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Olivia Moves South Pt. 01

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A girl goes to live with her stepbrother to look for work.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/31/2020
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"Where shall I start?" Olivia asked.

"When I told your mother that you could come and live with me and look for a job near where I live." Noah replied.

Right, well I guess that I should give you some background before I launch into the story of how I changed when I went to live with my stepbrother.

My mother brought me up on her own after my father died in Afghanistan. We lived in a modest semi with mum struggling to make ends meet. Four years ago mum met a man, Tony, who she fell in love with and I was often left home alone whist mum went out on dates and sometimes weekends away with him.

Two years ago Tony invited mum and me to go and live with him and mum was over the moon. At that time Tony had a 22 year old son, Noah, who was away at university and I took over his larger bedroom as my own.

Tony is a nice guy who always does his best to please mum and me and I got the impression that his son Noah was a chip off the old block, although we didn't see much of him because his university was over a hundred miles away.

Life plodded on for the next 2 years until, at the age of 18 my education came to an end and I had to look for work to pay my way in life. The problem was that Tony's house was in a tiny little village miles from anywhere with lousy public transport.

Mum, Tony and I discussed the problem and it was decided that I'd have to get a flat or small apartment in the nearest city 18 miles away and get a job there.

Now I'm not the brightest of girls and my grades were never very good, hence I wasn't offered a place in a university. There were colleges where I could have furthered my education but that would have given me transport problems because I was no longer entitled to use the school bus so getting a place in the city seemed to be my only option.

All this was going on in the early summer and just before we started looking for a place Noah came home for a weekend during which we explained my situation to Noah and he came up with a suggestion.

By that time Noah had left university and was running his own business that he'd started whilst still at university, and was doing quite well for himself. So much so that he had bought himself a nice house and a nice car. Noah suggestion was that I go and live in his house which was in the suburbs of a big city, and I could then start looking for a job near to Noah's house.

That sounded great to everyone and the passenger seat of Noah's car was occupied by me was we drove the 250+ miles south on the Sunday evening.

Of course I knew Noah, but I didn't really know him because we had hardly ever seen him and during the drive we talked a lot and got to know each other better.

Maybe now is a good time to describe myself. I'm 152 cm tall, weigh 53 kilos, a 32A 24 33 figure, blue eyes and light brown shoulder length hair.

Because of my modest lifestyle I didn't have many clothes and they were all in a small suitcase in the back of the car with me wearing a denim miniskirt and a warm top expecting us not to arrive until the early hours and it be little chilly like it always is where I used to live.

We stopped for a break about half way and at 11:00 pm it was still quite warm. When I mentioned it to Noah he just told me to get used to it because that was typical for that time of night during the late spring and early autumn.

"So what's it like at the height of summer?" I asked.

"You won't want to wear anything Olivia." Noah replied.

"Believe me Olivia, you'll soon appreciate me buying a house with a secluded garden and a swimming pool."

"Are you trying to telling me that you go skinny dipping Noah, because I could never do that."

"You'd be surprised at what you will do when you have to Olivia, and with you being brought up in the north of the country your body will not be used to the heat. And I'm guessing that all your clothes will be warm like that top. I bet that your knickers are granny style and half a centimetre thick."

"Wow Noah, I never realised that you were an expert on women's clothes."

"I'm not, well not the thick, warm variety, I prefer girls who wear skimpy lingerie or nothing at all."

"Well you won't see me in any of those because I don't have the money to buy any."

"I will soon put that right Olivia, I'll take you shopping tomorrow and get you some clothes and nice lingerie that you can wear anywhere and will be a lot cooler than what you've got on right now. I'm looking forwards to seeing you model the lingerie for me."

Wow, I didn't know what to say. Here was my stepbrother who had never even seen me in a bikini or even my pyjamas before and here he was telling me that I was going to model skimpy lingerie for him and almost telling me that I wasn't going to wear anything in his house and garden when it gets hot, and he was telling me that that was going to be in a few hours.

I was silent for the next going on for an hour as my brain digested what Noah had said to me, and my lack of saying words to the effect of,

"No way are you going to see me naked or even in skimpy lingerie mate."

When we passed a sign saying that we only had 20 miles to go Noah said,

"Are you okay Olivia, you're a bit quiet?"

"Yes Noah, I'm fine."

"You may want to take your top off before we get there, the heat will hit you as soon as you open the car door."

"It can't be that hot."

"Compared to what you are used to up north it will be."

"I'm good thanks."

Noah switched the air conditioning off, opened his window and the hot air hit me.

"Wow is it this hot every night?"

"No, sometimes in the middle of summer it gets hotter. You can take your top off now Olivia."

"I'm good thanks."

"You've got a bra on haven't you?"

"Of course."

"So why be uncomfortable."

"I'm good thanks."

Well I wasn't good, I just wasn't used to that heat and I was getting hotter and hotter. I stuck it for a few minutes then decided to take that thick top off thinking,

"Noah is family, it's okay for family to see me in my bra."

For the last part of the journey I sat there wearing just the bra, knickers and my denim miniskirt. I saw Noah glancing over to me and looked down at my chest. If I sat up straight my bra wouldn't hang away from my chest and Noah wouldn't see my little tits.

When we arrived at Noah's hose I was gob struck. You could fit my old house and gardens in the front garden of Noah's house and the outside of the house looked huge.

"You own this?" I asked Noah.

"Yes, my business is doing well."

"You're not kidding."

Noah pressed a button on the dash of the car and the big garage door opened. I reached for my top to put it back on but Noah stopped me, telling me that I'd regret it if I put it back on. I assumed that he meant the heat, and it was hot when I opened the door, even in the middle of the night. I imagined what it would have been like at that time of night back at home with my mum, I would have frozen to death if I'd gone outside dressed like I was right then.

"Come on Olivia, get your case." Noah said as he got out of the car, the lights inside the garage having come on automatically as he drove in.

As I bent to pick up the case from inside the car I realised that my bra was drooping away from my chest leaving my little breasts visible to Noah who was looking at me. I quickly stood and Noah said,

"No need to be shy Olivia, it won't be long before your as comfortable naked as you are clothed and wait until the morning, it will be a lot warmer and you will be grateful that you can walk around without any clothes on."

"I find that very hard to believe as the only places that I will be naked are in my bedroom or the bathroom." I replied.

"We'll see, come on, I'll show you around the place."

A door opened to a huge, modern kitchen and I just stopped and looked around. Mum would have loved to cook in that kitchen.

"Leave your case there Olivia, you won't be needing that again." Noah said.

My reaction was to think that I would, but I put it down and followed Noah. Five minutes later I had had the whistle-stop tour and it's was fair to say that I was again gob struck. I'd only ever seen houses like that on the television and here I was going to be living in one.

"Would you like a drink or something to eat before you go to bed Olivia?"

"Err no, thank you, I just need a couple of things out of my case."

"Your toilet bag?"

"Err yes, and my pyjamas."

"You won't be needing those." Noah replied, "I'll get your toilet bag."

With that Noah was gone leaving me still a bit gob struck.

Two minutes later Noah was back. I'd expected him to bring my case but all he had in his hand was my toilet bag.

"There you go, I'll show you to your room."

Noah had already shown me my room, complete with it's own little bathroom but he followed me up the stairs.

"Have a shower if you like Olivia," Noah said as I put my toilet bag on the bed, "I promise not to come and watch you."

"Oh, right, thank you." I replied as Noah turned and left the room.

"Promise not to watch you?" I thought as I went to the bathroom, "was there a camera in the bathroom I wondered, or would he have come into my bathroom and watched me shower?"

I locked the bathroom door then looked around for a camera. Seeing nothing I took my clothes off and got into the shower. It was nice, jets of water hitting me from all angles, one even hitting me at pussy level, and that felt nice.

Shower over I got out and dried. Wrapping the huge tower around me as I walked out to my bedroom and had a look in all the drawers and wardrobes. They were all empty.

Just as I closed the doors of the last wardrobe there was a knock on the door and Noah walked in. I was glad that I still had the towel round me.

"Hey," Noah said as he walked right into the bathroom and came back out with what little clothing I had up in my room.

"I'll put the skirt in the washer for you."

In his other hand were my bra and knickers.

"I'll get rid of these for you, you won't be wanting to wear them again."

I hadn't noticed before, but Noah had brought some shaving things with him and he'd put them on my bed as he had walked to the bathroom.

"Thought you might need those." Noah said pointing to the shaving things, "you'll find it much cooler if you shave off all that pussy hair."

Instantly my right hand went to my pussy only to find that it was covered with the towel. Noah was walking out of my room carrying my clothes and I wondering what I had walked in to by agreeing to go and live at Noah's house. There I was, naked apart from a towel with my only clothes gone. I just hoped that my suitcase was still in the kitchen, had Noah got rid of that as well? Was I doomed to live there in just a towel, or worse, naked?

And was I really expected to shave my pussy? Why? No one was going to see it. Even if they did it was my pussy, I could have it hairy or bald, whichever I wanted. I went to my bed and lay down to try to get my hear around everything that had happened in the last hour or so.


The next thing that I knew was that the sun was shining in through the window and I was naked on top of the bed. The towel must have come unfastened in my sleep. Quickly fastening it again I got up and went to look out of the window to see a naked man diving into the swimming pool. When he surfaced I realised that it was Noah.

Oh my gawd, I had just seen my stepbrother totally naked. I just stared as he did a couple of lengths then got out of the water. My eyes were glued to his cock as he dried himself then threw the towel over his shoulder and walked to the house. As he walked he looked up to my window, smiled, waved, and kept walking.

I was shocked for a few seconds. Firstly that Noah had skinny dipped, then also at my reaction to the sight. Not only did I realise that Noah has a cute body, but also the fact that my pussy was feeling wet. What's more I hadn't stepped so maybe he saw some of me naked.

"Stop it Olivia." I said to myself, "he's your stepbrother."

Now I'd seen cocks before when I'd given boyfriends blowjobs and I'd seen one boyfriend naked in the back of his car when he took my virginity, but it was dark so I didn't get a good look, but this was different, It was broad daylight and Noah was totally naked.

Snapping out of my daydream I went to the bathroom, took off the towel and sat on the toilet. The next thing that I realised was that I had trimmed my pubic hair to a stubble and I was putting shaving cream all over it.

"What are you doing Olivia?" I said to myself, then,

"Well I suppose that it will be cooler."

I continued and didn't stop until there was no hair anywhere near my pussy. Then I got in the shower again.

Five minutes later I was walking back into my bedroom totally naked. I looked at myself in one of the full length mirrors and assessed my body.

"I look like I did a long time ago." I thought as my hand slid down my stomach and I realised that my pussy was quite wet.

"Stop it Olivia." I said to myself again, "he's your stepbrother."

Then I realised that I nothing to wear, literally no clothes. After a quick panic I went to the bathroom and wrapped a big towel around me. As I walked down the stairs I thought,

"Well he's bound to see me in just a towel sometime so I've got to get used to it."

Noah was in the kitchen eating some cereals when I walked in. I was both happy and disappointed that he had some shorts on.

"Morning Oli, slept okay? You don't mind me calling you Oli do you?"

"Yes, no, err, yes I slept okay thank you, and no I don't mind you calling me Oli. Where are my clothes so that I can get dressed?"

"Don't worry about those, have some breakfast then go for a quick swim. It will make you feel all refreshed. You can swim can't you?"

"Yes I can but I haven't got a suit."

"You don't need one here, as you saw earlier."

My face went bright red. I knew that he'd seen me looking at him but I was still embarrassed.

"Don't worry Oli, I'll get you a bikini when we go shopping. You'll need one when we go to some of the beaches and to parties."

"Oh you don't have to take me anywhere, I'm here to get a job and pay my way."

"We'll see about a job later Oli, as for paying your way, that killer body of yours is more than enough payment for you living here."

I blushed again then said,

"There's nothing special about my body Noah, besides, you haven't seen all of it."

"Yet Olivia."

I blushed again. My stepbrother was assuming that he was going to see me naked.

As I ate my cereals I smiled as I thought back to when I was a little kid and we played 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours.' I felt my pussy get a wet rush and was pleased that the towel was long enough for me to be sitting on it.

Noah finished his breakfast first and he just stared at me until I finished mine, making me both nervous and embarrassed. When I finished I picked up the bowls and mugs and walked to the sink hoping that the towel stayed in place.

"You don't have to wash them Oli, I have a dish washer."

"So did my mum, me." I joked.

"Leave them Oli, come and have a swim."

"But ....... "

Noah took my hand and led me out and to the pool. My heart was pounding, was I really going to take the towel off and jump into the pool naked, in front of Noah? I turned to Noah and said,

"I don't think that I can, no one has seen me naked since I was little."

Noah stepped in front of me, put his hand either side of my face, leant down and kissed me.

I was shocked and just didn't respond at all. Noah lifted his head and said,

"You okay Oli?"

"Yes, I err, I just didn't expect that."

Noah kissed me again, this time I did respond, I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore my mouth. Then my tongue explored his.

One of Noah's hands left my face and then I felt it pressing on the top of the towel. Seconds later the towel dropped to the floor and I was naked, totally naked, kissing my stepbrother outside in the open where anyone could have seen me.

After a few seconds I broke the kiss and stepped back. I was about to bend to pick up the towel when Noah said,

"Look around Oli, there's no houses so no one can see you."

I did look around then said,

"You are the first man to see me totally naked since I was a little girl Noah. Well except for my doctor when I went to get the contraceptive pill, and he gave me a lesson in what a proper orgasm should be like as well."

"Well I'm sure that he appreciated the sight as much as I am right now."

I smiled then stepped back up to him, reached up and kiss him.

"Come on naked girl, as much as I'd like to stay and do lots of things with you, we have to get into town and get you some clothes more appropriate for this part of the country and the places that I'm going to take you."

I held Noah's hand as we went back into the house and Noah playfully slapped my bare butt as we went up the stairs.

"So where's my suitcase Noah?" I said outside my bedroom door. "If you're taking me into town I need something to wear."

"Ah, I forgot to switch the dryer on and your skirt will still be wet."

"Where's the rest of my clothes, I'll find something in my case."

"I threw them all into the trash."

"Hang on a minute buster, you dumped all my clothes in the trash?"

"Yes, I had a look through them and decided that I would get you some more appropriate clothes so I dumped them."

"That was a bit presumptuous of you Noah wasn't it?"

"Well yes, but they weren't appropriate for your new life and every girl likes to get a new wardrobe at times doesn't she?"

"My new life! I've come here to get a job."

"And a new life with me."

"Wow Noah, I'm seeing a whole different side to you since we left home."

"One that you like I hope, especially when you watched me skinny dipping."

"Well I have to admit, I did like what I saw. Did you, are you, liking what you are seeing?"

"Hell yes, I always thought that you had an killer body and the living proof is right in front of me."

I blushed then reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Noah, but that doesn't answer the question of what I'm going to wear to get this new wardrobe that you are going to treat me to."

"You can go like that Oli."

"Yeah right, it's one thing you stripping me at you home but out in public, no way José."

"Okay, well not this time, come on, I'm sure that I can find something for you."

We went into Noah's bedroom and whilst he was looking in his wardrobes I was looking around and was very impressed, loads of space and a giant bed. In his bathroom I could see a huge walk-in shower.

I was expecting Noah to produce a sweatshirt and some shorts but what he had in his hand when he turned round was a shirt, a man's white shirt.

"You want me to wear that, is there a tie, jacket and trousers to go with it?"

"I think that you'd look a little silly wearing one of my suits, no Oli, this will do. There is one thing that I rescued from your suitcase that might help, a belt."

"That's all that's left of my clothes, one belt?"

"And the shoes that you were wearing."

"My sandals, yes, I did see that you forgot to pick them up from my room. If you hadn't forgotten would they have been in the trash as well?"

"No, actually I liked them, you looked good in them."

"So you'd have taken me into town wearing just my sandals and my red belt?"

"If I though that we could get away with it, yes."

"No thought about the humiliation and embarrassment that I'd suffer."

"You'll soon get used to being naked, look at you now, you're not covering your best bits, you've got used to being naked with me already."

"That's different, and besides you didn't give me much choice did you?"

"No, and I haven't really heard you complaining."

That sort of got to me, I hadn't complained and I hadn't tried to hide my little tits nor my freshly shaved pussy. My bare slit and protruding clit had been visible to Noah for ages and I hadn't once tried to hide them. Did I really like being naked in front of Noah? Well he is cute, and rich as well. What's more he obviously likes me. Hmm, I wonder where this is going.

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