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One Prince Summer Daze

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The lazy, hazy daze of Summer…
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One Prince Summer Daze

The lazy, hazy daze of Summer...

Author's note: Sorry this is getting in so late...Real Life has a way of interfering with important things, like writing. This is a mostly softcore continuation of the stories "One Prince of Serendip," my submission for the 2018 Nude Day contest, and "One Prince Revisited," my submission for the 2018 Summer Lovin' contest. You may want to read those first. Or not. Like "Revisited," this is ending up to be a long one, since it covers several weeks. As before, regardless of inspiration, this story is fiction, and if you think you recognize yourself in it, don't worry about it...no one else should. Again, I'm putting this in Erotic Couplings, although I often have a hard time deciding between that and Romance. If I've picked the wrong category, please don't let it affect your enjoyment. Thanks for reading, and I particularly appreciate voting and constructive comments, regardless of any contest. That's how I know how well I am pleasing you, the reader. Oh, and any character actually having sex is at least eighteen years old. Cheers!


She stepped out of a rainbow, golden hair shining like moonglow,
Warm lips, soft as her soul, sitting here by me, now...She's here by me.

All summer long we were dancing in the sand.
And the jukebox kept on playing "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

Summer Rain - Johnny Rivers (1968)

* * * * *

[Wednesday 7/7]

Hi. It's me again, again. The guy who still thinks he was the luckiest guy on the planet that summer. As I pointed out in Serendip and Revisited, I had the incredible good fortune to not only meet Marsha and Kate over the Memorial Day holiday, but to fall in love with them. And it really was them. Both of them. You could have put a gun to my head and I wouldn't have been able to choose.

Between their family and assorted friends, we were able to get the beach house ready for the invasion of my mother, two youngest siblings and the day after that, my aunt and three cousins. To say it got crowded would be my usual understatement. Nineteenth-century Prussian military commander Helmuth von Moltke wrote in 1880, "no plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force." He was talking about battle, but believe me, it applies just as well to family gatherings, hostile or not.

We had the whole mob out to greet Mom when she got there. Don and his family, me, my brother Matt, his buddy Jim and Sarah, Jim's girlfriend. Teri, Julie and Jeannie - others we'd met prior to this - weren't able to be there. I tried to hide the smile when I saw Mom's look of confusion as she rolled up in the big old Country Squire. Basically, Mom's moving van.

"Um...hello? Mark..." she asked as she came to a stop and rolled down her window. "What's going on?"

"Mom, I've got a whole lot of people to introduce you to," I told her. "They helped me get the house ready for you and Aunt Barbara. We'll take care of all your gear, if you want to come meet them."

"Okay..." she decided. "Just let me park." I got out of her way and she pulled up in front of the garage doors, parking the behemoth. She, Mary and Luke got out and walked around to where the rest of us were standing. I decided a preemptive strike was in order, in the way of introductions.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Don and Natalie Terney and their kids, Steve, Tom, Marsha and Kate," I jumped in. "They bought the Morrison place up the road. They've been really helpful with the house. Mr. and Mrs. Terney? I'd like you to meet my mom, Janice Engle, my sister Mary and my youngest brother, Luke. My dad, Henry, won't be up until Saturday."

Don and Natalie stepped forward, with Don extending his hand, which my Mom took.

"It's nice to meet you," Don told her. "It hasn't been just one way. Mark, Matt and the others have helped us with chores around our new place as well and we really appreciate their hard work."

"Well, I would hope so," Mom sort of smiled. "I take it you all have been getting well acquainted. Would you care to come inside? Can I get you something to drink?"

"Actually, Mrs. Engle - "


"Actually, Janice, we've already got a late lunch laid out for all of us," Don told her. "Mark thought it would be a good idea. He thought you might be tired and hungry from the drive."

"And..." Natalie smiled, "we can fill you in on his somewhat creative solution to the sleeping situation. Although, according to him, you may still need to do some refereeing." Mom sort of smiled and shook her head. I wasn't sure what was going on in there, but it probably had to do with some combination of apprehension and me being creative.

Matt and I went and started to unload the back end of the wagon and surprisingly, Mary and Luke came to help. So did the rest of the "kids." Luke did his crawl inside and hand everything out routine and the rest of us just toted that barge and lifted that bale. Mom was obviously planning to stay the rest of the summer and had brought along a bunch of stuff I would have considered useless, but I don't question the mysteries of her ways. She'd even brought a suitcase for Dad.

Anyway, she led the way and we carried behind. When we got to the living room, she turned to ask me, "so Mark...what are these creative sleeping arrangement?"

"Okay, so you and Dad in the master bedroom, of course," I told her. "Aunt Barbara and Suzy can take the front room with the twin beds. I've acquired a third roll-away which fits with the other two in the furnace area downstairs, so Mike and Bob and Luke can use those. That leaves the couch for Mary."

"And what about you?"

"Didn't Dad tell you? He said I could put up the squad tent on the beach and use that. So I'm out of everybody's way."

She looked at me for a long moment and I could see the wheels turning; that's when the grumbling started. From my brother. My youngest brother.

"Why does he get the tent?" Luke wondered out loud. "That thing's big enough for eight people! Why can't me and Mike and Bob have it?" I never said his grammar was perfect.

"Good question..." Mom answered, obviously thinking. "And Mary on the couch doesn't afford much privacy for a teenage girl. What about the boys take the tent, Mary takes a roll-away and you sleep on the couch?"

This was not going well. My carefully constructed privacy was going down the shitter in a big hurry.

"Um..." I temporized. "What are they going to do for a latrine?"

"Whatever you were going to do, I suppose," Mom answered. This was not good.

"May I make a suggestion?" Natalie spoke up, and I am going to be indebted to that woman for the rest of my natural life, and then some.

"Sure," Mom answered, turning to her.

"I think separating the youthful exuberance to the tent is a good idea," she told Mom and I started to wonder whose side she was on. "And Mary's privacy is important. More so than the boys', I think." This was still ending up with me on the couch.

"However, we have a guest bedroom we aren't using," she told Mom and my heart went into overdrive. "Mark's been incredibly helpful these last couple of weeks and I wouldn't mind having him as a houseguest, if it didn't inconvenience you."

"Mark?" Mom turned to me. I mustered every ounce of cool and sophisticated I could and faced her.

"Well..." I drawled, acting pensive, "All the chores and stuff around here are done except for splitting some more wood. Matt's staying with Jim and I'd be out of the way of you and Aunt Barbara. But if you needed me, I could be here in minutes... actually, Mom, it's probably a pretty good idea."

"I don't want you getting lazy on me," she started and Don spoke up. Another one I'll owe to the grave.

"Oh, he wouldn't, Janice," he smiled at her. "Believe me, I've got plenty for him to do around my place! He wouldn't have time to get lazy."

"Well..." and I heard the sound of my Mom caving. Halle-fucking-lujah! "I suppose that would be okay. Do we have your phone number?"

"It's written down in the address book by the phone, under Terney, Mom," I told her, willing my outward appearance to not betray the cartwheels I was doing inside. "But they're on the party line, too, so you'd just have to call the operator."

"Well. I guess that's settled," Mom decided. "Which means all that luggage can go to its appropriate destinations. What about you, Mark? What will you need?"

"Give me five minutes, Mom. My duffel's in the tent and I'll have my shit...oh, sorry! stuff...out of your way!" She nodded and I took off while Steve, Tom, Marsha and Kate played it cool, helping Mary and Luke get the baggage sorted away. I had also emptied the refrigerator of any and all contraband prior to her arrival, so it didn't take me long at all.

"Are you going to need the Jeep, Mom?" I asked as I came up from the beach. "I could leave my car here and take it, if that's okay. Mr. Terney has stuff to do around his place that it would be useful for..."

"Whatever you'd like, son," she told me. "You know I don't use it. Your Dad's coming up Saturday and he may have different ideas."

"Yes, ma'am," I told her. "And thanks." My sister Mary realized what me leaving my car behind was going to mean and jumped on it.

"Mark, can I use your car?" She'd just gotten her driver's license a few months back.

"Only under the most dire of circumstances," I told her as I handed Mom my keys. "Mom, if you'd put these by the phone, I'd appreciate it."

I threw my duffel in the back of the Jeep, we got everybody sorted and fed and then - with suits on - went down to spend some time on the beach. I pointed out to Mom how I'd left the grill set up so she could use it if I wasn't there and made sure Luke understood that the tent was in pristine condition and that I'd have somebody's ass if it got messed up.

"It's war surplus, Mark," he tried to argue with me.

"It's still pristine. Dad left it in my care, so piss in the woods, but crap in the downstairs half-bath," I told him. "Don't eat in the damn tent, especially liquids. Same for Mike and Bob when they get here. I don't want to be cleaning up your shit." Of course, that was out of earshot from my mother. We made sure she had everything she needed, and then the Terneys extended an invite to come up to theirs. Mom decided maybe later and they ended up agreeing on dinner Friday, for everyone, Aunt Barbara and brood included, up at theirs. We were getting ready to go our own ways when Marsha and Kate just about pushed my already stressed heart over the edge.

"Hey!" Marsha called over to me as her parents and brothers were getting in the Caddy. "Can I ride in the Jeep? Please?" She said it in front of my mother and made it sound so innocent and childlike, I wondered who'd taken her over.

"Hey! Me, too!" Kate chimed in. "She gets to ride, I get to ride!" A beautiful case of sibling faux-rivalry.

I looked over at Don and Natalie, and then my Mom. I got shrugs from all three.

"Sure..." I told them, trying to sound hesitant or disinterested. Definitely anything but bouncing off the clouds happy. They piled in, Marsha in front, Kate in back and I told Mom I'd see her tomorrow...and drove off before something could screw it up. We hit the highway and I started getting mauled.

"I can't believe Mom and Dad pulled that off!" Marsha almost screamed as she massaged me through my shorts. I didn't have far to go but I really needed to pay attention to my driving.

"How cool is that?!?!" Kate gloated from the back as she draped her arms around me, nuzzling my neck. "We have our very own houseguest!"

I don't think it had sunk in, yet, exactly what that meant. With all the Terneys on my side and supportive of my relationship with Marsha and Kate, life could not have gotten more perfect. We got to theirs and parked, and the girls literally dragged me into the house so they could show me to the guestroom...not that they intended I'd actually sleep there.

For appearances sake, I put my duffel in the spare room and pulled out the wine, leaving the dope and the condoms. The wine went in the fridge. The girls disappeared while I was sorting my stuff, and when I went looking for them, I found them in the pool, naked. Of course. So I pulled off my shorts and shirt and joined them. I pointed out that good form meant I'd go back down to meet my aunt when she and my cousins rolled in. Anybody else was invited if they wanted, but I considered it a command performance on my part to keep the peace.

We'd been soaking - and snuggling and petting - for maybe five minutes max when the Caddy pulled in the drive and I heard everyone getting out. Less than ten after that, everybody else joined us.

"You must have remarkable self-control, Mark," Mr. Terney told me as he slipped into the water.

"Why is that?" I wondered.

"Because the only scream I heard as you drove away was Marsha's." His eyes were laughing as he said it and I couldn't help it...I busted up, too. Which got me a swat from Marsha.

"If I can be serious for a second, Mr. Terney," I started. "I mean, Don. I do intend to earn my keep while I'm a guest in your home. So just give me an idea of what stuff you want help with and I'll do whatever I can."

"Your offer is appreciated, Mark," he told me. "Especially since I'll be losing some of my muscle power in a bit."

"Sir?" I was confused.

"Steve is going to have to go back to work next week and Tom will have to leave shortly after that, for grad school. He scored a teaching assistantship and they've got an orientation he's got to attend. I'm blowing a big chunk of my ETB's to get us moved into the new house here, and I'm going to have to head back to work, probably the end of next week. That will leave you as Man of the House."

He really knew how to jerk my chain. "Ummm..."

"Yep," he smiled. "Marsha, Kate, Nat...and you."

Steve started laughing, then poured me a glass of wine. Tom and Don started laughing, too. The only ones not laughing were the females. And me. Ouch...

Mrs. Terney...Natalie, dammit...Natalie swam over to put her arm around me - and incidentally press those awesome tits into me.

"Don't worry, Mark," she cooed, and I felt my blood rushing to a specific location. "We girls will take very good care of you." I glanced over at Kate and Marsha, expecting the green-eyed monster to start making an appearance, but got surprised. They were smiling, like they were sharing some kind of in-joke. And I remembered Marsha's comment about boffing Natalie so she'd stop mooning. That wasn't something I wanted to contemplate while Don was still around. And maybe not after that, either.

"So..." I drawled, trying to get back on track. "I have to go help with Aunt Barbara and brood tomorrow, but then I suppose I could rent the splitter from Mr. Borden again and make some progress on the other two piles of sectioned wood. I've got one at mine and one here."

"Sounds like a plan," Don agreed. "How well do you know Green Bay?"

"Not great," I admitted. "But I can follow a map."

"Good. Because I've got some Indian parts coming in to the Harley shop on Velp Avenue, probably after I'm gone. Vandervest's. Know it?"

"The one with the back deck overlooking Duck Creek? Yeah...I've actually been there once."

"Then I may task you with picking them up when they arrive. If it's okay with you."

"Mr. Terney...Don...I would walk into Hell barefoot for you, just because you support my loving your daughters." I was serious. I think he knew it.

"That's a two-way street, Mark," he said softly. "I'm not going to abuse our friendship. But I'd appreciate the favor."

"Anything, sir. Seriously. Anything."

"Okay," he nodded. "I don't consider walking and gawking among all that Harley Big Iron to be Hell. I appreciate the sentiment, though. You're a good man, Mark."

I was suddenly aware that Natalie was playing with my cock and balls under the water and I was rapidly hitting Max Erection. "Definitely a very good man," she murmured into my ear. I started to panic, then realized that was a bad idea, so I tried to put on my Cool.

"It shouldn't take more than a few hours to get my Aunt settled," I told him. "Although, they're going to want me to take the boat down to the beach and put it in the water. It isn't fancy, like yours. It's just an oversized hopped-up row boat with an outboard Evinrude, but they love running around on the lake with it."

"If Matt's going to stay scarce with Jim," Steve spoke up, "we can make it a job for We Five. We can help you impress your aunt with how mature and helpful you are..." I choked on my wine.

"You don't know her..." I managed to squeak out through the coughing fit. "She'll never believe you."

"Oh, I can be pretty convincing," he smiled. "Comes with the job."

"What comes with what job?" I managed to get out. I was getting the coughing under control.

"Being a schmoozer to the people I work for," he explained. "Making them feel like they're the important ones with the brains while subtly reminding them that it was my work that made them look good."

"What do you do?" I suddenly realized that in the last couple of weeks, the subject had never come up. Nor had the question of what Don did for a living.

"I'm a QA engineer for GM at the Janesville plant," he told me. "At the moment, just a glorified draftsman. But there's promise."

"And what do you do, Don?"

"I'm a VP for G. Heileman Brewing, over in La Crosse," he told me. "Mostly making sure other people do their jobs."

"Nice..." I smiled. "All those free samples must be a great perk." He laughed.

"No freebies unless you take the brewery tour, Mark," he smiled. "And they do check ID." This was before they dropped the drinking age in Wisconsin to 18 in '72...just in time for my 21st birthday. That's why having friends like Suzy who clerked at Bay House was important. Anyway...

I was suddenly aware that Natalie was very good at what she did. My imminent orgasm intruded on our conversation in the guise of a low moan that came from somewhere near my balls, thence up through my guts to my throat and out. I actually surprised myself. Almost as much as Natalie surprised me by ducking under the water and giving me an underwater blowjob. I was already primed and it was literally a matter of seconds before I was arching up into her mouth and flooding her with my cum.

"Oh, fuuuuck..." I moaned as I spent into her warm and welcoming mouth. For some reason, everyone else - and particularly the girls - found it amusing and started laughing their asses off. Natalie has awesome breath control, because she stayed glued to me, swallowing, until I was completely drained. When I was done, she surfaced, smacking her lips in exaggeration, while I headed for crimson.

"My, you are definitely sweet to the palate, young man," she smiled at me. "Nineteen-fifty-one, I'd say. An excellent vintage!" I was trying very hard to get the embarrassment under control as she moved to swim back over to where she'd been. She got waylaid by Marsha, and then Kate, on the way back, though. Both girls got into a heavy make-out session with their mom and it was hot enough to damn near get me hard again.

Apparently the girls needed to check out "the vintage," although I don't know why, because they got it straight from the source pretty much whenever they wanted. Maybe they were just showing off for me, but if they were, they were excellent at it. Don, Scott and Tom kept laughing at their antics as well, so I sort of ended up joining them.

Natalie took a break around sundown to throw together some soup and sandwiches for dinner. Afterwards, we went back for some more soak time in the pool. It was well after dark before we wrapped up.

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