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Office Christmas Party Finis

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Sorry this took so long.
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/14/2019
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Disclaimer: There is only a short telephone sex interlude in this ending. THERE IS NO SEX BETWEEN OR INCLUDING ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 AT ANY TIME. If you are looking for a stroke story you must have not ever read anything by me as I don't have the ability to describe a hot sex scene. Sorry.

In the first part Doug Fuller was contacted by an unknown co-worker who let him know his wife was fucking four of his other co-workers and was planning a gang bang at the Christmas party. Doug then found out that it was planned for him to be drugged and gang banged by other males.

Doug worked to find out the truth. He was then sent to a hotel by his boss. His wife and her lovers took advantage of his absence to set up a preliminary gang bang in his own bedroom and bed. He video recorded the events and then crashed the party. The cheaters were all summarily thrown out of the house. This part begins where the first part ended.

I needed to deal with Jerome now. I had gotten his number from the employee files and I called him.

"Hey, Jerome, this is Doug Fuller. I hear that you want to party with me at the Christmas Party. I just want to know if you planned to give me a kiss after you shoot sperm all over my face."

He laughed. "Yeah, if I intended to drug you like Bill asked me to do then I would have given you a kiss. As a bisexual man I actually like the taste and smell of semen. But I had no intention of drugging you."

I know he couldn't see my nod but I did nod my agreement. "You were the one who warned me about the Christmas party, weren't you?"

"Yeah, man, I heard about last year's party from Bill and I didn't call then as I didn't know if you were in some kind of open marriage where your wife could do as she pleased and you tolerated or enthusiastically endorsed her activities. When Bill suggested that you be drugged and fucked I figured that you were clueless. I had to let you know what I knew. Just in case I didn't let you know who I was. How did you figure out it was me?"

I told him how I had eavesdropped on the quartet right after his call and Bill dropping his name.

His reply was surprising. "That little bitch. What a fuck head to think I would actually be party to something like that. I don't have any trouble getting sex. The last thing I need is accusations of drugging people. The next time I see him he won't just be fucked. I might fist the little shit."

"So, he is bi?"

"Yeah, well, actually he is more submissive. His girlfriend runs his life. I suspect so does that idiot Mark Williams. I think he just goes with the flow. Did you catch him in the act with your wife?"

"Actually no, he was standing off to the side when I came into the bedroom. He was naked like the others so I felt he had either already fucked her or was ready to take over for Chuck when he was through. Maybe he likes sloppy seconds or thirds or whatever."

"Probably true. I know it wasn't hard to get him to suck my cock and he squealed like a little piglet when I put my cock up his man pussy. Hell, he fucked me with his ass more than I fucked him. I just don't know where he got the idea that I needed a date rape drug."

He paused then continued. "What is going to happen at work? Can you still sit in the same room with these assholes when you have meetings together?"

I had to chuckle. "How do you know about any meetings with the other managers?"

"Shit, man, I work in the mail room. We know more about the affairs of the company than even the top brass. Every piece of mail comes through us. We even have access to most of the email accounts on the business servers. Davies should check with us before making any business decisions."

I had to laugh outright. It was probably true. "I am glad that you let me know before the Christmas party, even if you weren't planning on me being the centerpiece in a gang bang."

"What makes you think you weren't going to be the centerpiece? I just wasn't planning on drugs. I actually was intending to ask you out for a drink and then see where we could go from there. If you are receptive then we could have some good fucking times. If not, then no harm, no foul. We might even become friends. Who knows?"

I chuckled again. He sounded like a good normal man. "By the way I hope to never set eyes on the bunch again. I threatened them and I believe they have no illusion that I will carry out my promises to them all. I expect they have all found that employment in our company to be counterproductive. I will be talking to Jim Davies in the morning about it."

"Does this have anything to do with the investigation into Mark William's activities?"

I should have known. "I don't know about any investigation so, no, it doesn't."

He laughed at me. "Remember, the mail room hears about everything. We knew about the investigation before Mr. Charles even got started with his surveillance."

I shook my head. I know he couldn't see me but he must have figured what I did. He laughed again. "Look, if you're not going out me or threaten me then why not meet for coffee. I'm not doing anything right now if you want to hit a coffee shop."

Somehow I decided to meet with him. I wanted someone I could talk freely with and he might be just the person to go through this whole fiasco with.

We met about an hour later at a diner approximately half way between our residences. Jerome only wanted a cup of java but I was hungry so I ordered some comfort food. Let's face it, I really needed some comforting right then.

Jerome is a tall, about six foot tall, black man with a ready smile and open demeanor. I liked him immediately. Within a few minutes you would have thought that we had known each other for years. We talked about all sorts of work related issues along with various people we knew in common. I told him about my life, Joyce, and my girls. When I got to the part about Joyce cheating I almost broke down. I think that was when I actually figured out that a chapter of my life was over and a new reality was starting.

Jerome was a good listener and was surprised with I told him I wasn't going to seek a divorce from Joyce. When he raised his eyebrows I had to explain my thinking. "I looked into divorce but I would have to give the slut half of everything, let her live in the house while I squatted somewhere and I would lose contact with my girls. Hell, the way the system works I would also have to pay her alimony or separate maintenance, or whatever it's called here. I would also have to pay for her attorney as well as my own. My girls would probably grow up to be sluts just like her."

I took a breath and shook my head. "Nope, not going to happen. Instead of divorce I decided to get a legal separation. Joyce doesn't know it but she will be getting a visit from my attorney to explain it. I rented her an efficiency apartment and paid the first month's rent and the deposit. She can handle the apartment after that. She will have to agree to supervised visits with the girls for a while as I can't trust her to not have her boyfriends around with the girls present. I also don't want Lisa around them. I think that bitch is a menace to women and men alike."

Jerome agreed with me. We talked for a while longer and then parted for the evening. We made plans to get together again on Saturday. We never once discussed any kind of sexual contact between us. I was relieved. I know that I have had to work with gay and bisexual individuals before but I had never actually kidded around or discussed any kind of sex between myself and any other male. I admit that it makes me more than a little uncomfortable.

It was still early enough that I called my girls at my parents' house. I let the folks know a little of what had happened this week before talking to my daughters. I had originally wanted to tell the girls that their mother and I were not together as of now so that Joyce couldn't show up and get the girls and fill their heads with some kind of bullshit about what had happened. I decided that I needed to see them face to face while telling them and not on the phone. I just was too tired to make the drive to the house and back again. I planned on them being home tomorrow, Friday night, and would then talk to them.

Chapter Two

I wish that I could say that I slept like a baby that night. Well, I guess that it depends on the baby. I tossed and turned while trying to keep the mental images of my wife being fucked by numerous men and women. The pins through her nipples became huge hoops with weights attached. I would wake drenched in sweat when the nightmares prevented me from interfering with my throwing her out. Even though I was sleeping in my own bed, albeit with fresh linens, and Joyce had been evicted my mind kept playing tricks on me.

I finally admitted defeat and got up. After a refreshing shower and a fresh shave I made a quick but filling breakfast. It was still early but I went into work and did a full walkthrough of the warehouse and the dock area. I made notes of the accumulated detritus that needed policed. It actually looked pretty good, just a little maintenance was needed to keep things orderly and efficient.

I think that most of my workers were not expecting to ever see me again based on the astonished looks on their faces as they reported to the time clock. I greeted each and every one as he or she clocked in and got ready for work. I then called for a meeting and directed all of the help to the coffee and tea cart and the doughnut and rolls.

I then gave them a short message about the changes that I had researched during my week long sabbatical. Yes, even though I never left town I did do some considerable research online while whiling away the time. I had some recommendations to give to Mr. Davies that might make us more efficient and thus not waste the week. With that everyone headed off to their individual work stations and began the day.

At 9:00 I received a call from Jim Davies' office. I was expected to see him at 1:00. Since it was almost an hour drive there from the warehouse I decided to take off at 11:00, get to the city central and then have a nice lunch before reporting in.

Again, I had a nice comfort food meal. I wanted nothing too rich or hard to digest as I was not sure what the meeting with Jim would be like. If I had been forthright enough with the ass hats then Jim was missing four managers this morning. If I was not believable then I would have to fulfill my promise to the quartet and prove I meant business.

At 12:45 I reached the floor where Mark, Bill, Chuck and Ted had their offices. As I walked through many of the staff carefully watched me. When I reached Mark's office I stopped at his secretary's desk and asked if Mark was in. She shook her head. "He suddenly resigned this morning. He didn't even come in to get his things. He had security empty his office and had all of it delivered to a storage facility, not even to his home. I don't know what is going on or even what to do."

I asked about the other three. They had also called in and suddenly resigned. One of the wives had come in and collected all of the personal stuff. Security had assisted in taking all of their crap to her car.

The rumor mill was going strong as to why four managers had suddenly quit without notice. The stories were varied and some were absolutely outlandish. The better ones had the quartet starting their own business overnight and they were going to bankrupt our corporation. I almost laughed out loud.

The missing managers were such a great topic of conversation no one seemed to notice that Lisa Priest wasn't present either. She wasn't well liked even among the LGBT crowd so I supposed most that noticed her absence were rejoicing in the tiny vacuum that her being missing caused.

I reported to Jim's office at the appointed time. His PA, Millie Krebs, was his protector. Usually she made any appointment cool his or her heels for a time before she deigned to allow the inner sanctum to be breached. Today, though, she bade me go straight in. I was pleasantly confused.

Jim even rose from behind his desk and came and shook my hand. We had never been very friendly so this was also confusing. "Come, come, Doug, sit down and take a load off. How are you feeling today?"

"Well, sir, I am not too bad. Didn't get much sleep last night but I think that when I get my girls home tonight it will be better."

"Sorry about your sleep. How did you deal with your wife last night?"

"You knew?"

"Son, I knew last Christmas that she was fucking around. Like so many others who watched the bunch of assholes flock around her while you were gone, I was pissed but didn't dare say anything if you were a willing participant. I try not to interfere with my employees' private lives. But I found out that you were just a trusting husband who would never imagine his wife doing anything immoral so I felt I had to act before you became the laughing stock of the company and felt you would have to quit."

I nodded. I could see that scenario happening quite easily. Being at the warehouse would have let Joyce come right into the office and fuck them all right in front of all of the other employees and I might not have known for quite a while.

"So this whole week was to get them to fuck in my house so I could catch them all at once and not at the Christmas party?"

"Kind of, but really I wanted an excuse to look into Mark's activities also. I found out that he was padding his expense account and also blackmailing the others into padding theirs and giving him the ill-gotten gains. His attitude had been getting worse these last couple of months and when he demanded that I send you out of town, well, that was the last straw for me."

"Okay, well, I did your dirty work. I don't think we will be hearing from them again very soon."

Jim smiled and nodded. "Quite the answer to a sticky question. If I fired them all I would have to be ready for lawsuits but having them quit made it all so much easier. Did you threaten them?"

"Yeah, I promised to shoot them and make sure that they never fucked a woman again if I saw them at any time. I assume that they believed me since they aren't here today."

"Good, good. Now I have to figure out what to do while getting them replaced. I think it is time for you to move to an office here in the building. I will make you responsible for finding their replacements. It can be from within or without, I don't really care. Your assistant can handle the shipping and receiving while you do this."

I nodded my head. I was now senior to any other manager. He continued. "Of course you will have to get a raise in pay while you do this. I will double your last raise and add some living expenses since I imagine you are going to have to find a place to live now."

I got to smile at him. "Actually I kicked Joyce out last night and made her go with Lisa Priest. I had already rented an efficiency apartment in the same complex that Lisa lives in. I fully intend to stay married as long as possible but she will have to live somewhere else. Of course, that means that she won't have any restrictions on fucking whomever she wants but my girls won't be exposed to her lifestyle if I have any say in the matter."

He was surprised at my answer to the dilemma of how to separate and still live while paying off the bitch. "That is a rather novel way to handle infidelity. She gets to still be your wife but, I assume, now have limited access to joint money and accounts and you don't have to move. What if she doesn't agree to this living arrangement?"

I smiled at him. "By then I will have hidden a lot of assets including my income. Oh, I will make sure that it looks like there is still some money in the accounts but with some money moved out of the country, legally of course, she will have a hard time finding where the money is and how much there is. This pay raise that you have offered me will all be moved away. The courts can order me to pay or account for it but I have my passport and can skip the country before a judge can issue a contempt proclamation."

I paused. "If Joyce gives me much grief I will make sure her family, my family, and all our friends know what kind of whore she is. No right thinking woman would then let her near her man and her family will ostracize her as they don't condone that kind of behavior and she knows it. It will be better for her to just do as I ask for a while. Maybe we will get counseling and can get over this but I doubt it."

"I have also had my attorney draw up a post-nuptial agreement that she will have to sign before she can hope to move back into the house and have some kind of unsupervised relationship with me and the girls. It gives her absolutely nothing outside of the house if she divorces me. I won't even have to pay the mortgage on the house. Whatever she earns and saves on her own is hers but nothing of mine. She will not profit from her fucking around."

Jim wished me luck and I headed back out into the office. Jim gathered all of the staff together and announced the new organization plan. I was taking over operational control of sales and manufacturing as well as shipping/receiving. The open positions would be posted and interviews would be held as soon as possible. He then introduced me to some key people. They would be instrumental in keeping the business moving forward and probably be the replacements for the missing shit heads.

We all spent the rest of the morning getting acquainted and getting me up to speed on all of the activities of the business. I was surprised to find out that no commission had been paid to sales people for the last few years. A quick check and it was found that Mark had been diverting the commissions to his own accounts. Jim was now in justice mode. He called the county attorney and got him involved. He then received a court order freezing the accounts until a forensic accountant could look into the history of all debits and credits.

For now we reinstated the commissions and that went a long way in getting people on board with helping get me up to speed.

Jenny Sparks, Mark's old secretary, was now my main point of contact. She was going to be more of a personal assistant but right now without the pay raise. Hell, as much as she knew about sales she might be a good replacement for the asshole. Time would tell.

I told Jim that I was leaving at a decent time so I could spend the weekend with my girls and he smilingly agreed.

I left in time to go and pick up the girls from school. We then went to my folks and retrieved their belongings and had a great couple of hours sitting and chatting with my parents. I let them know that
Joyce would not be at home for a while. I promised my parents that I would fully fill them in but not in front of the girls. They got the message that 12 year-olds weren't quite ready for what they mother was up to.

When I got the girls home I sat them down and told them that their mother wasn't living with us for a while. They, of course, questioned me about the particulars. "Girls, I know you want to know everything and someday maybe you will. I will leave it to your mother to tell you all of what she has done since I don't even know the entire story. I will just say that your mother did something so bad that it made me terribly sad and angry and that she can't live here with me for a while. It really has nothing to do with you two, just with me."

Amy immediately grabbed onto the statement that Joyce had hurt me and not them. "She had an affair didn't she? I bet it is that asshole Les from around the corner. We used to catch him coming out of the house all of the time when we got home from school. He would look at us with his smug little smile and make comments about mom."


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