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Of Light and Shadows Ch. 02

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The Consumation.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/06/2007
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The girl was still in the throes of the orgasm of the mere touching of the being. Her eyes had fluttered closed, and upon reopening, she found him poised above her, his clothing melting from his body as if created from wax. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes. He is beautiful, she thought, as she glimpsed his nude form. She could only see his massive chest, broad shoulders and his perfect face. She wanted him within her. She wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything in her life. Though at this moment, she found that she had not even the faint inklings of what she had been before this place—before him.

Her legs parted for him in silent, yet complete invitation, to his entry. Her hips lifted to him. She wanted to be taken, impaled. She did not want it to be sweet and loving. She wanted fury. She wanted it to be hard, this taking. There would be time enough, she knew, for tenderness. An eternity for caressing and soft, gentle loving awaited them, but now was not the time for that. Not the time at all. "Fuck me", she whimpered, unsure if she had spoken or merely contemplated the words.

The being above her needed no such request, however. His cock drove deeply into her in one, deliciously violent thrust. After all, he had waited for her arrival over the course of countless lifetimes. He knew exactly how this girl must be taken. As his hips drove his lust into her, her walls opened and her legs wrapped tight around his trim waist. There was not a part of him that was not perfect she thought, as they coupled that first time.

His eyes looked deeply into hers. Within those onyx eyes, she saw all things. She saw what only he knew. The beauty and the horror of his existence laid bare to her. Beyond that, she saw that his want of her was equal to her want of him.

His member was massive. Filling her to her core. It hurt. Oh God, it hurt, so very deliciously. The pain as his cock drilled in and out of her gripping, greedy sex electrified her to depths she had not known until this moment. He held himself above her with the arms of an Adonis. She caught herself thinking that this being might just have been the model for the Greek god. His chest rippled with each, driving thrust into her. She no longer felt anything, but him. Her small hands clasped to his shoulders. Her slender legs, crossed at thin ankles at his hips. Her heels pressed into his buttocks. She could not feel the bed beneath her or see anything, feel anything but him.

She heard wanton scream resounding about her, and then realized that they had come from her own lips. She was his completely and eternally. She likely had always been, she knew. She was his lover, his concubine, his mate, and his whore. She urged him on faster, harder, and deeper. No matter how badly it hurt, for that was the price of perfection.

The tantalizing sound of him slipping in and out of her drove her to drive her long nails tearing into his perfect flesh. His blood seeped out around her fingertips and immediately became a mist, almost a fog. It was heavy on the air about them. She found she could breath it in---breathe him in. He growled in approval, as she did this. In the instant she inhaled the cerulean tinged mist, her mind swirled with yet more images and greater understanding; though, she understood that not all could be absorbed so quickly. There was still much more to learn, but she began to gather insight into her new place within The Lair and The Dominion.

For now, she pushed all else but their union aside. His balls slapped wetly at the small, round cheeks of her ass. Drenched with her honey, they were quickly filling. The girl felt his thrusts become faster, more craven than before. Sweat poured from them both, and she felt herself lifting her lips to his heaving chest to lick the saltiness. Her heart swelled with the taste and texture of his perspiration.

His arms surrounded her and only then she realized that there was nothing beneath them, nothing around them. They were suspended in nothingness, as his cock slammed to its deepest penetration. She was positive she could feel the bulbous head in her belly, as he howled into the night. His seed gushed from the massive cock, as steam from a geyser. His cock throbbed within her walls, as he released it into her in long, thick streams. The sensation of his spewing seed made her cry out in an orgasm that sent her into a state of near shock. She feared at once that she would die from the overwhelming pleasure. She went black for an instant. In that moment, she saw what had been before The Dominion. She saw the vast Nothing. Quickly, her mind snapped back to him and The Lair.

Their tremors were subsiding, as her thoughts returned to Him. They panted in unison, as she found them together lying on their backs, her leg slung casually over his thigh and her small head resting on His chest. She had no strength---none at all. And, she drifted off to sleep.

***** The girl fell deeply asleep immediately. The last thought in her mind was of him and the delicious pleasure-pain conjured in her coupling with Him. She could hear his slow, steady heartbeat, and it was to that sound that sleep embraced her like a womb. In her dreams, those things which her mind had consumed, as she was taken by him, were processed and considered. The faded memories of her past life where she dwelt among the mortals remained here and only here. Fantasy had become reality. Reality had become dreams. But then, she mused in her slumber, perhaps her past life had been the dream. Beyond those musings dwelled the teachings that had occurred even as she had coupled with the being. Only now she could fully comprehend The Lair, The Dominion and those who preferred the shroud of Shadows to the embrace of Light. Truly that was a stretch, she knew. It would take much learning to understand where she fit in this place. It would require much from her in order to truly grasp the twist her life--no, that was the wrong word--her being--yes that was it--her being had taken. She did however understand this: While the large, oaken door through which the being had entered The Lair had all the appearances of a medieval stone door; it was far more than that. It was the only passageway between the place where she laid with her lover and those that might do him (and her) grievous harm. She understood through her dreams that this place was nowhere remotely close to the place of the Shadows. The doorway was a portal across dimensions. The Lair itself was a dimension. Somehow she understood that it only existed for him and now, for her. If they were not in this place, it would fade to nothing until their return. Everything in it was illusion, she gathered. His essence controlled it completely and utterly, but as she grew in her wisdom and in her learning, she too would be able to assert some control over her surroundings here, albeit limited compared to his. In that past existence, she might have been dismayed at the lack of control she had as to her surroundings and indeed her very being. That did not worry her now, however. For the first time she could recall, she trusted completely and absolutely. She would place her well being in his loving, strong hands. She was unworried about his purposes in as much as she was concerned, for she knew at the depths of her spirit that he had loved her since before Time. He was created for many things, among them was to love her. She had been created to be loved by him and to give him her heart and her trust. Now, as she moved her leg along his as they dozed, she felt it as natural as taking a breath. The thought caused her, without waking fully, to kiss his chest. His flesh seemed to caress her lips, as she touched them to him. ***** The girl awakened alone to the sensation of sunshine warming her soft flesh. It took a few moments for her to gather her wits from the swirling of her mind after sleeping so soundly and purposefully. She found herself in a meadow beneath an immense oak. She found, as she looked skyward, that she could look directly into the sun without blinking and without pain. Why should she be so surprised, she thought, by anything in the place? All was possible here.

Though he was not nearby, she felt his presence nonetheless. She knew that it was he who conjured this setting for her. She rose to her feet; her nudity left her feeling a freedom she had not felt in such a very long time—perhaps ever.

A white fluttering caught her eye and she walked toward it. There, she found a lovely gown being played at by a soft breeze. Smiling, she took it in her hands and slipped over her sun kissed flesh, as she knew instinctively that her lover had left it here for her. She felt the smoothness of it. It was softer and more luxurious than silk. Once it slipped over her shoulders, she immediately felt his presence. Her green eyes closed to slits, and she could feel him once more pulsing within her. His hardness pushing at her cervix, taking her to a place that she had never known.

Beneath where she had plucked the gown, she spotted a cluster of small, red berries. She gathered a few in her small hands and sampled one. The taste was extraordinary. Until that moment, she had not felt hunger. As the taste of the berry slipped over her tongue, she found herself famished. One after another, she popped the berries into her mouth. Soon, her lips took on the dark red color of the tasty, sweet fruit.

Upon finishing them, she found herself panting softly. She felt more than a little aroused. Her red tinged fingers slid down her body. She touched her nipples. They were hard and sensitive. She slid down to the soft earth, her new gown flying open about her. Her hips lifted as her fingers slipped down her taut belly over the small, soft tuft of hair at her mound. Her right hand pinched and pulled at her small brown nipples, as her left hand made its way to her sex. As her body undulated on the soft grass, lost in her need, her fingers found her treasure and pressed deep into it. Her palm pressed at her clitoris, as her fingers slipped in and out whorishly.

She felt the being's presence---his eyes on her, but she could not stop herself. She knew deep down that he had planned this little breakfast for her. She would finish it as he watched. The mere thought of his eyes on her as she pleasured herself drove her small fingers faster in and out of her fuckhole, still sore from being invaded by his cock. The ache was welcome, as it confirmed that his use of her had been real and not just a lovely dream. Crying out into the warm morning, she came hard over her fingers. Her tongue flicked wantonly over her lips, the taste of the extraordinary fruit still kissing them.

Her flow left her fingers and the soft grass beneath her damp. It took a few moments for her to regain her bearings. Propping herself onto her elbows and peering up at him with a crooked, slightly embarrassed smile, she panted, "Did M'lord enjoy that?"

Grinning brightly, he replied, "Exotic and entirely enjoyable. I find you achingly entertaining." He stepped toward her. He dropped to a knee and took her small hand from her sex and sucked one finger after the other. Moaning at the succulent taste of the berries mixed with her essence. "So, I take it you enjoyed the impberries?"

Laughing, she blushed bright red. "Is that what they are called, kind Sir?"

At that, he laughed heartily. "Well, that is what I call them, in any event. In a way, they are just like imps." He helped her to her feet, after cleaning her fingers of the combined juices. Kissing her softly, before walking hand in hand with her towards a brook.

"Imps, Sir?" the girl asked, looking up at him as they walked. She saw he was dressed much like she imagined of royalty. The finest red cloth with small golden designs adorned his body. His black boots reached to his knee and glinted in the sunlight. Though she walked along with him in a gown that flowed open, exposing the front of her pale body to the world about them, she felt no inhibitions.

"Yes, sweet girl, Imps. Imps abound in this Realm. They inhabit every corner of The Dominion's domain. They can be good or evil, but usually, they are neither. They just are what they are." He guided her to a soft place along the edge of the brook. They sat beside the swiftly churning water. The girl let her small feet dip into a calm area of the little creek. The water was cool and inviting.

"Even here, Sir? Imps can even in habit The Lair?" She looked to him as she inquired about the imps. She brushed her long blond hair from her eyes, as she looked up into his eyes. He told her that imps could slip into The Lair from time to time. They could do no damage nor physical harm in this place, He told her, but they could find other ways to create mischief. The imp berries had been his invention, however. Yet, they were often placed in assorted worlds about the Realm.

You must take care in your dealings with them, my love," he told her. "These beings are quite harmless in their actions, but they do provide temptations. They have been also known to use ruses to further their own aims. They have also been known to work on behalf of those in Shadows as slaves."

"What do imps look like, my love?" she asked as her feet kicked at the water. A small fish swam by, as she flicked at the water. It looked up at her with intelligent, knowing eyes, slapped its tail at her toes playfully and swam away. The act delighted her in that moment.

"They are shape shifters, like many beings in the Realm. They cannot take on human form, but they can take on elfin form. I am not even certain any of them know of their real form, though I do recall seeing them as wisps. I do not know if that is their true form, but it is very common for them to take that shape."

Standing, holding his hand to her, He said with a smile, "Come, I have something to show you."


He led her over a small, grassy hill. As they reached the crest, she looked down upon the splendor of a beautiful lake. The water was the deepest blue, the wind sent ripples across the glassy surface. Ducks and geese swam in the middle of the lake, dipping now and again to gather up fish in their bills. Deer drank at water's edge and did not stir as she approached with him.

The scene shimmered before her eyes, and instantly she found herself on an elegant yacht in the middle of the lake. He stood with her at the bow, smiling. Over his right shoulder, she saw the deer and the waterfowl. The scene almost brought her to tears, as it was absolutely serene. The sky was a mixture of blue and lavender surrounding the bright yellow tint of the sun.

She looked into his eyes, the black orbs were not black, at all really, but the deepest, darkest of blues. She stepped towards him. As she did, she heard the faint rushing of water in the distance. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she turned from him towards the delightful sound. There, not too distant, was a waterfall. The waterfall seemed to begin in the clouds. The mountain was wide and she could not see the peak in the white, puffy clouds. She had not noticed this before, and at first it perplexed her that she had not seen it.

Then it hit her, "You are creating all this, right now. Aren't you, M'lord?" Behind her voice, not well hidden, was the awe she felt, not only for the beauty, but that he had created it.

"Yes, child. I have created all this for you. It pleases me to pleasure you. It pleases me more than you could ever know." His voice was deep and filled with emotions he had not felt before. That is, he had not allowed those feeling for himself, until now. He stepped forward, slipping his thick, muscular arms around her. His right hand completely covered her belly. Her gown, still billowing open in mute invitation to His touch, began to fade from her. Melting away, as his clothing had. She shuddered a bit when she realized that it was her own mind that had cast it from her. She had wanted to feel his flesh once more against hers, and she wanted it now.

He laughed softly, as she bared herself to him with a mere thought. "I see you are a fast learner, my love. Such aptitude shan't go unrewarded."

As he spoke, she felt his flesh touch hers. She leaned her head back against his chest. Teasingly, she pressed the back of her head over one of his nipples. "How shall M'lord reward me, pray tell?" Her small hand reached behind her, fingers slipping around the shaft of His thick, throbbing cock. Its girth was such that her thumb came nowhere close to closing the gap to her fingertips. She gasped at the size of it. How did all that fit inside of her, she wondered.

In answer to her query, he slipped an impberry between her lips, as his other hand cupped her full, round breast. She held the berry on her tongue, letting the sweet taste of it fill her senses. She arched her back, pressing her breast into his palm. While her left hand caressed his cock with slow, loving strokes, her right hand slipped to her own sex for the second time in the morning. First, she teased herself. Her delicate fingers played idly at the soft patch of hair above her treasure.

Just when she ached to be touched, her juices already trickling down an inner thigh, she felt his huge hand cover hers and guide it down to her sex. His fingers and hers, slipped down over the smooth, pink folds instantly becoming damp with proof of her unbridled lust. "I am such a whore," she cooed, lifting her right leg up and to the side, parting for the two hands at her needy cunt.

Yes---my lovely whore," he responded, popping yet another impberry into her mouth. She moaned as she swallowed it after rolling it on her tongue. With that, she turned to him. Her green eyes looked up at him wildly. She imagined a handful of impberries in her hand, and they appeared as beckoned. Her eyes not leaving his, she squeezed them tightly in her hand. As the juice oozed from them, she reached to his lips and painted them with the nectar. His tongue slipped hungrily over his lips, as he growled softly.

"Oh, my Lord, they bewitch you, as well, I see," she smiled. Not waiting for his reply, she reached up and pulled his head down to her, her lips met his in a deep, breathtaking kiss. Just then, the boat passed beneath the waterfall, the water and mist coating them with delicious warmth. It moved into a large grotto. Within the grotto, the only light coming from the opening under the falls, she heard the flitting of wings, out of the corner of her eye, she glimpse winged human forms, elfin and lovely. She and her lover were being watched, she knew. They were being worshiped, as well.

The wisps flitted about them, coming so close, that she could feel the wind from their fluttering wings, as she caressed her mate. She could read their minds; at least, she thought she could. The soft, winged beings shared in her lust for their master. She must show them how she worshiped him. She slowly lowered her berry juice coated hand along his brawny body. Her lips followed her hand, her pink tongue flicking here and there following the trail of red left by the fruit. He moaned deeply, she felt his moan with her lips at his chest, as they suckled juice from his nipple.

His hand caressed her head, as she kissed her way down his sculpted belly. As she licked the long furrow in the center of his abdomen, she rubbed the juice into his long, thick prick. Her hand stroked along the shaft of it, coating the entire length of his cock with red. Kneeling before him and tossing her thick, golden curls back, she asked in a husky voice, her jade eyes looking up into his, "Sir, may I feed from you?"

His eyes closed to slits in anticipation, as he breathed a soft, "Yes, please." Her mouth took Him hungrily. Somehow, she was able to not only slip her lips around the enormity of it, but she was able to slide them all the way down the shaft. The thick head of his cock pushed down her throat, but she took her lover's length completely.


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