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On a Slippery Slope Ch. 04


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"Good," she replies, "I'll do the same. Lunch today?"

"Sure, if you're buying," I say with a grin.

"After the weekend you just treated me to, I'm more than happy to pick up the tab."

Lunch is nice. It is cool enough to dine outside at our favorite local eatery. The rest of the day goes quickly. I get hung up for a few minutes after the workday so I get to the clinic just as Angie is leaving. She spots me, grabs her arm, and grimaces in mock pain.

"Oh God that hurt!" she cries, knowing I am a big baby about needles. I give her a raspberry and enter the building.


Angie arrives right on time. We take a couple of minutes to critique each other's clothing and agree that we did it just right. No cleavage showing and no leg visible above the knees. We both are wearing heels, but they are the type we wear to work. After pronouncing each other fit to proceed, we hop in my car and head for the address I still have stored in my GPS from the drive-by.

"If they live in a man cave with dirty bathrooms I'm leaving," Angie announces, making me laugh out loud.

When we pull up in front of the house there are two identical Camaros in the driveway. I park at the curb and we exit the car. Before we can get to the porch, the door opens and one of the twins appears.

"Hi ladies. Welcome. Please come in," he says and gestures with a flourish.

Angie and I step into a large, beautifully finished greatroom, complete with a pair of very handsome twins, casually dressed and grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm Connor," one of them says as he steps forward. "Brian told me about the driver's license thing this morning. Here's mine."

"That doesn't prove shit," Angie says. "You could have swapped licenses."

But his gesture breaks the ice. We all have a good laugh and then they offer us a tour. The house is a lot cleaner than my apartment and much more tastefully furnished and accessorized. The twins obviously have style. Their bedrooms are masculine but very different from one another. All the bathrooms pass Angie's not-so-subtle inspection. We end up in a gourmet kitchen and Connor, I think, offers to bartend.

"We drank cosmopolitans all weekend. I think I'd like a martini," I say.

"Me too," says Angie.

"Martinis coming up," Brian replies, "We'll make a pitcher. Why don't you both have a seat at the breakfast bar and talk to us while we prepare the libations."

"Your house is really very nice, particularly for a couple of bachelors," Angie announces.

"The furnishings belonged to our parents, and the cleanliness is the work of Rosa, our housekeeper," says Brian. "Without her, things would be a lot messier. We aren't slobs, but we aren't fond of housework either."

"Do you fuck Rosa too?" Angie asks with a wicked smile, causing both men to choke on their drinks. I think it is Connor who recovers first.

"Lord no! She was our parent's housekeeper before they were killed in an accident a few years back and she decided to stay employed with us. She's a grandmother and she holds black belts in at least two martial arts disciplines. We're both scared shitless of her."

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents," I say, thinking of my lie to Mrs. Wilson. "The same thing happened to Angie's folks when she was in the sixth grade. Her oldest brother raised her."

"And look what a good job he did," she quips, smiling radiantly at the twins, "with a lot of help from Carla's parents."

The rest of the evening goes very well. The deli fare is excellent and we talk about everything but what is on all our minds. Finally, I decide to nudge the conversation where I think it needs to go.

"We've been avoiding this topic all evening," I begin, "so we have a few things that need to be discussed. But before we get started, I have a question for Brian."

"Shoot," he says.

"You asked me out last week and told me that you have been attracted to me for a long time. What took you so long and why did you choose to do it then? I thought it was because Mrs. Wilson's place was no longer available so the game was over, but apparently you and Connor were already working on another place."

"It's true. I have been attracted to you and to Angie as well. So has Connor..."

"Then why didn't you morons just ask us out?" Angie interrupts.

"...and we were within a day or two of asking you both out," Conner resumes, "when your laptop failed. Brian's attention got diverted and he pulled the malware stunt. Suddenly the whole thing started to get a life of its own."

"So why the timing last week?" I ask.

"A lot of reasons. Connor and I both wanted to spend more time with you, we wanted you to know that we were setting up a new place, and we were hoping to find a way to get Angie involved."

"And here I am," announced Angie with a serious look on her face. "So now what?"

"I...uh...I..." Connor stammers.

Uncharacteristically, I decide to take charge.

"I set all this in motion when I put those stories on my computer. Brian saw an opportunity and took it. I enjoyed myself immensely and I'm certain you guys did too. I want you to know that you unleashed something from deep inside me that I did not know existed. I was pissed off when I found out I had been tricked by twins, but now I am pleased. I am even more pleased that Angie wants to be involved. After I showed her the videos, something happened between us that unlocked another door. What happened is none of your business, but we are both grateful. Brian told me last week that you guys are about a month away from having the new place ready to go. Is that still a good estimate?"

"Probably less. We both have been moonlighting at the computer store, under the 'Brian' name, because we like the work and nothing much else was going on in our lives. Since it appears that is changing, I gave notice last week. By next weekend we will be devoting all our spare time to the new place. I am Brian, by the way, in case you've lost track," he finishes with a smile.

"I thought you needed the money to support expensive hobbies," I said, remembering our first conversation at the computer store.

"Our folks left us very well off when they died. We were just working there to fill the time."

"How would you ladies like to handle this from here on," Connor asks, apparently regaining his composure and trying to maneuver the discussion back on track.

"Angie only knows what I've told her and shown her on the videos. I think, for the time being at least, that we should continue as though nothing has changed since my last encounter with you guys, but with a few exceptions."

"And they are?" asks Brian.

"Angie and I arrive at the new place together every time. We don't want to participate together, at least not yet, but we arrive and leave together. I'd prefer that you continue to communicate by note card, disguise your voices, and continue the charade just as before, including your departure before ours when it's all over for the evening. I found all that mysterious and sexy. I also want to dispense with the hood. I like the mask because being unable to see you adds a great deal to my pleasure, but the hood sucks."

"Me too," Angie announces. "I loved what I saw on the videos but I was a little put off by the hood."

"Agreed," Brian and Connor say in unison. "To everything."

"And one more thing," I continue. "When was the last time you snooped through my computer?"

"Last night," Brian replies, "And yes, we saw the new folders. We also know about the website."

Angie involuntarily grins and clasps her hands together, secure in the knowledge that the twins now know what sort of bondage experience she is looking for.

"Anything else," asks Connor.

"One last thing," I respond. "I'm tired of the twin shtick except when we're doing the bondage stuff. Neither of us cares which one of you is doing us during sex. But otherwise, no more tricks. We don't mind that only 'Brian' works on our office computers, but don't lie to us again about which twin we're talking to."

"Okay. I'm Connor. When I say I'm Connor, you can take it to the bank."

"Ditto for ole Brian here," says Brian. "Now, is there anything else bothering you?"

When Angie and I both shake our heads, he offers us a nightcap. We conclude the evening with Irish coffee and then excuse ourselves. Just as we are ready to depart, Brian, or maybe Connor gives me two CDs. I stare at them blankly and then realize what they are.

"You assured me that I have the only copies!" I spit out sharply.

"You do have the only copies," he says. These are the originals which show our faces. Now you have everything."

My anger slips away quickly. "Would you like to make copies for yourselves? I don't mind."

"Only with your permission," he says. I hand the videos back to him.

"Make your copies and get those back to me later," I tell him with a smile.

The twins walk us to my car because it's now dark outside. Chivalry is not dead. On impulse, I kiss each of them on the cheek and Angie follows suit.

"You'll be hearing from us," one of the twins calls out as we pull away from the curb.


Now we wait.

On Thursday we get our test results, all negative as expected, and mail copies to the twins the next morning.

There is a letter in my box the following Monday that displays my name and address in the familiar block printing. It is not the high quality buff colored stationary I am hoping for. Inside are copies of the twin's test results from a month earlier. All are negative. Angie calls to tell me she has received the same information. We gleefully decide to tell the twins they can ditch the condoms when we show up at the new place for the first time.

Angie and I get together each of the next two weekends for sex. We are becoming increasingly inventive. At her suggestion, we order a butt plug, a strap-on dildo, some handcuffs, and a cat o' nine tails through the internet. We vow not to use them until after we see what the twins have planned for our first encounter at the new location; as long as they don't take too long getting us to that point.

On Tuesday of the third week, I run into Brian or Connor in the hallway. Angie is nowhere in sight.

"Listen to me," I say, "I'm going to do this only once. It will never happen again. I am interceding on Angie's behalf. I want her first experience to be perfect. I don't know what you guys have planned for her, but I think she will be disappointed if she isn't spanked or whipped with the cat during her first visit. She will let you know how hard she wants it if you start out gently. And for the record, if you are planning anything like that for me and you hurt me, I'll scream my safe word loud enough to wake the dead."

"I get the picture," he says, smiling. "Thanks for the tip, and we never had this conversation."

"We certainly did have the part about hurting me," I reply poking him in the stomach with my index finger. He is still chuckling as he goes down the hallway.

On Friday evening of the third week, I find a padded envelope in my mailbox and rip it open before I even go inside. Two DVDs and a small buff colored card are inside. I know the DVDs are the originals from my first two encounters.

"Be at the address below at exactly seven tomorrow night. You know what to wear. Bring your friend. When you arrive, the door will be unlocked. Open the door, stop just inside, and lock the door behind you. Remember your safe word. Do not masturbate tonight," is printed on the card in the familiar block lettering.

My hands are shaking so hard I have trouble reading the address. I don't know the exact location of the place, but I am familiar with the area. It is not within walking distance and it's far enough away from my apartment and Angie's that we won't have to worry about parking a car nearby.

My cell phone chirps and I see that the call is from Angie.

"I got a note!" she yells, forcing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Calm down and read it to me," I tell her. After a few moments she settles down and reads the note out loud. It's basically the same as mine except hers says 'dress appropriately.'

"Okay, try to stay calm. I'll help you get prepared tomorrow and we can talk about everything. I know exactly what to do. Everything will be just fine. Get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, but I am so excited I don't think I can sleep."

"Would you like me to come over? I can bring my stuff and we can leave from your place tomorrow night."

"Oh yes! Please!"

"I'll be there in a little while."

I gather casual clothing for tomorrow during the day; my bondage outfit, make up, a little nightie, and my favorite toys. I already keep basic grooming items at her apartment.

A beaming Angie meets me at the door waving her note.

"I am so excited!" she exclaims, literally bouncing up and down. "Help me figure out what to wear."

"Let's order a pizza or something first. I'm starving."

"Pizza! Pizza? Are you crazy? I'll gain two pounds over night! I'll make us a nice salad instead."

"Okay, okay, but do you have anything worth drinking in the house other than tap water?" I ask, knowing full well that she always has a nice selection of red and white wines.

"I guess I can find something if I root around under the sink," she replies with a grin.

We have dinner with more than a little wine, and then get down to the business of her outfit for tomorrow night.

"I think it's pretty simple," I tell her. You saw what I was wearing when I started my little strip tease at the beginning of the first video. I heard nothing from The Voice, so I have to assume the twins enjoyed the show and liked what they were seeing. I recommend that you do the same thing; slowly give them a good look at what they are going to fuck a little while later."

"You were very, very sexy when you were stripping," she says. "I'm not sure I can do as well."

"You'll do just fine. With your body, you'll have them drooling before your bra comes off. Do you have a bra what hooks in the front?"

"Of course. Doesn't everybody?"

"Probably. Let's see yours."

Angie pulls three of them out of her underwear drawer along with four or five pair of panties. I sort through them and select a red bra and a pair of delicate lacy panties to match.

"Put these on," I tell her. Moments later she pulls the panties into position and clasps the bra around her perfect breasts.

"Now let's choose a dress for you. Where are the two you bought a couple of weeks ago?"

She brings them both out. Either one will work nicely, but I encourage her to select the red sleeveless one that buttons up the front like my dress. Hers is tartier than mine, showing her shoulders, much more cleavage, and leaving most of her splendid legs exposed.

"Why that one?" she asks.

"Because it's perfect for a strip tease. The other one zips up the front. It's a little harder to prolong things with a zipper. This little number has only eight buttons, but you can drag things out by undoing them slowly. Now let's take a look at your shoes."

Angie has about as many pair in her closet as I have in mine. I know what I'm looking for. She has always dressed a little more provocatively than I, so I'm looking for something with a come-fuck-me flavor in red. She has four or five pair of red heels but I spot what I'm looking for immediately. They are very similar to the ones I have worn to both my bondage sessions except they have one additional strap that encircles her ankle.

"These are perfect," I announce. "You can make a production out of undoing that strap."

"I'll look like Little Red Riding Hood" she counters with a giggle.

"You'll look like a very beautiful, very sexy young woman who can't wait to be blindfolded, tied up, and fucked half to death. Now put everything on so we can check you out."

A couple of minutes later, she is standing in front of her full-length mirror with me behind her. She is perfect. I fluff up her hair a little and then run my hands down her hips to straighten the hem of a dress that barely conceals her panties.

"One of the twins is really in for a treat tomorrow night," I tell her as I turn her around.

"Do you think that's what they'll do, just divvy us up?"

"Probably. When it was just me, they were able to trade places quickly without me having a clue there were two of them. I have no idea what the new place will be like, but I'm betting they'll draw our names out of a hat, or flip a coin, or some other dumbass thing and then stick with the outcome for the night. Next time, they'll swap."

"What makes you think so?"

"Both of them have fucked me. Unless they both get to fuck you tomorrow night, one of them will have to wait until next time. Whoever he is will be so anxious to be with you that he won't allow another element of chance."

"We'll never know who is doing us, will we?"

"That's pretty much the point, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah," she says with a wide grin. "Oh yeah."

Ten minutes later we are in the shower, gently lathering every inch of each other's bodies. By the time we dry off, we are pretty revved up. I put on the little nightie I brought while Angie dons a sexy little thing of her own.

"The note says we aren't supposed to masturbate," she reminds me with a small smile.

"I have no intention of allowing you to," I counter with a grin. "But they will ask us tomorrow night and we'll tell them we did. I lied to them the first two times, but I think they want us to disobey them. They've read your favorite stories and they know you want to be spanked. Disobeying them will probably help your cause."

"Oh Carla, you are so devious," she says as she moves into my arms. We spend the next hour or so making it unnecessary for either of us to masturbate and then fall into a deep sleep.

We sleep late the following morning, not stirring until a little after nine. We have a light breakfast and try to stay busy. I am a little nervous, but Angie is a basket case. I am glad to be with her. I had to endure the day of my first bondage encounter by myself and it was a lonely, frightening experience. I can't keep her from being nervous, but I can provide support.

I am able to distract her a bit by running a few errands and sitting down to a light lunch. I explain to her that we won't have dinner before meeting the twins but we will be famished afterward. We go shopping for a while, stopping by a drug store for the little pre-mixed saline enema kits they sell. We know from my experience that they are likely do something anal, even on Angie's first night.

We start our preparations at four o'clock with the enemas and take showers. We'll shower again at six o'clock, shaving our legs and underarms and touching up what little pubic hair we have left. Angie gets more nervous by the minute. I hold her and reassure her that she is in for the night of her life.

We shower on schedule and do our hair. It is time to get dressed. We each take a turn in front of her mirror and inspect each other carefully. We are ready.

I drive. Angie is far too anxious to control a car. My GPS tells me it'll take us twelve minutes to cover the five miles to our new bondage venue. We pull away from the curb at six forty five.

"You saw my videos. I think we can expect everything to be similar when we arrive. The Voice will give us our instructions. Because this is your first time, you will get the little lecture about being there of your own free will," I tell her.

"What do you think the layout will be?" Angie asks.

"I don't know, but they probably looked for a place like Mrs. Wilson's where there were separate rooms. My guess is that they prepared a room for each of us which means they'll separate us soon after we arrive. We won't see each other again until it's all over and they have departed. They will release our restraints before they go, or at least enough of them so we can finish the job. And remember, my first session was just slightly more than an hour and the second slightly less."

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