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One Question

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Will you drink my cum, mom?
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/22/2016
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It's amazing the power that one question can have. When you think about asking it, all you see is two outcomes. Either your life will be amazing like a fairy tale, or it'll all be over. Either way it will never be the same again.

Of course, that's not always the case, such as asking "What time is it?" or "Should I wear the black shirt or the blue one?" However, when you ask your mom if she will swallow your cum, that's kind of when you get to the thinking of this will be amazing, or this will be the worst thing ever.

Let me go back a bit, though, before I get there. First, my name is Adam. I'm a senior in high school, but I was held back a year. So I'm already 18 and my 19th birthday was coming up, which is when all of this started.

My mom and I have always been close. Since dad is always away on business, it's been up to my mom and I to look after each other and provide company for one another. One of our favorite ways to bond was whenever I brushed her hair. You see, she has long beautiful, thick brown hair. She was very particular about her hair and didn't like people messing with it. However, I absolutely loved playing with it whenever we watched a movie together, but in order to earn that I had to brush her hair to perfection every single night.

I'm not sure why, but I felt like I could tell my mother anything, so I did. Usually it was during the hair brushing sessions. She knew everything about me, even my sexual fantasies. However, I did keep a few secrets from her. For example, I never told her that she was one of my fantasies. She certainly fit the bill, though: older and very experienced, but looking young and fit. She was an absolute fox and therefore many times the focus of my whack off sessions.

Well a week before my birthday, I was brushing out mom's hair like usual when she asked me what I wanted for my birthday. "A blowjob from an older woman," I half joked. She giggled.

"You certainly do love the idea of your cock being sucked and being with an older woman," my mom said.

"Absolutely! The sense of power as you hold onto the girl's head, plus the fact that she's focused entirely on bringing me pleasure; it's so hot! Not to mention an older woman would be experienced and know how to give good head."

"I suppose you're right about that. Your father enjoys my skills in cock sucking a lot of the time. I'd like to think that over the years I've become quite good at it."

"I'm sure he appreciates it."

"Not as much as I wish he did. But back to you, maybe I could ask one of my friends to give you a blowjob? I have several friends at the office that are still single and probably willing for a one-time thing. Course, I could get you a real cougar if you don't mind receiving a blowjob from a married woman."

Once again I thought about my mother sucking my cock as I said, "That wouldn't bother me at all. In fact, that'd probably make it hotter."

"Oh? It sounds like you've given this a lot of thought. Let me guess, Lauren Smith is your first choice." Lauren Smith was an absolute red headed sex goddess and also my mom's best friend. She was definitely my second, but mom was my absolute first.

"Believe it or not, she comes in second," I told my mom.

"Really? And who is this mystery number one? Do I know her?"

"You do."

"And what can mommy do to convince you to tell her?"

"You can let me play with your hair roughly once I've gotten it all brushed out." On some nights I would get so excited after brushing my mom's hair to perfection that I'd ask to play with it again. Usually my mom said no as she would be too tired and would want to just go to bed. However, sometimes I got the chance to play with it, if only to brush it back to perfection afterwards.

"Would that really get you to tell me?"

"It wouldn't hurt," I said, not actually intending on telling her.

"Alright you little brat. Do your worst, but you better tell me!"

"No promises!" I had gotten the green light to be rough with her hair, and I was going to take advantage of it. I slid both my hands into her hair and grabbed good handfuls and gave a good pull. My mom closed her eyes as I repeatedly loosened and reaffirmed my handhold on her brown mane and gave good solid pulls. After some hard tugs that way, I gathered her hair into a ponytail and pulled her head back, one of my favorite things to do.

So as I played roughly with her hair, all the while she tried to get it out of me who my first choice for a blowjob from a married woman would be.

"Tell me Adam. Mommy wants to know. I'll even let you rough up my hair without having to brush it again."

The way she was talking to me got me so hot. I don't know why, but I started feeling a little bold. My mom's eyes were closed, and she was exciting me, so I pulled out my cock and started to whack it as I played with her hair with my free hand.

"Tell mommy! Tell mommy what married woman you want to suck that cock! Tell me who you want to eat your cum!"

I couldn't believe the way she was talking to me. Sure we were honest and sometimes very blunt with each other, but this was taking things to a new level. I loved it!

"Pull harder baby! Pull my hair as hard as you want! Just tell me who you want to devour your cum and I'll get them to for your birthday!"

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "It's you mom! I want you to swallow my cum for my birthday!"

Suddenly it was like everything was frozen. My hand was frozen on my hard on. My other hand was frozen in her hair. Her eyes were frozen on my hard on.

I was half expecting her to flip out. Course, my mother rarely ever flips out. Even in very stressful situations she tends to keep a cool head.

"I suppose I should keep to my word. Since you told me you don't have to re-brush my hair. How about you go off to bed and we can talk tomorrow?"

I wasn't quite sure what to do, but I figured listening would be a good start. Quickly I put away my cock. I noticed my mother never took her eyes off of it. Was that a little bit of disappointment when I put it away? Quickly I departed and went back to my room.

Normally I would have whacked off and then gone to sleep, but I was a little too nervous. I kept worrying about what the next day would have in store for me. She hadn't seemed angry when I had made the suggestion. Did she even realize that I had made the suggestion? Sure she heard that it was what I wanted, but had she registered it as an actual request? So many questions and so many hours until I'd find out the answer.

Not hours for you, the reader, though, as it'll only take you maybe a minute to read to that paragraph.

I woke the next day and went to school. All day I sat in my classes, worrying about the conversation I'd have with my mother when I got home. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of the day and I left to walk home. My house was only a half a mile away from the school, so it was a good opportunity for me to walk even though the bus did come by my house.

When I got home I found my mom in the living room. She invited me to come sit on the couch.

"Adam, sweetie, we need to talk," she said calmly.

"Okay." I came over and sat on the opposite end of the couch.

My mother smiled. "Don't worry honey, I won't bite. You can sit closer if you want."

Cautiously I scooted closer. Then she turned and had her back to me. "Come on son, play with Mommy's hair."

What was she playing at? Was she absolutely ignoring what I had said last night? Did I dream that I had blurted that out to her? Sure my mom had a masters in psychology, but what kind of psychological game was this?

My mom shook her hair, something she did whenever she was trying to encourage me to play with it when she would brighten my mood. Figuring I'd play along, I reached out and started playing with her soft silk.

"I want to talk to you about last night," she said. So it wasn't a dream. Shit. "All I want from you is to listen for a while. Then we can have a full discussion as to the rules."

Rules? What rules would there be?

"You're a bright young man. I'm sure you've heard of the Oedipus complex where a boy fantasizes about having sex with their mother. It's a natural phase that every boy goes through. From what I've gathered you never grew out of that. That might have something to do with your fascination of experienced older women, particularly ones that are married. Not to mention how close you and I have been over the years since your father is always so damn busy.

"Anyway, since it doesn't seem like you're going to outgrow this phase anytime soon, there's only one solution I can see. Most teens like you only want what they can't have just simply because they can't have it. With any luck, that's what this is all about. If that's the case I'm going to take a chance and give you what you want.

"On your 19th birthday, I'm going to swallow your cum."

I was stunned to say the least. The entire time she was talking I was fairly confident as to where this was going, but it seemed too good to be true. However, she had just said she would specifically swallow my cum. Course, she had failed to explain how she'd acquire that cum.

"Do you have any questions?" she asked me.

Yeah, only like a thousand and one! However, I figured I'd start with the basics.

"Will you give me a blowjob?"

My mom took in a deep breath. "Yes, Adam. I will suck your cock until you cum in my mouth."

I wasn't sure how far she'd go, but I figure I'd ask. Clearly my desires were not backfiring on me so why not take a shot?

"Will you have sex with me?"

She hesitated. "No, Adam. That's a line I can't cross. However, I'm sure just one blowjob won't get you over this fascination with me."

"Then how about you suck my cock for the entire day of my birthday? The full 24 hours?"

My mom considered my suggestion. "I suppose that could work."

"Do I get to see you naked?"

"No. I will strip to my bra and panties, but no farther."

"Can I kiss you?"

"No. Kissing is romantic and should only be shared by lovers. While I do love you, I don't love you in that way."

Even though she was shooting down a lot of my requests, she still was going to be sucking my cock for an entire day.

"You said you'd give me blowjobs, but does that include face fucking?"

I figured my mother would say no, but she surprised me.

"I think that'd actually help. If you fucked my face, it might mimic and sate your desire to fuck my pussy. So yes, you may fuck my face. And when you do, don't hold back. I can take quite a lot."

God this was starting to get me horny, especially as I pulled on her hair. That got me to thinking.. there were many times where when I was angry with my mom the first thing I'd think about was to mess up her hair because of how much it meant to her. However, with this birthday blowjob deal, I wondered if I could get away with cumming in one more spot...

"Can I cum in your hair?"

My mom was silent for a while. It made me nervous, so I stopped playing with her threads and removed my fingers from them. She then turned around to face me with a quizzical look. "You want to cum in my hair?"

"Yes," I said. I explained to her how I had imagined messing it up whenever I was mad at her, and figured cumming in it would do that very well. For a while she looked at the floor and didn't respond.

Finally, she looked up at me with a smile. "Okay. But only once! Use it wisely. The rest of your cum goes down my throat."

I couldn't believe it! I was so ecstatic. This was all like a dream come true.

"Now then, your father will be away on business starting two days before your birthday. He won't be back until the following week. We won't have any interruptions, and even better your birthday is on a Sunday so you won't have school."

"Do I get to stay up late even though I have school the next day?" Usually my mom made me go to bed around 9 so I could be plenty rested for the next day of school.

"Since your birthday present will end on midnight of your birthday, I suppose you should be allowed to take full advantage of it. Besides, you're already 18 so legally I can't force you to go to bed anyway. So before this conversation ends, do you have any special requests?"

I thought about it for a moment and could only think of two that hadn't been covered. "Yes, I want to receive a blowjob the second I turn 19. Also, after I go to bed from receiving said blowjob, I want to be woken up at 10am sharp with a wonderful blowjob from my mommy."

My mom smiled. "You perverted little brat. Alright. I'll do it."

"Great! Thanks mom! You're the absolutely best!" I leaned over and gave her a big hug.

"You're welcome. Now go work on your homework!"

I did as she said and sped off to my room. Quickly I worked on my homework, making sure that I'd have it all done and not have to worry about it when Saturday rolled around, because there was no way in hell I was doing anything on Sunday except getting my cock sucked by my gorgeous mother.

The rest of the week seemed to go by super slowly. My dad said a quick goodbye to me before he left for his trip on Friday. The rest of the day I waited in agony for its end. Course, every day I'd still brush out my mom's hair after getting to play with it during the day. It was torture, playing with her hair wishing I could just pull on it so her head wrapped around my cock and sucked me off.

Finally Saturday came around. All I had to do was last until midnight and then it would all begin. I slept in as much as I could, hoping to pass most of the time by. Unfortunately I only lasted until 2pm, then I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. So I got out of bed and showered and dressed myself. Once I was all clean I headed for the kitchen, smelling something wonderful.

"Afternoon dear!" my mom greeted me as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How's my birthday boy doing?"

"My birthday isn't until tomorrow," I corrected.

"True, but I figure we'll be doing a lot more exciting things tomorrow that we'll miss the chance to celebrate it properly. So because of that, I'm making all your favorite meals today and doing everything we normally would on your birthday today. That way you can just focus on enjoying your present all of tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me!"

My mom smiled and then handed me my plate full of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. My favorite meal! Topped off with her family recipe of "sutter," a combination of sugar and melted butter.

"Eat up! You'll need it for tomorrow!"

I gobbled it all down. Technically it was afternoon, so that was my breakfast and lunch. We then watched a movie of which I got to play with her hair during. I didn't even pay attention to the movie. I just focused on the fact that the head I was playing with would soon be sucking my cock!

Next came dinner which I gobbled down as well. We then watched another movie and I got excited as I watched the hour's countdown to midnight. When the movie ended it was only 10:40, so my mom and I just started chatting. Then my mom suggested that I brushed out her hair, since I probably wouldn't want to when it hit midnight.

So we went up to her room and she sat in her chair at her vanity closet while I took the brush to that chocolate mane. From the position we were in, both of us could see the clock. 11:43. Only just over a quarter of an hour until absolute bliss! I started stroking the brush through her hair, trying to distract myself until then. Once again we started talking.

"So I'm your first choice for a cock sucking?" my mom asked me.

I blushed. "Of course, mom. You're so beautiful. You're in your early forties but you look like you're 30. Plus, all the stories you've told me about how good you are at it, how can I not want you the most."

"Even over Lauren?"

"Lauren is absolutely gorgeous and I'd take a blowjob from her in a heartbeat, but she's still got nothing on you."

My mom smiled. "That's sweet, even if it is coming from my son."

"Every word is true."

"So who else would you love to have your cock sucked by?"

"Well Mrs. Wilson my math teacher would be amazing. Also your friend Lisa from the office."

My mom laughed. "Of course you'd be into them. I'm starting to see a pattern."

"What do you mean?"

My mom ignored me and asked, "So how long have you wanted mommy to drink your cum?"

"Probably since 7th grade. That's when I stopped looking at you as just beautiful and realized you were also hot and sexy."

"Really? You think mommy is hot and sexy?"

"If I didn't, would I want your mouth wrapped around my dick and swallowing every ounce of cum I produce?"

"Fair point," my mother agreed. Then she asked, "What about girl's your own age? Don't you ever fantasize about them?"

"Oh sure," I said. "There's Niki, a gorgeous blonde that I'd love to pound my cock in her face. Then there's Kitty, a feisty redhead who I bet would be a crazy good time. Then there's the always seductive Lola, a hot Latina with silky black hair that I'd love to show a good time."

My mother made a "hmm" sound and then said, "Well speaking of good time." Suddenly she whirled around in her chair and pulled down my shorts. My cock popped free as she rested her head against my abdomen. I glanced at the clock and saw: 12:01. I was 19. My birthday present had started.

I could feel her hot breath on my cock. I longed for it to be inside her mouth, but she seemed to be hesitant. I put my hand on the back of her head, feeling the coolness of her soft hair. I gently pushed for her to lower her head, but she resisted. Was she having second thoughts? After all this, I was not going to let her back out, not when I was so close to getting what I desired.

I gripped her hair hard and heard her moan. "Suck my cock mom," I whispered, pushing her head down. Still she resisted, but I felt her lips graze the tip of my cock. I needed it, now more than ever! I had to have my mother suck my cock!

Once again I gathered a wave of boldness as I added a second hand to her head. There was no turning back now. As I shoved her head down with great force I shouted, "Suck my cock you teasing bitch!"

As I pushed down I felt my shaft enter her warm mouth. Finally! My rod was buried inside my own mother's mouth! She still seemed hesitant to sucking me off. That was fine. Guess this would be a good time to get a good face fuck in. I held tightly to her hair and started pulling and pushing her head up and down my cock. I heard her gag several times as I pushed her deeper and deeper on my manhood. I didn't hold back, though, remembering her words saying she could take it. Well she was certainly going to be taking my cock!

I furiously fucked my mother's face, using her hair as a handle to push her up and down as I added in the movement of my hips, thrusting up and down into her mouth. In no time I felt my climax building, the absolute pleasure of the moment overwhelming me and bringing me to my orgasm.

"That's right slut! Drink my cum!" I shouted as I started pumping my white hot semen straight down her throat. "Take it like a good cock sucking whore mother!" I came and I came, giving my mother quite the mouthful of cum. On the last few spurts I pushed my mother all the way down and forced her head to stay there as I finished off my climax.

Finally I finished and released her head. When I did she pushed herself back from me and stared up at me as she caught her breath. For a moment, I thought I might have done something wrong, and just as I was about to apologize, she beat me to it.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," my mom said. "I shouldn't have hesitated like that. I'm glad you took control and got a good face fucking out of it. Though I will say, you were much larger than I anticipated. I've never actually taken a cock as big as that before."

"Well get used to it. We have a full 24 hours that you'll be sucking it off," I said, a grin on my face.

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