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Our Story - Allie Ch. 01

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Little Sister see’s brother in New Light.
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All Characters are over the age of 18!

I've been married now for going on 15 years. My marriage has been a good one, fulfilling. Mark and I have 2 beautiful children, close in age, less than 13 months between them to be exact. We were always told we worked quick. Funny enough, my brother Will and I had the same age difference. 

Will and I had always been close growing up, but the summer before he went away to college everything changed. Don't worry, it changed for the better! This isn't some story of woe or heartbreak, it's a story of how Will and I came to be. How we became more than just a brother and sister, but two people that loved each other, despite the taboo nature of it.

I had just turned 18 during the summer when Will had gotten a job at State Park several hours away. I was bummed that he would be away for most of the summer, but I suppose I had to get used to it, considering he was going off to college in the fall. Will had always been the more outgoing, sporty sibling. He was tall, about 6' with strong shoulders, and an athletic body. I had never really paid much attention to how he looked, not until that fateful day that he returned home from his summer job, however my friends had no problem telling me how hot they thought he was. And of course, Stephanie, the class slut, had no problem letting us all know just how good Will was if you were lucky enough to get him alone in the backseat of a car. His hair was black, like my own. Cut short. His eyes the same shade of green as mine, and he had a great smile that was always easy to bring to his lips. I had been letting my hair grow, and it now fell just about to my waist, and I was proud of that. I liked that I wasn't a blonde haired blue eyed perfect girl next door type.

Now, I say Will was the athletic one, but that didn't mean I was a slouch. While I tended to go more for theatre, and arts, I was still active, on the track team, and was pretty damn good. My body blossomed over my teenage years from a skinny little kid, to a 5'3, 120lbs. I was well proportioned, my tits a solid B cup, perky, and according to the couple of guys that I had let see them that summer, the little freckle just on my cleavage was 'sexy as shit'.  I had a nice ass, not too big, but not small, and looked damn good in a pair of leggings, or some short shorts.

 I had spent most of that summer with my best friend, Lisa. We spent our days at the beach, or if it was too hot for that, enjoying the air conditioning at one of our houses, or another friends. Almost every night we met up with a group of friends for a party, or just to hang out. Sometimes if we were lucky, there was a bottle of wine or two involved.

Lisa and I had both hooked up that summer, her going all the way, me...well I was a bit shyer than her, and not as quick to pull the trigger. I had done a lot of making out, a lot of touching, a hand job or two, and blow jobs, but I was still a virgin.  I didn't really know why, it's not like I had some crazy view that I had to save herself until marriage, I just hadn't felt like it was time. But that was all about to change.

The day Will was supposed to arrive home, I woke up mid morning, to an empty house. I knew my parents were at work, and I knew I had all day to just lay around. Will wasn't due to arrive until later that evening.

I got up, wearing just the old t-shirt I had stolen from Will ages ago and liked to sleep in. It was stretched out of shape now, and hung off one shoulder, falling just mid thigh. At one point it had been a band t-shirt, or from some movie he liked, but it was unrecognizable now. I got myself a bowl of cereal while I checked my phone. There were a few notifications about the party that night on the beach. It was a town tradition. All the kids got together the week before school started, had a big bonfire, and someone's older cousin or sibling always provided them with drinks. The parents knew about it, everyone did, but no one bothered them, or stopped them. As long as it didn't get out of hand.  

I remember washing my bowl and putting it on the rack to dry before heading back upstairs to my room. Lisa had texted to let me know Matt would be at the fire that night. I had always had a crush on Matt. He was Will's best friend, so I knew he probably saw me as off limits, or even as a little sister, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted him, and maybe that night I could finally have him.

I got ready and headed to the bathroom that I shared with Will. I remember pulling the door shut, but not locking it. I was home alone after all, and no one else was expected until later that evening.

I turned on the shower and took care of the basic things first. I shaved my legs, and underarms, and trimmed up my little patch of black hair between my thighs. I knew some girls that would shave it all off, but for some reason I liked the little bit left, I don't know why. I still do. After, I washed my body, and my hair, then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After drying my body, I wrapped my towel around my hair and started to apply moisturizer. Once that was done, I was looking at myself in the mirror, turning this way and that, checking out my body. I often wondered if I was considered a pretty girl, but also, it didn't really bother me either way. I was happy with how I looked.

I shrugged, and lifted my arms to my towel covered hair, unwrapping it and then using the towel to dry it a little. I think I remember hearing a sound, but I can't be sure. Even all these years later, I don't know what possessed me to turn to the side, but when I did, I came face to face with Will, who was standing in the bathroom doorway, his eyes glued to me.

I let out a soft gasp, but other wise I didn't make a sound, or a movement besides the subtle bounce of my tits as I turned.  I know now I probably should have said something, or freaked out that my brother was standing there seeing me naked, but it was the look in his eyes that stopped me. I will never forget the lust that filled his green eyes as they skimmed over my body. The way he looked at me shot an air of confidence through me that I don't think I have felt since that day. I stood there unmoving, my body on display for my brother, and when his eyes met mine again, he didn't say a work, he just stepped back out of the bathroom, and went back towards his room. I finished towel drying my hair, and then brushed it out, knowing that if I left it to air dry, I would have perfect waves for the party that night. When I finished, I walked back to my bedroom, and closed the door.

I remember feeling a throbbing between my thighs as I thought about the look in Will's eyes as he looked at me. 'What the fuck, Allie. You can't be horny for your brother, that's all kinds of wrong.' I thought to myself. I moved about my room, but I couldn't get the feeling to go away, no matter how hard I tried.

Eventually I gave in and lay back on my bed with my thighs spread. My fingers found my slit, and ran up and down, before I started to rub my clit, the image of my brother looking at me like he wanted to devour me fresh in my mind. It didn't take me long to climax, and when I did, as I lay there in the afterglow, I shook my head and scolded myself for it. 'He's your brother, for fuck sakes.'  But I couldn't help it. I needed to find release, and so be it.

It was done now. I remember getting dressed in a simple bra and panties, a cream sweater and leggings, and putting on my fuzzy socks. Sure, it was summer, but it was also Texas, so the AC was cranked. I wasn't sure if I could face Will just yet, even though I had missed him like crazy, so I did some reading, and stayed in my bedroom until I heard my parents come home.

Shortly after, the doorbell rand and I knew it would be Lisa. I hurried down the steps, pulling my hair up as I did, and opened the door for her. It wasn't unusual for her to show up, she was more like furniture than a friend that summer, always at the house, and my parents didn't mind.

Dinner was the usual occurrence at our house. Mom and Dad talked a lot, asking Will about his summer, and his plans for college in a couple of weeks. I listened, and said a few things here and there, but mostly let Will and my parents do the talking. This wasn't unusual, but today it felt different. I didn't think I could really contribute to the conversation when all I could think about was the look in Will's eyes as he looked at my naked form in the bathroom earlier. I was looking at him in a new light, in a way no sister should ever look at her brother.  And why had I thought of him when I was cumming? Fuck what was wrong with me? I glanced up at him as I sipped my water, and he was looking at me as well. I wonder if he knew what I had done? If he suspected that I had walked back into my bedroom and masturbated thinking of him?

Once dinner was over, and Dad had agreed to let us go to the fire, even allowing us to stay out an hour later as long as Will came, Lisa and I headed upstairs to get ready.

"Are you going to talk to Matt tonight?" Lisa asked, as she stood in front of my mirror applying way too much make-up. I never understood why she used so much. It seemed excessive to me.

"I think I might." I say, shrugging. "As long as I can get him away from Will, anyway." Even saying his name made me feel a stir in my stomach. Obviously, there was something wrong with me. I did a quick swipe of make-up, and then changed into a short black cropped shirt and a short black skirt, and let my hair down, brushing it out. It was perfectly waved, like I liked it. 

We finished up getting ready and met Will downstairs to leave. I don't think he noticed that I saw the way his eyes skimmed over me, or that I flushed a little as they did. It made me feel sexy and wanted. But I knew I had to be imagining it. He was my brother; he didn't want me in that way.

The drive to the beach was as usual. I turned on some music that Will probably hated while Lisa babbled away in the back. When we got there, we separated. Will went off to find his friends, and Lisa and I found ours. I had a couple of beer and talked to some of the guys from our year, but when I saw Matt getting himself a drink from the keg on his own, I excused myself and went over to him.

"Hey you!" I said, as I approached him. I remember his eyes scanning my outfit as well, much the same Will's had earlier.

"Little Allie! Hey kid." He had said, as always, making me roll my eyes.

"I am hardly a kid anymore, Matt." I laughed.

"True." He smirked, his eyes running over me again. "Having fun?"

"Yeah, not too bad. You?"

"I am. It's nice to get one last one in before heading off to college next week."

"Are you excited? I can't wait till next year so I can get away from this town."

"I am looking forward to it. I mean I'll only be an hour away, so it's not that far."

"Matt...I know my brother is your best friend, but you have to know I have always had a thing for you." I remember saying, sipping my beer.

"Allie, I wont lie. If you weren't Will's little sister, I would have hit on you ages ago." He laughed.

"Why should that have stopped you?" I remember asking, giving him my best sultry look that I could muster. At least I hoped it looked sultry, not like I was having a stroke.

"Will would have killed me. He made it very clear to all of us that you were off limits."

"Well, to be honest, it really is none of his business who I hook up with." I remember putting my hand on his arm, sliding it up until I was squeezing his bicep. "And you are leaving next week."

"Shit." Matt looked around, and then back at me. "Allie...if he found out..."

"Are you planning on telling him?" I remember asking, grinning at him.

We flirted a little more, and before I knew it, we were heading to the parking lot and to his truck. It started out pretty innocently, we were just making out like horny teenagers do. I remember thinking how mad Will would be if he found out, but then thinking of Will only made me moan into Matt's mouth and kiss him harder. He felt me up, but not in a gross way, he was actually pretty sweet about it. We were in his truck, getting hot and heavy.

"We don't have to do anything more than make out." Matt said after awhile, and by this time I was already in his lap, my skirt hiked up almost around my hips.

"I know." I said, before kissing his neck, as I reached to the fly of his shorts.

"Are you sure?" He asked, putting his hands on my face to look in my eyes.

"I'm sure." I nod. He lets go of my face, and I shift so I am on the seat next to him as I get his dick out. Now, Matt was a good-looking guy, and girls talk just as well as guys do. I had heard he was blessed between his legs, and he was. If I had to guess I would say he was a good 7 inches, and thick. And right now, hard as a rock. I wrapped my hand around him first, pumping up and down, running my thumb over the head.

"God damn." He groaned, his head falling back against the seat. A little shiver ran through me when he did that. I remember feeling powerful in that moment, knowing I controlled his pleasure. But I also remember wondering if Will would like how I stroked him. If he would groan like that as I jerked his cock.

I tried to get the image of my brother out of my mind and focus on the fact that I had Matt's dick in my hand, but I couldn't. Even as I lowered my head and took him in my mouth, I was imagining it was my brother. The image of me doing this to Will drove me to give Matt what I hoped was the best blow job of his life. From the way he was moaning and moving his hand over my back and down to grope my ass, even slide his hand below my ass and between my thighs told me he was enjoying it.

And sure, he might be off to college the next week, but the fact remained he was still a boy, and it wasn't long before he was telling me he was going to cum. I remember humming my approval around his cock, and he exploded in my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but there was just so much of it, I felt it leak out the corner of my mouth and drip down my chin.

When he finished cumming, I sat back on my heels, letting out a soft laugh, about to make a comment about how much he came but the door was ripped open, and Matt was pulled from the truck by his shirt, his dick still out. My eyes widened as I witnessed my brother beat the shit out of Matt, and I remember screaming for him to stop, scrambling out of the truck and grabbing Will, trying to pull him away from Matt. He backed off, and Matt fell to the ground. I remember feeling shame, as I got to my knees beside Matt, his cum still on my face as I yelled at my brother.

"What the fuck, Will? What the fuck is wrong with you?" At this point, people started coming over, trying to see what was going on, and when I looked up at Will, he was backing off, and heading to his car.

"Fuck! Matt! I am so sorry. Are you ok?" I asked, looking back at him.

"I'll be fine." He said, pulling himself up to a sitting position. "God damn, Allie. You better go before he comes back looking for you."

"What the fuck happened?" I heard Lisa ask.

"I'm so sorry." I said again to Matt. "I had no idea he would come looking for me."

"No worries, Kid. Just get outta here. I gotta go get cleaned up." He had said, and I think him calling me kid is what pissed me off the most. I got off the ground, and turned towards Will's car, Lisa following.

"Here." She said, getting a tissue from her purse. "You got a little something on your chin."

"Great." I sighed, wiping it off.

"Drama." Lisa laughed. "I love it." We got in the car, and no one said a word as Will started it, and drove off. I was furious. I was embarrassed, and so mad I could barely see straight. I could hear Lisa talking, but I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. Will pulled up at her house a few minutes later and she hugged me from behind the seat.

"Try not to punch anyone else on the way home, Will." She laughed, as she got out.

Will didn't make a move, or a remark back to her. She closed the door and went towards her house. When she was inside, Will put the car in gear and drove off. I remember sitting in silence a few moments longer before I finally exploded asking him what the fuck his problem was.

We yelled at each other the rest of the drive home, and I remained furious, but looking back at it now, I think I was madder at the fact that I still wanted him. I still wished it was his load that I had swallowed.

When we pulled into the house, I got out of the car and stomped inside and upstairs. I washed my face, and brushed my teeth, before heading into my bedroom and closing the door. 'What the actual fuck is wrong with me? Why am I hot for him? This is so wrong!' I remember going through a whole range of emotions. Anger, shame, guilt. The guilt got me.

Will and I had never fought before. He was a great brother, always there for me when I needed him, and I guess I could understand why he was so mad. Matt was his best friend, and I was his little sister. I remember thinking if it had been him with Lisa, I would have ripped her eyes out, and that I didn't want Will to leave the next week with us fighting. I was going to have to apologize to him.

I changed out of the outfit I had worn to the party, and put on the same old t-shirt I had slept in the night before over my black lace panties. I took a few deep breaths to make sure I was calm enough to do this, ignored the throbbing between my thighs since I had been worked up while sucking Matt and denied a chance to get off myself, and I quietly slipped from my room and over to Will's door. What I saw when I pushed that door open, will live in my memory for the rest of my days.

I have seen him do the same many times since, I've felt him cum inside me, had him cum over me in so many ways, but I will still always remember the sight of my brother exploding over himself that first time. I watched as his cum shot out, and up, and then fell back around his thighs and his hand, down to the bed below him. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight of his still hard cock, his hand wrapped around it, and his cum everywhere. I remember his head turning to the side, seeing me standing there.

"I...I came to apologize." I remember saying, still staring at his cock. "I'm sorry, I should have knocked..." I couldn't move, I was glued in his doorway.

I know I should have turned around and left, but I just couldn't. I could feel my juices pooling in my panties, I was so fucking turned on. All day thinking of how he looked at me, blowing Matt, and now seeing Will cum all over himself. Had he been thinking of me? Of seeing me blowing his friend? Had he been wishing it was him I had been sucking? It was like I was possessed.

I stepped further into the room and closed the door behind me. I didn't say a word, and neither did he. I walked to his bed, my eyes still on him, and what I did next changed my relationship with my brother forever. I put my knee up on the foot of his bed and pulled myself onto it. I sat against the footboard, spreading my legs, pulling the shirt up just enough that the front of my now wet panties was exposed to him.

I reached and pushed them aside, my pussy on display for my brother. I ran my fingers up and down my slit, parting my lips, feeling his eyes burning into my pussy as I still continued to look at his hard, cum covered cock. I started to rub my clit, a little slowly at first, but then short, fast flicking of my fingers as I got closer and closer. I had been worked up, so it wasn't going to take me long. The thing about me when I cum, is that I hold my breath. Always. I moan, and draw in a breath, holding it as I flick my clit faster, and then let out my breath as I groan low in my throat with my orgasm rips through me.

When I finished, I looked up at his face, his green eyes that mirrored my own, and I smiled slightly as I removed my hand, and my panties once again covered my pussy.


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