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One Neighbor Ch. 14

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I feel sorry for Ralph and finally convince my wife to help.
3.9k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/12/2019
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When the girls got home from shopping, I caught Sherri before she drove off and had her come in to watch the video of Ted and his conquest of Gwen with us.

I had not yet seen it myself, so we all watched it intently. The girls giggled from time to time and I had to chuckle myself several times. Ted was his usual self and he winked a few times at the camera that Gwen had supposedly hidden, that got a laugh out of all of us.

When the video ended, we sat and talked about it. It was not the usual high quality of my videos. I have cameras all over plus I generally use a hand held for close ups. Also, I take the time to splice the best angles from the different cameras together which give my videos more depth.

Gwen had borrowed a single camera from me and the entire event was shot from one angle.

They complained when they couldn't see the look on Ralph's face when Ted was fanning Gwen's dress and Ralph first spotted that Ted had his huge cock buried in his wife's cunt. They could see Ted's cock in her wet cunt as he fanned her dress, but were disappointed they could not see the look on Ralph's face since the camera was behind him. They did see him lurch, so they knew when he spotted it though.

They were both surprised that Ralph actually held Ted's cock and directed it into Gwen's asshole. They laughed as Ralph clumsily fumbled to unzip his pants and pull his cock or pecker as Gwen calls it, out as he was kneeling and watching Ted's cock penetrate his wife's ass.

They were shocked two ways when Gwen did not swallow her husband's cum, but did swallow Ted's. And they both agreed that Gwen looked better naked than she did in the style of clothes she chose to wear.

As the video was nearing the end, and they gazed at Gwen's thin naked body laying on the couch, her small but firm tits heaving and coated in Ralph's cum, Sherri commented, "I'd go down on her," and she giggled.

Laughing, my wife agreed that she would too as her rock hard nipples clearly illustrated her excitement.

I commented casually that I could not help but feel a little sorry for old Ralph.

I went on to explain that his daughter was getting all she wanted, and his wife certainly was now that Ted had entered the picture, and she was getting fucked by both of us.

"Oh no," Debbie moaned. "I know where this is going," she said shaking her head. "You're going to want me to do the sleeping pill thing again, right?" she groaned.

Well no," I said. "Although those deals are kind of fun to do," I chuckled as I elbowed my wife.

We had to explain the sleeping pill thing to Sherri who got a big kick out of what we had done.

"I was kind of thinking about how much you hate to lose bets," I laughed.

"What?" Debbie looked puzzled. "I don't hate to lose bets. I don't think we ever make bets that I can recall," she said looking even more puzzled.

"Ya, but if we did and if you simply refused to lose NO MATTER WHAT," I emphasized. "Then I could have you do something you know simple, like show Ralph your tits, or to win a bet you would have to wear something revealing in front of Ralph," I laughed.

"Oh here we go again," Debbie moaned as she turned bright red. "I swear he always gets me into these things and they always seem to get out of control," she whined.

Sherri thought my idea was brilliant as she laughed at my wife blushing.

"Oh sure, you would," Debbie responded to Sherri. "You're not the one being conned into these crazy schemes my husband comes up with," she said as she playfully swatted at her.

"You could lay the law down to Ralph that you're only doing it to keep from losing the bet, and all I would want to do is have you flash your tits or something simple like that," I laughed, knowing full well that would only be the beginning.

"Well what are we betting on?" Debbie asked.

"That's not important, it could be anything. I would have to do the dishes for a week or do the laundry or whatever, the key would be that you simply REFUSE to lose any bet at any cost," I chuckled.

"I mean he has already seen your tits and he has even sucked your nipples, but you were always out cold from the sleeping pill. It's different when you actually show him yourself," I added. "I mean you're in control instead of being out like a light where he could do anything to you," I chuckled.

"Besides, it would give him something to fantasize about for years. You know how he always ogles you in our back yard," I laughed.

"Oh believe me, I know," she said rolling her eyes.

"Of course I guess we could do the sleeping pill thing again," I added nonchalantly. "I just thought you would like to be able to control things a little more. You could if you were just winning a bet," I chuckled.

I could see the wheels turning as my wife pondered this scheme of mine.

"Oh go on Debbie, show the old boy those incredible tits of yours," Sherri said as she giggled.

"You're no help," Debbie swatted at Sherri. "You're just as perverted as my husband," she laughed.

"It's just that nothing about Ralph appeals to me. He looks and acts old, he has a pot belly and he is practically bald," she whined.

"Sounds a lot like Ted to me," Sherri giggled.

"Ya but Ted has a huge co..." she stopped herself. "Penis," she said almost slipping and calling it a cock. For some reason, my wife still preferred clinical names, except for very rare occasions when she slipped, usually as she was having an orgasm or highly excited.

"Well, there is that," Sherri laughed.

"It's simple babe," I said. "You look Ralph in the eye and tell him in no uncertain terms that this is strictly about winning a bet and you will absolutely not tolerate him ever assuming anything different from it!" You know something like that.

"Sounds good to me," Sherri chimed in nodding her head and chuckling.

Debbie looked at both of us and rolled her eyes in disgust. "You know how easily I get embarrassed," she whined.

"That's what makes it so hot," Sherri blurted.

Nodding I said, "I agree. You are hot when you're embarrassed," I chuckled.

"You both are impossible," Debbie said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Her nipples were practically bursting through her blouse. Those always gave her away; she was clearly excited about my proposal. I knew she liked to tease. I also knew she was too shy to ever instigate anything like this on her own.

"Just my tits," she said weakly.

"Oh sure babe," I laughed. "I just think Ralph needs a little pick me up and your tits will clearly provide that," I chuckled.

Sherri nodded excitedly, "They sure do it for me," she giggled.

Debbie was beet red as she finally agreed to it, shaking her head and sighing deeply as she reluctantly did.

Two days later an opportunity popped up. Debbie was out back sunning herself in one of her hot bikinis. This one tied at the back of her neck and in the middle of her back on the upper part and at her hips on the lower part. It was perfect for what I had in mind. She had no idea when this thing with Ralph was to take place and may have even forgotten about it, but I doubted she had.

I called Ralph and asked him to step over. He was always prompt whenever it afforded him a chance to catch a glimpse of my wife. I opened the door as he approached the house and I quickly filled him in on my plan.

He listened intently as I explained that she and I had always engaged in making bets with each other. I explained that no matter what I had tried, she had always ended up winning the bet. She just refused to lose, it was that simple. I told him to play along and follow my lead and hopefully I could get her to finally at long last, lose a bet.

He was smiling and chuckling as I told him about our running contest up until I told him to take off his shorts and underwear. His jaw dropped open and he turned as red as Debbie as he began to stammer and stutter.

"Ah w-w-well ah how does this f-f-figure into ah this?" he stammered nervously.

"Look just slip out of your shorts and underwear then sit down at our dining table. She won't be able to see you're naked and that is how I plan on getting her to lose the bet," I chuckled.

"Ya but ah ya but ahhh... Gee, I don't know," he was at a loss for words.

"Look," I said. "If I lose the bet, you'll get your cock sucked by her," I laughed.

He turned even redder, his mouth dropped open as he savored that thought.

"And ah, well if you ah win?" he looked at me questioningly.

"Well my wife will actually get to see your cock. Unlike when she was sound asleep and you just stuck it in her mouth," I laughed.

Ralph gave a nervous half hearted chuckle as he began nervously bobbing from foot to foot.

"Look," I said, "just trust me and follow my lead. Believe me this is a win win deal for you," I laughed.

"Well ah," he continued bobbing from foot to foot as his shaking hands began unbuckling his belt. "She won't get mad at me will she?" he asked nervously as he unzipped his Bermuda shorts.

I figure they must have had a big sale on Bermuda shorts at some time since Ralph seemed to always wear them and up until Debbie got together with Pamela, those were all she ever wore.

"If she gets mad, it will be at me, not you. Don't worry buddy, I got your back," I chuckled.

"Shit shit shit shit," Ralph mumbled nervously to himself as he slid both the Bermuda shorts and his underwear down and stepped out of them. He hurried to the chair I pointed to and sit down keeping his hands over his limp cock.

I had already activated my cameras before he arrived and I knew the girls would get a chuckle watching him shakily taking off his hideous shorts and scampering to the chair clutching his pecker.

There was a cloth on the table top which completely covered Ralph's naked lower part. Everything was ready and Ralph was a darker shade of red than I thought possible. He sat shaking like a leaf as I went to call Debbie in.

I had not told her when I would do this thing with Ralph so I know she was surprised when she stepped in and saw him sitting at our table. His beet red color had to have given her a clue that I was about to embark on our little plan.

The moment she saw him she flushed almost as red as he already was. "Oh ah, Hi Ralph," she mumbled, immediately nervous.

Ralph nervously nodded to her, "Hi Debbie," he managed to squeak out.

Seeing Ralph, Debbie immediately crossed her arms covering her nipples that had popped out even more than they were.

Neither of them said anything, other than hi, so I began.

"So I have been telling Ralph here how you and I make these bets and so far, you have not lost yet," I chuckled. "Isn't that right?" I said, as I nudged her.

"Oh ah, yes. Ah I have never lost," she said nervously. It sounded almost rehearsed.

"It's as if you refuse to lose, right?" I chuckled as I again nudged her.

"That's r-r-right, I refuse to lose," she managed a weak nervous chuckle.

"Move closer here babe," I said as I nudged her toward the seated Ralph.

The closer I pushed her toward him, the wider his eyes got. He sat there slack jawed staring at my tiny wife in her skimpy bikini.

"Gary, I am close enough he can see me," she moaned as I pushed her to stand just beside Ralph.

"I just wanted him to get a good look at your bikini. You know he ogles you in the back yard when you're out sunning yourself," I laughed.

"Oh Gary, I am sure he is not ogling me," she mumbled as she fidgeted.

Ralph sat with his mouth hanging open unable to say anything in his defense. He was still beet red.

"Now put your arms down babe, you're covering a couple of your best points," I laughed as I pushed at her arms to get her to lower them so Ralph could see her nipples pressing against the fabric of her bikini.

"Gary! Gary, he has seen me, GARY!" she struggled to keep her arms crossed over her tits.

"Not up close like this," I said as I pushed on her arms. "Unless you're forfeiting on the bet?" I added.

Finally, exasperated with my insistence, she flung her arms down to her sides. He hands were balled into fists. This jerking movement caused her firm tits to jiggle and wobble deliciously under the fabric of her bikini top. Her nipples were savagely poking the material out. She shuddered as she stood there with Ralph's eyes staring directly at her rock hard nipples.

I reached and quickly untied her bikini from behind her neck.

"GARY!" she blurted as her hands reached and grabbed her top before it fell away from her tits.

"Oh does this mean you give up?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Do I win and you lose?" I asked confidently. "Do you give up?" I added.

I nudged her on her cute butt and she blurted, "I refuse to l-l-lose," and she reluctantly dropped her hands back to her side. The top fell away and there they were. Her delicious tits with her areola engorged and her rock hard nipples jutting nearly a full inch out.

Ralph's mouth dropped farther open as he feasted on the close up view of Debbie's perfect tits.

As she stood there trembling, I quickly reached down and pulled on the bows at either side of her bikini bottom. Before she could react, I jerked it from between her legs, leaving her naked cunt on display for the wide eyed Ralph.

"GARY NO!" she screeched.

"Oh come on babe," I laughed. Ralph has seen your cunt before.

This comment startled both her and Ralph. Neither of them knew what to say.

"When you take your sleeping pills, Ralph comes over and molests you," I laughed. Hell he has even had is cock in your cunt, and in your asshole," I added.

"I have it on video," I laughed. "He even put his cock in your mouth and he shot his cum in there," I chuckled. "And guess what babe? You swallowed it," I laughed.

Ralph was totally speechless. Debbie was the same. Neither of them knew what to say. Both of them were the same shade of red.

Debbie stood there with her hands balled into fists at her side and she was kind of wobbling like maybe she might pass out from the shock of all I was saying.

"Go ahead Ralph, slide a finger or two in her cunt, its right there," I said as I held her by her shoulders close to him. "You want to suck on a nipple, help yourself," I chuckled.

"Unless you want to give up babe and forfeit," I laughed.

She didn't utter a peep. "Ralph," I repeated more forcefully, "Reach down there and finger fuck her buddy," I laughed.

Finally as if he realized what was happening, he shakily moved his hand down and tried to insert a finger in my wife's exposed cunt.

"Spread your legs babe so Ralph can finger fuck you," I said. "Unless you want to give up," I added with a chuckle.

Almost unconsciously she parted her legs. Ralph quickly thrust at least two of his fingers into her cunt. Her knees buckled when he shoved his fingers in and I had to grasp her under her arms to hold her up.

The squishy smacking sounds told me Debbie was already very wet down there as Ralph pumped his fingers in and out.

"Suck her nipples Ralph," I said.

He eagerly leaned over and began sucking on my wife's hard nipples.

Finally she found her voice, as she moaned, "Ok, ok, ok that's enough, ok ohhhh," she was trembling as Ralph had increased his pace. He was sucking hard on her nipple and alternating between tits as his fingers became a blur as he finger fucked her.

"Come on now, I win. That's enough, I win," she moaned. "I win, I... Aaiiiiyeeeeeeeeeee," she moaned as she had an orgasm flooding Ralph's fingers and hand. "Ohhhhhh aaaiiiiiyeeeeeeeee!" she vibrated.

I was literally holding her up with Ralph's mouth attached to one of her nipples and his fingers pumping in and out of her sopping wet cunt. Her knees were buckling and her body was bucking and quaking in orgasm.

Finally Ralph pulled his soaking wet fingers out of her cunt and I more or less lowered her to the floor. Ralph continued sucking as she was lowered and this made a loud popping noise as her nipple was pulled from his mouth.

Ralph sat back in his chair and drew a deep breath, his fingers dripping with my wife's pussy juices.

I walked into the living room and grabbed a pillow, my spare camera and returned. I pulled Ralph's chair from under the table and tossed the pillow at his feet.

Debbie was sort of in a kneeling position as she gasped for air. She looked over at Ralph's hard cock and realized for the first time he was naked from the waist down. Ralph's cock glistened from pre cum that had poured from it as he was finger fucking her.

She looked at me. I was glad her eyes were not laser guns, if they had been, the look she gave me would have sliced me in half. "Oh Gary no, no, no," she whined.

"Oh does this mean you give up?" I chuckled.

She glared at me. If looks could kill, I would have been killed instantly.

She looked at Ralph's wet cock with pre cum oozing from the tip. "DO NOT THINK this will EVER happen again Ralph!" she said with a noticeable rage in her voice.

She slowly pulled herself over and slapped at Ralph to spread his legs, which he promptly did with his eyes about to pop out of his head.

"I DON'T lose bets," she said harshly as she gripped Ralph's wet cock and pumped it a few times before sucking it into her mouth. She promptly sucked his cock all the way to where her face was pressed against his balls. Then she began bobbing her head rapidly as she sucked his cock.

Pulling his cock from her mouth she said, "Stand up Ralph," in a commanding voice.

Ralph promptly did as he was told and stood in front of her. She gripped his cock and pumped it a few more times then moved her head forward sucking him into her mouth. With the length of Ralph's hard cock, I am guess she got at least the head of it into her throat.

She cupped his balls with one hand and ran her other hand under his balls.

I knew what she was about to do and already had my camera capturing close ups of her sucking his cock. I moved around and captured her shove two of her fingers deep into his asshole as she deep throated his cock.

Ralph steadied himself by gripping her bobbing head.

As I anticipated, this did not last long.

"OHHHHHHHH I am CUMMING!" Ralph howled as he filled my wife's mouth with his thick cum. "OOOHHHHHHH, arghhhhhhhhhhh," Ralph moaned. His ass clenched tightly on my wife's fingers as his cum pulsed into her mouth.

Debbie was swallowing greedily as he pumped jet after jet of cum into her mouth. Her fingers were pistoning in and out of his asshole at the same time.

Then she sucked him deep into her mouth and froze there until she felt his cock soften. Finally she pulled her mouth off his cock with an audible pop, and pulled her fingers out of his butt.

Ralph promptly fell back to his chair.

She stood and sat in a chair next to his at the table.

Ralph was sprawled back in his chair with his wet limp cock dangling between his legs. His eyes appeared to be almost glazed over as he seemed to be staring at the ceiling.

Finally he seemed to regain a level of consciousness and mumbled, "Wow, that was incredible," as his head bobbed from side to side.

"Put your pants on Ralph," my wife commanded as she stared at his limp cock. "Ralph, put your pants on!" she repeated sternly.

Ralph managed to pull himself up and stumble around to pull his boxer underwear on then his signature Bermuda shorts and he buckled his belt. Debbie to my amazement sat there with her tits out and her legs spread wide watching him dress.

"NOT ONE WORD of this to ANYONE!" Debbie said to Ralph.

"Oh heavens no, I wouldn't ever say anything, I promise," he blurted.

"Especially Gwen!" my wife added.

"Good grief no, I would never tell her," Ralph stammered nervously.

"And do NOT expect this to become a regular thing either! This is a onetime deal, I never lose a bet!" she said in a commanding voice.


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