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One Short Night

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One slip and it's over??
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One short night with a stranger,

One full moon over my head,

One false move and it's over,

So I always think of what we said, my baby....

And as the lights go dim,

I lie down with him.

And as I'm lying there,

I can only smell your hair......

And as I move to let him in, I can feel you crawl under my skin.

Caught up in a moment,

I thought I'd feel no shame because I didn't have to tell you lies when the daylight came....

And I can feel you from the inside, prowling like the devil I try to hide.

I can feel your heart beating, closer than the poison of my pride.....

One short night.

Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, written by Grace Potter.


JJ Walsh sat on one side of a nice campfire. Joints were being passed around. Wine bottles also. JJ wasn't high. He wasn't drunk. He watched his wife, Mary, whispering to some guy he'd never met before that night. Guy's name was Sammi. He was tall and lean, with dark hair and dark eyes, Persian skin. He and Mary were getting real close. Mary was high on the weed. There were maybe ten people around the fire. It was at the 'farm.' That was a place outside of the town where he and Mary went to school. They were seniors, and had been married for five months. Before that, they'd lived together for a year. It was May, 1971.

Mary was a nice looking woman, 5'6" with reddish brown hair and a voluptuous build. JJ was kinda average, but with a very sharp mind, and quick hands. He stood 5'9" and was slim, with light brown hair and brown eyes.

He'd driven them out to the farm for some relaxation. He had finished his last exam, and Mary had one more, next Monday. Not a difficult one.

Now, JJ was undecided about whether to intervene. His one thought was that if she was going to fuck this guy, he didn't want anything else to do with her. They'd exchanged their vows.

But the other side of it was that maybe she deserved a chance to stop. He hadn't decided, but they forced the issue, when the two of them got up and started off toward the old house. JJ watched. Everyone around the fire knew what was happening. JJ got up. His friend Rob asked,

"Do you need some help?"

He said, "Nah. I'm getting my stuff. She made her choice."

He walked to the house. He wasn't far behind the two of them. They were moving slowly. JJ jogged by them and into the house. He heard Mary gasp as he passed by her. But she said nothing.

His backpack was inside, in the front room. He went and got it. Sammi and Mary came inside. Sammi had an aggressive stance as the three stood there.

JJ said, "I have my bag. I'm outta here." He allowed Mary the chance to follow. "If you stay, we're done. No lie." But, as he walked back by the fire, she did not take that opportunity. JJ stopped by the fire. He grabbed Sammi's backpack, opened it and dumped it out. He found a wallet. He opened it and took the driver's license. Then he tossed the wallet and all the cash in it into the fire. There were some gasps when he did that. He said nothing.

JJ got into his van and drove away. He went straight to their apartment. It took him most of the night to get all his stuff out into the truck. But he did it. As he was about to drive away, he realized that Mary's purse was in the passenger seat. He tossed it out onto the street. He drove three hours to his folks' house. He got there at six, and they weren't awake. He waited until he saw lights and went in to get some coffee.


Mary was wracked by guilt. She'd been hot for Sammi all the time since she first saw him. And he noticed that. He was always close to her, all evening. And, when they all went to the fire, Mary sat next to him. She wanted him. He was so beautiful. She was so high. JJ was watching, but he was on the other side of the fire, and it was hard to see his expression. She assumed that he was high as well.

Sammi whispered to her, "C'mon, Mary, let's go inside. You're so sexy." He stood and offered her his hand. Mary took it. She walked away with Sammi. At that time, she wasn't thinking too much about JJ. Just about Sammi.

Mary was on a cloud when she saw JJ jog past her. She gasped. But Sammi said, "Don't worry. I can take care of this."

Mary felt excited by that. She allowed Sammi to lead her into the house. JJ was there. He had his backpack. He said he was leaving, and then he did leave. He said that if she stayed, they were through. Mary almost relented as he walked away. But she didn't believe him, and she wanted Sammi. Just for the one night.

Sammi spoke softly to her. "He'll be there for you tomorrow. Tonight's for us."

Mary was convinced. After all, JJ hadn't fought for her. He just gave an ultimatum. She went upstairs with Sammi.

When they were naked in the somewhat seedy room, Mary looked at Sammi, and saw that he was beautiful all over. He had a long dick, and it was completely hard, all for her. They embraced, and Sammi moved her to the bed. He was kissing her, and fondling her large breasts. That always excited her. And his cock was pressing into her warm and hard. She opened her legs for him. And, JJ flashed through her mind. It was like JJ was there. She could smell him and feel him, like he was hovering over her. Sammi eased himself into her. She felt it, of course, but she.....didn't respond. It was as if she was dead, numb. She felt him fucking her. She even felt herself respond, in a sort of abstract way. Her head was elsewhere, and she started to cry.

Sammi stopped. He propped himself up, looked at Mary, with her tears. He started rubbing her breasts, because he understood how much she had liked that before. Now...nothing. More quiet tears.

Sammi didn't give up. He started pumping into her, bottoming out against her cervix. He fucked her hard, and he came inside her.

Mary felt next to nothing as Sammi took her. She was about as far from an orgasm as she'd ever been during sex. She felt JJ inside her body. It made her angry at him. How dare he have screwed up her hook up? This was supposed to be fantastic. Great sex with a beautiful, strong man. She felt Sammi coming right into her, deep. She sobbed.

Mary fell asleep after Sammi withdrew from her. He lay with her for a while, then left, looking for a more responsive partner.

When the sun came up, Mary woke up. She was naked in the bed, covered with a wool blanket. Someone must have done that. Maybe Sammi. What a fucking mistake!!

She found her clothes, and looked for a bathroom. She showered and looked for a toothbrush. She had a bag somewhere. She dried off and looked for it. It was in the front room, where she had last seen her husband. She started shivering when she found the bag. She needed to find JJ.

When she stepped outside, she saw Rob and Jane Henry, his girlfriend. They were on the porch, drinking coffee.

She said, "I don't suppose you guys know where JJ might be."

Rob glanced at her. He said, "Gone."

"I need to find him, Rob."

Jane laughed at her. "What good do you think that'll do? You completely humiliated him. He was your husband. He didn't look pleased when he left."

Then Sammi came outside with Josie Mack. Sammi wore only a pair of shorts. Mary still thought he was beautiful. She hated him, though. She turned and walked away without a word. She saw that JJ's truck was gone. She needed a ride into town.

She went back and asked Rob. He said, "Why don't you get Sammi to do that? He may feel like he owes you."

Mary said, "I doubt it." Sammi had disappeared somewhere. Soon she heard him shouting, "Fuck, fuck, fuck...." He had the remnants of his wallet, and a singed backpack in his hands.

He screamed, "I'm gonna fuck up your bastard husband!"

Mary knew JJ. She said, "Oh. Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind it if you tried that."

"Shut up, bitch. You're the worst fuck I ever had."

"And you're the worst I ever had, you motherfucker. You're the biggest mistake of my whole life."

Josie Mack said, "I didn't think so."

Rob took Mary into town. They left in his Ford Fairlane. When they were well away from the farm, he asked, "How the fuck could you do that, Mary?"

She started sobbing again. She made no reply.

Rob said, "You're married, for God's sake. Why get married if you're just gonna fuck around?"

That really caused Mary to spasm into a tornado of tears. Mainly she was crying because she had no answer for him. And, if she found JJ, she'd have no answer for him either.

Of course, she didn't find him. She did find her purse, on the street outside their building, in the bushes. If it hadn't been bright red, she probably would never have seen it. She thanked Rob for the ride. He said, "Mary, I really never want to have anything to do with you. Please stay away from me."

That led to another bout of tears. But, Mary needed a shoulder to cry on, and there was only one set of shoulders that would do. So, she went up to the apartment, with a sense of dread, but also some hope. She opened the door, and half-shouted, "JJ....JJ..I'm so....." That was as far as she got before she saw that there was no JJ. No stereo. None of his books. Nothing left of him in what had been their shared place the day before. No clothes. His frying pan was gone. His coffee mug.

She whispered to herself, "Nothing....nothing left." She was wrong. On the table was his wedding ring. No note.

She sat on the couch and tried to think. She couldn't think. Idly she glanced at the clock. Ten am. Sunday. The phone rang. She knew who it was - her mom's regular call. She answered, but just cried out...."Oh, Mom. Oh, Mom! He's gone....gone."

Julia Dawson was a level-headed woman, but her daughter's answer scared the shit out of her. "Who? Who's gone, baby?"

"JJ. JJ left."

"What happened?"

Mary only sobbed.

Julia said, "Mary, what have you done, Mary?" She knew her daughter. And she knew JJ. Between the two, she knew who would fuck up.

"Oh, Mom. I...I made a mistake. A mistake. He was so....beautiful."

"I can't believe that you did something like that. I assume it's some guy who's beautiful."

"Yes....yes. I....was high. JJ was right there. Then he left."

"And you? You stayed with another man?"

"Yes. It wasn't even any good. JJ ruined it."

"You're making no sense. Do you know where he is now?

"No. Maybe he went to his folks' house. I don't know!"

"Well, Mary, I believe your marriage is done. And, thinking about it, I expect you knew that it would be done. You wanted out."

"No, Mom. I thought he' pissed, but we'd be okay."

"Then you don't know JJ."

"Oh, shit. Shit." Sobs again.

"Mary, I'll call Chris and Don's house, see what's going on. Just stay put, and DO NOT leave your apartment."

"Okay." A meek voice. Her mom hung up. Mary's mom was divorced. Mary hadn't seen or spoken to her dad since her wedding. She had three close friends, but they were also close with JJ. She waited, softly crying, for her mom to call back.

Julia rang the Walsh's home. Chris picked up.

Julia said, "Chris, is JJ there? It's Julia."

"Julia......I...he is here. But I have instructions. Still, they didn't encompass you. Just her."

"Maybe you could ask him if he'd talk to me. I only want to see where things stand. Mary's distraught."

"Hold on, Julia."

Julia waited. She could hear voices in the background.

Chris came back and said, "Julia, JJ says he needs some time. He'll call you back today."

"Okay. Chris, I'm so sorry. I feel responsible. You know. Because of Ted."

Ted was her ex, who had divorced her after she screwed around on him. That was twelve years ago, and Julia hadn't remarried. She also had not remained celibate. She wasn't a total slut, but she had an active sex life and never hid it from Mary. Men liked Julia, mostly for her full figure and pretty face. And she liked them back.

Chris said, "You mean she's following your path? That's.....weird. I think. But she did what she did, and it seems unlikely to me that it can be overcome. I'll make him call you, though."

Julia called Mary back and told her that she was awaiting a call from JJ. She promised to let her daughter know when that happened.

Meanwhile, at the Walsh's house, JJ's parents sat with him in the dining room, at the table. His dad, Don, was an engineer for the state highway department. Don was an average looking guy, 5'10", slim, with brown eyes and hair. He was quite talented at tennis, and still played well, even at age forty-eight. Chris was a knockout, and always had been, tall, blonde with a slim, but buxom figure. She looked younger than her forty-six years, despite having had three children. JJ had two older sisters, Christine (Tina), 24, and Anna, 25. Both were living in Pittsburgh, working for a construction firm. Anna was married to Todd Blass.

And, so was James Joseph, JJ. For now. His parents wanted to find out how long that might last. They needed a talk with him. And then, they'd need to discuss the situation privately.

Chris started, "Jimmy, have you made any decisions? About Mary?"

"Divorce. I mean, what else could I do? She just turned slut on me. Just like that. Maybe it's something genetic."

Don gave a small chuckle. "That's not really fair. You've been with her for almost two years. She's never...I mean, done this before?"

"Not that I know. But she could have."

Chris said, "I do not believe she's been promiscuous. Not the type. Who was the guy?"

"Sammi is his name. I never met him before."

"But...what happened to her?"

"She was high, and he was handsome." JJ spoke in an annoyed tone.

"She's very good looking, Jimmy. Guys must come on to her all the time."

"Yep. Even my buddies."

Don said, "But she never.....?"

"Not that I know. Of course, she'd have snuck around. So, I don't know for sure."

Chris said, "You need to cool down before you act. I want you to stop, and think about it. One thing to think about is all the reasons that you proposed to her. Because, until last night, the two of you seemed perfect. In tune with each other."

JJ started to cry. He couldn't help it and he tried not to do it. But his mom's words caught him smack in his emotions. Like a gut punch. The crying started softly, and increased to outright sobbing when Chris went and hugged him.

She patted him on the back. Her youngest child. At that moment, if Mary had been there, Chris would have killed her with her bare hands. She kept patting JJ on the back, murmuring to him. Finally, he stopped.

He got up. He said, "I hate the idea of losing her. Hate it. But I won't be able to keep her. She's already lost to me." Another sob. "But, I will take your advice."

JJ went to the upstairs bath to wash his face and compose himself. He decided to take a jog. He togged up and announced that to his folks. Then he was out the door. His parents were used to his jogs, and didn't expect him back for at least an hour. One of his talents was distance running. When he was in high school, he often ran with their neighbor, Ronald James. Ronald was a lawyer, and a close friend of.....the family.

When JJ was away, Don looked at Chris. He didn't have to ask her much, just raise his eyebrow.

Chris said, "I don't see how it would help to mention anything. Another huge shock he doesn't need now."

Don smiled, "You never did want him to know. But, he will likely go to Ronnie boy for legal advice."

"So what? Ronald won't.....why would he say anything after all this time?"

"JJ will tell him the story. It'll resonate. If you don't want him to talk, you better speak to him."

Chris said, "Okay." She got up and went next door. She walked around to the patio, where she expected to find Ronald, JJ's biological father. Ronald was there, as expected. He had a beer open.

He looked at his lover and said, "I saw JJ's van. What's with that?"

Ronald had a general law practice, emphasizing family law. He was single, fifty. He was tall, lean, square jawed handsome, and very strong. Chris had been seeing him for over twenty years. Well, twenty-one plus. JJ's conception, back in 1949, was supposed to be a one-off. One short night. Ronald was so rugged and sexy. But they didn't use protection. Julia got pregnant, and Don had been using condoms since Tina was born. So, she had to confess to him. Well, maybe she could have fooled him, but Ronald made her tell. Ronald wanted some relationship with his child.

Don hadn't taken it well. But they had two young daughters, and he couldn't afford a divorce. He didn't really want one. He loved Chris, and his family. Also, it would ruin him financially. The two of them had just bought the house.

So, the three of them made an agreement. Not one Don liked, but he was in a weak bargaining position. Ronald bought the house next door. He had money from his family, and his law income was also substantial. He became "Uncle" Ronald.

Don had decided that he would not treat the child any differently than he did his others. There was, though, one aspect of the deal that Don hated. Chris and Ronald were going to keep on fucking. Not openly, so as to embarrass. And Don would still get a relationship with Chris. The main one. Ronald and she would see each other maybe once a month. Ronald insisted, as a price for his discretion. Chris' agreement was immediate..... and inappropriately enthusiastic.

The night the agreement was made, Chris and Ronald went to his apartment. It was the second time she had been with Ronald, and it was better than the first. Chris wondered, then, whether she could limit herself to once a month - or so.

Ronald settled on the house the next week. He and Chris christened it that night, and also when the new bed arrived. Don was unsettled by this, and insisted that they adhere to the agreement, else he would blow it up.

That night he slept with his wife for the first time since their conversation about her pregnancy. It was awkward. But Don was a determined man, and he acquitted himself well. Three times.

Over the next month, Don wore Chris out. She was pregnant, and he had no need for condoms, a big plus. Also, he seemed to relish the competition. He knew that Ronald had a bigger cock, and was stronger and better looking. But, he was damned if he would cede Chris' orgasms all to him. Don was visiting the gym at the YMCA every day now, and he had added muscle. He had renewed his training in boxing. Great for staying in shape.

These developments had Chris in a state of constant arousal. She was well along in her pregnancy, and she was horny all the time. Don, and Ronald when it was his time, saw to her quite well. She was hard pressed to think how life could be better.

JJ was born, and things moved on. Chris was unavailable for sex for several weeks. But Don was looking forward to resuming marital relations. He and Chris discussed how they would handle the Ronald situation. Neither one of them wanted her to get pregnant again. Don got out a package of condoms and left them on the dresser, after two weeks. Chris got the message, but demurred.

After the third week, Don asked Chris when she'd be ready. She said, "I'm ready tonight. I hope.'s Ronald's night. Tonight is Ronald's night."

"Bullshit. If you go to him first, we're done. I don't care who suffers. Do you understand?"

"But, Donny, I just had his baby. He comes over and helps me out with JJ, so I can get some rest. He's been great."

"So, you've been putting me off. And you've been fucking him while I'm at work."

"No, Don. No. It isn't like that. We haven't had sex. But, we kind of bonded over the baby, and caring for him. You don't help as much. I feel like I owe know?"

"Chris, I'm your husband. You fucked around on me and got knocked up. The sole reason I stayed here was for my daughters. No for you. If you push this, there's nothing that can keep me here. Nada!"


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