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Old Sayings Hold True

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A long tale from my twisted mind.
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The following story is fictional. It's not real. It's fantasy. I made it all up in my twisted mind.

There is NO graphic sex in this tale. If you do believe there are any sex scenes in this tale, they are between people who are at least 18 years of age or older. Maybe much older!!

Be warned... This starts out dimly, takes a dark turn, then heads toward an inky blackness....


'......The next thing I knew, was the smell of burning flesh. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see if was me who was on fire. Then I spotted a familiar stove with a large cooking pot on top and wondered how the hell I had gotten here.

Then the pain hit me...!!!! FUCK!'


This shit all started around 18 months ago...... But I should give you my background first, otherwise things won't make much sense.


When I was a child, my grandmother was always coming out with strange sayings about many different things. One of the most common, and the one I remember most, was when we were planning an outing for the next day. At around sunset, she would gaze toward the setting sun and repeat "Red sky at night, sailors delight... Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning". When I was old enough to understand, she explained that the 'sailors delight' meant clear weather with good winds to fill the sails. The 'sailors take warning' meant stormy weather.

From then on, I became fascinated about the meanings of the many different old sayings I had heard, and continued to hear, throughout my life. Over the years, as I investigated further into the old sayings, I found at least 85% of them were based on facts that had been proven over, sometimes, hundreds of years.

I had a great childhood. I was brought up learning how to drive a tractor by the time I was 8. I had to wait until I was 10 before I could drive a manual car, only because I couldn't reach the pedals properly. I could shoot straight by the time I was 11. Anything mechanical I could relate to well. I was never considered 'sporty' per-se, but I was an excellent swimmer, being able to easily complete the 1500 meters when I was 12. Nowhere near good enough to consider the Olympics though.

Both my parents were heavily involved in the community, and as such, I was also heavily involved from a young age. Dad took me along to many working bees, helping those less fortunate with gardening, house repairs and painting, fund raising BBQ's, orphanage outings as well as many other projects in and around the community.

Because I spent so much time around adults, I never really developed the social skills needed to interact with people my own age. As such, I was usually by myself most of the time. Which gave the school bullies plenty of opportunity to enjoy their fun without much fear of being caught. I walked away every time, not because I wanted to, but because I had to.

I have a terrible temper. It takes a hell of a lot for me to lose it, but when I do, absolutely nothing will stop me until I have vented it. For an example, when I was 7, my older brother had been tormenting me for about 6 months. This day, he punched me and gave me a black eye, and that was the straw that broke the camels back. A couple of hours later when he was sitting watching tv, I calmly walked up behind him and slammed a heavy glass ashtray over his head. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and the doctors said he was lucky to survive.

Don't get the wrong idea. I was never aggressive toward anyone or anything unless they did something to me first. I'm a pacifist by nature. The Psychologists all agreed, that apart from my OCD, I was as normal as every other introvert out there.

By the time I was 15, it seemed I had learnt more than most 40 year olds. I could even reverse a trailer without any trouble. I found over the years I was able to pick up new skills very quickly, usually just by watching someone do the job for a while.

I knew 'Higher Education' was definitely not for me. I wanted to work with my hands, so after 10 years of schooling, I started an apprenticeship in the steel industry. I loved taking loose bits of steel and turning them into useful items. I even helped build some amusement rides.

No-one ever considered me a 'ladies man'. Being a normal introvert, when it came to the female of the species, calling me clueless was an understatement. It was so bad, my own mother tried setting me up with her friends daughters. Not going there!!! All the girls and I knew what the mothers were up to, so to keep the peace, we would go out a couple of times, then just tell our mums that there was nothing romantic there. It's not that these girls were ugly. Two of them were part time fashion models. Stunning women. But we had grown up together, so it was kinda like going out with your sister.

So just how did I meet my wife? Three houses down the street from our place, lived a family of five. Dad, mum and three young kids. Most mornings we would pass each other on our ways to work and would give a wave. That was the extent of our interaction for about 2 years, until one day I was on my way home from work when I saw him broken down on the side of the road. Of course I pulled over to check if I could help.

It was not good news. I could fit my hand inside the hole that was in the side of the engine. Back then, I was a real 'car nut' and had all the gear to fix just about anything. Of course, being a true car nut, I had more than one spare car and offered him the use of one until we could get his fixed. He tried to refuse but I wouldn't take no for an answer. I knew their financial position was not the best, but it's not something I would ever mention.

So he and I got in my car and went back to my place to get my car trailer. He went home to tell his wife what happened, then came back so we could get his car. While he was telling his wife, I made a couple of phone calls to mates of mine, and we found a secondhand engine for his car. By the time we returned with his car, one of my mates had dropped off the replacement engine. I hadn't told Jeff what I had set-up and he couldn't believe how quickly it was happening. He started telling me he couldn't afford everything, but I told him the engine was not the best and otherwise it would have gone for scrap, so all he owed was two cartons of beer and he had 6 months to deliver them. I wouldn't tell him that engine was fully rebuilt 2 years previously and the owner only removed it to put in a bigger engine.

Hey!!! I was brought up to help others. So sue me.

That weekend, we replaced his engine. At lunchtime, his wife, Emma and their kids showed up with sandwiches. She also brought along her youngest sister, Jill. That was the moment my life changed. I said hello to Emma, but all I could do was nod when I was introduced to Jill. I glanced at Jeff and saw a smirk cross his face. He knew straight away. I saw Emma from the corner of my eye wearing a giant smile.

After we ate, the girls took the kids back to Jeffs, while we finished with his car. When we were washing up, Jeff commented that I had barely spoken a word since lunch. I was stuck. I couldn't very well tell him I wanted to drag his sister-in-law up to my bed and jump her bones right then, could I??

Thankfully he saved me any embarrassment by telling me that Jill was just as shy with the opposite sex as me. He left the conversation there, and invited me to a BBQ at their place in 2 weeks time for one of the kids birthday. I asked if Jill would be there and he said 'of course she would'. I tried to refuse, but he threatened to drag me there if he had to.

At that BBQ, Jill and I barely spoke to each other. However she was constantly watching me. I know this because I was constantly watching her as well. After about 2 hours, I was just about to head home when Emma grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the kitchen. Jill was already sitting at the table as Emma pushed me into a seat.

Then Emma said to both of us "I have never seen two people who are more smitten with each other than you two. I understand you're both very shy, so I'm organizing your first date. If I don't, neither of you ever will".


Fast forward 18 months and we had just gotten married. It had originally taken 4 months for our first proper kiss to happen, but when it did, there was no holding back. We tried everything sexual two people could do together. Those we liked, we kept. Those we didn't, we lost. Now I'm not some 'well hung superstud', but Jill never complained. Neither of us were virgins when we got together, so we did have something to compare with.

So we were on our honeymoon by the ocean. We had just been swimming and were laying on our towels drying off. Jill was wearing a conservative one-piece swimsuit that highlighted her great figure. As we lay there, 2 dickheads walked up to us and started telling Jill how they would show her how real men would treat her to a good time.

Jill immediately flushed with embarrassment, stood up and started putting on her cover-up. Dickhead 1 grabbed it from her saying "You can't hide that magnificent body from the world". As I stood up, dickhead 2 grabbed me from behind and said, "Don't worry, we won't hurt her, we'll just teach her what a good fucking is".

I should describe myself here. I'm only barely 5ft 9" tall and look like the typical 'bullied fat kid' at school. In fact, I was that kid. By the time Jill and I were married, I was 25 years old and had been handling 40-50 kilogram pieces of steel for nearly 10 years. People think normal construction workers are strong... They have nothing when compared to steel workers.

Both of these dickheads were well over 6ft and full of confidence. Two on one...they couldn't lose. My dad had taught me many things well over the years growing up. He had survived WW2 as well as the Great Depression. He taught me, that if you have to fight, fight to win. But if you are going to lose, it doesn't matter how dirty you fight, just make sure you put as much hurt on them as you can.

Luckily, dickhead 2 had grabbed me just above my elbows, which is exactly how my big brother used to grab me, so I knew how I was going to proceed. I bent my head forward and as I did this, I threw one of the handfuls of sand I had picked up when I arose, into his face. When he loosened his grip to wipe his eyes, I threw my head back and caught him on the chin, which put him off balance just enough for me to break free.

I quickly spun around and booted him right in the balls. He dropped like a rock. I then threw the other handful of sand in the face of dickhead 1, and proceeded to kick him in the balls as well. While they were both still on the ground, I used all my bodyweight to drop my knees into their ribs. Definitely heard a couple of cracks.

Then just for shits and giggles, kicked them both in the balls again. It's true what they say. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall'.

Jill stared at me in total shock. I packed up our gear and gently guided her back to our unit. When we got inside, I sat her down and made us some drinks. It was nearly 30 minutes later before she could talk.

She looked at me with some trepidation and asked "What the hell was that?" I told her that I had to make a choice between letting them rape her or protecting my family. I chose my family. I went on to explain that when I was growing up, I was taught that family comes first. My dad impressed on me from a young age, that it was my job to defend my family with everything I had. Even with my life if necessary.

By the time we arrived home from our honeymoon, she had told all her family what happened. They were blowing it all out of proportion. Making me out to be some kind of hero. I believed I was just doing what our marriage vows stated. As far as I was concerned, the only good to come of that was her father finally got off my case and showed me some respect.


Life continued on for us. I still worked in the steel industry, making surprisingly good money. I was making enough to put some aside for our retirement. After all, my mother was a bookkeeper so it had been drilled into me how to manage money and plan ahead.

Jill found employment as a receptionist with a small real estate agent. They were an older husband and wife team we had used to purchase our home. On the day we signed the final papers, I jokingly said to Jill that she would have to find a job to help pay for the house.

Bill and Beth said their receptionist had just finished up with them to have her babies, and if Jill was interested the job was hers. They needed someone urgently. She had a crash course in the office and started working for them. They had agreed to give Jill time off when we had children.

It took nearly 4 years before our first came along. A daughter who looked just like her mother (luckily for her) who we named Belinda. Then 19 months later we had a son we named Allan. They both grew like weeds, and it seems that within the blink of an eye, they were both in high school.

I found it was a godsend to have those kids. Without them, I would have been totally overwhelmed with technology. Even after 3 years, I still needed help sometimes just to read my emails. I could design and build anything with steel, but when it came to computers.....well I was pretty useless.

It was at this time Bill and Beth told us they were retiring and selling their agency. They offered it to us at what I thought was a really good price. Jill and I talked it over. Neither of us were interested enough to put in the hours that would be required to maintain it.

When we turned it down, Bill and Beth put it on the open market. There was quite a lot of interest as it had a very good reputation. 5 months later, Jill had a new boss..... Alistaire Walsh.

And I knew I had problem headed my way!!


My grandmother always told me, if I had a gut feeling about something, then I needed to listen. Jill's new boss, Alistaire, what kind of a poncy name is that anyway, gave me the gut feeling that I should cave his head in with a cricket bat.

Hey!! Just because I'm a pacifist, doesn't mean I can't have violent thoughts. Being a civilized human means I don't act on those thoughts.

Over the years, I had developed ways to 'read' situations and people. I had to be able to read situations with my work around many different construction sites. Otherwise someone could get badly injured, or dead. Also being able to read people was useful in diffusing possibly violent problems.

My gut was screaming at me that Alistaire was going to be the biggest problem I have ever faced. He was tall, rich, extremely good looking, overly confident, dressed impeccably, and totally full of himself. He didn't think he was gods gift to women. He thought he was gods gift to all of humanity.

By this time, Jill and I were both 44, and had been married coming up on 20 years. I still had my 'Dad-Bod' that I always had, but Jill seemed to get better with age. She could still pass as early 30's. Whenever we went out, I would notice how other guys would stare at her. I never felt worried about her because I would keep an eye on her as well to see if she looked back. She never did. Hey, I'm just a normal guy with insecurities too!!

So for the first month, things wandered along as normal. Jill was enthusiastic with the new management. The office had been redecorated and looked like a modern office should. Bill and Beth seemed to like the older styles of buildings.

About 2 years later, I noticed things ever so slightly changing. I'm probably giving away a secret here, but just because someone is an introvert, it doesn't mean that we don't know what's happening around us. If anything, we are much more aware of things than most other people. We just don't talk about it.

I usually arrived home from work around 4pm. Jill usually arrived at 5.15pm, unless she stopped to do shopping. I started to notice she was coming home at around 5.30pm. Then about 3 months later, she started arriving home around 5.45pm. On a Wednesday evening, we sat down after dinner and I lightheartedly made the comment about Alistaire becoming a slave driver.

She gave me a withering look, and asked me what I was on about. I told her she seemed to be working longer hours these days. She scoffed at me and said I was imagining things. So I reverted to what I knew best. I showed no real emotion, smiled as though it was said jokingly and agreed with her.

For the first time ever, I knew my wife had just lied to me. That night, I started making plans of ways I could find out what the fuck was really happening. I also knew the crux of the problem was going to be that dropkick, Alistaire.

Over the years, I have worked with many different people. There have been a few ex-criminals who I taught the 'whats and wherefores' of the steel industry. I told them that as far as I was concerned, they did the crime, they did the time, so let's move on and start again. Still to this day, some of them credit me with setting them up for a successful new life. They have told me that, if at any time I need help, they are to be the first people I should call.

I really don't like to impose on anyone, but I knew I couldn't do this by myself. So I called them and we agreed to meet at the pub for a drink. The 5 of us threw around some ideas, but ended up with a very simple plan of them showing up at the agency posing as customers looking to buy a home. I showed them a recent photo of Jill I had on my phone and bid them farewell. Jill had never met any of them, so wouldn't be any the wiser.

Two weeks later we again met at the pub. It wasn't what would be called good news. Unknown to me, there were now 4 sales agents and a new receptionist in the office. It seems that Alistaire now has a personal assistant. Guess who that is!!

After 20 years of marital bliss, it took less than 2 years for some self-entitled dickwad to start tearing down my world. If nothing else, my wife was lying by omission. For the last 20 years, my confidence in myself, that was lacking when I was younger, had been growing thanks to the strength of my marriage. I wasn't going to just stand aside and do nothing. I simply refused to regress to that shy teenager I used to be.

I hadn't been my usual self for a couple of weeks, when Jill asked me one night what was up with me. I just told her that I would have to sack a couple of guys because I knew they were stealing materials and lying about their work hours. She knew how I felt about honesty. It may seem strange me talking about honesty while I lied to her, but as far as I was concerned, she lied to me first, so I was free to do the same.

A look I had trouble reading, passed across her face. It was so unlike her, that I knew then and there, it was time for me to be extremely pro-active in finding out just what was happening.


So I did what I normally did when I had a major problem. I went panning for gold. My grandfather had left me a 5000 acre plot of land, that typified the Australian outback, when he passed. It was hilly and rocky, sparsely covered with rough scrub and totally unsuitable to grow anything. It was a 6 hour drive from home, and the nearest town was a hour drive away.

I asked him one day why he had bought the land and he told me he didn't buy it, he won it in a poker game. Most people thought the other guy was the real winner in that deal. Through the years, my grandfather and I had built a shanty that had grown to a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom (one inside, one outside) shack.

Our water came from whatever rainwater we could collect, but mostly we brought it with us. I did eventually buy a 20,000 liter poly tank. I had a water tank on a trailer I could leave at the towns pub when I wasn't there and fill it when I came back through.

Grandad had given the local Aboriginal people free range to hunt the land. After all, we didn't need the food. We had a stocked pantry in the shack. If we wanted fresh meat, it was just a matter of trapping a couple of wild rabbits. There was an over-supply of wild pigs as well, so if the Aboriginals were near by when we were there, I would shoot a pig, take what we wanted and give the rest to them. Everyone was happy.

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