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Omaha Ch. 02

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Another wife discovers the thrill of sucking strange cock.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/15/2009
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On Friday afternoon, Annette, the front desk manager, had watched as Julie Mason sucked off a black stud in the ladies room of the Omaha Marriott. It changed her life.

* * * *

Annette was 41. She had been married for eight years. For the most part she was very thankful for her marriage. Once past thirty, she believed herself destined to be a spinster. She hated the word, but used the term purposefully because she despised her singlehood even more. The man who rescued her from that wretched fate was one Bob Fallows.

They met just after Annette started working for Marriott Hotels. Bob was holding a conference in Phoenix and dealt with Annette to arrange everything: meeting rooms and equipment, food, guest rooms. Bob was fifty at the time, tall and distinguished. But his thin physique and black hair belied his age.

Annette was immediately infatuated and angry with herself for being so. It happened so many times before, but nothing ever worked out. She tried being hard to get, and got ignored. Once she tried being easy, but got ignored. Mostly she just let it alone.

Annette recognized her physical limitations. She wasn't beautiful. Neither was she ugly. She was neither tall nor short. She was average. Her best features were her legs and ass, on which she was sometimes complimented. Also there were her full lips.

Worst was her hair, a mousy brown. In all honesty, it matched a mousy personality. But that personally that had failed her so many times in the past by disappointing those she wanted to impress, was what scored this time.

Bob had been married for more than twenty years before divorcing after his only child left for college. The marriage had been held together for the sake of the child for fifteen years, and both spouses were glad to finally have it terminated.

What Bob found so fascinating was how much a compliment or two could impress Annette. She was starved for affection and highly malleable. She slept with him the last two nights of the conference and would eagerly perform virtually anything he asked of her.

His storm came in all her ports. He was especially impressed with her fellatio. She ardently deep throated his 5.5 inches and swallowed his cum. After telling her how good she was at it, he had to practically pry her off his knob to do anything else.

Just before he left, Annette insisted on sucking him off one last time. He was very pleased when he watched her begin fingering herself while her lips were glued his dick. He saw that she continued after he had shot off in her mouth until she shuddered in her own climax.

Bob was a great fan of blowjobs, and a woman who might be persuaded to satisfy his need while simultaneously satisfying herself was interesting indeed. After six months, two more trips to Phoenix, and one trip, by Annette, to Omaha, Bob proposed.

* * * *

On the Sunday after being virtually orally raped in the hotel restroom, Julie Mason left her husband in their hotel room at the Marriott, and walked to the elevator. She was headed home. She smiled to herself because she and Gary had had a really good time that weekend -- good meals, good sex.

A very, very nice time indeed, triggered, of course, by the excitement of what she'd done on her knees in the ladies room Friday evening.

When the elevator arrived at her floor, the doors opened to reveal Annette Fallows, also headed for the lobby. It was the first time the two women faced each other since Annette caught Julie administering oral sex to the biggest, blackest cock she'd ever seen.

Both women blushed and looked in awkward silence at the floor of the car. Finally, Annette felt compelled to speak.

"Did you enjoy your stay with us?"

Julie looked up at Annette, who looked back at her. And she simply burst out laughing.

"Yes. Yes, I had a very good time," Julie said, shaking her head. "In some ways you know more about me than my own husband. I didn't even know that man's name."

"Norman," Annette said, laughing nervously. "His name is Norman. He comes here a few times a year on business."

"Oh," Julie answered, not knowing what else to say. The elevator doors opened at the lobby.

"What time is your flight?" Annette asked as they walked out.

"Not for another two and a half hours. When is the shuttle to the airport?"

"They leave every half hour," said Annette, glancing at her watch, "but I think you just missed it. Shouldn't be a problem, though. You'll get there in plenty of time for the flight."

"Ok, thanks."

"Hey, why don't you wait in my office? I can get you a cup of coffee."

Julie hesitated before agreeing. "Sure, why not."

Seated in Annette's office with the coffee, there was a short awkward silence before Julie spoke.

"I'm not at all like that, you know. I'm sure you think I'm a slut and all, but it isn't true. I'd like you to believe that."

"You've never done that before?"

"No, never," Julie answered eagerly, wanting for some reason to convince this woman she'd never met before of her...what? Innocence? Decency?

Julie desperately wanted Annette to understand, so she just blurted out the whole story. In detail. And besides, she was dying to tell someone and who else could she tell?

"So, I guess you think I'm pretty slutty, huh?" Julie concluded, hoping to hear just the opposite.

"Jeez, what a story!" Annette answered, astonished. "I guess I'm really glad we had a chance to talk. I certainly wondered about what was going on. Needless to say, I'd never seen anything quite like that before. I was amazed at how big he was!"

"Tell me about! You didn't have it in your mouth!" Julie said.

"No, but I wanted to..." Annette answered, blushing.

After a split second hesitation, both women laughed.

"Now who's the slut?" Annette grinned. "I swear, if he had told me to get down on my knees and do what you'd just done, no doubt about it, I would have."

"You should have," enthused Julie. "I've been so hot all weekend from that. Boy has Gary, that's my husband, had a tiger on his hands. Lucky him." Julie told the friendly hotel employee.

Julie then proceeded to tell Annette all about Shelly's philosophy of marriage and sex, about how Shelly sucked off young guys to improve her sex life with her husband Stan.

"When the guy cums in her mouth," Julie said, finishing, "she says it's Stan's reward because she's so hot for him when she gets home.

"Really?!" Annette was floored. It sounded so similar to what she and Bob had just talked about.

"Oh my," said Julie looking at her watch, "I think I must be going." Then, as she stood, "Norman, huh? Wonder where he's from."

Annette stood as well. "Do you know where Montclair is?"

"Montclair, New Jersey?"

"Yes, I looked it up on his registration card. I saw you were from New Jersey as well."

"It's only about 15 miles from where we live."

"Maybe you'll bump into him."

"One can dream," said Julie, as she hugged Annette and got ready to board the shuttle for the airport. "Sometime, maybe you'll get your shot at him. Call me, I'll give you some pointers." Both giggled.

As she walked back to her office, Annette thought back to Friday night. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about what she'd seen in the ladies room. For the rest of her shift the image of the kneeling white woman eagerly sucking off that black cock was locked in her brain.

He was so enormous. And he wiggled it at her! Thoughts of that cock kept re-moistening her pussy every few seconds. Finally, she could take it no more and returned to that ladies room, went into a stall and masturbated herself to climax. The relief it brought her, however, was brief. She returned again and again to the image. She remained moist.

That evening she couldn't wait to tell Bob.

Sex after marriage had been something of a disappointment to Annette. Bob wasn't nearly the satyr he'd seemed in Phoenix. He wasn't always able to perform, especially if he'd had any alcohol. He apologized. He told her how getting drunk used to enhance his performance.

Now her hot mouth on him often got little response. They had taken several steps to heat up Bob's passion. Bob had gotten some adult videos and toys. They helped a lot and became a permanent part of every session. They had also tried some role-playing and fantasy games.

One fantasy that often came up involved including another person or couple. At first, they talked about both men and women. Soon, however, they settled into scenarios where Annette entertained another man. They would go out to bars where they were unlikely to know anyone, sit apart, and wait to see who might approach Annette. After a few tries and some experimentation, they learned what kind bait attracted the best fish.

Annette would wear an expensive blonde wig. She used short skirts to show off her legs that had become even more shapely due to her fanatic workouts.

Early in their marriage, Bob had commented about how mushy her body was. Annette immediately began an intense body-sculpting program sponsored by a local gym. It worked wonders. From the waist down, she looked like she could be one of those workout models in one of those fitness magazines. Most of the models had obvious implants. She had talked with Bob about breast enlargement, but he was not in favor.

At the bar, Annette would sit alone wait for the unattached -- either permanently, or just for the evening -- to approach. Bob would observe from a discrete distance. Often she would be approached by someone totally unacceptable physically: too old, or fat, or just plain ugly.

Usually, Annette could discourage them to the point they'd leave her alone. Several times, she and Bob had to leave the bar to get away from an obnoxiously persistent patron. About one third of the time, there would be no acceptable men who showed an interest.

When someone with decent looks approached, Annette would let him buy her a drink, and talk with him for at least for as long as it took her to consume it. About half the decent ones ended up turning Annette off because they were too egotistical, too timid, or just plain, old-fashioned boring.

Bob observed, and Annette later confirmed, that she seemed to make greater allowances for personality quirks the better looking the guy was. Annette also confirmed she was more drawn to younger men than older ones.

For the men that passed both physical and mental muster, Annette would spend as much of the evening with them as they desired. She knew she had free reign to do pretty much whatever she could get away with inside a bar.

She danced and talked between dances. During slow dances, she would grind her pelvis against his, delighting whenever she felt a resultant erection. She openly engaged in French kissing. Sitting at the bar, she would teasingly drop her hand onto his arm and later his thigh when she laughed at his jokes.

Depending on her mood, and how turned on the guy was making her, Annette might let him put his hand on her thigh. When it was time to leave, she would permit the man to accompany her to her car and allow him to feel her small tits as they kissed good night.

Annette would start the car and pick Bob up at the entrance to the street, as he had been watching everything that transpired. When they got home, both would be more than ready for hot sex. Things followed along these lines for about nine months, although a couple of times, things had gone a bit further.

Three times Annette had gotten into her car and continued making out with the man of the evening. She let them fondle her more boldly, allowing them to slide their hands up her thighs and caress her pussy. Bob had loved hearing about it, as she suspected he would, but she eventually stopped. Basically, the men had no idea how to bring her off manually. Their fumblings had a dampening rather than heightening effect on her passion.

Driving home that Friday evening of Julie's bathroom blowjob, Annette replayed the scene over and over in her head. She went over what she would tell Bob. She felt certain it would excite him. She wasn't wrong.

At dinner, Annette said she'd seen something shocking in at work. Bob was one of those husbands that are good communicators, good listeners. He was probably more shocked than Annette had been, saying he thought she'd made the story up. Finally he was convinced of her veracity and they went over the details of the action several more times.

Bob seemed especially interested in hearing about the kiss that transpired when Julie exited the ladies room and met her husband. The kiss from a mouth that had so recently contained a black man's cum. Annette wondered why he was so curious.

There was no clearing of dinner dishes that Friday night. In fact, the couple had to leave the table early -- for the bedroom. Each tried to out provoke the other with erotic comment or innuendo. In the end, Bob got Annette to admit she'd like to offer her own oral performance to that beautiful black cock.

Bob concluded that idea turned him on enormously. He achieved an erection like he hadn't had in a decade. Annette got so hot she knew the slightest touch would trigger a climax in her. When she tried to clamp her thighs together to prevent her juices from running down her leg, she orgasmed spontaneously.

"Oh my god, I'm cuuuuumming!" she screamed at her husband.

They had sex again on Saturday...three times.

At work on Sunday, after she'd spoken at length to Julie, Annette knew she was going to have a talk Bob again. When she got home, she went to the sofa where Bob sat, reading. She lay down with her head in his lap. She began to run her hand along his thigh, signaling her husband that she wanted to blow him.

Bob knew Annette enjoyed performing oral sex. She'd told him about growing up and enjoying French kissing with the boys, how it turned her on more than having them play with her tits. How she'd gradually turned that pleasure into other oral satisfactions.

Annette enjoyed blowing boys from the first time she tried it. Her friends weren't too keen on it, so Annette kept it to herself when she found herself fantasizing about sucking cock.

Annette decided telling her husband about her first time might help with his erection.

"His name was Dennis," she told Bob. "We were making out in a spare bedroom at a friend's party. He told me he'd heard I was a good kisser and allowed some "feeling up." But as he tried, unsuccessfully for third base for the third time, the poor kid let his frustration boil over.

"Jeez Annette, you're such a tease. What's your problem, anyway?"

"I don't want to get pregnant."

"I'm just tryin' to feel it. You can't get pregnant from that!"

"No, but it won't stop there, will it? You'll just call me a bigger tease."

"Well you're already a tease for letting me get this far. My dick's so hard it hurts. Screwin's not the only thing you can do to help me out, you know."

"So, I let Dennis guide my hand to his erection, let him unzip and take it out, let him guide my hand up and down. But it was my own initiative that allowed my head to sink into his lap, that opened my mouth, that so enjoyed the feeling of his soft cock skin on my lips and tongue, and ultimately accepted Dennis's first explosion in a woman's mouth.

"Ten minutes later, I accepted his second. I guess it was that night that I became a confirmed fellatrix."

The mousy wife could feel the firmness in her husband's pants and opened them. She offered him a warm, wet haven enhanced by a darting, swirling tongue. Far sooner than she expected, Bob responded with a warm, wet offering of his own.

Annette held him in her mouth as he began to soften. Emboldened by Bob's quick performance, she decided to try for something that was all too rare: a second delicious semen dessert.

As she stroked her husband's thankfully resurrecting cock, Annette told Bob about her call to Julie. She told him how Julie and her friend Shelly were parlaying their delivery of oral services to hot young men into highly charged sex sessions for themselves and their spouses.

Annette wondered aloud if they should take their role-playing to another level. She asked Bob if he'd be OK if she gave blowjobs to some of the guys they met at bars. She knew from the hardening she felt against her cheek that she'd already "made the sale".

There was no need for more discussion, but she continued, telling him about his benefits: a scorching hot wife, stories about hard young cocks, a flooded pussy for him to lick. Bob was in neither position nor mood to deny her either his permission to suck off others or his second load of the half hour.

The first few times they went out under their new agreement, everything worked like a charm. Annette met a suitably hot looking young man, danced, kissed, and went outside to her car. She got in, waited until he tried to feel her cunt, then quickly had his cock in her mouth instead, and both racing to the subsequent creamy finish.

Then Annette got greedy. She decided, rather than sit and wait for someone to approach her, she would pursue one of the best-looking guys at the bar. She had always noted that some guys would always leave her alone. These were the biggest hunks, the guys that just seemed to attract any girl they wanted.

Annette concluded that, now that she had something highly desirable to offer, she should be able to hook up with any guy she wanted. She was wrong.

The first time she tried it, it backfired badly as the guy derisively told her "no" when she approached him. Annette stood her ground at first. She looked him in the eye, licked her lips, and told him, "You sure you know what you're turning down?"

"Sweetheart, you're too old and too plain. Do you think there aren't tenhot chicks in here I couldn't get to suck my cock if I wanted?"

She was devastated. Bob did his best to convince her that the guy turning her down was a freak occurrence. Annette knew intellectually that the rejection of her advances was in all probability an anomaly. Still, it unnerved her for quite some time.

Their sex life took a tremendous hit. Bob wasn't sure they should even try again. He didn't want her to shut down entirely. Finally, it was Annette's own craving to suck young cock that became irresistible, and she "let" Bob talk her into trying it another time. Things went well that night, and her sex with Bob improved as well. They were back on track.

* * * *

Annette knew a week in advance that Norman, the black man that she'd watched Julie fellate, would soon be returning. The closer check-in drew, the less she could control herself. The image of what she'd seen in the ladies room nearly four months ago would trigger a vaginal response she hadn't experienced before.

She would have flutterings on her clitoris; lubricating secretions would moisten her panties. After three days, Annette took to wearing panty liners to protect her clothing as she had begun to leak through. At least once a day she would have to sneak away to the ladies room or a guest room to masturbate.

Annette and Bob had already discussed her desire to suck that big, black dick, what she would do and how she would accomplish it. Norman would probably check in on a Saturday. Annette would arrange to be at the hotel that day and would be near the front desk.

The idea was not complicated. Approximately 30 minutes after checking in, Annette would call Norman in his room, inform him she needed to talk with him immediately, and that she was coming up to his room. Upon entering, Annette would tell him there had been a complaint about him on his last visit.

She would convince him the woman in the restroom had reported him but refused to file charges. Annette would use this to try to put Norman off balance and gain an advantage over him. She would then use that advantage to negotiate the blowjob.


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