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Origins Pt. 06

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Hot, married grad student reveals her preference.
2.9k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/20/2019
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Origins Part VI is a continuation of Parts I-V

It was embarrassing that without thinking I drove back to campus even though the bypass offered a quicker route to my small, working class bungalow on the East Side. When I passed the intra-mural playing fields, I awoke from my reverie and focused on my now conscious destination, Sharon's loft. I remembered from the night I spent there, that when she was fucking, she liked to turn on this special lamp that shone a light blue light throughout the apartment. Sure enough, you could see the blue light in the window. Since her loft was on the top floor, she didn't use shades or drapes. It was now past the restricted time, so I parked on the street opposite her building and waited.

Thirty minutes later, the light went out, and shortly after Viktor exited the building. Counting back from when Sharon had left the cafeteria, he must have been up there for over three hours. Not that I doubted her, but Dorothy's account appeared correct. I suppressed an insane desire to knock on her door but instead started my truck, briefly following Viktor down her street long enough to see him turn into a campus tavern on the corner. I suppressed an even crazier idea of swinging by the Pub to see what Phyllis was up to. But Dorothy had me all fucked out, closing time was still a couple of hours away, tomorrow was a teaching day, and besides Phyllis' availability was never certain. So, I drove home to my empty house and slept fitfully.

I didn't awake with my usual energy, but I was determined to keep to my usual routine. My time with Phyllis the day before had cut into my class prep time, and I needed to get to my office where I kept my teaching support materials. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't avoiding the study carrels purposefully, but it crossed my mind. I was able to mix and match old lesson plans into a decent lecture with examples that I had just enough time to print before I walked into my first class. Trying to smooth the potentially disjointed lecture into a seamless whole kept me occupied through all my classes. Afterward, I grabbed my current chapter notes from my carrel, and picked up my usual yogurt and fruit dish from the cafeteria on my way to office hours. As I was leaving the stacks, I glimpsed someone in my peripheral vison who may have been Sharon. If so, she now knew where my carrel was. Was she stalking me, now?

My suspicions were answered quickly when shortly after I finished my yogurt, there was a tentative knock at my door. My lectures had gone well, and usually, good lectures increased office hour traffic, so I certainly wasn't expecting to see Sharon. "Can I come in?" She looked as if she had been crying and didn't appear that she had taken adequate care in putting herself together—even though we were now into mid-afternoon. She had a scarf around her neck that was so carelessly tied that it didn't hide two enormous hickeys that looked like abrasions. She even smelled faintly of that hideous cologne that Viktor wore. She hadn't showered, or it took more than one to get rid of it. She looked vulnerable, but sexy as hell. I wanted to fuck her on the spot.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, but now is not a good time. My office hours are just starting. How about I stop by your place later tonight?" As if on cue, there was a knock on my door, and I opened it to Linda Haskins, one of my hottest students.

"Oh, you are busy, should I come back later?"

I could tell that this coincidental appearance discomfited Sharon. There was no doubt that barring professional ethics, I could have, would have fucked Linda in a heartbeat. She telegraphed it to the point of embarrassment.

"Come back in 5 minutes, Linda." That comment reminded me of this low rent cathouse I used to frequent when I was a teenager, and it was hard not to smile.

As soon as she left, I turned to Sharon. "Look Sharon, this is kind of kinky, but when I come to your place, tonight, I want the door unlocked. I will knock, wait a minute, and when I walk in, I want you naked on your couch with your legs spread." She started to object, but looked at the door Linda had just exited, hesitated for a moment but without a word, slowly rose and gave me a deep French kiss while her hand lightly stroked my cock. This didn't last long, but it was long enough for Linda to glimpse as she paced outside my partially opened door.

Linda looked vengefully at Sharon as they passed in the doorway. She sat down in the visitor chair with a flushed face and a confused look on her face. She asked a couple perfunctory, obvious questions, and left shortly thereafter. Obviously, she had come to flirt but left empty handed. Meanwhile, I had a brief, intense sexual fantasy that involved Sharon spread wide on her couch morphing into to Linda spreading on my desk and pushing her cunt up in a beckoning manner. I could have easily had a fast jerk in the restroom, but just then my advisor stopped by to ask about my progress on the latest chapter, and the ensuing conversation although stimulating in another way, doused all near term sexual desire.

Keeping my regimen that had served me so well for the past couple of years, I left after my office hours ended, and headed to the gym. Of course, Viktor was the first person I saw when I entered. He was standing at the dead lift station waiting for one of his lackeys to change the weights for him. It was a little early and few people were around. Whether he felt greater license to hold forth, or the acoustics were clearer, he was speaking in pretty explicit detail, and I could hear every word. "I'm telling you; I nearly wore it out last night, and I am going over there as soon as I leave here to finish the job." His crew members were smirking and high fiving as he shook his huge package through is shorts for emphasis.

Interesting development. Not wanting a confrontation until I had all the facts, I decided to go for a long run, and hopefully, he would be gone before I returned. And this was the case, so I stretched and planked before my shower while I pondered my next move. Since we hadn't set up a firm time, I thought that I would follow my usual routine, of which she was vaguely aware, and see how things unfolded. After a long shower, I had dinner and went to my study carrel. The time dragged there because I couldn't concentrate on the task at hand, so I gave up at 8:00, and headed to Sharon's.

As I approached, I could see the blue fuck light emanating from her loft window. I didn't know if this was for me or for Viktor, but it abruptly went out, and the regular light came on. When I neared the entrance, I met Viktor as he slammed open the door. His dark mood intensified when he saw me. His eyes bulging with rage. He was a big man, and I am sure that he would have liked to rip my head off, but I also guessed that he was really not that conversant in physical combat, and relied on his bullying presence to intimidate his way through physical encounters. I, on the other hand, had had multiple physical encounters and spent enough on the losing side to know better than to confront, unarmed, someone who had a 100 pounds or more on me. I held my ground but kept my distance. In any case, everything was out in the open now.

"Going to collect your sloppy seconds, bitch." I ignored the insult for now. "A gentleman doesn't discuss such matters, Viktor. Surely, you know that." I could tell that he was pondering my subtler insult, and it set him back a bit. He wasn't the cleverest fellow. "This isn't over."

"I certainly hope not, Viktor." This too puzzled him enough to allow me a free pass to the stairs which I mounted without looking back. I didn't have to be concerned about his coming after me. One move by that hulk on those wooden steps would have been equivalent to a fire alarm.

Now, the bigger question. It appeared that Viktor had been in Sharon's apartment for close to three hours—according to Dorothy, his usual stint, the fuck light had been on, his off-putting cologne was mixed with the smell of sex, but he was leaving angry. He also apparently knew that I was coming over, so I was about to have an interesting conversation, if nothing else.

I still had energy left from my run plus an adrenaline rush form my encounter with Viktor, so I bounded up the stairs excited to see what was waiting. As agreed, I knocked on the door, waited a moment, and pushed the door open into the living room. Sharon was on the couch, naked holding her ankles up in the air. On her feet, she had thin white socks covered by espadrilles. For me, this was a nice touch although I feared that they were there to accommodate a Europhile fantasy of Viktor's. The fuck light was back on.

Her pussy was gaping luridly and a thick stream of cum was running down her crack unto a fluffy towel flattened into a deep depression caused by a butt that had had something very heavy thing pushing on it. Most startling were the marks, bites and bruises on her body—some were fading, others more recent. Her nipples looked almost raw, and her breasts and neck were discolored by dark hickeys that had to be very recent. She smelled of sweat, sex, and Viktor's cologne. This was a used woman, but not used up.

"Did you run into Viktor on his way out?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"


I had my jeans down, and my cock, such as it was by comparison, was rock hard, and I slammed it easily into her enflamed, protruding cunt. I had experienced sloppy seconds, usually my own, but this was something of a different order. Her cunt was overflowing and gaping such that I could barely feel the surrounding walls, but her pussy was burning and slippery. By grabbing her ankles and pushing her heels back unto her ears, I was able to generate enough friction to allow me to quickly ejaculate. The pent-up emotion of the last few hours had left me with little control.

Not that I needed that much more encouragement, but she slid down under me, vacuumed my semi-hard cock into her mouth and aggressively massaged my balls. I responded more to the context than the ministrations, but in any case, was hard in just a minute. I reached down to pull her shoulders up so that I could plunge my tongue down her throat before I turned her around on her knees to begin pounding her from behind. I placed my hands inside Viktor's larger handprints and began slamming her from behind. Although her pussy was now wetter and sloppier, my exertions started to get a reaction from her, and when I inserted my thumb in her rectum—which was also stretched out and gooey, she came hard. I was by now in a frenzy, but her orgasm, released what muscular control she had left, and I was a long time cumming in such a loose pussy. After a while, I came hard, but I felt as if I had just ended a long run that finished coming up a hill. I was wringing wet and collapsed on her in the lazy dog position while spending a couple more twitching drops of sperm. I was struggling to get my breath, but she was cooing and snuggling in a very satisfied way. Did it take two men to satisfy her?

My need for recovery demanded a break, and she was expressing little to no urgency, so it was time to talk. "Would you like some wine? Viktor would rather fuck than drink."

"I guess we are getting right down to it, and yes, I am ready for a drink." She poured two glasses from a decanted bottle, moved the towel to one end of the couch and lounged back against the end pillows, with her legs spread, looked at me expectantly, and waited for me to start. I thought this was a little manipulative, but as deep as I was dug in, it didn't make sense to stand on principle, but, still, I put it back on her.

"What are we doing here, Sharon? Not that I am a prude, but I have no intent of sharing a woman with Viktor. He is not discrete, loves to humiliate the men attached to his conquests, and is a bully besides. In short, it might end up in some confrontation or worse." This last was delivered with such venom that it caused her to briefly smile. Hopefully, she wasn't a sick bitch that got off on two men not just vying, but physically fighting for her, but you never knew with these rich people. They had so little contact with the starker realities that they could easily be ignorant of the brutal consequences.

"No, I don't expect you to share me with Viktor, but you should know that he has been fucking me at least daily for a couple of months. It is obvious, that he is a forceful person who will not be easily denied. To be as blunt as possible. I like his big cock, but I am disgusted by him also, and I don't need his appendage to gain satisfaction. If I must choose, I would much rather spend my time with you, if we can work something out, but I will need help disengaging from him. He treats me like his sex slave, and I must admit that I kind of like it. Although, I would love to be your sex slave if you want me."

So here we were; she was asking for a commitment of sorts which promised a titillating outcome. Since she was already married, I could only guess as to what that would entail. But I did want to keep fucking her, and to keep fucking her with Viktor out of the picture. Seems like that is what she was offering, but what was the catch?

"You don't expect me to be exclusive with you while you are married, do you?"

"Of course not, Montour and I have more of an understanding than a separation. You and I will not be exclusive, but I won't see Viktor without your approval. Also, Montour will visit occasionally, plus I am meeting him in Paris during the Christmas break. So, what do you think?"

That approval comment sat me back a bit, but this was sounding good. A steady fuck buddy for the year. Truth be told, even in the university environment, it took time to prospect for new partners who were compatible with your lifestyle, and my encompassing goal was to finish my dissertation by no later than the end of the summer term. That would give me time to defend my dissertation, ready a couple of chapters for publication, and prospect for jobs for the following year. Sounded good, but it sounded too good. I hesitated.

"Let me think about it." This flustered her a bit, but she came back strong. "OK but be advised that Viktor is not bashful about pushing his case, and it is hard for me to deny him when he knows I enjoy the sex with him, and I don't have a compelling reason to deny him."

Not that I am a wishy-washy guy who can't make up his mind, but I didn't see the urgency of making a commitment like this impulsively. Besides, the events of the day had left me emotionally and sexually spent, and I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed. "Let's talk tomorrow, I'm going home for now."

"I don't want you to leave."

"Look Sharon, it's not that I am not interested in your offer, I just want to go for now."

"What can I do to get you to stay? Tell you what. If you stay, I'll let you fuck my ass." This too was gaping and still dripping, and it was quite a sight when she turned from me and bent over, but I was serious. I was expecting to accept her offer tomorrow, but I really wanted to create distance and go home.

"Listen Sharon, I'll come by your office tomorrow in the afternoon before your evening class, and we can go for some coffee." She clearly didn't like to be turned down, and started to huff and puff a bit, but caught herself, gave me a medium hot kiss and as I left stood naked in the door her, her body flushed, and swollen pussy dripping cum down her leg. If nothing else, a pretty hot image.

To be continued . . .

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