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Oh Elena Ch. 02

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I did say I was sorry.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/26/2015
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***Years Earlier***

*Seven months after Elena began her new job*


I searched around everywhere for this damn book. Steven better be happy his big sister loves his ass. I am surprised that he called me. We rarely talk anymore since he's been strapped with his writing and married life. Not that he's doing too hot at either right now. But that's none of my business. His writing will improve. I believe in my bro and his talent. Now that Elena i'm not too sure about. She's always been a little shady to me. But my brother loves her so i've always kept quiet. She's his wife now. I must learn to warm up to the idea of what's been done.

I am sitting in my car parked in front of his house waiting on him to come get this book at any moment now. Five. Ten. Fifteen minutes go by and no Steven. I really don't feel like getting out of the car so I guess I'll call him. He answers after the third ring.

"Hey sis." He answered casually.

"Don't hey sis me." I told him , my voice full of playful annoyance.

"Where are you? Come get this book." I reminded.

"Out getting some fresh air since..." He started before stopping when he realized what I told him.

I smiled , waiting on the surprise excitement that I knew would follow.

"Wait , so you got the book!?" He squealed , sounding like a little boy.

"Yes , I sure did." I answered.

"Thanks Mel , you're the best." He told me. I could hear the happiness dripping through his tone.

"I try , I try. Soooo...are you close to home because I..."

"I don't want to come home!" He blurted frantically , causing me to pause in confusion.

"Well you have to eventually."

"Yeah well...not now."

I stayed silent , waiting for him to further explain.

He paused , before speaking again.

"How about you just drop it off at my house. It's past 6 p.m. so Elena should be there by now."

Yeah , she definitely is. I knew that when I first pulled up because I seen her car parked in the driveway. I also noticed Steven's car parked too , which is why I assumed he was here too. I guess I was wrong. Elena does have a key to his car. Maybe she drove his instead of hers to work this time? I don't know. I just find it funny how he's not allowed to have a key to her car though.

"Okay , not a problem." I lied.

I barely can tolerate her around Steven so I don't know how this will go. It will either be a hit or miss. I'll be nice for Steven's sake. He thanked me for complying and then we said our I love yous and that was the end of that. After hanging up from Steven I put on a smile , got out the car , and made my way over to their front door. I knocked a few times , no answer. I rang the doorbell a couple of times , no answer. I shook the doorknob out of irritation and the knob was surprisingly loose. She left the door unlocked. I opened the door and walked in.

The first thing I noticed was the little coffee table in their living room. It had about three empty beer bottles on it. Weird. I thought Steven said before that Elena didn't drink because she didn't believe in it. Well that makes her a liar. A short , stuck up liar. Gosh , I can't stand her.

"Elena , it's Mellie. Are you there?" I asked in a voice that wasn't loud but loud enough.

I sat the book down and sighed when I didn't hear a response. I was about to just walk out and leave when I heard a scream. A woman's scream , one clearly of pleasure. I knew it had to be Elena's voice that I was hearing but I didn't want to believe it. Despite my disdain for her I would hate to see my brother so upset because of her cheating on him. Wait , I don't know that she's cheating. Maybe she's watching porn and it's getting her off. I am so in shock that I could just bolt up those stairs and see for myself . I should do that , but I won't. Potentially seeing what I don't want to see would be almost unbearable. Instead , I'll wait. I sat down on the couch and as time passed by what I thought was confirmed. She moaned and screamed for nearly two hours and kept calling out the name Ryan. Who the fuck is he? I listened in horror until the noise eventually died down.

About fifteen minutes later I heard she and this Ryan person talking followed by footsteps. They were on their way down the stairs. I quickly ran into the kitchen. Luckily I had taken my heels off when I first came in the house making me barefoot. They were too busy chattering anyway to notice anything. I hid behind their plant and peeked out at the lovebirds. She looked like she was about to kiss him and he was going to accept it until he noticed me. Shit. I probably look like a true weirdo. He raised an eyebrow causing a frowning Elena to turn around and look at whatever it was that had took his attention away from her. Me. I came from behind the plant and slowly joined them in the living room. When she saw me she looked surprised but not in the least bit worried. As she stared with her head cocked to the side at one point , I got a good look at her. She was clad in a silky looking robe that almost stopped mid thigh , the lavender color of it complimenting her slightly tan skin well. It was partially undone and from the way it was made I could tell she did not have a bra on. Her hair looked a mess and it was obvious she was a bit tired. But she looked happy. She had a I just got fucked and it was great kind of glow.

"Melody..." She started wearing a fake smile.

"Mellie." I corrected with a smile just as plastic as hers.

Ryan stood there awkwardly watching our exchange. I could tell he was nothing like my brother.

Physically , at least. This guy was tall , 6'5 or 6'6 if I had to guess. Steven is only two inches taller than Elena , who is just 5'4 herself. I'm 5'8 and even I felt short looking at Ryan. He had blonde hair that almost reached his shoulders ,that was obviously bleached for some ridiculous reason. He looked to be about 34 , a bit too old for the peroxide blonde thing but to each it's own. He also had green eyes that had flecks of gold in them. Steven has lovely red hair that he always kept short and his eyes were a dark brown. Yup. Totally different aside from the fact that they're both white.

" what brings you here?" She asked.

"I was dropping off a book for Steven." I answered , gesturing to the thick piece of literature that was sitting on their coffee table with my hand.

"Oh , how long have you been here?" She asked.

You'd think she would want to know why I was in her kitchen if I was only dropping a book off.

But no , she obviously is more concerned about if I heard her and her sex buddy getting it on. Yes Elena , I sure did hear. All of it. You nasty , nasty woman.

"About two minutes." I told her.

"Oh , okay." She responded , the relief very apparent in her voice.

I cut my eyes at her without meaning to and for a brief second I saw guilt flash across her face. Like she knew that I knew what she had been doing. But she quickly smiled the moment off and ran a hand through her tousled hair. I just looked at her , my mind wondering about that short lived guilty facial expression she wore. Is she guilty because she possibly knows that I know? Or is she actually feeling bad about cheating on my brother?

"Well , it was nice seeing you Melo...Mellie." She said with another forced smile.

Ahh , her polite way of kicking me out I guess. I gave a nod of my head , quickly put my heels back on , and left. I was about to rush to my car when I noticed Steven being dropped off. I know that car anywhere. He was obviously out with Greg and a couple of his other friends that he'd known since high school. Greg pulled off and I stood almost frozen as I watched Steven inch closer to the house. I grabbed his shoulders when he was in close enough distance and called out to him.

"Steven." I began , somewhat panicked at what he'd think when he got in there.

He looked up at me with confusion written all over his face. The way I grabbed him so suddenly was a bit weird but I was panicking so oh well. I was debating over if I should just let him go inside his home or not. No , I don't want to allow him to go through that. I have to do something or he's going to go in there. I must have took too long to speak again as I heard him call my name a few times , snapping me right out of my battling thoughts.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Is there something you want? You said Steven and then just stared at me like a zombie." He said with a laugh.

"Right. You hungry?" I asked him , earning a look from him that said wow really.

"What's that look for?" I asked , forcing a calm look onto my face.

Elena and her whoring has my head all scrambled. I have to get out of here.

"Nothing , I just thought you'd say something important with the way you grabbed me." He answered.

"Hunger is important , you could die if you don't eat enough." I offered lamely.

"True enough." He smiled.

"Panera Bread , we should totally go." I told him , trying to sound enthusiastic but failing miserably. He didn't seem to notice though.

"Yeah that'd be great." He responded.

"Alright , let's go..." I started to walk away expecting him to follow but turned around when he didn't and began talking instead.

"I haven't seen Elena since she left out for work this morning. Maybe I shouldn't go." He said.

"Come on Steven , you and I rarely see each other anymore. I am sure one little dinner with your sister won't hurt." I pleaded , hitting him with puppy dog eyes.

After about thirty seconds he caved and agreed to go.



I'll have to pay Elena a visit one of these days. My perfect "best friend". Everything always ends up that way for her. Perfect. She gets the gullible cute guy to fall in love with her and put a ring on her finger. She fucks it up and still comes out on top. New boyfriend who happens to have money , a good job , and is incredibly sexy. I never forgave Elena for stealing Steven from me. I know I didn't voice my crush on him out loud back in college but still...he was mine! She didn't even like him initially. He was just her rebound after her quarterback boyfriend dumped her. I don't think Elena ever really loved Steven. He was something to do for her in my mind. I will never understand how he couldn't see that when everyone else could. Poor Steven. I hope he's alright. Everyone in town thinks he's crazy and when he does go out , he isn't acknowledged.

Poor Elena. What's become of Steven in the last year has really been parading her mind. She probably is guilty , as she should be. Poor Elena? Maybe to some but not to me. I'll pose as best friend until I get what I want. I want to fuck that hot boyfriend of hers and make sure she finds out about it. When she does I hope it hurts her deeper than she hurt my Steven. I want to pick Steven back up and watch him find success in all aspects of life. I want Elena to fall. Lower than Steven. Lower than low. I want miss perfect to experience what she never had , failure.

Elena was born to a father who lead a successful career as a doctor , and a mother who did cosmetology. We met in private school when we were seven years old. I worked hard to get in. Elena's dad just bought his precious little girl her spot. She would always talk to me and babbled constantly about nothing. Since I never declined conversation I could see why she assumed we had become friends. That was the start of our "friendship" and the rest is history. We went to the same high school and college. I don't know why I allowed that to happen. Elena , the former pageant queen. She had perfect hair , skin , teeth...everything. It was not fun to hear her talk with that distinct voice of hers or seeing that attention grabbing strut of hers. But enough about Elena. I will get that adulterous bitch soon enough , and when I do it will be the worst kind of bad.

***Years Earlier***

***Several days later***


Sometimes I wonder if Mellie heard Ryan & I. She never said anything after that day but I still wonder. My thoughts about what Mellie could know had instantly vanished as a wave of pleasure washed over me. Ryan had made me come by licking my pussy like a pro and I couldn't help but grind my hips further into his face as I cried out in pleasure.

"So sweet , my Elena." He commented , licking my cum off his lips with a sly smile as got up off of his knees.

"You want more?" I asked , my voice a little raspy after the immense pleasure he had just given me.

"You know I do." He answered to my approval.

"Guest room." I told him hopping off the bed and grabbing his hand.

We were in the living room at the moment. I was on the couch getting ate like I never been ate before and I felt great and more than willing to let him fuck me , just not downstairs of course.

"No." He told me , a challenging look on his face.

"Where else could we do it?" I asked , cocking my head to the side pondering the possibilities that didn't range very far.

"The bedroom." He said nonchalantly.

"The bedroom." I repeated , blinking at him.

"The bedroom." He repeated back.

"We did it there once and I promised myself that we wouldn't again." I told him.

"I don't care. I want to take you over and over again in that very bed where you lay with your puny little husband. So that every time you're there with him you think of me and how good I fucked you." He told me , his voice full of confidence.

I gasped at his blunt approach and blatant rudeness. Before I knew it I was tossed over his shoulder and he was headed up the stairs with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly , only to earn a slap on the ass as he told me to shut up and that I would find out soon enough what he's doing.

Damn you Ryan , for being so sexy and mean. Damn you Steven for not satisfying my needs. Damn me for being so swayed by Ryan's charms.


I really want to do better. Not just for Elena , or me...but for us a whole. She's been doing so great in her career. I'm so proud of her. I always knew she'd be successful , even back in college. That Ryan guy must be pretty great for helping her out. Her career has really boomed partially because of him. If I ever meet that guy i'll have to tell him thank you. He's really changed my wife's life. I am currently staying at Mellie's house for a while. Elena wanted the house to herself for the week for events with her book club. Plus she said she wanted some her time and that she couldn't focus on herself if I was around. I was hurt by that and wanted to tell her but I knew better than to argue with Elena. She could be quite intense at times and had a scowl that rivaled many.

"Go visit Mellie." She had told me , and when I tried to take my car she was not having it.

"No , I need it. Have her pick you up." She said , folding her arms in disapproval at my attempt to drive my car.

I wanted to put my foot down but I didn't for fear of having her upset with me.

"Okay honey." I had told her , my head down. She simply walked off and told me to make the call.

I did and now here I am at my sister's house , sitting on her couch in her living room flicking through the tv channels. She and her husband of nine years , Keith , were in their kitchen eating salad and laughing up a storm. They looked so happy. They probably are. Keith and Mellie have two kids together , twin sons Jason and Billy who will be five years old soon. The boys sat happily at the dinner table with their content parents. I felt slightly envious at the sight. I'll have that with Elena some day. I just have to work harder for it.


Thanks for reading.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Dreadful story

no redeeming qualities

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
not sure

All igetbisvwifebkeepscheating everyoneknoews he foolisghly thibks shevwill come bacckfaithful

Sorry marry most scheatingvwifes act likeonon Facebook profile of

They keep on chearinglcastbloversaside

Destroyerothers lifeswithuncaring impunity

Toseeyourselfb look inthat mirrir

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 8 years ago
We need more chapters.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
God Damm!

That was one of the ten worst stories ever, what the fuck is wrong with you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

One of the worst stories i have tried to read. You are one sick bitch.

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