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Our Weekend Adventure


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"Sorry. Cheryl was right. That mouth of yours is magical." She got up and went to the back of the plane while shimming her skirt back in place. Barb opened a small refrigerator, removing a plastic bottle of water. I checked up front, but Cheryl and Phil were busy flying and chatting.

Barb opened a drawer and withdrew a handful of napkins. She returned, gulping most of it down, and handed it to me. "Drink quickly. We will say you spilled it during the flight. I took a number of gulps of the water to nearly empty the bottle. I dabbled at my soaked shirt with the napkins, but what worried me more was Barb's obvious musky scent.

Phil shouted over his shoulder, "We will be there in 10 minutes." I felt the engines idle as we made our descent. Just off to the left, I saw a small island with a large, thatch roofed building with a satellite dish mounted atop. A smaller house sat further back, in the tropical bush. Between them was a long grass runway, and a white sand beach surrounded the entire property. I guessed that the whole island might be three miles around.

Barb retrieved another handful of napkins and patted my crotch and thighs of my shorts, smiling at her touch of my rigid member.

"I'd love to take care of that later. Maybe the four of us can have some real fun this weekend." This was insane. Barb has told me that Cheryl let Phil see her while getting shaved, and may have even allowed Barb's husband to touch or taste her. Was all of that bullshit, just to get me worked up enough to lick Barb's pussy right there? Had I cheated on my wife because of my own carnal thoughts, and dirty talk from Barb?

It was as if Barb knew what was going through my mind. "Hey," she said, leaning unnecessarily close. "It is our secret. Cheryl won't ever know, unless you tell her." As she spoke, the plane touched down, coming to a halt in front of what looked like a family of four Mexicans.

The father reached up to unlatch the door, while a boy of fourteen or so, opened the compartment with our bags inside. He handed our bag to his younger sister. Barb led the way down the stairs to the grass. The cool breeze was already having a drying effect, but not before Cheryl got out and saw my damp attire.

"Well, what happened to you?"

As my mouth formed what would have been a stuttering response, Barb spoke up.

"Oh, your silly man spilled water all over himself. But that's okay. He cleans up well!" She laughed out loud while Cheryl only smiled politely, yet scanning the drenched stain of my shirt and shorts. It was the knowing look and wink that Phil gave me, that told me he knew exactly what happened.

"Allen, Cheryl, this is Luisa, Reymondo, and their children, Rosa and Julio." The family smiled while they each greeted us. Reymondo said, "Welcome to El Toro Island."

Cheryl offered, "Nice to meet you all." The kids carried our bags back the short distance to the large home. It was gorgeous inside, and the gentle breeze filtered through the many open windows.

Phil said, "Rosa will show you to your bedroom." The eleven year old wore a thin white summer dress with a blue floral pattern, the gauzy outline of her white panties in view as she walked ahead. The young girl set our bag down, turned and bowed slightly, probably not able to speak much English.

"Gracias," I said softly, receiving only a polite smile in return. Rosa left as Cheryl and I admired the king size bed and TV mounted on the wall.

"It's beautiful," I said, looking around the room.

Cheryl looked out the window at the view of the beach, only a few hundred feet away. "Yes, it is. Did you have fun with Barb on the plane? I had so much fun with Phil to even have looked back there. She is really sweet, though, isn't she?"

My mind went into a frantic spin. 'Did I have fun with Barb'? Did she know something? Had Cheryl smelled Barb's pheromones on me? I answered, "Yes. We had a great time." A knock at the open door was Phil, announcing lunch outside.

We followed him out the back door where the family was putting the finishing touches on our lunch under a palapa. Reymondo announced, "If that is everything, Senõr, we will leave for home for the weekend." His family stood politely, until Phil dismissed them.

"Yes, thank you Rey."

"Thank you Rosa," Cheryl called out, and was greeted with a smile and wave from the young girl. They disappeared to the smaller home and in a few moments would depart in a small motorboat for the mainland.

Phil raised his glass. "Here is to Cheryl's hard work and dedication to the firm. You really know how to perform, my dear." We clinked glasses while my wife blushed a bit.

"Well, it is easy to succeed when I work for someone who stands behind me in all this," replied Cheryl. I looked around to see if any of the others heard the same double entendres that I had, but no one let on, if they had.

The breeze blew gently across the women's blouses, and Barb would carefully cross and uncross her legs for only me, while the other two expounded on their venture together. We ate a green salad and slices of fresh tuna. I had to peek each time Barb carelessly (or more like carefully) exposed her pussy to me once more.

As we ate, Phil and Barb mentioned other trips here with various couples and groups of friends. When they spoke of one couple, Gary and Gayle, Phil said, "Yes. I remember. You had the hots for Gary. I didn't see you two all weekend!"

Then, Barb peered at us, and said to me, "Did Cheryl tell you? Phil and I are in an open relationship." I looked to Cheryl for confirmation.

"Oh, yes," commented Cheryl. "Barb told me about her and Phil, in passing one night. I never gave it much thought to say anything to you."

Barb asked Cheryl, "Have you two ever dabbled?" While we have played some role-play games in bed, where I pretended to be a waiter or co-worker who flirted with Cheryl, we had never talked about actually bringing someone into our bedroom. I was shocked that she decided to tell the whole story to Phil and Barb.

"Well, Allan and I have played many times with just some fantasy stuff, where he has seen a handsome guy flirt with me, then wanted me to pretend that Allan was that stranger. It really cranked us both up. Didn't it sweetie?"

It was my turn to blush, with Phil adding, "Hey, there is nothing wrong with seeing the love of your life moaning and groaning at the hands of another. After all, it is just sex, right?"

I looked to Cheryl for a response, but she had no reaction whatsoever. Meanwhile, my heart was pounding in my chest. With all of this talk, I still had no idea if Cheryl had already played in some way with these two, or if Barb and I had been the first to play.

"Yeah, I guess." I knew deep down that my fantasies of seeing my wife with someone else were on a precipice of reality, and I didn't know if I was ready for that, especially with someone so powerful in Cheryl's life. The lunch in my belly turned over with pangs of anxiety. Barb was definitely interested. Phil was openly suggesting it, and Cheryl didn't say no.

Phil added, "And, it sounds like you would enjoy seeing Cheryl with another man. Right Allan?"

I froze, checking in with Cheryl, but Cheryl was leaving me to answer Phil on my own.

"Well, I guess you never know how you will react, until it actually happens," I suggested.

Phil said, "Oh, I think I know. No worries. You would be leaving Cheryl in good hands. Besides, I think Barb would find a way of taking very good care of you."

Did I just give consent? Again, my heart began banging in my chest. Cheryl just stood there, nodding as Phil spoke. She didn't seem surprised by his advances in any way.

Time for a swim?" asked Phil.

Cheryl said, "Sure. I'm game. Let's go back to our room and get changed."

As we walked toward the house, Barb suggested, "Now that it is just the four of us on the island, we don't need bathing suits, do we?" Cheryl and I hadn't skinny dipped since we were teenagers.

I answered, "Why not?"

We went back to our bedroom and Barb called out from the hallway, "There are towels in the closet." Cheryl found them and laid them on the bed, while I began shucking my shorts and shirt. Even then, I could still smell the musk embedded in my clothes and wondered how Barb hadn't noticed.

When I lowered my underwear to the floor, Cheryl said, "Oh, My! Aren't you ready to go?" My rod was nearly erect already, a stain of precum in my underwear. Cheryl was naked as well. "Those big boobs of Barb seem to have had an effect on you, hun." Her smile was devious.

I moved to my wife and pressed my tight hand flat against her baby smooth mons, and slid a finger into the rubbery slit. As I parted the seal of her opening, my finger was flooded with wetness. I said, "And you are too. Have you had dirty thoughts about being with Phil?" I curled my finger to slide the entire digit in as far as it could into Cheryl's very ready pussy.

"It is just sex, right?" she asked. I knew that I wanted to push my cock into Cheryl right there, but I was sure that I wouldn't last ten seconds. I also wanted to fuck Barb too, and to play with her massive boobs, yet I still felt a twinge thinking about Phil and Cheryl. I put on a brave face.

"Sure, if you're okay with it."

I noticed almost a full sigh of relief from Cheryl when I said that. We stood naked, kissed gently for a few seconds. My petite wife looked very excited as well; her dark brown nipples poking from her tiny mounds. I did feel a little better that at least I knew Barb was into this, and wouldn't reject me.

Cheryl handed me a towel and said calmly, "By the way, you reek of her scent." With a smile and a wink, Cheryl led the way from our room. My stomach rolled once more. It felt surreal; as though the three of them were guiding me into this preordained experience. I looked down and was happy that my erection has subsided somewhat.

Barb and Phil were waiting just outside the house, naked as jaybirds, with towels in hand.

I was mid-sentence with Cheryl on our way out the door, when I noticed her eyes dart and grow wide. I followed her gaze towards Phil's crotch. His flaccid dick hung grotesquely between his thighs, its soft length rivaling mine at my most rigid. The girth was even more impressive, and I think that was what caused Cheryl to hold her gaze longer than necessary. She caught herself and looked up into his eyes so as not to be so easily distracted. I realized then, that whatever thoughts I had about Phil and Cheryl already having had sex, were just fantasy. Her look of surprise told me that she had no idea that her boss's dick was as impressive as it was.

I gulped down hard, but had my own distraction - those heavy melons of Barb, that stood virtually straight out.

"Allan, your wife is just so beautiful - and not just her smile!"

He took Cheryl's hand as Barb reached out her hand to me. "You've done well, yourself, Phil," I offered, taking his wife's hand in mine.

We walked behind Phil and Cheryl, and my eyes took in their differences. My wife's demure and soft, white ass gently wiggled side to side. His muscular and hairy ass, tanned but for thin stripes where a Speedo would normally cover; the rippling lateral muscles as they criss-crossed their way to his shoulders. I looked down at my soft, pudgy belly. It was not even close in development to Phil's rock hard abs. Barb squeezed my hand a few times while we talked, as we made our way to the beach, which kept me from over thinking the situation.

The four of us ran the last fifty steps or so, into the breaking waves, splashing around like school kids. Tits and cocks flailed all about, some more prominent than others. We frolicked in the cool water for ten minutes or so, before we found ourselves sitting in a small circle in the cool, shallow water, just taking in the moment.

"Allan, I would like to take your wife inside to my bedroom for a siesta. Would you care to take Barb to yours for the same? It's okay, if you don't." I looked to my wife, who appeared to be pleading for my consent. All eyes were on me, awaiting my reply. Again, it was time to toss aside my negative thoughts, and to just go for it.

"Sure. A siesta would be nice." I was sure that everyone could hear my heart beating like a drum. Phil stood up first, taking Cheryl's hand to help her up. His heavy, uncut cock dangled only inches from my face, so I looked toward Barb. She peered back and forth between me, and his cock; a shit eating grin lighting up her face. Phil and Cheryl walked toward the house, while I assisted Barb up and followed them in.

She leaned in to me, her boobs swaying with each step, and whispered, "You're in good hands, too, Allan. I think you're going to love this." As if on cue, Phil let go of Cheryl's hand and wrapped his right arm around Cheryl's body; the difference in their height allowing him to slip his hand beneath her armpit, along side her breast.

When Phil and Cheryl were passing the guest bedroom, Cheryl looked back to me and said, "Love ya, baby. Have fun."

Phil didn't wait until they entered the master bedroom before lowering his hand to cup Cheryl's ass. I turned my attention to Barb, who quickly pressed me up against the wall. Her tongue entered my mouth, and our tongues swam in the other's mouth. I was very into her body, but as she fondled my cock, it wasn't responding.

I played with her breasts while she kneaded my floppy rod, and kissed some more, while we made our way to the bed. Barb was just as wet as Cheryl was earlier, which I took as a good sign. But my thoughts kept going to what might be happening down the hall. How big would he get? Could Cheryl take all of him in her mouth? Was he fucking her already? None of these thoughts were allowing blood to flow to the right place.

I popped back to reality, only to see Barb trying to give life to my unresponsive cock. She reached to the night table, for what I expected would be some oil, but instead Barb returned with a remote for the TV. "Let's see if there is anything interesting on this thing," she said in almost a singsong tone.

One hand continued to stroke my cock, while I played with her thick, pink nipples. Then the TV lit up with a view of a couple, wrestling on a large bed. "Oh, fuck," I muttered.

"Yes, Allan. It's Phil. He is going down on Cheryl. She has no idea about the camera in the room." A video camera placed at one side of their bed showed Phil's face buried between Cheryl's thighs. His hands caressed her belly and tiny breasts.

"That's a good boy. I knew this would get your attention," Barb said, and I looked down to see my cock had grown hard in her hand. "I just love watching Phil fuck other women."

A minute later, Phil flipped Cheryl over and onto her knees and elbows; pushing her ass cheeks apart do he could lick the dark pucker between them. Barb turned up the volume and muffled mewling sounds came from my wife, with her face buried in the pillow. Phil used to fingers to explore her pussy while he ate her ass.

"Oh, you're going to cum!" warned Barb. Just then, Phil knelt straight up and took hold of his huge, thick cock. He looked directly at the camera and grinned. Barb had let go of me, just in time. She was right. I was very close to ejaculating all over my bed, but was too enthralled at the sights and sounds to notice.

Meanwhile, Phil had sidled up to Cheryl and placed a hand between her shoulder blades, pinning her, so that only Cheryl's bottom was off the bed. His wrist movements indicated that he wasn't thrusting yet - only wetting his foreskin within the sopping petals of my wife.

"Does his power over Cheryl turn you on, Allan?"

"Fuck, yes," I exclaimed without thinking about it.

At that point, Phil was pushing his handsome dick forward, slowly, and Cheryl was in one long moan. You could see his hips move side to side as he fed another inch slowly into my wife. Barb got up and moved in front of the TV, getting on her hands and knees in front of me, just as Cheryl was, in their bed.

"Fuck me like he is," she begged. I move on to my knees, moving up near her full rump, Barb's pink pucker stared back at me. My eyes moved from the screen to my own lover, and back again. I was rock hard, but couldn't tell which was more of a turn on. Barb's fingers appeared from beneath her body, parting her meaty labia so that her clit could better engage my six inches of shaft. "Feed me that big cock, Allan!"

I knew she was just teasing. There was no way she meant that in comparison to what her own husband could offer, but I was game anyway. I pushed inside Barb, right to the hilt. She didn't make the same noises that Cheryl made when Phil entered, and Barb's hole felt not as tight as my wife, probably for good reason.

Then I heard Cheryl start to wail. I looked to see if she was hurt, but realized that Phil's largeness was bringing her to the edge, and very quickly. He continued those slow, controlled, rhythmic thrusts, knowing that it only brought my wife closer to orgasm. He said, out loud, "Cum for me, Cheryl. Cum for Daddy."

Those words were too much for both of us, and in perfect synchrony, my wife and I lurched into our climaxes. I looked down to see that, after only a half dozen thrusts, I was cumming inside Barb's pussy. Cheryl, too, groaned her way through an explosive orgasm. Phil said, staring at his cock fucking the life out of my wife, "Shit, you are juicing all over me!"

In seconds, I was done, and could feel my cock losing the necessary blood to keep me hard. "I'm sorry," I announced. "I couldn't help myself."

Barb looked back at me, and then at my dwindling dick. She rolled into her back, and played with the semen that was drooling from her labia and down to her anus.

Phil was still going at the same pace, and as I watched, Cheryl began another ride to climax. Her ass wriggled to get him as deep as possible; no doubt he was mashing into her cervix He looked over to the camera once more, showing his pleasure at how easily Cheryl had become his.

Barb took a finger full of my cum and tasted it. "I didn't even get a chance to blow you," she pouted. "Can you make me cum?" Thoughts of eating her pussy back on the plane came to mind. Of course, on the plane, Barb's pussy wasn't full of my cum. But, that hadn't prevented me any other time, from going down on Cheryl after sex.

"Eat me, Allan."

I looked down at her meaty flaps drenched in my premature ejaculate, and what with all of the erotic sights and sounds of the last few moments, I didn't hesitate. I started with tending to her rigid shaft, licking along its length, and pursing my lips round the knobby tip. My warm semen touched my lower lip and chin. Barb's hips began to flex instinctively and she cooed, "Yeah, lick me up!"

My tongue burrowed deep between Barb's rubbery lips, lapping up the salty flavor of my climax. She added, holding my head tightly to her sloppy pussy, "Cheryl will want this too..." A heartbeat later, Barb began to explode into her own climax; all the while I sucked the fleshy tip of her clit. "Oh! Fuck!" she called out. Her eyes squeezed shut and her face grimaced at the mix of pleasure and pain of my oral stimulation.

The same hand that held me so tightly to Barb's wet muff now pushed me away. Her body was sated, and my face glazed with our juices. I rolled on my back to find that Cheryl was lying on her back with Phil's hands wrapped around her thin ankles, pushing them back toward her chest.

Watching Phil's girth stretch my wife's vaginal opening to its limit was unbelievable. And, with each forward impact, Cheryl let out a forceful grunt. Phil would withdraw until only the speared tip remained inside, and then he would pummel once more to her depths.

When Cheryl emitted an almost mournful cry, Phil uttered, "That's it, baby. Cream all over my dick!" The next dozen thrusts were accentuated by sloshing sounds as Phil's heavy cock displaced her internal orgasmic fluids.

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