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Our Babysitter

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She returns a changed woman.
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"Daddy! Where are you?" I heard my twelve-year-old daughter, Rhegan, screamed as she tore through the house, frantically looking for me. "DADDY!!"

Her voice didn't sound distressed, so I kept brushing the BBQ sauce over the slowly roasting chicken that I had spinning on the spit of my grill.

"Outside by the pool, honey!" I finally gave in, laughing to myself as she and her mom, Tuesday, walked out onto the deck. Rhegan ran and jumped into my arms, kissing my scruffy cheeks. She was such a Daddy's girl, the love of my life.

"Smells good, Honey!" Tuesday exclaimed, smacking me on the rump. "I hope that you have some extra, we are having company!"

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked.

Rhegan was quivering, she was so excited about something, and she looked fit to burst.

"Can I tell him, Mommy?!?"

Tuesday nodded her assent, grinning from ear to ear.

"AMY!" She squealed, dancing around with glee.

"Wh-what, who?" I stopped momentarily.

"Our old babysitter, Amy." Tuesday told me. "She is starting to college in Denton this fall and she kind of, uh, needs someplace to stay and, um, she can't afford the dorms and, uhhh..."

"So we are a boarding house now?" I asked, not exactly pissed, but wondering why I wasn't informed of this transaction.

Amy Becker is the daughter of my very best friend in the world Sebastian Becker, who was our neighbor for over nine years here in Copper Canyon. He and his wife Madelaine were the first of our neighbors to befriend us when we moved to this house fourteen years ago. Sebastian and I were dot commers, and he had made a fortune in his venture. He worked from home and dabbled in day trading and the like. He and I were like peas in a pod, we rode our motorcycles together, cooked out at each others houses, shared Holidays together, hung out and watched football, baseball, whatever. His wife, Madelaine was a trophy wife, absolutely gorgeous with a drop-dead body and a naughty streak. She and my wife were close also.

Sebastian and Madelaine had two children, Sebastian Jr, who was nine when we moved in and Amy, who was five. Jr was a model son, he grew up to be the star quarterback of the football team, he got a full ride scholarship to Oklahoma State and lettered in two sports, got an amazing job in Ohio when he graduated and the last that I heard, he was to be married to the former Miss Ohio. Amy was his polar opposite. She was a skinny kid who grew to be a gangly teen. She didn't have many friends, and spent most of her waking hours hanging out with either my wife at our house or running around with her dad and me.

I was blind to any problems that may have been within the walls of our next-door neighbors abode, but my wife wasn't.

"She cheats on him constantly!" Tuesday would tell me. "She has at least two suitors at all times, it is horrible!"

I would gingerly broach the subject with Sebastian, but he was deaf and blind to any issues, he zealously worshipped the woman and thought that her bowel movements didn't carry an odor.

When Tuesday and I were blessed with our only child, Amy took to her like a fish to water, and when she was old enough, she became the family sitter, and was until she moved away at the age of fourteen.

Prior to and during this time, things within their house became obviously shaky. Madelaine began to party a lot, leaving her kids by themselves and coming home long after they readied themselves for school. She and Sebastian fought constantly, and shortly after Jr's graduation, nearly five years ago, tragedy struck.

Things had been particularly stormy in their home and Sebastian and Amy were spending a great deal of time with us. I knew that Sebastian finally had come to grips about his rocky marriage and he had asked me to help him initiate divorce proceedings. The last thing that he and I ever discussed was a weekend long motorcycle trip to Big Bend, and how much fun it would be to tie that in to the Republic of Texas Motorcyle Rally which was going on that next week.

I'll never forget it, two sixteen A.M.; Tuesday woke me up because someone was beating on our door, beating like his or her life depended on it. I raced down the stairs to find Amy, shivering and in hysterics, huddled on my front stoop in her nightclothes, her bony fourteen-year-old frame wrought with tension.

"Daddy is dead!" She screamed before collapsing into my arms.

I literally threw her to my wife and clad only in boxers, I sprinted, barefoot, towards my best friends house. The scene was horrific.

Sebastian's front door opened to a large foyer that had a study to the left and the landing to the stairs straight ahead. I stepped in and noticed Sebastian's bare feet sticking out of the door to the study and Madelaine sitting on the stairs, weeping, holding a pistol. I carefully approached her and gently took the gun from her, placing it on the credenza and looking at Sebastian. My heart sank. It is a picture that I imagined every night in my dreams for the next six months and I still have nightmares of it five years later, my best bud, lying in a spreading pool of his own blood, shot twice, once in the stomach and once in the chest.

The next few months were a media whirlwind. The news was making Sebastian out to be an ogre of a husband, and his wife who had feared for her life after years of abuse shot him. Tuesday and I knew better, and told the police that, but we had no proof. Amy was so distraught that she could not even speak to defend her father. Madelaine became rich after cashing in on his life insurance policy and moved to the Bahamas with a much younger man, leaving Amy with Sebastian's parents in Oklahoma City after Jr went off to college.

Amy stayed with us for the few days prior to her leaving the state, and it was hard to let her go. I will always remember her waving good-bye to us, and how she looked then, a skinny waif, mouth full of braces and so very sad.

My wife and Amy kept in contact for a little while after she left, and Tuesday still sends cards to her on her birthday and Holidays, but we pretty much lost contact with her after a couple of years.

"Helloooooooo Jim!" Tuesday shouted at me. "Are you in there?"

I shook my head, re-entering reality, and threw my arm around her, pulling her close to me and kissing her full, luscious lips.

"Yeah, baby," I sighed, "just thinking about Sebastian, that's all."

She grinned up at me and hugged me back.

"We both miss him, Jim. I am going to go and get the spare ready for Amy, her grandparents are dropping her off, and they should be here before five."

I closed the lid on the grill and went and made a nice, stiff Jack and Diet Coke and flipped on the tube, looking for some sort of sports to watch, instead settling for a random home improvement show. I had really been hoping for a little 'slap-tickle' with Tuesday this afternoon, I guess that deal was squashed.

A couple of hours later, I heard a car in the drive and I went to the bay window and looked out at a new Lincoln Navigator coming to a stop behind my Wrangler.

The doors opened and I instantly recognized Sebastian's mom and dad, Flo and Bill. I really don't know how to describe it, but it was like a scene from a teen movie when everything goes into slow motion when the hot girl walks into the room. I assume that this girl was Amy, but she had radically changed. The last time that we saw her, she was a skinny, gangly kid, flat chested, no bootie, and a dark rat's nest for hair. This raven-haired beauty was amazing. She stood outside of the SUV for a moment, stretching hard, she had on a pair of cut-off jeans that revealed long, shapely legs with a perfect pair of diamond shaped calves capped off by a pair of yellow flip-flops. This girl wore a form hugging T-shirt and had her long hair swept back into a ponytail.

"Holeee shit!" I breathed to myself.

"Jim, they are here!" Tuesday yelled to me.

Rhegan was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, whooping and yelling, until her mom opened the door and let her out of there like she was shot from a cannon. She streaked out of the house and launched herself right into the outstretched arms of Amy, who fiercely clutched her right back.

Tuesday and I hugged Flo and Bill and we turned to Amy, who wore a leg weakening smile on her face, her big dimples were the same as they were before, deep and cute.

"Hi Mom! Hi Pop!" She just beamed at us.

Tuesday broke into joyous sobs and they clutched each other crying for what seemed like an eternity. Meanwhile, Bill and I grabbed her luggage and hauled it inside.

Later, after Bill and Flo had a couple of cups of coffee, they decided to leave before traffic got to be too heavy on I-35 heading north, despite our protests for them to stay for dinner.

We ate like royalty, the chicken was awesome and we listened intently to Amy tell us about herself and her time in Oklahoma with her grandparents. She rarely made mention of her mother, I am sure that she was still a little touchy on the subject.

Amy fell into a great environment for her to flourish, both artistically and intellectually. Sebastian's parents were fantastic people, and they allowed her to spread her wings. She blossomed physically and spiritually, and she was a really down to earth little girl, who just happened to be damn smoking hot.

For the next few weeks, she seemed to be adjusting rather nicely to our home. Tuesday and Amy, along with Rhegan, were inseparable. I think that Tuesday liked to have an older female to talk to, and I liked to catch glimpses of Amy whenever I could. Tuesday and Amy would sun themselves out by the pool in bikinis, driving me nuts, Amy would walk about the house in little shorts and tank tops, driving me nuts, and the worst, Amy has the most beautiful feet that I have ever had the pleasure of lusting over. Long, slim toes and slender feet with a perfect arch. What was bad was that she loved to go barefoot and I always had a great view of her pretty, pretty feet.

I had the pleasure of spying on them one time as they swam laps in the pool, which was Tuesday's early morning ritual. I couldn't hear what they were saying, which was fine; the visual was fine with me.

My wife had on a nice, form fitting, one piece racing suit that perfectly accentuated her full 'B' cup breasts. I always thought that her body was amazing, we were high school sweethearts, lost our virginity to each other, and even now, over twenty years later, I can still barely keep my hands off of her. Tuesday was a hair over 5'4", shoulder length blonde hair, tone body from years of swimming, perfect in my eyes.

She and Amy swam a few laps and then stood in waist deep water, facing each other, Amy's back was to me at an angle so that I could just see the swell of her right breast. She was wearing one of my wife's bikinis, and she was definitely, dare I say, overqualified for the top. Amy's body was incredible, she was about an inch or so taller than my wife and about ten pounds heavier, but that weight was in the right places.

They stood facing each other, talking over something, when Tuesday turned her butt towards her and Amy bent over slightly, looking at what she had to show her, it was all very nonchalant, which was incredibly sexy to say the least. Amy turned to her and repeated what she had just seen, and they continued to talk. Tuesday smoothed her wet hair back and then used her hands as a bra, squeezing her breasts together, then Amy reached over and put her hands on her boobs and squeezed. I was sporting a major woodie, even though I am sure that their conversation was innocent. For a few moments, both women just stood in front of each other with hands on hips, discussing some random topic, suddenly, Amy reached behind herself and undid the ties of her bikini top and bared her tits to Tuesday, holding her arms over her head. My heart skipped a beat and I leaned closer to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse, and I bumped my nose on the window, causing my eyes to water.

Tuesday bent over as if she were inspecting her bare skin and began palpitating Amy's bare breasts. I could see the swell of her naked tit and I strained to see more, to no avail. I do not know to this day what they were talking about or doing, but it gave me jerk-off fodder for several weeks.

I heard Rhegan walking up the steps and reluctantly tore myself away from my voyeuristic scene and hustled downstairs to ready my daughters' lunch.

It had been an exhausting week for me, and come Friday, I didn't want to do anything but relax at home and watch a new release on DVD. Tuesday volunteered to go to Hollywood Video and rent a few flicks and I was to get the popcorn ready.

I strolled into the media room and Amy was already in there, nestled into the corner of the couch, barefoot, with her long, gorgeous legs curled underneath her. She had on a tight tank top and a pair of running shorts that hugged her plump ass just righteously. I sat down on the loveseat opposite of her and we made a little small talk, but she was pretty interested in the show that she had on, which was fine by me, it allowed my eyes to crawl over her body when she wasn't looking.

Amy was absentmindedly flexing her toes up and down, and I was admiring her pedicure, which she and Tuesday had gotten just today, my eyes lustfully crawled over her shapely calves, shit, even her knees were sexy! I worked my gaze up her body to her chest and watched her breasts heave in and out with her breathing. I've had to tell myself about a million times that she was my buddies daughter, that I needed to respect his memory, but, Damn! Amy was so pretty that she made it hard!

My eyes continued their ascent up her nubile young hard body until I realized that she was looking at me!

Embarrassed, I hastily looked away, feeling my face and neck flush with the mortification of being caught red handed.

"I notice that you are always looking at me, Uncle Jim." Amy smiled wryly at me, "Do you like what you are seeing?"

I could feel my throat drying up; I felt that if I tried to speak, nothing would come out.

"You have changed a lot, Amy. For the better, of course." I felt small.

She changed positions and now sat facing me Indian style.

"Do you think that I am pretty?" She asked, cocking her head to the side, giving me a sultry, come hither look.

"Very much so, Amy." I told her, feeling a heat in the room.

"Do you think that I am sexy?"

I felt the warmth crawl up my neck.

"Yes I do, Amy. You are very sexy."

"Do you want me?" She was almost purring.

"Amy, I, uh, don't think that we should be, uh, talking like this." I could feel my brow start to bead in sweat.

"You don't think what?" She got up and sat by me on the loveseat. I was hapless to move, I could feel the electricity leap from her leg to mine, she placed her hand on my thigh.

"I'm not a virgin, you know."

Her smile was so sweet.

Without another word, she leaned into me and kissed me ever so softly on the lips, gently at first, but our hunger overwhelmed us and anon, we were greedily thrusting our tongues into each other's mouths, freely exploring our bodies. Amy leaned back and pulled her tank top off, revealing the most luscious pair of breasts. They were full and ripe, not even a hint of sag.

I fell forward hungrily, like a chick getting fed a morsel from its mama, and sucked her nipple into my mouth, teasing the stiff bud with my tongue. Amy had long nipples, perfect pink caps to wonderful breasts, and I paid sweet attention to them. I could hear her suck in her breath just above me, and she ruffled my hair with one hand as she reached down and grabbed my package with the other.

"Oh, my!" She moaned, "You are nice and hard! Stand up and take your pants off!"

Obediently, I rose before her and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my shorts, pushing both those and my boxers to my feet before I stepped out of them. My hard cock bounced freely in front of her smiling face.

"Tuesday was right, you do have a nice cock!" Amy grinned, cupping my balls in one hand and grabbing my shaft with another.

I stood with my erect cock jutting towards her face, I wasn't the longest in the world, just a touch over 6" hard, but I was very thick, over three inches at its widest.

Amy swirled her tongue around my sensitive head, lapping up some precum that had leaked out of my blind eye.

"I love to suck cock!" She exclaimed.

With that, she buried my rod deep into her mouth, I could feel her tongue scraping against the soft underside of my glans, all that I could do was moan, and when I did so, she increased her pace on my steel hard shaft, grunting loudly.

This was not a nineteen-year-old girl's blow-job, she was giving me a sloppy hummer, liberally coating my cock with her spit while jerking me off and grunting in pleasure. I wasn't going to last long.

It was if she was reading my mind.

"Don't cum yet! Eat my pussy!"

I knelt in front of her as she spread her legs wide, revealing her pretty pink gash that was leaking her love juices. She was bald, save for a little landing strip of jet-black hair above her fat labia.

"Ew, yes, yeah, lick that pussy!" Amy screamed out as I began to lash at her soft folds with my tongue.

She stiffened up momentarily when I stuck my thick finger into her ass, and then she reached down and spread her butt cheeks to allow easier access to her nether region. I licked and sucked her pussy, while fingering her ass until she bellowed and released a streaming flow of female ejaculate, coating my face.

"Oh yes, oh yes! Come here, fuck me now!"

She grabbed my face and licked her juices from my lips.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH, put it in me!" Amy groaned.

I pointed my penis at her waiting snatch and slid it in ever so slowly, filling her up with my girth, making her wait for the final push, she wasn't having any of it.

"Jim, fuck me now!" She roared and wrapped her legs around me, digging her heels into my ass, and thrusting her hips toward my own, burying my cock deep into her love nest.

I began to pound away at her dripping wet pussy, listening to my balls slap against her naked skin while she played with her clit.

"Again! I'm coming again!" She gasped.

Amy was definitely a wild fuck, and I could feel the pressure build up in my swinging nut sack.

"Come for me, Jim, come on my belly!" She begged.

"I'm gonna cum, baby, I'm gonna cum now!" I tried to hold my eruption back, but this wild nymph coaxed the inevitable from me.

"AAAARRGGGHHHH!! Here it comes!" I could feel the cords stand out in my neck.

I pulled my swollen cock from her and rubbed it on her pussy, using her lips to jack me off. A massive stream of man chowder erupted from my pork sword, passing over her head and landing in her hair. The next volley hit her across the nose and mouth; I have never come this much in my life!

When my orgasm subsided, I watched her scrape my choad off of her chin and lick it off her fingers, she pulled me down to where I was chest to chest with her, feeling my warm semen against her chest, and she kissed me hungrily, the salty taste of my own seed ripe on her tongue.

"Oh, Jim, that was great! Jim? Jim, hello? Jim..."

I could feel someone shaking me, it was my wife!

I shook my head vigorously, as if to clear any cobwebs out of my fearful brain, my wife is going to kill us, me!

"Hello, Jim! I told you to make some popcorn, not fall asleep on the love seat!" Tuesday mocked exasperation.

I stole a glance over at the where Amy was. She had a big smile on her face.

"Gosh, Jim," She ribbed me, "you fell asleep with a huge grin on your face, good dream?"

I looked up at my wife and back at her.

"A good dream, indeed!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So she kills her husband and Flys of to the Bahamas without any charges being made. Right really believable.

Ploni_AlmoniPloni_Almoniover 13 years ago
It Feels Like a Too-Short Punch Line...

I really liked the setup, the (fast) sex part. But there were bits left over, like what was going on between the two women. Feels like there was room for more chapters in terms of Tuesday's side of this. And how it would continue to roll as Amy continues to stay there. Great setups for getting caught, getting accommodations and any number of other things.

Keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
a good story

great story be careful with those dreams they can get you into trouble



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

So the wife and the girl were comparing notes huh? what else where they sharing? Run with the idea that the two girls are in this together!!

ethanjones1943ethanjones1943over 17 years ago
please continue this

Loved it please continue the story line.


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