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One Night in Helsinki

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A visitor to Finland finds unexpected ecstasy in a sauna.
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My wife and I recently took a city break to Helsinki. Not the most obvious destination, but direct flights go from our local airport in Edinburgh, and we thought it would be interesting to see somewhere 'different'.

We had a pleasant first day wandering around the city centre, taking in the sights, and arranging a ferry trip a couple of days later to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. One of my intentions on visiting Helsinki was to try a sauna. I use the one at my local health club quite regularly, but Finland is the world's sauna capital and I was keen to try the real thing. My wife is not a fan so after dinner, at 9.30, I left her to have an early night and walked to one I'd noticed earlier in the day, in a short alleyway near our hotel. It was open until 1am, giving me plenty of time.

I quickly stripped off my clothing in the changing room and headed for a sauna cabin. At my local we're required to wear bathing costumes, but here I was naked apart from the towel around my waist and my gold wedding ring.

Man it was hot in there! Compared to the saunas I was used to this one was eye-watering, momentarily taking my breath away. With the first breath my lungs burned with the dry heat and the acrid aroma of a day's worth of human bodies. The slatted wooden bench would have scorched my skin so I sat on my towel, using it also as a backrest, my skin prickling.

Wiping the sweat from my eyes I noticed there were a young couple also sitting in the cabinet: a tanned buy of perhaps 23 with shaggy white-blond hair hanging to the nape of his neck, a scraggy moustache and goatee, and a toned, six-pack upper body; and a girl I guessed was about 19 with mousy shoulder length hair, equally tanned but slightly built, with almost a flat chest, slim boyish hips and long skinny legs. I couldn't help noticing both appeared to have shaved their entire bodies of hair. The girl noticed me glance in their direction, closed her slightly open knees and casually slipped a hand over her pussy. I had no interest in looking at a skinny girl around the same age as my younger daughter and I quickly turned away, carefully resting my back on the bench above and behind me closing my eyes.

After a couple of minutes or so I heard my companions whispering and sniggering. I guessed they were talking about me, but I wasn't in the least bit bothered. A few moments later I heard the cabin door click open and closed and I supposed the kids had left me to it. A few more minutes passed, with me entering a kind of stupor, then I jumped and gasped as I felt a strong, hot hand alight on my shoulder. My eyes snapping open I saw the young man sitting next to me on the bench - right next to me, his outer thigh resting gently against mine, his eyes gazing intently into mine.

I had never in my life felt any sexual interest in men, and in any other situation I'm sure I would have removed his hand from my shoulder and told him very firmly to piss off, or worse. Even now I can't really explain it, perhaps it was the cloying heat and the semi-darkness addling my brain, helped by the litre of beer I'd drunk at dinner, perhaps he stirred some deep subconscious curiosity in me, perhaps it was simply the thrill of unexpected opportunity, but for whatever reason I just staring back into his oh-so-clear pale blue eyes, my mouth utterly dry, my breath coming in short gasps, his hand still on my shoulder.

Probably encouraged by my lack of resistance, the young man shuffled even closer to me, slipping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me towards him. I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me but instead he slipped a finger of his other hand into my open mouth and stroked my tongue. Then, without ever losing contact, he slipped the finger down my chin, my throat, through the sweat-soaked hair on my chest and into the well of perspiration my navel had become, where he wiggled in around, making me shudder and gasp. Then the finger continued its course downwards, across my slight pot belly, through my dense brown pubic hair and around one side of my now semi-erect cock.

His eyes still locking mine, I shuddered again as his long, slim fingers cupped my scrotum. His face was now so close to mine that I could feel his warm breath on my mouth, yet still he didn't kiss me. With his thumb he lifted my scrotum, and with his fingers he stroked my balls, nails gently raking them. He dipped his head and took one of my surprisingly stiff nipples into his mouth, softy chewing on it. Then his lips trailed down my body, taking the same route as his finger, his tongue tasting my salty navel. He squatted between my legs, pushed my thighs wide apart, and I gazed down in amazed disbelief as this beautiful man half my age, who I had never so much as spoken to, never even set eyes on until 15 minutes previously, slipped his lips over the head of my now painfully erect cock.

My wife Sally had done this for me several times but, my god, she was an amateur compared to this kid! His tongue circled down and back up my cock as he sucked at me, his hand still clasping my balls, squeezing them in rhythm with the movements of his teasing tongue, as if he was trying to milk me. He slipped his lips back to the sensitive tip of my dick and sucked hard on it, flicking his tongue rapidly up and down against it as I slumped back against the bench behind me, arms outstretched along it, insensitive to the burning heat against my skin. My young mystery lover then started to mouth-fuck me, shifting his mouth back and forth around me. Within seconds I felt my release building; I tried to push his face off me but he resisted, so instead I wrapped my fingers in his soaking hair, pulling him hard onto me as my hips involuntarily spasmed, stabbing me into his mouth, and my jizz exploded into his mouth.

I slumped back again in a semi-daze, feeling totally drained, my chest heaving, my lungs on fire. As I opened my eyes again I saw through the stinging sweat that at some point the girl had re-entered the cabin, and was sitting legs splayed, frigging herself at the sight of her boyfriend sucking off a middle-aged, married foreign stranger. Feeling utterly spent, and utterly shameless, I reached out a hand and wrapped it around the young man's stiffening cock, the first I had ever touched other than my own.

I started to wank him but he had other ideas. Gripping my shoulders he gently but firmly tried to lay me face-down on the bench. I guessed what was in his head and tried to resist, pushing weakly at his arms and mumbling "No, please, I don't want...", but he was strong and insistent and in my bemused state I had little choice but to comply.

I wasn't surprised when he pushed my knees under me, placing my weight on my forearms and lower legs, and presenting my naked arse to him. His fingers touched my balls once more then he pressed his flat hand deep into my arse crack and ran his fingers up and down a couple of times. The effect on me was like an electric shock and my whole body trembled as I helplessly groaned with pleasure. He inserted a couple of fingers and rimmed them round a few times and I felt his warm thighs pressing against the backs of mine. He gripped my hips then the hot tip of his knob rubbed across my buttocks before, slow and firm, he pressed it into me.

The initial feeling was of a hard painful pressure, but once he was inside me his prick seemed to fit quite comfortably, and I had to admit to myself that I was enjoying the sensation of him filling my hole. He started pumping slowly then rapidly increased both the speed and the power of his thrusts, sinking deep inside me. His girlfriend moved around so that she was sitting directly in front of me to see my face, fingers flying at her pussy as her boyfriend fucked me. He was pounding into me, balls slapping against me, and I gasped at each slamming stroke, feeling guilty pleasure at this young man screwing me. As he came inside me he pulled me hard to him, giving one huge final thrust which drove any remaining breath from me, then he slumped over me and kissed and licked my sweaty back.

I was only vaguely aware of the young couple leaving the sauna, my erstwhile lover, who still had said not a word, giving me a smile and a wink over his shoulder as he went. I think I must have slept for a few minutes; I awoke to hear an elderly husband and wife entering the cabin, giving me a polite smile and exchanging a strange look. I got myself sufficiently together to shower, dress and find my way back to my hotel room and my gently snoring wife. In the cool darkness I told myself I must have had a fit of temporary insanity and I would never enter another sauna in my life.

In fact, I went back to that same sauna on both of my remaining evenings in Helsinki but I never saw the young man again. I still love Sally, and we have a perfectly normal sex life; but it's no longer her face I see in my head when we screw, it's that of a beautiful young Finnish guy. That encounter in the sauna has aroused a curiosity - okay a desire - in me that I want to fulfil. Not a day has gone by since that evening when I haven't fantasised my cock in a warm, willing male mouth, and another man's prick deep inside me, fucking me to ecstasy.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Reminds me of a similar encounter in krakow

hotwillyhotwillyalmost 6 years ago

Same as you use local council sauna where swimming trunks / costume are the rule

Enjoyed a couple of cruises on two of the "Queens"

Saunas there are in men's changing room area so single sex

Most guys wear a towel and drop it to sit on

Never managed full on sex in there but did enjoy giving and receiving bj's and being invited back to a guys suite for a good time.

Enjoyed your story - could really relate to it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Sex in a sauna is fantastic. Often been sucking on a hot and hard cock, only to feel some guy help himself to my anus. Amazing turn on that no permission is asked, he just takes what he wants

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Feels enjoyable

Never had sex in a sauna, but a hard cock on a sweaty ass should slip in easily. Enjoyed reading about this experience.

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