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Olympus has Fallen Ch. 25

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Viking boys have a bad day, Gods assemble for battle.
7.5k words

Part 25 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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Sigmund belched out a loud burp as he took his broadsword and stirred the coals in the fire. Blood, hot and thick from a fresh kill, dripped down the blade and sizzled as it drizzled into the fire. His belly was full of beer and roast boar, and as he glanced over into the clearing, and saw the crowd of naked bound girls kneeling in the snow, hands chained behind their back, nipples erect, he felt his cock stir in his loincloth and his balls twitch. A grin slid across his face as he thought of the carnal pleasures still to come.

"This was a good haul, Otto," he said as he glanced over at his younger friend. "We have never had such success on a raid before. So many good bitches to plow my cock into to. So many!"

"It was a good raid, and Odin be praised we were chosen for such an honor," Otto said, "But, the Gods of the North have returned to Asgard, and we are now alone in the land of the Greeks. It is a good time to leave."

"Leave? Why on earth would we leave now? It is just getting good! I have yet to completely empty my ball sacks!" Sigmund said with a grand boisterous laugh. "Look..., since yours are obviously gone, and you want to run home like some weeping woman, be my guest. But, be sure to join the maidens in our fuck train first. You know the Viking way; what we don't kill, we fuck!"

"Yeah, Otto," Ragnar cried as he walked over and filled his drinking horn. "You always were such a little whiney little bitch boy. You are no better than these Pussy Greeks whose heads now litter the ground. Go take your place with the rest of the warm cum dumps stewing over there in the clearing. But, I call dibs on your ass first! Or, would you rather suck me off as a warmup? Your sister is such a champ in that area. I have enjoyed her services many times, so I bet you will be fanfuckingtastic too!"

Otto jumped to his feet as he lifted his sword over his head. Glowering at Ragnar, he screamed, "I will have your head now, fucktard!"

"Sit the hell down, Otto," Sigmund bellowed as he too filled his drinking horn. "Your blood is too high, and you are about to pop. Go shove your cock into one of those Acolytes. That'll cool your worries. I always say, there is nothing like pounding your meat into a nice warm slit to take the edge off! I even got em all wet for you. I bet even a pimple dick like you can manage to get some action now!"

Otto glanced over at the bevy of naked beauties and smiled. "Well, I guess it's the least I can do. I am sure that after suffering through having your tiny dick shoved into their fuck holes, they should at least learn some of the men of the north are packing meat!"

Ragnar laughed as he said, "He has your number, Sigmund!"

"I ought to fucking rip your liver out of your ass and feed it to your mother," Sigmund scowled as he jumped up. "Your pathetic acorn is nothing compared to my—"

"—He, shut up guys!" Ragnar cried as he pointed his sword over towards the forest. "It appears we have some stragglers..., and holy Fucking great red cock of Odin, they are some hot ass bitches!"

The three Vikings turned and looked towards the forest. There, emerging from the swirling snow and highlighted by the pink glow of dawn, walked three of the most gorgeous women any of them had laid eyes on.

"Holy fucking shit!" Sigmund said. "It appears that we must have missed capturing some of the Grace's Acolytes, and from the looks of the catch, we missed the best three!"

"Why are they just walking towards us?" Ragnar said. "It is strange. The other bitches hid after we killed their men and burned the temple. I would think they too would run away."

Sigmund reached under his bearskin loincloth and laughed as he grabbed his cock, waved it. He said, "Well, I guess they didn't want their other acolyte buddies to hog all of the fun for themselves. They didn't want to miss out on experiencing the blessings of the North." Narrowing his eyes, his dick hardened as he watched the three women approach the campfire. "Hey, before any of you fuckers say it, I call the one with the big ass in the middle! Her hole is mine! Her fudge tunnel will make a nice nest for my wild boar tusk!"

"Are you talking about me?" Euphrosyne giggled as she, Thalia and Aglaia walked into the firelight. Glancing over towards Thalia, she added as she wiggled her ass, "He must be talking about me, Sis. After all, you always get the attention of the Tit fans. And everyone know it is I who has the primo bedunkadunk!"

Thalia smiled and leaned forward, her ponderous breasts swinging loose under the silken fabric of her gown. Twisting her mouth into an ironic pout, she looked at Sigmund and said, "I should be offended by your choice, boy. And here I was going to give you a free titjob and everything!"

"Hey bitch! Those puppies are mine," Otto cried. "I'll be sucking on those heavy hangers of yours shortly!"

"Oh," Thalia said, "You are a charmer!"

"So, boys," Euphrosyne said as she cleared her throat and stifled a giggle, "Is that your work we saw back at the temple?"

"It is, cunt!" Sigmund barked. "You like? Does it make your lady parts drip finally seeing what a real man can do?"

"Oh, it is impressive," Thalia said as she raised her eyebrows. "You boys have been quite busy."

"So, cock holes," Ragnar said as he pointed to the mob of bound, naked women, "It is good to see you are smarter than your comrades. They put up such a fight." He grinned as turned his head and showed the scratches and bite marks on his upper chest and neck. "You will find it much more pleasant if we don't have to rape you. It will go much easier. It was smart to surrender." As his eyes smoldered and he drank in Thalia's entrancing cleavage, he added, "You make my cock so hard, Bitch! I might even have to give you a prominent place in my harem when we return to our home in Denmark."

Thalia snickered as she said, "My, that is thoughtful of you!" Turning to her two sisters, she added, "Aren't these gentlemen with the adorable horned hats thoughtful?"

"They are real sweethearts; I am just gushing a river listening to their erudite and charming ways," Aglaia said.

"So," Sigmund said as he stepped forward and stood in front of the three Graces. "Before we divide up your booty and return to the North, I think my friends and I should sample your wares to decide who gets who as a slave. Personally," he added as his eyes trailed down Euphrosyne's body, "I need to see that ass of yours again to be a proper judge. Little Sigmund cries out to find a new home, and he wants to plunge all up in that junk..., NOW!"

"Oh, you are anxious. It is so adorable," Euphrosyne said as she ran her forefinger down Sigmund's muscled and hairy chest. She smirked when she reached his loincloth and snapped his leather strap. "But...," she added as she held her nose, "you boys are sure some stinky fuckers. You fellas would get more tail if you bathed occasionally..., and even more if you shaved off those dumbass carpet remnants on your cheeks!"

"What is all of this shit you are saying, Bitch?" Ragnar cried as he ran forward. "Cunts should not talk to men this way! I bathe and shave for no skank, no matter how much I want to plow into her gash!"

"Oh?" Thalia said as she raised her eyebrow. "And how else should we talk to the fuckheads who killed our guards and raped and imprisoned our Priestesses and Acolytes?"

"These bitches are crazy, Ragnar," Otto said. "Just chain their asses up and throw them in with the others. They are just like the rest of these Greek bitches, too much talking, not enough fucking!"

"Yeah, you nailed that one Conan," Euphrosyne said as she glowered over at Otto. "We are some crazy ass Greek bitches. Crazier than you can ever imagine! But that shouldn't dissuade you conquering hordes from the North. Don't you want your reward, especially an extra special one from some crazy bitches?"

"Yeah we do," Otto said with a grin, his mouth dripping drool.

"Good," Euphrosyne continued. "We have decided to be merciful for your reward, as it is the Solstice and all. Don't you want to hear the terms of our mercy?"

"It's the shock of our attack that has caused them to go daft," Sigmund said. Licking his lips, he added, "But the skank is right about one thing. Just because they are batshit insane, doesn't mean we can enjoy them to the fullest. Any bitch this hot, and even better if she is crazy and hot, is bound to be one fantastic fuck. I, for one, can't wait to bury my cock into each and every hole on her body!"

"See, boy," Euphrosyne said as she stared at Otto, her face straining not to burst out laughing. "Your leader here has the right idea. But, I thought you men of the North were quick on action and slow on talk. You claim that we Greeks are too gabby, but all my sisters and I have heard you do is yack a bunch of shit. Are you ready to put up, or shut up? Are you ready for our terms of mercy?"

"Yeah, Cunts!" Sigmund yelled as Otto and Ragnar nodded and stood next to him. "The only mercy I expect to hear are your cries for mercy from my raping of your ass! I am going to so enjoy plunging my manhood up your forbidden cave!"

"Well, boy, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Euphrosyne said as her violet eyes flashed. "First I think we should fuck YOU first! Would you like to be fucked?"

All three Vikings were instantly erect. The three women standing before him were breathtaking, more beautiful than any of them had ever seen. To think that their Viking cocks were about to be serviced by such gorgeous creatures had all of their balls buzzing.

"That got your attention," Euphrosyne said as she crossed her hands in front of her chest. "So boys, before we begin your big time fucking, in the spirit of the Solstice, I should ask if any of you have any itches they want to scratch, or, perhaps one last stroke you might want to make on their pathetic man-meat before we begin? I am not completely heartless you know."

"Pathetic Man-meat?" Sigmund screamed as he whipped out his cock. "You Greek bitches know nothing! We men of the North are packing glorious manhood! You should be on your knees thanking your Gods we have decided to bestow our masculine love logs on you!"

Euphrosyne winked at her sisters as she stepped forward, grabbed the edge of Sigmund's loincloth and ripped it off. As his cock sprung out, she laughed. "Masculine Love logs! HA! You call that glorious? Puh-leeze! I have seen Eunuchs better endowed. I hope you use that worm between your legs as bait to lure a REAL penis into your net."

"That's it, Cunt!" Sigmund howled as he lunged forward and prepared to grab Euphrosyne. One step into his attack, he suddenly froze.

Euphrosyne chucked as he struggled to move.

"What sort of witchery is this, Bitch?" Ragnar shrieked as he lifted his broadsword and swung it in the air. He too was frozen fast, his mouth open in a silent shout, his muscles twitching as he struggled to move.

"So, boy," Euphrosyne said as she glared at Otto. "Aren't you going to help your friends? You..., men of the North, as you call yourselves, can't let your asses get whipped by a bunch of women can you?"

"Prepare to die, Whore!" Otto screeched as he trotted towards her with his battle axe swinging to his side.

Just as the others, two steps in and he was frozen fast.

Euphrosyne grinned, turned to her sisters and said, "Right on script!" After turning back to her frozen Vikings, she said, "Hey, it's good you are still now as it may be best you listen to me for a minute, before we proceed. So..., if you boys want to keep your meat, and in the spirit of the season, I am going to give you one chance for mercy."

Thalia said, "Are you sure they are worthy of mercy, Sister? After all, they have many crimes to atone for."

"Oh, atonement is going to be a big part of their redemption," Euphrosyne said. "Plus," she added as she squinted at the three Vikings, "they have a certain rustic, red-necky appeal. I think they should, at the very least, make good slaves for our surviving Acolytes. If they get cleaned up a bit, they wouldn't be too hard on the eyes."

"Yeah, maybe," Aglaia said, "but they need to be cleaned up a LOT, first. No self-respecting woman would allow a rank piece of furry shit like this in their house, slave or not!"

"True," Euphrosyne said as she glowered back at her captives. "And that is the way we will know they are accepting of our mercy." Turning back to the Vikings, she said, "So, boys, here is the deal. When I release you from this spell, the first thing you are going to do strip naked and go unchain all of the women. Then, once they are unchained, you will perform a very erotic dance for them. Make it extra sexy mind you, the status of your balls depend on keeping them happy! After the show, all three of you will wash one another in that creek over there and then go shave those ridiculous beards off of your face. Then you will crawl, on your stomachs like worms, over to the feet of every woman you enslaved and kiss their feet and beg for forgiveness. If all of the captives agree you should be spared, we will let you keep your balls. Caged of course, but..., still intact. Otherwise..., well, snip, snip, snip!"

"You are too soft, Sister," Thalia laughed, "I would just be off with their pathetic dangly bits and be on our way. We need to find Apollo, remember?"

"I remember. And if you say I am too soft, well, guilty as charged. It is my weakness," Euphrosyne grinned as she turned and winked at Otto, and said, "As a bonus, if you boys are really convincing in your sincerity, I may even allow you one last wank on our altar as a parting gift. It would be appropriate that your final seed as men be offered to our divinity for eternity. So? Do we have a deal?"

When they said nothing, Aglaia said, "Euphrosyne, they are still frozen!"

"Oops, my bad," Euphrosyne giggled as she raised her hands and the three Vikings found they could move again.

"What sort of witches are you skanks!" Sigmund bellowed as he stroked his jaw and stretched his mouth, his jaw sore from his desperate attempts to scream.

"Oh, you boys aren't that lucky. We are not witches. We are something far, FAR worse," Euphrosyne glowered. "So..., you heard my terms. I assume you are ready to accept. It's time to get stripping!"

"I strip for no Cunt!" Sigmund said. "We are men of the North, and, I don't know what all of this is about, but I am not doing it. Perhaps I drank some spoiled mead that has pickled my brain and this is some alcohol induced hallucination. It doesn't matter, though, because the only stripping and shaving that is going to happen is to be you three! I like the idea of each of you shaving your pussies bare. But, before all that, prepare to take my cock in your ass!"

Euphrosyne rolled her eyes and said, "You Viking boys aren't too bright now, are you? Did you not hear me? Get to work on your assignment or lose your balls, it is that simple. If you Nordic fuckers would just listen—"

"—We are not listening to Fuck Holes!" Sigmund barked. "I have gone along with this stupid game of yours for long enough. I had planned on keeping you as my private cocksucking slave, but now, I see that would be too good for you. You are going to be my fee for attending the Great Boar Hunt of Spring. Ten Thousand drunken Danes will pass your skank ass around like a party favor, and when they are done with your carcass, your ass, pussy and stomach will be so pumped full of Viking seed from my comrades, cum will erupt out of your ears!"

Euphrosyne's violet eyes flashed as a sickening grin came over her face. Raising her arms again, she said, "What a wonderful idea you have there!"

Suddenly, beneath their feet, the ground rumbled and rustled as vines shot up from the earth and lashed all three Viking's wrists and ankles tight. The branches began writhing over their limbs before pulling them all up tight in mid-air. Now, all three dangled helplessly with their legs and arms stretched out to the maximum.

Euphrosyne smirked and shook her head as she walked towards Sigmund in the middle. Ripping off his loincloth, and leaving him naked, she grabbed his cock, closed her eyes and laughed.

Sigmund screamed, his violent cries of pain echoing through the dawn like a volcanic eruption of agony. With sweat pouring down his face like a melting glacier in the desert, he glared down at his penis and wailed. It was shrinking! Gone was his hammer of Thor, whittling down to a screwdriver, and then a spoon, and finally a screw and then..., nothing. He thrashed helplessly in his leafy bonds, but was stuck fast. Shockingly, although his penis was gone from view, his balls were intact and he still could feel his cock.

"What have you done to me, you fucking BITCH!" Sigmund screamed as Otto and Ragnar watched on in horror from either side and desperately tried to close their legs. "Where is my cock?"

Thalia and Aglaia squatted down and peered between Sigmund's legs. Thalia leaned over her shoulder at Euphrosyne, and said, "Well, I think he might want to skip this year's "Great Boar Hunt"!" Laughing, she added, "He couldn't satisfy a mouse with what you left him."

"Oh, no," Euphrosyne cackled. "He is going to be the star of the Boar Hunt. In fact, we are going to stage one early..., just for him!"

"What are you up to, Sis?" Thalia said as she stood. "We really need to be off to Olympus so we need to stop fucking around. You know there is a war on—"

"—I know that!" Euphrosyne barked. "And that war is being taken to the enemy..., starting fucking NOW!"

"Please! Please don't take my cock!" Sigmund wailed, tears streaming down his face. "I will submit to—"

"—Oh no, Fucker!" Euphrosyne said. "The mercy window is closed. Now, sadly for you, the Justice window is opening. Now, about your cock," she added as she giggled. "You may wish I had taken it..., eventually. But, I am sure you are curious. I have no intention of leaving you with a micro-penis. Whether you remain in this freakish state, or not, will be completely due to your skills. You Northern Boys just love going on and on about your great hunting prowess, well, let's see how it works in reverse. If you can make it back to the lands of the North, you will be restored and all of this will be just a bad memory. If, however, you fail to escape, well..., your tiny dick is going to be the least of your problems."

Euphrosyne took three large steps back and lifted her arms up into the air. When she did, a purple smoky whirlwind swirled around Sigmund, twisting and undulating around his body like a great snake. As it passed between his legs, Sigmund screamed again. The pain was back, but now his cock was growing. He smiled and sighed, but, when he glanced down between his legs, his eyes grew wide and his mouth flew open. Instead of his cock staring up at him, a huge ear of corn now dangled between his legs. The smoke passed over the Viking one more time before circling the ground and boring a glowing hole in the dirt.

"So..., here is the setup, boy," Euphrosyne said. "I am going to let you go—"

"—But..., what the fuck is between my—" Sigmund shrieked before being cut off.

"—You really do need to learn to listen," Euphrosyne said as she grinned. "What is between your legs is what I like to call a motivator. You might want to take extra care of those kernels on your journey home. If you are killed, well, don't worry. You will be resurrected right back here at this spot to try again."

She raised her arms again and the vines lowered Sigmund to the ground. Once his feet hit the earth, the branches twisted up to his face and tied his wrists together behind his neck. They released his legs, though, so he was free to move but now he could not use his hands. He was helpless. He was also dazed, his eyes flashing as he tried to understand what was happening. Standing still with his mouth open, he just stared at Euphrosyne, as if to will himself awake from this nightmare.

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