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Opposite Worlds Ch. 02

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Meet the Parents.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 05/20/2012
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As always:

Thanks to "Alpineskier" for editing.

Thanks to "Doc" for story ideas.

All characters involved in sexual acts are at least 18 years of age. (So get your mind out of the gutter!)

Chapter 2: Meet the Parents

Tim Akers is 48 years old with black hair that is mixed with a little grey. He is above average in height and after years of work in a cramped cubicle, he has grown slightly overweight. It was evening, and he was in the process of taking off his tie while investigating the noise coming from his son's room. "I was wondering whose car was in the driveway. I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Oh crap, Dad." A wave of shock and embarrassment engulfed Jason and Chelsea. Chelsea quickly climbed off of Jason and sat on the edge of the bed, even though hiding underneath it seemed like a better option. So she wouldn't have to face Mr. Akers, she busied herself by trying to smooth out her dress. Jason sat up. He wished Chelsea didn't remove herself from his lap, as there was an ample amount of bodily fluids soaking through his beige shorts. "Dad... I... I..."

"Oh crap is right son." Tim said sternly. "Now I want you to get cleaned up and meet me in the living room. Both of you. You have five minutes." Tim turned and went downstairs. Half way down, he chuckled to himself, remembering a similar encounter he and his future wife had with her parents when they were teenagers. Like father, like son. When he reached the base of the stairs, he changed his expression back to one of a serious tone. "Jessica, I want you to go for a walk outside or you can go to your room and shut the door."

"Aw, do I have too? This show is just getting good." Jessica almost whined her response.

"Yes you do. Don't argue with me."

Jessica grabbed her shoes and went out the front door. "I'll be at Melanie's."

With speed, Jason found a clean pair of shorts and fresh underwear from his dresser. "I'm sorry about this. I'll change in the bathroom. Do you need anything?"

"Well, I kind of soaked through my underwear, but I doubt you have a pair of those in your dresser."

Jason paused for a moment to digest what he heard. "Well, you're right. No panties in here, but I do have a old pair of shorts with a drawstring for the band. Hang on." Jason opened another drawer and dug through it. "Here we go, if you want. All you have to do is pull the strings and tie it tight. They'll fit and your dress will conceal them." He tossed the red colored shorts on the bed. "I'll be right back." He darted across the hall and closed the bathroom door.

Jason got changed quickly and splashed some water on his face. He felt fortunate it was his dad and not his mom who walked in. His mom would've killed them and asked questions later. His dad was always less strict, but his dad never caught him with a girl dry-humping him before either. Oh how Jason was dreading his immediate future.

Chelsea took off her panties and briefly inspected them. The wet spot made them see-through. She was stunned that she had such a massive orgasm without penetration. For the first time, she thought that sex, although great as it is as a physical act, could be so much more when an emotional bond is there. Then she contemplated her current situation. Jason's shorts or nothing at all? She decided she didn't want to accidentally flash Jason's Dad while he was scolding the two of them. Reluctantly, she put on the shorts. Jason was right. They fit, but they felt weird. Now what to do with her panties? She smiled and slid them underneath his comforter, right by the pillow. The last memory Jason will have before bed will be her. She enjoyed the thought of that.

"Are you ready?" Jason appeared in the doorway.

"No, but we better get down there and face the music." Chelsea walked over and kissed Jason on the cheek. "Whatever happens, it doesn't change anything. You're still my man."

"Does that mean we can go out on a date when I'm free of the grounding I receive?"

"Absolutely. And you better fall in love with me quick because I'm still horny." Chelsea reached for Jason's hand and pulled. "Now let's get this over with."

Jason gulped at her brashness. "I can't believe you just said that."

"You'll get used to it." Chelsea continued down the stairs.

Jason began to smile. He wanted her to be herself and he was getting it. This straight-forward honesty was what he liked about her when she first transferred to his school in eighth grade. He didn't think he would ever see it again after almost four years of being Tiffany's follower. Add that to her calling him "her man" and Jason was at his happiest when he sat down on the couch confronting his father.

"What are you grinning about Jason?" Tim looked down at his son, maintaining his serious expression.

Jason's mind was brought back to the present. "Dad, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Bullshit." Tim started laughing. Confusion soon replaced the fear and nervousness in the young couple. "Jason, you're lucky I'm not your mother. She would've skinned you alive, and may still." Tim chuckled again. "I'll let her know what happened in a more subtle way." Tim sat down in the chair across from the couch. "In all seriousness, there are a couple of ground rules I am going to lay out that will not, I repeat, will NOT be broken. First, Jessica was downstairs. She is sixteen and doesn't need to see her brother engaging in sex. I'm not naïve in thinking she hasn't thought about it or even perhaps done something herself, but she doesn't need the encouragement from you. So whatever you do, wait until she is out of the house."

"Second, for Heaven's sake, shut the door. It will give you some semblance of privacy. Besides, if it was shut, I would have knocked, giving you a couple seconds to at least separate from each other. I will never be able to get the image of my son being dry humped out of my head. And believe me, despite how pretty this girl is, that is an image I do not care to have."

"Third, and this is most important, if and when the two of you decide to take this further, be protected. Wear a latex condom, go on the pill, and if an accident happens, take the morning-after pill immediately. You have your entire lives to bear children. No need to start now. I'm not going to punish you. Now I feel I've been very lenient considering what I saw, so any help you may need to acquire these items or if you have any other questions, please come to me. I only ask you to protect yourselves. Understand?"

"Yes Dad." Jason replied in a monotone voice, still in awe that he wasn't being exiled to his room for eternity.

"How about you?" Tim looked at Chelsea.

"Yes Sir." Chelsea answered as Jason did, but only because Jason did. She was thrilled Mr. Akers didn't ask her for her mother's phone number.

"Good, and don't call me Sir. It's Mr. Akers to you."

Chelsea's eyes went wide.

"I'm just kidding, please call me Tim. And what's your..."

"Dad, I'm sorry to cut you off, but you're really not upset?"

"Me? No, I'm not mad. I'm relieved actually. Relieved to know that you finally got over that Chelsea girl you've been in love with for four years. Your mom and I were worried you wouldn't ever move on from that crush and you might turn gay." Jason dropped his head in his hands, his face beet red. "Look at her, if she makes you half as happy as she is pretty, your mom and I will be proud." Tim then added jokingly, "Unless your mom hangs her for dry humping her son." Tim then extended his hand. "By the way, my rude son never introduced us. My name is Tim Akers, and you are?"

"I'm Chelsea Pollack." Chelsea had an ear-to-ear grin at the unexpected information she received.

"Oh." Tim now understood why his son's head suddenly fell in his hands, but chose to ignore it. "Well Chelsea, I do hope you can stay for dinner. I'm supposed to be cooking, but all that means is I'm ordering pizza. I'm sure my wife would love to meet you."

"I would love to, Sir. My mom doesn't get home until seven. I just have to leave her a voicemail to let her know where I am."

"Excellent. Anything in particular you want on your pizza?"

"Pepperoni and mushroom if that's okay, Sir."

"Great, and once again, call me Tim." Tim got up and went into the kitchen to order the dinner, leaving the couple alone.

Chelsea's big smile remained. "So, you've been in love with me for four years, huh?" She swayed into Jason, bumping her side into his.

At the contact, Jason finally looked up at her. "Um, yeah." It was all he could mutter as his face began to fill with embarrassment again.

"Um, yeah? That's it? I think there should be a little more of an explanation than that considering I didn't know your name three days ago."

Jason relented. "Alright, just don't think I'm too weird, okay?"

"No promises. Just tell me." She bumped into him again.

Jason took a deep breath. "It happened when you transferred to Roosevelt Junior High in the middle of the year. The first day you were in the office getting your schedule during my hour to help. I was assigned to show you around the school and to your locker. We talked about a variety of things and I started to like you. I also told you the next day was my birthday. Well after that, I went back to the office and you went to class. The following day, you walked into the office with a card, a present, and a smile. The card said that the gift is to help me unwind after a hard day's work in the office. I unwrapped the gift and it was a can of silly string. You were the only person to get me something, let alone say Happy Birthday. But the two things that left me in awe of you was your candor and your smile. I loved your straight forward honesty. It was evident in our conversations and your card. You said it, stuck by it, and didn't care about anybody's reaction to it. It was never anything hurtful, just honesty with a hint of humor. And your smile, wow, that's addicting. It is absolutely radiant. Every time I see it, then and now, I just want to kiss you."

Chelsea beamed at the compliment.

"See, now I have to kiss you." Jason moved in and pressed his lips to hers. Chelsea put her hand to the back of his head and opened her mouth. Jason dutifully accepted her invitation and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

"C'mon guys, get a room." Jessica sat down on the loveseat and turned the TV on.

"Do you have to be here right now?" Jason asked with a hint of frustration.

"I have every right to be in here, besides, Mom just pulled in. You should be thanking me that I warned you. I could've just let her catch you." Jessica responded in a sassy tone.

Jason ignored Jessica and brought his attention back to Chelsea. "You ready to meet Mom?'

"Is it safe?"

"Yeah, she's going to love you." Jason moved to get up.

Chelsea pulled him back down and put her lips to his ear, sucking his earlobe momentarily, then whispered. "You've been in love with me for four years. Do you know what that means?"

"What's that?"

"After that date you promised I'm going to fuck you till there's nothing left in your balls for a week. Now let's go meet your mom." Chelsea stood up and noticed Jason was suddenly pale. "What? I thought you liked my straight-forward honesty?"

Jason shook his head. "I do, but why do you always have to say something like that right before you meet one of my parents? You said something similar before you met my dad as well."

"Just trying to loosen you up a bit."

Tim went outside to greet his wife, Mae. Not something he normally did, but today he was excited. Mae worked as a secretary for a law firm and always wore a knee length skirt and a blouse with her hair in a bun.

"Good evening Honey, how was your day?" Tim almost ran to Mae.

"It was fine. Who's here and why are you smiling like the village idiot?"

"Oh there's the pizza guy! Wait here while I get that." Tim went over to the driver. The teen didn't have to leave the car.

"What happened to the meatloaf? Did you burn it?" Mae had a concern for her kitchen pans.

"No, no, no. I had to have a talk to one of our children. Nothing I couldn't handle. I'll tell you about it after dinner. Guess whose car this is?" Tim was almost jumping with enthusiasm.

"Should I be worried about Jessica or Jason?"

"No, no, now c'mon, guess whose car this is?" Tim set the pizzas on the car hood.

"I don't know, who?" Mae said not really caring anymore, still occupied with the thought of one her children being in hurt or in trouble.

"Chelsea Pollack." Tim almost shouted as he threw out his arms in front of him.

Mae dropped her purse. "THE Chelsea Pollack?"

Tim nodded emphatically.

Mae now knew why her husband was so animated. Both of them could recite verbatim the tale of how a little girl named Chelsea Pollack made her son's fourteenth birthday so special. A smile, a card, and a can of silly string were better than the four hundred dollar video game system she and Tim bought for him. All the rest of the school year and most of the summer, her little boy would regale them with that meeting. She also knew he was so infatuated with her, he never let it go. Jason fell hard for Chelsea.

"You met her? Is she nice?" Mae wanted any information Tim found out about the teen.

"Let's just say in the short amount of time since I've been home, she does a lot for him and he is very happy." Tim replied coyly.

Mae knew after 22 years of marriage that Tim was dodging her question. "What aren't you telling me?" She put her hands on her hips and stared him down.

"I promise I'll tell you later. The pizza is getting cold and after all this time, don't you want to meet the girl?" Tim picked up Mae's purse, handed it to his wife, and grabbed the pizzas. After 22 years of marriage, he knew when he won his few-and-far between minor victories.

"Alright, let's get inside." Mae gave up arguing, realizing her husband was right. She really wanted to meet Chelsea, finally.

Dinner went well. Mae really liked Chelsea. She was everything Jason said she was and could tell he was happy. The young girl was well mannered, and kept calling her Ma'am and Tim Sir, despite their protests. Tim just leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. Mae couldn't wait to be privy to his dark secret.

It was approaching 6:30 when Chelsea announced she had to get going. She still had some homework to get done. Jason joined her for the ride to her house. When they found out how close they lived, they were ecstatic. The couple only lived five blocks from each other, but if they cut through the alley, it only took seven minutes to walk it. The two got into the yellow beetle and Chelsea pulled out.

"All I have to do Friday is drop Jessica off at home we are free to go on our date. Dinner and a movie?"

"You're going to wait three days to take me out?" Chelsea feigned disappointment.

"Well, Friday is the busiest night and I have to show off my hot new girlfriend. We can still hang out after school the other days."

"Deal. You really think I'm hot?"

Jason turned toward Chelsea and with the utmost sincerity, "No, you're more than that. You are a goddess, deserving of a place on Mount Olympus and having statues erected in your honor."

Chelsea stopped the car in front of her house and turned to face Jason. He was looking at her 'that' way again. "Oh Jason." She wrapped her arms around him and gave a him a soft slow deep kiss that seemed to last three days. Chelsea's hands immediately went for his crotch and began to message him. Jason's hand reached for her pelvic area and stated to rub.

Jason was instantly hard.

Chelsea was instantly wet.

Chelsea unzipped and unbuttoned Jason's shorts and unsuccessfully pulled down on them. Jason lifted his body and soon his lower garments were at his knees and his cock sprang into full view. "My, my, what a perfect addition to my car, a new stick shift to play with." Chelsea spit in her hand and grabbed his manhood with zeal. "Let's see how fast you can go from 0-60." She leaned in and kissed Jason with intensity.

Jason took this opportunity to explore under Chelsea's dress. "Ooh, you're wearing my shorts."

Chelsea gave a lustful smile. "Since they're yours, you should have no problem getting into them." She began stroking Jason's shaft lightly. Gently caressing every part of his tool and paying special attention to the underside, especially right under his knob. Jason shivered at the touch.

The couple resumed their make-out session. Jason found the strings of the shorts and tugged. The make-shift underwear fell and he immediately slipped a finger into her folds. Chelsea's body was on fire as the first finger and then soon after a second finger plunged deep within her pussy. He spread his fingers into a V and slowly explored her depths with a scissors motion. Chelsea was writhing on top of his palm. Jason changed his motion rapidly plowing into her with speed as he inserted a third finger. His thumb moved to her clit, and gently rubbed her pearl.

Chelsea was close as she began to piston her hand with great urgency while her other hand kneaded Jason's balls. When Jason inserted the tip of his pinkie into her ass, she exploded. Her shriek was loud as it resonated in the tiny car. That sound pushed Jason over the edge as his seed burst into the air and landed on his body, shorts, and on Chelsea's dress.

Chelsea opened the glove compartment and grabbed a box of tissues. "Are you sure we have to wait for Friday? I mean if you can do that to me with your fingers, I can't wait to see how you use the correct tool."

Jason smirked at the compliment. "You know, I only said Friday, you're the one who assumed I meant this Friday. I was actually referring to a month from now." Jason grabbed a tissue and tried in vain to clean his shorts.

Chelsea finished wiping clean her hand. "I guess I'm going to have to give you a reason to make it as soon as possible." With that, Chelsea's head lowered and took all of Jason's limp cock in her mouth. After a few moments, she lifted her head. "There you go, all clean."

"Yeah," said Jason, "and all hard. What was that for?"

"Now you have to take me out this Friday." She pulled up the shorts and tried to straighten her dress. "You won't be able to wait a month in that condition."

"You win, and if this is how you're going to react when we have any dispute, I have a feeling your going to win any argument we have.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This would have been better if Chelsea wasn't such an eager, horny slut. Clearly she's been fucking god knows how many of the football team in the past, so doesn't exactly have much in the way of standards. Short-term, sure that's great for some hot fun. Long-term, that's a red flag for me. Let's see how it goes. I prefer the hot girl in these types of stories to not have been defiled by the jocks beforehand, but I suppose there's always going to be authors that disagree with that.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

True love and sex on a plate, she’s not to trot.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Still great....but

I can only wish to have met a girl that forward and ready to do all those sexual things right off. I guess you have to move the story along in a hurry but I foresee trouble ahead with all her sexuality at the very beginning. Looking forward to next chapters.

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