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Olympus has Fallen Ch. 24

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Guacamole, Hecate and Madness descend on Tico's Tacos.
8.7k words

Part 24 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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It was only 9AM and already 94 degrees and climbing. Out on Route 60, just east of Phoenix, Arizona; Rosalita sighed as she looked out the window and watched the Armadillo she had been tracking over the past hour, finally keel over onto its side and go rigid. Its four tiny armored feet pointed straight into the sky, the claws curled up into tiny angry fists as if to scream at God to turn the fucking heat off. You have the right idea there, Bud.

She turned away when she saw the tractor trailer screeching down the road. Its mission to create a new bloody roadkill stain on the shimmering, boiling blacktop, mere seconds from completion.

It all seemed so prophetic to her. Wasn't this a metaphor for her whole life? At twenty, she had had so many dreams. She was going to go to Arizona State, get her nursing degree and make something of her life. As a first generation Mexican-American, she wanted a better life than her mother had. Now it was five years later and where the fuck was she? NOWHERE! Those nursing dreams now seemed just as dead as that broiling Armadillo splattered all over the highway.

She, and her two childhood friends; Lenora and Estel, were waitresses at Tico's Towering Temple of Tacos and had similar stories to tell. All would have left taco place years earlier, but, there was something about Tico that was compelling.

Tico was one amazing chap. At thirty-three, he was the ultimate bullshit artist, but with a heart of gold. With him, there was always a scheme a foot, a sure-fire plan in progress, a no-lose proposition to pitch, and riches and fame always loomed just around the corner. As childhood friends of Rosalita, Estel and Lenora, he had convinced them this venture of his, a Mexican restaurant out on the outskirts of Phoenix, was a guaranteed golden path to riches. Through a combination of charm, Tico always had a way with the ladies, and shameless begging, he convinced them all to purchase significant shares in his restaurant. They had agreed, and so now, they, like he, was stuck. Their futures would be golden, or complete shit, all on the rise or fall of this shrine to heartburn in the desert, served with a heaping side of re-fried beans and extra guacamole.

"Has Tico come in yet?" Estel cried from the back. "The man called about the meat delivery bill again."

"Not yet," Rosalita said as she sighed and closed the venetian blinds. The Arizona sun outside blasted their stretch of highway like Hiroshima after the bomb, and if it was hot now, she could only imagine what it would be like by noon. She needed to keep the shades drawn as long as possible to keep the whole place from turning into an oven inside. As she turned to go and wipe down the tables in prep for the lunch crowd; the backfiring and rattling muffler of Tico's truck alerted her that he had arrived.

"It's about fucking time," Lenora cried as she rushed in and peeked through the blinds, Tico's broken down truck letting everyone know he was there. "You know, that moron forgot to order hot sauce again! Can you fucking imagine? No hot sauce, at a MEXICAN RESTAURANT! How we stay in business is a miracle."

Lenora cracked the shades, and glared out the window, her anger at the perpetually disorganized Tico building up in her veins like a stampede of angry bulls. Those bulls paused and began eating grass when she saw Tico get out of his truck. Whistling to the other girls, she said, "Hey, Tico's got his shirt off again!"

"Santo Mierda, es ese Chico caliente!" Estel sighed as she joined in the peek.

"I agree with that, girl," Rosalita said, and added, "That boy is fucking hot!"

Tico was hot, and, if the three girls were honest with themselves, it was a big part of the reason they had been swept away by his nonsense. Ripped and dark, his thick black hair set off his chiseled Tele-Novella features and made him quite the heartthrob in their neighborhood. When he bent over and started unloading boxes from the back of his truck, the three girls all grinned. His adorable bubble butt filled out his too-tight faded jeans perfectly.

Tico often went shirtless, especially in the summer, and definitely ever since the air conditioning in his 1992 Toyota pickup went on the fritz. Phoenix in the summer is literally as close to Hell on earth as you ever want to get. Today, heaving boxes out onto the sidewalk, stretching and flexing his back and ass in the blistering sun, he was putting on quite the show for his three business partners.

"I wonder what all of that shit is he is unpacking?" Rosalita said as she continued to watch.

"I don't know, but...," Lenora said as she dropped her face into a frown. "I notice I don't see any fucking hot sauce!"

Estel added, "Oh, you know Tico. Why would he ever buy anything we actually, you know, need? I am guessing those boxes are just more crap for some new, half-brained, ill-conceived promotion he is planning." Laughing, she added, "You remember Taco-thon 2012?"

Lenora laughed, and added, "How could I forget? But, it wasn't half as hilarious as Chulapa-fest 2013!"

"True," Rosalita said, "but, you have to admit, sometimes his ideas do work. I know we made a shit-load of cash during the 'Refried Bean Ultimate Smackdown Fiesta' last year. Maybe he is planning a re-do of that?"

"Oh, no!" Estel cried. "I am not doing that shit again. It was loco!"

"Yeah," Lenora added. "And if Tico thinks I am going to get in a bikini, and wrestle you two in a kiddie pool filled with refried beans again, HE is loco. That shit got EVERYWHERE!" Wincing she added, "And by everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE!"

"Hey," Rosalita said, "You got lots of big tips, if I remember correctly." She pointed at Lenora's "Tico's Towering Temple of Tacos" T-Shirt, straining to contain her massive melons, and added, "You were a big hit with the truckers."

"Yes," Lenora said as she smirked, "We all were..., but, what I made in tips I had to spend on Vagisil for weeks. There are some places on the human body, mashed up pinto beans are just not supposed to go."

Rosalita laughed, and said, "Well, if that is his plan, I at least think we should at least have him dial the Chili powder down a notch. My cooch was yowling for a week after that!"

"Oh fuck," Estel said as she glanced back out the window. "I think I now know what he is up to. And unless he is planning a Halloween party, which is months away, and Tico isn't that organized; I am betting he is expanding this goofball Aztec theme he has been playing around with."

"Oh, fuck is right," Lenora said as she pointed into the center of the restaurant. "I thought his Pyramid of Nachos, complete with the perpetual flow of melted cheese erupting from the summit, was the end of all that idiocy. You know, that bitch is a mother to clean!"

"Well, so far," Estel said as she continued to watch Tico unload the truck, "I just see a lot of plastic skulls and plaster snakes, so hopefully it won't involve anything too messy." She paused and then added, "But, wait..., there is some kind of monster crate he just pulled off the truck bed. I shudder to think what is in there! It better not be another fucking Kiddie pool!"

"Well, I am sure we will find out soon enough," Rosalita sighed.

Minutes later, the door opened.

"Girls! I have had a revelation!" Tico exclaimed as he burst into the restaurant, a large box under his arm. "In fact, this has been the revelation of all revelations!"

All three girls sighed as they exchanged knowing glances and crossed their arms over their chests.

Tico said, "Now, come on girls, let's have a little enthusiasm, OK?"

"I am not getting into that pool of refried beans again, Tico," Rosalita said flatly, her dry tone as dusty as the desert sands.

"No, of course not, that was way too expensive anyway," Tico said. "But, enough of that. Look, I know you are suspicious, but my revelation is a sure-fire winner. I am utterly convinced this time we are going to be fucking rolling in the dinero! This new idea can't lose."

"Alright, Tico," Estel sighed, "Go ahead. We are all ears. After all, I know it doesn't matter what we think. You are going to do, whatever you are going to do, with or without our input."

"Now, that is not fair, Estel," Tico said. "I listen to you gorgeous Chicas all the time. You three women are the smartest, as well as hottest, women I know. We are partners in this business, and, without you, we would be sunk."

"OK, now I know we are about to be bullshitted," Lenora said as she crooked her eyebrow. "Tico is plying us with all of his charms. This can only mean he has a big ask coming!"

"Hey, Tico," Rosalita said, "Before you ask, let me tell you something else. I am not getting into a pool of Guacamole either, so save your breath!"

"You girls are so cynical," Tico said as he smiled. "Such hard ass realists trapped in a hot assed bodies!"

Lenora smirked, and shook her head. She knew it was hopeless to resist. One look at those panty wetting eyes, and that adorable grin, and she knew it was over. Whatever crazy thing Tico was going to ask, they were going to do. She might as well just brace herself and accept her fate. Shaking her head, she thought, No wonder that guy gets so much tail!

"OK, Tico," Lenora sighed. "We are listening for real now. What is your NEW plan?"

"Did any of you happen to watch the local news last night?"

"I did," Rosalita said. "At least as far as the weather. Here are the forecast temperatures; Today, Surface of the Sun; Tomorrow, Thermonuclear War; Next Week, Ninth level of Hell."

Tico laughed, and said, "Well, after the weather, the reporter did a story on a Convention that is coming to Phoenix next month. It is fucking fantastic it is so perfect. Are you ready for this?"

"With baited breath," Rosalita sneered.

"Believe it or not, but, the Association of Worldwide Worshippers of Quetzalcoatl have decided to have their annual convention..., right here in Phoenix!"

"And?" Lenora asked.

"And?" Tico said, "Are you kidding? You don't see the significance? This is now an Aztec themed restaurant! And in a month, ten thousand worshippers of Quetzalcoatl are going to descend on this city. Now, they are going to need to go somewhere to eat. What better place than here!"

"Yeah, that's great," Rosalita sighed.

"Hey, you scoff, but this is going to be big," Tico said. "Look..., I know you gals don't think so yet, and admittedly, some of my other plans have not quite worked out, but trust me, this is going to be gigantic. It is going to be fucking huge!"

"Huuuuuge?" Estel said as she snickered. "You know, if you keep talking like that, the next thing you know, we are going to build a wall of tortillas..., and make Mexico pay for it."

Tico laughed, as he said, "Hey now, most of my relatives still live in Mexico, and I can guarantee, Grandpa Pedro is not ponying up for any fucking wall. And..., let's not talk about HIM again!"

"Yeah, Estel," Rosalita said, "I thought we agreed to not use the "T" word anymore. All of our relatives back in Mexico are in an uproar and sick to death hearing about him."

"OK..., OK..., Jesus!" Estel said. "It was just a joke."

"But, back to the convention," Tico said. "Now, we don't have a lot of time to get ready, so, I picked up some stuff on the way in this morning." He grinned as he stared out over the restaurant and held up his hands, framing the scene like a film director. "Can't you just see it? We can create the temple of the Sun, right there! This will be just the jumpstart to the business we have been looking for."

"Are we going to get rid of the Pyramid of Nachos to make room?" Rosalita said with a grin as she pointed at the bubbling cheesy tower.

"How about putting this 'temple' over by the Palace of salsa near the ice machine?" Lenora added with a snort.

"OK, you girls laugh, but I am telling you, once all your wallets are fat with some Quetzalcoatl cash, you will be thanking me," Tico said.

"Is there such a thing as Quetzalcoatl cash?" Rosalita said with a laugh. "But, in all seriousness, Tico, I think you are on to something here. A big convention can bring in a lot of customers."

Tico walked over and lifted Rosalita's hand to his mouth and kissed it. Rosalita melted as his big brown eyes looked up into hers and she felt her lady bits moisten. He was one smooth mother-fucker.

"You are such a fucking pussy tease, boy," Rosalita said. "So...," she added with a sigh, knowing resistance was futile. "What do we have to do?"

"Oh, well, first of all, we need to get more..., authentic, you know. All of these plastic Aztec Temples and wall Murals of Snake Gods are great, but, it doesn't give the place the right..., savoir faire, you know."

"Hey, my cousin Paco painted that—" Lenora cried.

"—And it's great, but, we need to up our game," Tico said. "So..., I got us some new..., uniforms."

"Here we go, now it comes out." Rosalita said as she looked back at the other girls. "I can only imagine what kind of uniforms he has picked out for us!"

"Tico," Lenora said, "We are not strippers. So don't think—"

"—Hey, now, keep an open mind," Tico said. "I did some research, and, these are authentic. Those Quetzalcoatl worshipping freaky fuckers are going to eat it up." He reached into the box at his feet, and pulled out three bags. Grinning slyly, he said, "Sorry, but, I had to guess at your sizes."

Rosalita grabbed the bag with her name on it out of Tico's hand. When she opened it, she gasped out a laugh. Glaring back at him, she said, "You are out of your mind, Tico. I can't wear this!"

"What?" Tico said, "This is our cultural heritage. They are quite tasteful."

"Tasteful!" Rosalita continued as she pulled out her uniform from the box. When she lifted it into the air, the other girls gasped and giggled when they saw it. "Tasteful is not the word that comes to my mind here. More like slutful!"

"Tico," Lenora said, "That top won't cover our tits, and the bottoms, what are you thinking. Our asses will be hanging out on almost full display."

"Plus, I don't think the Health Department is going to allow this anyway," Estel said. "All those feathers will get into the food. There is no fucking way I am putting that on!"

The uniforms were authentic, but, extremely revealing. Essentially it was just a leather string bikini, and extremely brief, with both the bottoms and the tops decorated with hundreds of brightly colored feathers. The feathers at least would provide some cover, but not much.

Tico grinned and said, "Before you say no, at least look at the jewelry that goes with it." He reached back down into the box again, and pulled out three Jade necklaces, bracelets and anklets. Holding them up, he pouted and said, "At least see how they look on you. After all, these weren't cheap."

"No fucking way, Tico!" Rosalita snapped. "This is too much! Even for you."

"But Rosalita, I really don't understand your resistance here. All three of you are gorgeous! Hell, each of you could make sweat pants look sexy. But, I know you all will look so hot in these Aztec uniforms, it is guaranteed to pay off big. I am sure the customers will appreciate it, and..., I promise, your tips will go through the roof."

"Hey, fucker," Lenora said with a laugh. "That's easy for you to say. You aren't being asked to prance around half naked with your junk hanging out. It's just too embarrassing, Tico. Really. I am a team player, but, this is a bridge too far."

"Yeah," Rosalita said. "So, was this your plan? Get us all half naked so you can perve on us while you work the grill?"

"Well...," Tico said as he raised his eyebrow, and laughed, "I would be lying if I said I was not looking forward to seeing you so, uh, authentically displayed in an alluring Aztec manner. After all, as I have said many times, I am the luckiest guy in the world to have such hot female business partners to work around every day. So, you certainly can't blame me, can you?" Plastering a shit eating grin on his face, he added, "But, please reconsider. I am telling you, the uniforms are very tasteful, and all three of you are going to look gorgeous in all those feathers and jade."

The girls all glanced at each other and smirked. The sad puppy dog look on his face made it hard to be mad. They grinned when he added, "And, it's not like I am asking any of you to do anything I am not willing to do myself. I got a uniform for me, too, and I am not embarrassed to wear it. I really want this new promotion to go well, and, we have to make things authentic if we are going to impress the Quetzalcoatl conventioneers. So, I am literally putting my own ass out on the line, too."

"You got a uniform too, you say," Rosalita said.

"I did, it is right here," Tico said as he lifted his uniform out of the bag.

Rosalita and the other girls smiled widely now. His uniform was just as skimpy as theirs, essentially just a leather loincloth studded with feathers.

"So, you really want us to do this?" Rosalita said.

"I do," Tico said. "Please! Pretty please!" he added as he dropped to his knees. "Pretty please with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles on top!"

Rosalita glanced over at the other girls and winked before turning back to Tico. "Well, it is hard to resist a man on his knees."

"Yes!" Tico said as he looked up at her and smiled. "I swear, Rosalita, you will not regret it."

"If you really are sincere," Lenora said, "and this isn't just some elaborate to score a cheap thrill, then we will do it—"

"—We will?" Lenora exclaimed as she frowned.

"I didn't finish," Rosalita said as she smiled at Lenora. "We will do it, IF, you agree to go first. If you wear your uniform for the rest of the week, we'll do it." Rosalita, turning to the others, said, "Is that acceptable to you gals?"

"Oh yeah!" they both exclaimed.

"You are the best, Rosalita," Tico said as he kissed her hand. She gushed, her pussy already wet in anticipation of Tico's show.

Tico got to his feet, and smiled. "This is going to be epic, girls. You won't regret this. Now, let me go get the rest of the—"

"Aren't you forgetting something, Tico?" Lenora cackled.


"Yeah," Estel said, "You need to put on your uniform!" As she grinned wildly, she winked and pointed at her watch. "After all, you are at work."

"You mean..., now?"

"Of course!" Rosalita said. "Now, if you don't want to hold up your end of the bargain, then I guess—"

Tico smirked, and said, "—You gals are real hard asses, you know. OK, let me go get changed."

As he went into the back office with his bag, he shook his head and laughed as he heard the hoots and catcalls erupting from his partners. A few minutes later, he peeked his head out of the office, and said, "OK, are you ready?"

"We are!" Rosalita said, already rubbing her hands together and sitting pensively on the edge of one of the chairs at the table. She was going to enjoy this. She, like the others, had enjoyed seeing Tico many times without his shirt on, but this was going to so much better. He was going to be nearly naked ALL WEEK. When he sheepishly walked into the dining room, she felt her panties flush with her juices. He was blushing, and it was adorable.

"Come on, Tico," Lenora said. "Don't be shy."

"Yeah, Tico," Estel added, "Remember, you said the uniform was tasteful as well as culturally and historically accurate."

Tico nodded and padded into the room. He smiled as he was greeted with an explosion of whistles.

"Muy Caliente!" Lenora cried.

"Damn, but you have some fine abs on you, boy! So, what are you, some kind of fire God?" Rosalita added.

"Yeah, why not?" Tico laughed. "Call me Tico, God of Fire!"

Rosalita's eyes glistened as she slowly allowed her eyes to lazily wander up and down Tico's body, enjoying every rippling inch of him. He wasn't naked, but he was damn close. His tiny loincloth of leather and feathers barely covered his crotch and the flap was almost too short to cover his goods. His hipbone, legs and chest were completely bare, as were his feet. Other than the loincloth, the only thing on his body were his jade bracelets and anklets.

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