just what a pathetic slut I'd become. I hated myself. Something else had caught my attention too -- it was the sound of a voice from a nearby room. I couldn't be too sure as I was having to munch a particularly hairy pussy at the time, but it sounded to me a lot like an eastern European voice; a lot like Yev! Surely not! I was ordered by the woman who I was licking out to concentrate on the job in hand so was unable to find out for sure.

The orgy didn't finish until after six in the morning. Antonia called me to see her before I left and there, along with the other "sissies" was presented with a luxury pair of silk, French knickers as a present to remember the night by. I was still dressed in my maid's uniform, intending to change back into my man clothes after being allowed to be sucked off by Jenny.

"And what do you say Polly?"

"Thank you ma'am. Thank you for my lovely knickers."

"That's more like it. I had a wonderful time last night, I'm sure you did too. Your master certainly did. I wonder how many of you knew whose juices you were swallowing. You'd never believe some of the famous people who were here. Now I need you all to leave now. Polly, Jenny, you'll have to forego your release this time; I've got the cleaners coming in soon. Maybe next week, we'll see."

Jenny just smiled and curtsied but I was furious. I knew I should have bit my lip but just couldn't restrain myself.

"For fucks sake! That's so unfair. You bitch, you witch. That's so unfair." I was nearly in tears but knew I would regret losing my temper as soon as the words had left my mouth. The other sissies watched in horror as Antonia moved swiftly towards me and slapped me hard across the face before kneeing me in the balls. I caught Jenny giving me a pitying look as I sank to the floor, dropping the bag that contained my gift knickers.

"Can two of you girls drag Polly to the "Meadow View" room in the east wing and strap her -- face up- to the bed please. Then leave her for me to deal with."

I lay, spread-eagled and manacled to the bed in the "Meadow View" room for nearly an hour before Antonia appeared.

"Well Polly, I'm not really sure just what punishment befits that outrageous outburst. I'm not really into caning and all that sadistic stuff --lucky for you. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm sorry. It's just that I was really looking forward to being allowed to come after being used so much by so many people. But I'm sorry for my outburst, I really am."

"And after I bought you lovely French knickers too. How ungrateful you are. I must punish your insolence; you do see that Polly don't you? What would the other sissies say if they knew your outburst had gone unpunished?"

She then placed what seemed like a plastic sheet under my head upon which she laid a large beach towel.

"Now, since you were brought up here, I've had a few large glasses of water and two cups of tea and am dying for a pee. Open up Polly."

She reached into a bag she brought with her and took out a plastic funnel, the sort you might pour petrol into a car's fuel-tank with. I gasped in horror and clamped my still lipsticked ruby-red lips tight in defiance.

Antonia climbed on to the bed and sat astride me, lifting up her skirt and pulling her lemon-coloured little cotton knickers down giving me a lovely glimpse of her hairy minge and pussy-lips, a place I'd been so often now but still wanted more somehow. But I sure as hell didn't want to drink her piss. She sensed my defiance.

"Open up, there's a good girl or I swear I'll send your sister-in-law a picture of you swallowing that Kenyan woman's dick like some sword swallower. Or maybe pictures from our little get-together last night, how about that?"

She had me beat. I didn't think it was possible for me to sink any lower than I had done during the orgy but now? Well, I slowly opened my mouth and Antonia grinned in triumph, pushing the narrow end of the funnel into my mouth. I closed my eyes and awaited the rush of her piss.

"Open your eyes Polly; I want you to experience this fully."

The hot, golden gush of pee seemed to go on for ages. I gagged and spluttered and lots of the stuff ran out of my mouth and down my face on to the towel. She managed to stop peeing when I gagged but once I got my breath back, started again, seeming to have as strong a control of her bladder as any dog.

When she'd finished, I had to lick any droplets off her fanny and bush and, when I'd done, she clambered off me and started to untie my feet and arms. She looked at me almost with sympathy. I was in tears.

"When is this all going to end ma'am. I don't think I can take much more of this, I really don't."

"Stop whimpering you silly girl. Look at Jenny and some of those others. They love this sort of stuff. They'd pay for what you've just enjoyed."

Her laugh told me how wrong I was in thinking she had an ounce of sympathy in her.

"Look Polly, your master says that, should he die or lose his appetite for all this, I'm to hand the key to your chastity and the pictures over. I only enjoy doing this for his sake, once he's gone, I'll call it a day."

And that leads me back to where the story started, the day of Sir David Markham's funeral with me waiting for Lady Antonia to hand over the key to my chastity cage and allow me to resume some kind of normality, free from the threat of blackmail and exposure.

Eventually, after some time, most of the people at the Hotel for the wake started to drift away. I knew Lady Antonia had seen me waiting for her and I knew she was delaying speaking to me just to prolong my suffering. Eventually she deigned to come over to me.

"So Poll... oops! Sorry. So Des, I'll keep my word and hand over the keys to your little pink chastity cage. I'll send the pictures along next week. You look so cute in your black panties, I'm almost sorry to be calling a day on our little games," she smirked.

"Just hand over the keys Antonia, you've had your fun."

"Yes, I said I'd hand them over and I will, but I never said who I'd hand them over too did I?"

I stared at her. What the fuck was she on about?

She started to reach for the clasp of her necklace to undo it and, I presumed, to take the little key off it -- surely to give it to me. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Karen approaching. Antonia had got the key off the necklace as Karen bent slightly to kiss her on the cheek. To my horror, she pushed the key into Karen's hand.

"There you are Karen dear, he -- or should I say "she" is all yours now."

They both chortled and looked at me with evil smiles.

"Thanks Lady Markham. I'll invite you to our wedding; I've already booked the registry office. Now Polly, be a good girl and comeback to my room here with me and I'll let you eat my pussy. You'll like that won't you?"

"You evil bitch," I snarled at Lady Markham. "And you, you're just as bad," I hissed at Karen.

"Oh dear," Karen grinned, "I think my husband-to-be is going to get a good spanking tonight before I put her into the new black panties and nightie I've brought for her.

I knew deep-down I was stymied. I knew I couldn't face the thought of my family, my children etc. knowing about my peccadilloes. I was trapped.

Three months later I married Karen in a registry office. I (or we) even received congratulation cards from Miss Potter and Yev, the source of all my woes. I never did get to find out if it was him I'd heard at the Markham's orgy. I lost my seat at the next general election anyway, so was no longer of much use to Yev and the Carmichael business was able to function well enough without me there.

Karen made me change into white bridal underwear on getting to the honeymoon suite in our hotel and she did let me fuck her -- just the once, (she was on top naturally) before she locked me up again.

I must now devote most of my time to worshipping Karen's bottom and fanny. She makes me wear the chastity cage all the time, only allowing me to take it off for cleaning and only allowing me to ejaculate in front of her when the fancy takes her; any sign of dissent results in my being put over her knee for a thorough spanking. Sometimes she invites Lady Antonia to join us and often spanks me in front of her -- the bitches. Lady Antonia has asked if Karen would mind her bringing Jenny to visit and then they could watch me and Jenny pleasure one-another. Karen agreed of course.

Fortunately, when the children or others are around, Karen allows me to dress as a man but, with the kids at boarding school, I am, for weeks on end, nearly always dressed as Polly. Polly who I might add, when fully made up and wearing sexy stockings, high-heels and sweet, tiny black briefs, is at least as attractive as her wife. Anyway, that's where I'll end the story as I must go and hang Karen's panties out on the washing line -- and my own too.

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northirishdivernorthirishdiver2 months ago

I loved the tale and the nice length of the story, too. I always love a strong lady's helping hand, especially if it plays in the man's head about the potential blackmail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Silly. Don't marry her. The cage is a toy that he can remove at any time without the key. But you avoid the whole problem by simply stop seeing her.

madetoobeymadetoobeyabout 2 years agoAuthor

Oh dear. You don't seem to be able to take criticism of your inane comment. If you don't enjoy a story then fine but to moan about a story entitled "Of Blackmail..." because it involves blackmail ( of whatever sort), is almost as inane a criticism as one can get on here and that's saying something. BTW as most of the stories on here are made up, then they are, almost by definition, fantasies. I hope you will accept my pointing out the vacuuity of your criticisms as constructive and learn to think before commenting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There is blackmail that just gets the job done, then there over kill, but this is just a Fantasy story anyway, get over it…..

madetoobeymadetoobeyabout 2 years agoAuthor

Did you not get an idea that the story involved blackmail from the title?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sorry don’t real like forced ( blackmailed) gay stories, voluntary is another story. But to keep threatening to tell his children and family, No..

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