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One Whore's Town Ch. 08

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Josephine unleashes her deadly vengeance.
9.5k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/09/2024
Created 03/12/2024
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"Come back around dark. I'll make sure Lana's ready for you," Betty said. The man nodded nervously and exited the house.

Coming out of the woodwork today, Betty thought. There had already been a man who wanted to watch Jan bathe, and then dirty her up again by spraying her face and hair with cum. Another had wanted Lilly to tug him off with her feet. Betty half wondered if word had leaked out that they were leaving soon, encouraging men with stranger requests to hurry in before it was too late. She'd decided to keep their return to the Kip a secret until about halfway through the last day, in order to avoid an unmanageable rush.

Ghent had worked diligently through the previous day and had finished converting the wagons an hour or so earlier. He'd even managed to build a rack on the back of one of the wagons so they could take the tub with them. Things were actually ahead of schedule, which was a relief.

Once Lana finished off her latest charge and cleaned up, Betty followed her into the kitchen as the blonde went for a drink of water.

"Got a special for you," Betty revealed.

"Uh oh," Lana said, and then giggled.

"Nothing too weird, but you haven't had one of these before. He just wants to sleep with you afterward. Paying double, but that doesn't mean he gets anything extra unless you want to. Good practice if you're thinking about eventually charming some man into rescuing you from your sordid life. Play him giggly and shy. The way his purse jingled, he'll probably give you something extra in the morning."

"And I get paid to sleep."

"Can't beat that," Betty said as she returned to the couch and her bookkeeping. As she sat down, she noticed Lilly had lifted a foot and was rubbing it.

The Draxnian woman felt her gaze and said, "Cramping up."

"I'll have Ghent rub them for you tonight. He's so good at that. Worked wonders for me the couple of times I've had foot men."

"There are more like him?"

Betty chuckled. "You get all kinds. I had one who wanted to pee on me once. He wanted to pee in my mouth, but no. Charged him four times to pee on my tits and suck him off, and he was happy about it. Can't imagine what he'd have paid if I let him do it in my mouth."

Lilly cringed and made a gagging sound.

"Mmm hmm," Betty moaned in agreement. "That's probably the worst one I've had. I was trying to impress Yasmine at the time, or I might not have done it. She told me I was out of my mind, but she took her cut happily enough. Remember, just because they're paying for it doesn't mean they get anything they want. Set some limits."

"You mean I don't have to..." Lilly bit her bottom lip and then pointed at her rear.

"Oh no," Betty said. "I won't usually do it, and I know Lana won't. I should say something to Ginny, just in case. If they want something like that, there's always a girl who will do it. Doesn't have to be you."

Lilly breathed a sigh of relief. "I let one man do it once. It hurt for days."

"Just spit?"

Lilly nodded.

"Aww... There's this plant we use that has slippery sap in its leaves. Makes it a lot easier, and it feels better for him too. It's also good for times when you're feeling dry down there. We have a whole patch of it growing at the Kip. Jan brought one with her, because she'll take it in the back."

Just then, the door opened, and Lilly quickly struck up a seductive pose for the man who entered. It worked quite well.

Things were steady, and then slowed down as night closed in. Lana's special showed up, and he looked awestruck as she took his hand to lead him to her room.

Betty learned not long after that Hoss and Janus had struck up a mutually beneficial partnership. Hoss knew how to brew beer, and Janus knew how to distill spirits. They had taught each other their secrets, and the fruits of that labor were ready to be tested. The girls stuck to wine, but the men declared that both attempts were grand successes. All kept the merriment reasonably quiet, as Lana had a client in the house.

Hoss and Janus clasped hands as things were winding down. Hoss had the day shift, and if he stayed up much longer, he'd be groggy all day.

Hoss said, "I'm gonna be real popular back home once I get my still set up."

"And I can finally have a beer without having to deal with assholes," Janus said.

The two nodded to each other, and then Hoss went to seek his bed. Betty rose from the couch and walked up to Janus, as she'd come up with a new idea to convince him to come with them.

"You know, I could probably convince Corra to guard your kiln until we could have it disassembled and hauled to Windsholme. You could be up and running in no time, and I just know you'll do well with your bricks there," Betty said.

Janus shook his head and chuckled. "Making it harder to say no every day."

"That's the idea, and I'm going to keep trying."

Ghent said, "We could just stuff him in a sack and throw him in the wagon when we leave."

Janus laughed, but when he noticed Betty's contemplative expression, his eyes widened a little.

Betty couldn't maintain the ruse and giggled. "I'd never do that, but it is tempting."

"And I promise, so is the thought of going with you." Janus smiled and said, "I should get to bed. Had somebody come by asking for some special-sized bricks, so I need to fire up the kiln tomorrow."

"Pleasant dreams," Betty said.

"You too."

Betty followed him to the door and took hold of it once he stepped outside. As she was about to close it, a jolt ran through his body. Janus stumbled against the doorframe and turned.

"Janus!" Betty screamed when she saw the crossbow bolt in his chest.

Betty's mind reeled as Janus fell into her arms. Jan screamed when she realized what was happening. She heard Callis outside bellowing, "Ware!"

Just before Janus' weight could drive Betty to the floor, Ghent was there. He caught their host and simultaneously kicked the door closed. Betty could see the blood soaking through Janus' shirt at an alarming rate.

Mack slipped by and quickly locked the door. He then screamed, "Everybody stay down! Get in here!"

Betty scrambled toward her room and the miracle potion there.

"Betty, no!" Ghent cried out.

She ignored him.

As she reached the hallway, Hoss ran into the room in a crouch, holding Ginny's hand. She in turn pulled her sister along. As she turned into the hall, Betty caught a glimpse of Lilly, Lana, and the wide-eyed man who had been sharing her bed. Betty stayed low, burst through her door, and cursed the latch on the potion case as she fumbled with it.

Potion bottle in hand, she ran back to the front room. Hoss and Mack had gathered the girls in one corner and crouched with weapons in hand, ready to defend them. Janus looked lifeless and didn't even flinch as Betty watched Ghent pull the bolt out of his back — having broken off the vanes to push it through.

Betty ignored the pain as she dropped to her knees on the bricks. "Turn him over," she demanded.

Janus was limp, glassy-eyed, and his barely detectable breaths gurgled. Betty removed the top from the bottle and brought it to Janus' slack mouth. She poured a drop, letting it roll down his tongue. Betty tipped the bottle a second time, pouring a little more, but nothing seemed to happen.

Then Janus let out a faint grunt, and his tongue moved as if to lick his lips.

Betty poured a little more of the potion into his mouth, and drew in a relieved breath when she saw him swallow. Ghent had cut Janus' shirt open, and when Betty looked at his wound, she could see that the blood had slowed, and the gaping hole was slowly closing.

Careful not to choke him, Betty poured the rest of the potion. A moment later, his eyes fluttered and he let out a grunt of pain, followed by a surprised huh.

A sob of relief shook her as the wound quickly closed and color returned to Janus' face. His breathing grew stronger and his eyes focused.

"What..?" he asked.

"Shhh... Don't try to..." Betty trailed off and her eyes went wide as she beheld something completely unexpected. The pock-marks that covered his body were fading, leaving behind smooth skin. Tears welled up in her eyes from the miracle.

Betty took Janus' hand and held it up in front of him. His brow furrowed, and he turned his hand to look at the other side. Then he touched his face and his mouth opened in shock. Betty leaned over, cupped his cheek, and smiled.

A moment of panic gripped her when he stiffened. Then he reached between his legs with a completely bewildered expression. It all snapped into place, and Betty realized he was looking straight down her bodice.

His pox weren't the only old injury the potion had remedied.

A barely remembered voice stammered, "W-what's going on. I... I..."

"Shhh. Calm down and be quiet," Lana admonished the man who had been sharing her bed.

"Calm down? How can I..."

When he went silent, Betty glanced toward the corner and saw Lana pulling her hand away. She'd used her ring to put him to sleep.

Ghent suddenly snapped his gaze toward the door. "Messing with the locks," he growled.

He, Hoss, and Mack immediately sprang into motion. They began to overturn furniture, creating barricades surrounding the corner.

Betty gnashed her teeth and said, "Jan. Lana. Bows."

"Stay low," Ghent warned. "Janus, get in with the girls."

To their credit, the two women didn't hesitate. Betty passed each a crossbow when they reached the kitchen, and they held the weapons competently, if not confidently. All three women then moved behind the makeshift barricades in front of the rest of the girls. There they steadied the bows and made ready. Ghent stood nearby, ready to leap toward the front door or the kitchen. Mack and Hoss took up positions where they were ready to use the hallways as bottlenecks.

The sound of laughter caused them all to jump. Then the air near the fireplace began to waver like a mirage on a hot day. Suddenly, a partially transparent image of Josephine and a man in black robes appeared.

"Is the pock-faced prick dead yet?" the redheaded whore asked with a smug smile. "So lucky that he was right there when my men were ready."

"Fucking bitch," Betty muttered.

Josephine flipped her hair off one shoulder and said, "But, I'm so good at it," demonstrating that she could see and hear what was going on in the room.

"We are leaving," Betty spat. "Day after tomorrow, we'll be gone. We've been trying to leave since we got here, but you kept making it impossible. Just leave us be and you'll never see us again."

"Oh, you'll be leaving," Josephine said in a disturbing, knowing tone. She then looked at the pool of blood where Janus had collapsed. "I hope he didn't die too quickly. They were told to make you suffer."

"What, you mean me?" Janus said as he stood up from behind the overturned couch. He held out his arms and smiled, displaying the vast expanses of unblemished skin revealed by his cut shirt.

Josephine's eyes snapped to him, hardened, and she snarled, "What? How? You can't be..." The whore clenched her teeth and growled. Immediately after, she shook her head, took a deep breath, and said, "It doesn't matter. At least now, you'll die having a reason to live."

"Nobody's dead yet, but as soon as someone tries to get in here, they will be," Betty warned.

Josephine laughed. "Oh, you can try. I'm going to enjoy this. My men are protected by magic," she said, gesturing toward the wizard. "You can try all you want. You won't be able to touch them." She paused, and then added, "You won't be so lucky."

Betty seriously regretted that she'd argued against Raven killing the other woman.

The image of the redhead then said, "And you're right. You will be leaving. Once my men have finished killing you slowly, you're to be part of his payment. What's left of you will shamble after him as part of his undead horde."

The wizard's lips parted in a wicked, horrible grin and he declared, "All is ready."

"Not yet," Josephine said. "Let them think about what's about to happen. Let them imagine their putrid corpses serving your bidding." The gloating woman then turned her attention to Betty and said, "Oh, and if you hold any hope that the General's men will save you? His watchmen had an unfortunate accident. Nobody is coming to help you."

Lilly let out a frightened whimper, and Betty heard Keri sniffling.

Betty looked back and said, "She's probably full of shit. Just stay down and let us protect you."

Her rival and the wizard laughed.

Betty leaned in close to Jan and whispered, "If worst comes to worst, you know what to do. Your ring."

The blonde swallowed, but nodded her head. If they couldn't stop the attackers, she would use her ring on the other girls, Janus, and then herself. At least they wouldn't have to see it coming that way.

"Really?" Josephine scoffed. "A few whimpers and tears? Oh well. I'll get what I want once you know I'm telling the truth. Kill them now."

"Lana, Jan, then me," Betty quickly said. She hoped that the girls would remember their lessons and not waste more than one of their precious bolts on a single target — assuming it mattered. She trained her crossbow on the front door, but a horrible, gurgling croak caused her to glance toward the sound.

The image of the wizard had sprouted a dagger in his throat. A phantom spray of blood erupted, and then the man began to crumple. He and Josephine winked out of existence just as the front door burst open.

A masked man rushed in, and Lana's crossbow rang out. Betty's soul sang when the bolt sank into the man's chest. He grasped it and his visible eyes widened in shocked horror as he fell to his knees. The man who rushed in behind him froze upon seeing him fall. Jan's shot was a little low, but the belly shot was enough to bring him down.

"No magic. Cut them down," Ghent growled.

The kitchen door slammed open, and Betty quickly adjusted her aim. Even as she pulled the trigger, she realized that the man wasn't attacking — he was scrambling inside for cover. His flight abruptly ended when her bolt slammed into his chest and he fell like a stone.

Behind him, she saw another man fall and heard him scream as an arrow embedded itself in his chest.

Battle cries and shouts were ringing out from every quarter outside. Betty recognized the voices of all three sellswords. She drew her dagger when she heard booted footsteps coming down the halls. Hoss and Mack stood ready, and engaged the men.

"They don't have any magic. Touch them with your rings and put them to sleep if they get close enough," Betty warned the girls.

Ghent grabbed the leg of the man blocking the door, yanked the twitching body out of the way, and then kicked the door closed. He quickly pulled his key, locked the door once more, and then rushed to help Hoss, who wasn't as well armed as Mack. Mack had already cut down one man, and had another retreating down the hall. Betty kept an eye on the open kitchen door, ready to shout a warning if anyone came in.

All was chaos and blood for a few minutes. Steel rang on steel amidst grunts of exertion and the sound of boots on brick. Mack cut down the man facing him. Ghent grabbed the sword arm of the remaining attacker, and Hoss quickly stuck a long dagger through the masked man's heart.

Betty turned toward the front of the house when the sound of a horn rang out. A moment later, she heard the thundering of hooves. With no threats imminent, Ghent rushed into the kitchen, cleared the corpses out of the door, and slammed it shut. He then moved to one of the windows and quickly looked outside.

"It's one of Corra's patrols. I see Ulis and his boys. They're good," Ghent said.

"Lock the doors?" Hoss asked.

"I've got this one," Raven's voice said from the hall. "Get the other one. Everybody out back should be dead, but be careful."

"Raven?" Betty called.

The rogue stepped into the room. Her clothing was covered in blood — none of which was apparently hers. "Everybody okay?" she asked.

"We're alive," Betty said. "How?"

"No time. Stay in here. I'm going to go make sure Shad and Wynn don't get themselves killed. Lock this door behind me," she said, nodding back down the hallway.

"Got it," Ghent said.

Betty could still hear the sound of fighting outside, but it quickly waned. She then heard one of the soldiers shouting orders and saw an orange glow arise through the windows. After a few minutes, she could hear more horses arriving.

Everyone flinched when a loud knock sounded on the door. "Unlock it," Raven said a moment later.

Ghent unlocked the door, and Betty went over to join him. Raven was leaning against the house, and a large number of Corra's men ringed the property. They had lit quite a few torches, providing light. Ulis, Calis, and Tula had all taken wounds in the fighting, but none looked serious.

As she looked around, Betty's eyes fell upon the stable and she gasped. "Pallah and Abel, they were—"

"We're okay," Pallah interrupted as he approached from the side of the house with Shad and Abel.

Raven pointed at Abel. "That sneaky little shit had pulled out some bricks and made a bolt hole in the back of the stable. Hid it behind some hay inside, and tumbleweeds outside."

Pallah said, "Abel saw something when I was coming back from having my drink. Next thing I know, he's telling me we're in danger, showing me that hole, and getting us out."

Raven took over. "Got Pallah away from the house, left him in a gully, and hightailed it to my kip. We got here just as they were working on the locks. I tried to knife one of the jackasses with crossbows out in the grass, and that's how I found out about the magic." She pulled a particularly ornate dagger from its sheath and said, "Good thing I have this. Cuts through magic like butter. I put that guy down, and started looking for the wizard. Arrogant piece of shit was standing there looking all smug. That changed real fast when I stuck this in his throat.

"No wizard, no magic," Raven said with a smile. "Wynn put four men down before they knew what hit them. Shad stuck a couple, and I cleared out the fuckers guarding the wizard. Your boys out here jumped to it. Then we got lucky and that patrol was close enough to hear. Once they got here, it was all but over."

"Is it safe to check on the horses?" Pallah asked.

Raven said, "I heard them raising a ruckus. They should be fine. You two get inside until we have a chance to sniff out any of the scum hiding out in the grass."

Pallah shielded Abel's eyes from the carnage as best he could.

As Betty let Pallah and his apprentice inside, she noticed that Lana was looking at the bodies with the bolts sticking out of them, and she was going pale.

"Is it okay to leave the door open? Get the bodies out?" Betty asked.

"Yeah. The General's men have the place surrounded," Raven answered.

Janus stood up and said, "I'll help move them out. I need to do something. I feel like I can't sit still."

When he stepped in front of the door, Raven gave a snort of surprise. "Well, damn me. Look at you. Coming out of your skin, and it isn't all cratered..." Raven turned her attention to Betty. "Gave him one of your potions, huh?"

"He'd been shot," Betty explained.

"Let him help get these pricks out. I remember how I felt after I had one of those poured in me. He needs to be doing something." With that, Raven turned, whistled, and walked away. A moment later, Shad and Wynn crossed the doorway, following her.

"We'll get them out of here," Ghent said.

Betty looked at Lana, and knew what was coming. "Get the bin first. Hurry."

As the big man headed into the kitchen, Betty went to Lana's side. The blonde prostitute was ghostly white and trembling. Ghent arrived with the bin just in time. Betty pulled Lana's hair back as she retched.

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