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Olivia and Derrick Ch. 03

Story Info
Lunch date.
817 words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 11/20/2012
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Sorry it took so long to update and it's short but chapters will get longer now.


I sat in the campus café and read a magazine while listen to my mp3 player. Someone sat down at my table and pushed my magazine down, frightening me. "Sorry." He chuckled.

I looked into the deep blue eyes of Derrick and my breath caught in my throat. "You ok?" he asked.

"Fine." I smiled.

"Gotcha something?" he winked and placed a gift bag on the table.

I looked inside and pulled out whatever he got me. "Bed sheets?"

"I figured it'd make up for what you walked in on."

I nodded my head and smiled. "Thanks."

I placed the bag on the floor. "Can I treat you to lunch?"

'Calm down, it's not a date. He's just being nice.' I told myself. "Sure."

He got up and we walked out.


"Order anything you like?" He smiled.

I laughed as I looked at the menu of a hole in the wall burger joint. "Big spender." I tried to decide what I wanted. I was starving and ordering the biggest burger I'd seen sounded really good but I didn't want to come off as a fat pig. I began looking at the salads. "Hey Derrick!"

Our teenage waiter walked up to our table. "Hey man. Uh, Olivia this is Junior, Junior this is Olivia." He introduced us.

The cute boy of about 16 smiled at me. "How's Pops doing? Working you too hard?" Derrick laughed.

"You know the old man but I can't complain. He's a great boss." Jr. laughed.

Derrick nodded at the boy. "Well we'll take two Kyle specials and tell Pops to put it on my tab." Derrick smiled.

"Got it!" Junior ran off to place the order. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "And what makes you think I want a special that I'm assuming is named after you?" I smiled.

He laughed and leaned back against his chair. "It's after me and my dad smart ass. Besides it's a double BBQ bacon cheese burger with fries and a thick chocolate shake." He bragged.

What he was describing did sound delicious. "Sounds good don't it?" He laughed. "Besides you don't look like a girl that eats salads."

My smiled instantly dropped as I looked down at the table. I know I'm not the skinniest girl in the world but it really stung to have him of all people point it out. He finally realized how I took his comment and tried to back track. "I don't mean what I said like that. I like a girl who doesn't eat like an anorexic rabbit." He said.

I looked up and gave him a small smile. It was my own fault; I was acting like this was a date when I know he was just being nice.

Junior placed our drinks down on the table and told us the food would be out in a few. "Sweet kid." I said.

Derrick nodded. "Yeah I got him a job at this place, so he wouldn't be on the streets. I know the owner." He gave me a very cocky smile that made him look so sexy.

I smiled at how sweet he was. It's hard to believe everyone thinks he's so scary. "Is that how you and your dad got the special named after you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we use to come here all the time. He actually met my mom here, that's how long Pops has owned the place." He smiled.

I looked in his eyes and could tell he really missed his parents. "Hey Derrick. Heard you were here and came out to personally deliver the special to the man himself."

An older gentleman walked up to our table with Junior and our food. "Hey Pops." Derrick said.

"And who's this lovely young lady?" He smiled at me.

I blushed as Derrick introduced. "This is Olivia, Olivia this is William Klatt."

The owner grabbed my hand and kissed it. "But everyone calls me Pops."

I smiled and nodded. "It's nice to meet you." He placed the food in front of us and Derrick dug in. "Well you must be a special girl for Orion to bring you here." Pops smiled.

I looked at Derrick while he looked away. "Orion?" I asked him.

He groaned. "My god awful middle name that Pops insists on calling me."

Pops just shook his head and sighed. "You're mother loved that name, that's why she gave it to you. Calling you Orion keeps her memory alive."

I loved Pops explanation. "I like it." I smiled at him.

"You know my deepest, darkest secret; we'll have to hang out a lot more so I can keep an eye on you. Make sure you don't go telling people." He smiled at me.

"You're secret is safe with me." I told him.

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NghtybyNtur13NghtybyNtur13about 12 years ago
Looking forward to more

I like when the chapters aren't outrageously long, but keep you interested. So far, you've done a good job at making me anticipate the next chapter, especially since I have cast Derrick as Zac Efron in my mind.

honeybreehoneybreeabout 12 years ago

Aww...thank goddness he gave her clean sheets though he still should fucked on her bed...lol I like Derrick I feel like there is more that meets the eye with him and something tells me Olivia is going to see the true "Derrick" the good, back, ugly and the sexy. So I can't wait. I agree with emj417 I hope Olivia don't do the typical female character thing and go dense and straight give it up to Derrick..hopefully she makes him works for it while at the same time she comes out of her shell!

emj417emj417over 12 years ago
loving this!

hopefully O. won't give it away too fast. D. needs to know there are other guys who find her attractive and are interested in her.

D. seems like a nice guy, but thinks nothing of having sex with whomever is available--please don't make O. too easy.

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127over 12 years ago
Didn't Olivia pick up on what Derricks "Pops" said???

Damn, if you weren't lying when you said it was a short Chapter lol. Putting that aside short and sweet. I finally feel like O & D are getting somewhere which is wonderful. Did Olivia hear what pops said? Derrick never denied that she wasnt special to him and i get the feeling Derrick doesnt bring many people there to sample the Kyle special. Patiently waiting for the next installment.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 12 years ago

Tease! I was so excited for an update of these two. Derrik seems like a different guy then the rumors Olivia believed.

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