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On Ariel's Island

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A kiss, a dream, and a whole new world.
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For the last few years my family has spent a week each summer in a rented house on an island on a lake in Maine. My dad loved doing nothing but fish for a week and my mom loved hiking in the woods. And last year, even my sister Ricki, who had turned eighteen in the spring, said she liked being on the island.

That's why I was surprised when my mom announced over dinner on the last night of our vacation last year that she thought we should go somewhere else the next year.

"Why?" asked my dad. "It's got everything we want in a vacation. Peace. Solitude. Fish."

"Yeah mom, why?" asked Ricki. "Didn't you have a good time this year."

Mom didn't answer. "How about you Dan," she asked me. "Don't you want to go somewhere else next year?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "The island's fine."

"But you'll be eighteen next year," mom said. "I thought you might want to go somewhere more exciting."

Ricki laughed. "Yeah, Danny. Somewhere you can get an internet connection so you can watch porn."

I blushed.

"Stop teasing your brother," mom said. "Maybe you'd like to go to the beach instead."

"The island is ok," I said.

"That's settled then," dad said. "Let's come back to the island next year."

Later that same evening I overheard mom and Ricki talking in the kitchen.

"But he'll be eighteen next summer," mom said. "You know what that means."

"Maybe it'll be different for a boy," Ricki said. "After all, dad has been coming here for years."

"Hah!" mom said. "I think our Danny's imagination stretches beyond fish."

Their conversation stopped as I walked into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" I asked Ricki when mom left.

"Mom's concerned that you'll be eaten by a bear when you go off masturbating in the woods."

"But there aren't any bears on the island, are there?" I realized my error at once. "And I don't do that anyway."


So very early one Saturday morning the following July, a month after I had turned eighteen, we packed up the car and drove to Maine. We arrived late in the afternoon.

"There aren't any bears on the island, are there?" I asked the owner of the house when he met us at the dock ready to ferry us across to the island.

"Not sure," he said. "It's not much of a swim across the lake, so some might make it there."

It rained much of Sunday. Dad went fishing nonetheless. I hung out in the house bored. Ricki was on the couch contentedly reading.

"You read too much," I said. "It's not good for your eyes."

She laughed. "As if your favorite pastime is good for your eyesight."

"You should spend more time outdoors," I said.

"Too many bears," she said.

"Leave her alone," mom said. "It's ok that she stays in the house."

I noticed a glance between them.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"A play."

"Who by?"

"Some guy you've never heard of."


"William Shakespeare."

"Duh," I said, "Of course I've heard of him. But didn't he write like a thousand years ago?"

"Maybe," she said, "but this play is pretty kinky."

"What's it about?"

"A girl who gets shipwrecked on an island."

"Doesn't sound particularly kinky."

"And what do you know about kink, young man?" she asked.

"So what happens to her?"

"After the kink, she gets eaten by bears. A warning to us all, no?"


Late that night I heard mom coming back into the house long after I thought she had gone to bed.

I went downstairs to see her.

"All good?" I asked.

She seemed flustered to see me. "Yes," she said. "All good. You should go back to bed."

"Ok," I said. "I was just a bit surprised you were out so late."

"I was looking at the stars," she said.

I went back to bed and thought nothing more of it until next morning when I remembered seeing her take off her wet raincoat as she came back in the house. No stars, I thought.


On Monday morning I went for a walk on the trail that heads over the hill to the other side of the island. About a mile from the house, turning a corner on the trail, I saw a girl sitting cross-legged on a rock.

"Hi Danny," she said when I got close. "I'm Ariel."

I looked at her with surprise. She was about my age, very pretty, with shoulder-length blond hair. She had on a thin cotton t-shirt, cropped just under her little boobs, and a skimpy pair of shorts.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her.

She smiled at me. "I know everything about the island."

"You're staying here on the island?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I live here."

"Where? I thought the only house is the one we're renting."

"I live in the woods."

"In the woods? Where in the woods?"

"Too many questions for today, Danny. Maybe I'll tell you more if we meet again."

She got up from the rock, took a step towards me and kissed me lightly on the cheek, then walked towards the woods.

"Where can I find you?" I called out after her.

She half-turned to look at me. "I'll find you. If I want to."

When I got back to the house, mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Ricki was sitting at the kitchen table reading. Dad was across from her unraveling a fishing line.

"I had the strangest thing happen to me," I said.

"Bears?" Ricki asked.

"Not bears," I said.

"What then?"

"I met someone on the island. A girl. Her name is Ariel."

Mom and Ricki looked at me with expressions of unease. "What happened?" mom asked.

"She was sitting on a rock beside the trail. She knew my name. She said she lived in the woods."

"Maybe her family is camping somewhere on the island," Ricki suggested.

"But how did she know my name?"

"She probably spoke to the guy who owns this house. He knows our names."

"Perhaps," I said. "But it seemed pretty weird."

"What else happened?" mom asked.

"Nothing," I said. I wasn't going to tell them about Ariel's kiss.


"No, nothing at all."

Mom smiled at me. "So not so weird then."


That night, after everyone had gone to bed, I heard Ricki's door open and close, then the door to the house open and close. I looked out of the window and saw her walking up the trail that heads to the woods. I put on clothes and shoes and left the house to follow her. It was dark and she didn't have a flashlight but she seemed confident in her directions. I followed her, staying a hundred yards or so back, but I lost sight of her about a mile from the house. I stopped and waited by the trail.

About an hour later I saw her walking towards me down the trail. As she got closer I saw she was naked and carrying her clothes in her hand. She looked as though she was sleepwalking and didn't seem to notice me waiting for her. I didn't speak through fear of waking her. I walked alongside her back to the house. As we got close to the house she seemed to wake up and she looked at me and smiled.

"You waited for me?" she asked. "You are so sweet." She kissed me on the cheek and her little boobs brushed against my chest. I opened the door for her and followed her up the stairs, trying but failing to avert my eyes from her cute ass.


The next morning I was eating breakfast at the kitchen table when Ricki came down from her bedroom. Mom and dad had finished breakfast and were sitting on the veranda drinking coffee. "Good morning, Danny dearest," Ricki said. She kissed me on the cheek then went to the fridge to pour herself some juice.

She never greeted me like that. "Why the kiss?" I asked.

"You didn't like it?" She made a sad face.

"I didn't say that. It's just that you don't usually kiss me."

"Well, I'm going to kiss you a lot from now onwards."


"Because you're incredibly sweet and incredibly cute."

I looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that Danny, sweetie," she said. "From now on we're going to be the best brother and sister ever. Wouldn't you like that?"

"Yes," I said. "But why now?"

"Because you waited for me last night. That showed me how much you care for me."

"Of course I care for you."

"And because you didn't ask me where I had been or what I had been doing. And also because you tried hard not to look at my body. That was so sweet."

I felt myself begin to blush.

She laughed. "I know," she said, "you failed, but the intention was sweet. Did you like what you saw?"

"You're beautiful," I said quietly.

"You like my little boobs?"

I blushed even more deeply. I couldn't meet her eyes. "Yes," I said.

"And my ass? You like it?"

"It's amazing," I stammered.

"Good," she said. "I'm glad you like my body." She took her juice and went to join mom and dad on the veranda. As she passed by where I was sitting she kissed my cheek again, this time a longer lingering kiss.

"Are you sure that Ariel didn't give you just a little kiss?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "On the cheek."

"Good," she said. "I'm so happy for you."

She went to join mom and dad, leaving me confused and horny.

Later that day I walked for hours on the island's trails hoping to see Ariel, but without success.

That night I heard the front door open and close. I looked out of the window and saw mom walking towards the woods. I walked downstairs meaning to follow her as I had followed Ricki the night before, but Ricki was standing by the door.

"Not tonight, Danny," she said. "She'll be ok."


The following afternoon I walked the same trails I had walked the previous day. After a mile or so a trail I thought I knew well entered a small clearing in the woods that I had never seen before and I realized I was lost. There were small domed outcrops of rock in the center of the clearing, surrounded by grass and wildflowers. I sat down on the grass and leaned back against one of the rocks. The sun was warm and the smell of the wildflowers sweet and I soon felt drowsy.

In my half-asleep half-awake state I imagined I saw a large shape emerging from the woods and walking slowly towards me. As it got closer the shape gradually took on the form of a man, very large and muscular, naked and with a large erect cock. In my drowsiness this seemed entirely natural. He stood over me and reached down his hand to help me up. I stood next to him, feeling the soft breeze against my body. I realized that I too was naked. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me effortlessly onto the rock facing him. Then he parted my legs and stood between them. I realized that he was going to enter me. I felt his big cock press into me, and then with slow long thrusts he fucked me. As he fucked me I ran my hands down over my body, feeling small round breasts and hard nipples. I reached down to my cock and stroked myself as he fucked me. His thrusts got deeper and faster and he came inside me as my own cum spurted over my abdomen.

"Wow! That looked like fun!" a voice behind me said.

I jumped up and turned around. Ariel was sitting on the rock just above me. I grabbed my clothes and held them over my cock.

Ariel laughed. "Far too late for modesty Danny," she said.

"What did you see?"

"I saw you having a nice time."

"What about the guy?" I asked.

"There was no guy. You just imagined one."

I ran my hand over my chest.

She laughed again. "And no boobs either. You imagined those too."

I sat back down on the grass trying to make sense of what had happened. Ariel got down from the rock and sat beside me.

"So it was a just a dream?" I asked.

"No," she said. She took my hand and put it to her lips. "That's certainly real cum."

"So just a wet dream then?"

"Nothing is just a wet dream Danny."

I sat there trying to take stock of what had happened. I had masturbated and had a crashing orgasm while imagining myself with little boobs being fucked like a girl by a stranger with a big cock.

"Who are you?" I asked. "What's happening on this island?"

"Whatever you want to happen. It's a place where you can act out your deepest, kinkiest, desires."

"But the guy who just fucked me wasn't real, was he? I just imagined it."

"I can make him real if you want him to be."

"You can? What are you?"

She laughed her sweet laugh. "A facilitator of human desires. I guess that's what I'd put on my resume."

"This is all too weird."

"But deliciously so, no?"

"I'm not sure."

She pointed to an opening in the clearing. "That's the path home," she said. She kissed me on the cheek and walked into the woods. I got dressed and walked home.


That night, after mom and dad had gone to bed, Ricki told me to come upstairs with her. She led me into her bedroom and closed the door behind us. She lay on the bed. "Lie next to me for a while," she said. I lay down next to her. She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to her.

"Where did mom go last night?" I asked her.

"The same place I went the night before. The same place you went to earlier today."

"You know I was with Ariel today?"

She laughed. "The look on your face when you got back gave you away."

"What look?"

"Part excitement, part confusion. You looked like you'd been caught doing something really kinky and weren't sure whether you should be ashamed or excited at having been caught."

"That about captures it," I said.

"Was it fun?"

"It was incredible."

"But disturbing?"


"Yes," she said, "that's exactly how it is for me."


The next day I again hiked the trails hoping to see Ariel or find the clearing but found neither.

That night, after everyone had gone to bed, there was a soft tap on my door. Ricki was outside dressed in a polo shirt and shorts. "Get dressed and come with me," she said.

"Where to?" I asked.

"You know where."

We walked up the trail together. She took my hand in hers.

After a few minutes she led me off the main trail to a small path heading into the woods. I had taken this path the day before when searching for the clearing and it had led nowhere. But tonight, after a few hundred yards, the clearing opened in front of us.

Ariel was sitting on a rock in the middle of the clearing. She got up as we approached and kissed Ricki softly on the lips. Ricki returned her kiss. Then Ariel took my hand and led me back to the edge of the clearing. "Stay here," she said. "Watch, but don't intervene. Ricki will be alright." She left me and walked back to Ricki.

When she got to Ricki, she lifted the polo shirt off over Ricki's head and her mouth went to Ricki's boobs. I heard Ricki soft moans. Then she lowered Ricki's shorts and let them fall to her feet, then laid her back on the smooth rock. Arieal stood in front of her, her back towards me. I watched her take off her t-shirt, my eyes taking in her slim back and waist. Then she lowered her shorts, revealing her little round ass. Ricki spread her legs, inviting Ariel to bury her face in her pussy I thought. But then Ariel turned towards me slightly, and where I thought I would see her pussy I saw instead a cock, a very big and very hard cock. I let out a gasp. Ricki moaned loudly as Ariel stood between her legs and pushed her cock slowly into her pussy.

Her moans became a long wail as Ariel fucked her, rising and falling as, I imagined, orgasms swept over her and subsided, then built again. Then, after long minutes of fucking her, Ariel stepped back and knelt in front of her and put her mouth to her pussy. Ricki's moans softened as Ariel caressed her with her tongue and I imagined her recovering from the intensity of Ariel's fucking.

But just as Ricki's excitement seemed to diminish, two large shapes emerged from the woods on the far side of the clearing. I knew what they were. They walked slowly and heavily towards Ricki, and as they got out of the darkness of the woods into the clearing they took on the form of men, very large men, both naked and both with large erect cocks. Ariel stood up and stepped away from Ricki. One of the men lifted Ricki up from the rock and held her against him so that her legs straddled his waist, then slowly lowered her onto his hard cock. She looked tiny against his huge chest. The other man stood behind her and placed his big hands on her little boobs. I thought he was just going to caress her as the other guy fucked her, but in the dim light I could see that he too was entering her. She gave out a loud scream as his cock pushed into her ass, and then a wild continuous cry as they both started fucking her, moving in tandem as they both thrust into her, then withdrew, and pushed into her again.

I lost all sense of time as I watched them fuck her, their movements regular and coordinated. Fifteen minutes perhaps? Thirty even? I didn't know. Then one and then the other uttered a very long, deep, animal-like groan. I supposed they had cum inside her. When their groans died away they placed her gently on the rock, then walked slowly back to the woods. In the moonlight their cocks glistened with their cum.

Ariel sat beside her on the rock and held her hand. After a few minutes she helped her stand up and led her to where I was waiting. Both were still naked. Ariel smiled at me as I looked at her little boobs and her large cock, still fully erect. She kissed Ricki on the cheek and put Ricki's hand in mine.

Ricki and I walked down the narrow path to the main trail. She seemed again to be sleepwalking, but as before, when we got close to the house, she noticed me walking with her.

She smiled at me. "Shocked?" she asked.

I smiled back. "Yes," I said.

"I shock myself," she said. "I lose control when Ariel undresses me and fucks me. And then I need more and more. Did you see how big those men were?"

"So big," I said.

"When they fuck me it's like one long orgasm rushing through my body. At some point the pleasure becomes so intense my body can't take it anymore. Did I moan very loudly?

"Enough to scare off any bears."

I opened the door to the house and followed her up the stairs.

"Come in," she said when we reached her room.

I closed the door behind us and she stood facing me. "Do you see how hard my nipples still are, sweetie?" she said. She took my hands and placed them on her boobs. "Squeeze them gently," she said.

She moaned, very softly now. "Did it turn you on watching me?" she asked.

"Yes, very much," I said.

"Good," she said. "I want you to enjoy watching me get fucked."


Ricki was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with mom and dad when I came down the following morning.

"Good morning, Danny dearest," she said to me and kissed me on the cheek when I sat down next to her.

Dad laughed. "You never call him that," he said. "You never kiss him. What are you scheming?"

"Nothing," she said, a pout on her face. "Being on the island with him makes me realize how much I love my little brother."

Dad looked doubtful.

"And hasn't he become even cuter now he's turned eighteen?" Ricki asked.

"He's always been very pretty," mom said.

"Handsome, don't you mean?" I said.

"No, pretty, is right," Ricki said. "You could be the pretty little sister I've always wanted."

Later that morning she was sitting alone in the kitchen reading.

"Ricki, sweetie," I said, "by any chance did Ariel tell you about my fantasy when I was with her in the clearing?"

"She might have said something," she replied, smiling.

"Something about me imagining being found naked by a horny guy?"

"I think I remember something along those lines, yes."

"And imagining him fucking me."


"And imagining I had little boobs as he fucked me?"

"Yes. So, so kinky!"

"And by any chance is that why you made that comment about me becoming your little sister? Because you know that I made myself cum imagining being a girl and getting fucked by a horny guy?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess there was a connection."


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