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Our Wives, Their Party Favors

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Two wives, two cuckolds & eight bulls have an intense night.
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NOTE: If you don't like cuckold stories, I suggest not reading this. If you comment on how much you find cuckolding disgusting after spending time to read this, I will assume that you jerked off and then felt guilty about it.


Soon after meeting him, Tom quickly became Maria's favorite bull. She began seeing him more often, and even introduced her girlfriend Deb to him. Deb was Maria's only other close friend in the lifestyle. In her mid 50s and on her second marriage, Deb had been a swinger with her first husband but when he left her for another woman in the lifestyle, she shifted the dynamic of her sexuality to cuckolding. As an assertive, brash woman this was a natural fit for her personality. Her current husband of 15 years, Tim, was absolutely devoted to her but after years of progression in his cuckoldry, he now only got pussy once a year on his birthday, and for exactly five minutes. Other than that, he was much like me, getting relief by jerking off or the occasional handjob or Fleshlight fuck in the presence of his wife.

Deb had her share of bulls but was always looking for more big hard cock and so when Maria recommended Tom, she eagerly began seeing him as well, sometimes alone and sometimes bringing Tim along to watch, stroke and clean up Deb's pussy and ass after Tom seeded it.

Before long, Tom began seeing Maria and Deb together. Tim and I would get group text messages at two in the morning from Tom, talking about how much he was enjoying our wives. Sometimes we would get pictures as well. Maria and Deb sucking on his balls and cock. Maria and Deb with their tits pressed together and Tom's huge load strewn across their tits, a video of Maria riding Tom's cock as Deb recorded them and encouraged her.

Both Tim and I wanted to watch their threesomes in person and Tom was more than happy to oblige, however, when the time came, he upped the ante in order to make it a special occasion. Instead of a threesome with Tom fucking Maria and Deb, he arranged a full gangbang at his house with seven of his hung friends and our two wives as party favors.

The date was set two weekends after he came up with the idea. Tim and I exchanged text messages where we commiserated on our erotic torture. We both jerked several times a day. During this time, Maria gave me one handjob while she sat on my face and then threatened to cage me if I bothered her for any more relief. Tim was allowed to suck his wife's big pink nipples and jerk off twice before he actually was caged for the last few days before the party.

When the day finally came, Deb and Tim pulled up at the house party at the same time Maria and I pulled into the long driveway. I noted the similarities between the other couple and us as soon as we stepped out of the car. Like me, Tim was dressed in a button-down oxford shirt. His was light blue whereas mine was light green. We both wore khakis and slip on loafers that made us the picture of suburban normalcy.

In his mid 50s, Tim was somewhat older than me but like me was tall and slim.

If Tim and I appeared normal, then Deb and Maria were our polar opposites in their attire. Both wives, per Tom's instructions, were wearing micro bikinis that Tim and I ordered online for them. Tom chose a website that sold swimwear that would be outrageous anywhere in the world except perhaps swinger resorts, nude beaches and the very most permissive beach communities. Tim and I were allowed to pick out anything on the site but everything available was so small that it left nothing to the imagination. If anything, the tiny strips of fabric accentuated their exposure more than covered it. Deb's bikini was red while Maria's was black but besides that they were very similar. The tiny puff of blonde pubic hair that Deb maintained at the top of her otherwise clean shaven slit peeked out from underneath the tiny patch of red material. Maria was totally shaven clean, her wet slit showing through the sheer fabric. Both women wore heels that accentuated their thick, curvy bodies when they walked.

Tom answered the door. As soon as Maria and Deb stepped inside, the wives were met with cheers and wolf whistles from a room full of men. Tom had invited seven of his friends over, some from his office and some he had met through his years of swinging. All were in their 40s and 50s and all had been selected for being well hung and experienced. Andy and Jake, bulls who had both already fucked my wife several times were also there. Dave, Pat and James were married men from Tom's office softball team; ex collegiate athletes that never gave up chasing pussy after they married. Tom further corrupted them by introducing them to the wives he often fucked leading to them either fucking the wives on their own or along with Tom as an additional cock. Rob and Ron added a kinky twist; they were identical twins that had been sharing women their whole lives. They were both tall with muscular, tan physiques from years of bodybuilding. Now in their mid 50s, they were still stuffing women together on the local swinger scene where Tom met them.

Tom introduced our wives to each of the men. The bulls greeted the women by squeezing their tits, slapping their asses or pulling them in for a quick, deep kiss; in some cases all three. Deb and Maria instinctively fondled the bulges in their slacks and since they had all taken Cialis in preparation for the long evening, they were soon tenting out the front of their pants as the wives cooed at the size of their bulges.

"Why hello big boy!" Maria exclaimed as Rob pulled out his long thick cock for her to see and stroke while Ron spanked her ass and then pulled her tiny thong to the side and spread her cheeks, exposing her holes for inspection.

"Nice tight asshole!" Ron remarked.

He pushed his thumb into my wife's mouth and then rubbed the thick, wet digit in circles on her dark rosebud before pushing it in, to the first knuckle.

"Oh yeah, my cock is going to enjoy that!" he remarked as he pulled his thumb back out.

Tim and I stood towards the back of the room and watched as our wives were displayed and fondled. Per Tom's instructions, our wives had also fed us a large dose of Cialis so our cocks were painfully hard and strained against the front of our khakis.

One of the bulls had produced a tape measure and the men were playfully measuring our wives, comparing ass and bust sizes. Maria had a slightly larger ass at 42" and her bust measured 38". Both Deb's ass and bust were 40". After the men had completed their inspection, our wives started measuring the bulls, pulling their cocks out and stroking them to full erection before comparing their length and thickness.

Most of them were over 7" long. Andy was 7" long and 6" girth. Jake was only 6.5" length but he matched his length with the thickest cock in the room at a hole-stretching 6.5". Dave, Pat and James were all slightly less than 7.5" and about 5.5" in circumference. Rob and Ron, the twins, had identical sized uncut cocks at 7.5" long and 6" girth. Tom, our host, was the last of the bulls to be measured. He was overall the largest in the group measuring 8" in length and 6" around. Like the twins, he was also uncut.

"Now that is a beautiful cock!" Maria proclaimed as she lovingly licked a drop of precum off the broad, pink head that was partially unsheathed from his foreskin.

"Oh yum, let me taste that!" Deb said, kissing Maria deeply and then briefly sucking Tom.

"Shall we see how your hubs compare?" Tom asked.

"Sure!" my wife chirped.

"Over here, boys!" Deb stated, looking at Tim and I and motioning us over with her finger.

We approached our wives as the bulls watched us. With 50mg of Cialis onboard and the visual stimulation of watching our wives handled, I was about as hard as I could get. I stood in front of my wife with my cock taut against the front of my pants.

"Take it out," Maria told me.

I unzipped my pants and my erection jutted out into the air. Maria held my cock between her thumb and forefinger, avoiding the wet tip while Deb measured the length and then wrapped the tape around me for the girth.

"Hmmm, about six and a quarter long and then four around," Deb observed.

"Yep, long and skinny," Maria remarked.

My wife looked up at me and blew me an air kiss before they turned to Tim. He had already taken his penis out. It was curved upwards and freely leaking precum. Deb drew the tip down and Maria measured it. He was somewhat smaller, measuring 5.5" long by 4".

"And now back to the big cocks!" Deb announced, lightly pushing Tim and I away.

"Have a seat and enjoy the show," Tom said before gesturing to two wooden chairs that were placed towards the back of the room for Tim and myself.

The other men were gathered around our wives. Tom and Jake had produced two padded black leather collars that they then attached to a matching leather leash.

"Who likes their bitches on a leash?" Tom asked rhetorically.

The men had mostly stripped by now and eight thick bull cocks jutted towards the ceiling around our wives as they casually stroked themselves. Tim and I had taken our pants off and were lightly stroking ourselves as well. Tom noticed this.

"Girls, are you forgetting something?" Tom asked, grinning.

"After all we do believe in safe sex right?" he continued.

Tom handed Deb and Maria a wrapped 'snug fit' condom and nodded towards us cuckolds. I knew what was coming from my last experience watching Tom and my wife. For now, Tim and I would not be allowed to shoot our sperm freely, even if it would only be onto the floor or ourselves.

"Here honey, so you don't make a mess," Maria cooed at me as she tore open the package and unrolled the condom on my achingly hard penis.

She pursed her lips and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I reached for one of her full breasts, my palm briefly touching her hard, dark nipple but she quickly brushed my hand away.

"None of that you bad boy!" she giggled and then walked back to the center of the room.

Deb rolled the condom onto her husband's eager cock before giving it a few quick strokes. Tim was so keyed up that he groaned and thrust his hips into the air at the slight touch of her hand.

"Easy there, stud!" Deb chided her husband before giving him a loud but dry kiss on the lips.

Tim and I were rock hard as our wives again kneeled on the carpet in the center of the big living room. The bulls closed in, some with their cocks pulled out of their pants, some stripped naked. The biology in play was obvious. The bulls were all broad shouldered, thick-cocked males while the cucks sat in the back of the room, their slender penises sheathed in protective latex.

"Who wants to get their cock sucked?" Tom announced, laughing.

In an instant, Maria had Rob's thick uncut cock plunged into her mouth. She started bobbing her head in an effort to please the bull. For his part he gripped her by the hair and started fucking her face. She jerked two other upright cocks with her hands. Deb was similarly occupied, one bull, driving his fat head deep into her mouth while she stroked two other cocks.

If the wives were concerned about the mess their husbands might make, that concern did not translate to the bulls. Maria and Deb soon had drool flowing down their chins and onto their tits and the pillows they knelt on, dredged up from the big cocks pistoning deep into their mouths. Slobbering and gagging sounds echoed off the high ceiling along with the appreciative grunts of the bulls getting their cocks sucked.

Jake, Tom's coworker and the oldest bull of the party at the age of 59 was the first to cum.

"Oh yeah, open up you slut!" he ordered my wife.

Maria looked up at him with a wicked grin and opened her mouth wide, wagging her tongue at Jake as he jerked off in her face.

"Aaaahhh!" she exclaimed, encouraging him.

She continued to stroke a cock in each hand as Jake's balls boiled over and thick strands of semen pulsed out of the fat pink head. About half of Jake's load went into Maria's mouth with the other half landing on her upturned face, a big strand hanging off her cheek, another on her forehead and yet another landing in her hair. After seven spurts, Maria ran her thumb along the underside of his fat, veined shaft, milking out the last drop of his seed and sipping it off the end of his cock, swallowing it.

Despite his age and the impressive load he shot, Jake remained hard due to the large dose of Cialis he took earlier. This was going to be a long night.

"I want some of that hot Latina pussy!" said Pat, one Tom's coworkers.

He laid on the floor as Maria mounted him, balancing on her heels and lowering her plump, wet pussy onto his bare cock.

"Oh fuck that's good, Papi!" Maria cooed as she felt herself stretched open and then resumed serving the other bulls with her hands and mouth.

Tom was now underneath Deb, who bounced on his long thick shaft. Tim and I stroked our sheathed cocks, sliding the latex up and down our penises over the precum that seeped out of us and into the condoms.

Before long, Ron, one of the twins, grunted and shot his cum onto my wife's face as she continued to ride Pat's cock. Unlike Jake's load that pulsed out and fell onto Maria, Ron shot forcefully, splashing her face with repeated blasts that soaked her skin and hair.

"Aaaahhh!" my wife opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue as if she was having her tonsils inspected at the doctor's office.

"Oh yeah, all over your slutty face!" Ron crowed as he sprayed his seed on Maria's cheeks and forehead with some landing across her open mouth and on her tongue.

My balls drew up into a tight sack and my penis twitched and then furiously squirted against the latex barrier, filling the receptacle tip and flooding the length of the sheath with my sperm. Much like Jake, my penis stayed hard due to the stimulation and the large dose of Cialis. However, unlike Jake who emptied his balls on my wife's face, my seed was discharged into a condom.

This contrast between bulls and cuckolds continued as Ron's twin held Deb's cropped blonde hair in his hands and fucked her face until his large, heavy balls tightened.

"Swallow!" Rob ordered Deb as he rooted his cock in her throat and ejaculated.

His sack and shaft pulsed visibly as he fed Deb his load. Deb looked up at him as she gulped his seed down and jerked off another cock while Tom kept fucking her. This was too much for Tim who moaned and shot his unwanted sperm into his condom. No one seemed to notice or care. The bulls and wives were far too occupied with their pleasure. Both Tim and I kept stroking, the condoms easily sliding up and down, lubed with the milky fluid we squirted.

It seemed as though a chain reaction had started. Pat, the bull underneath Maria grunted and came, shooting his load right into my wife's shaved, dusky colored pussy. Deb cooed with pleasure as Tom came a few seconds later. Both of our wives kept sucking the other men as they took turns with their mouths.

"Let's give the hubbies a little action," Tom announced as he stood up from fucking Deb. A drop of cum leaked from his cockhead. Maria leaned over and sucked it off, tasting her friend's pussy on his wet shaft before swallowing the bead of semen.

Tom directed Tim and I to lay in the center of the room next to the pillows. The hardwood floor was wet with drool from the facefucking and the sperm that had dripped from our wives. Tim and I were placed next to each other on the slick surface, our condom-covered cocks pointed at the ceiling.

"Kiss your husbands," Tom directed the wives.

Maria leaned over me, her tits swaying as she lowered her face to mine and kissed me deeply. I could smell her cock breath and her mouth was salty. Deb did the same with Tim as she encircled his cock with her thumb and index finger and lightly stroked him as he bucked his hips off the ground.

"Give them some pussy," Tom directed.

Maria and Deb squatted over our faces. It struck me that neither of our wives even considered squatting on our cocks. I looked up and saw Maria's dark, swollen lips being lowered to my face and instinctively started licking and sucking on her used pussy. Most husbands come to know the taste of their wife's pussy and I was no different, especially since I spent far more time eating her pussy than fucking it. The difference was that I had also come to know the taste of my wife's pussy with cum in it. It was a familiar taste, the musky sweetness of Maria's wet pussy mixed with the salty bitterness of the bulls' seed.

Maria rubbed her wet bald pussy all over my face as I licked her and then settled her clit on my mouth so that I could suckle her the way she liked. Our eyes met as she looked down at me and I licked her. She gave me a wry smile and cooed with pleasure. I could see her tits still wet with drool and semen. I reached for them but she quickly pulled them off, instead holding my hands as she rode my face.

"Oh Kevin, you are SUCH a good pussy licker!" she said as I felt her hips start to twitch.

She might have said more but another fat cock was pushed into her mouth as Andy took his turn with my wife's face.

"And you are SUCH a good cocksucker!" Andy remarked as he pushed his thick, curved cock into Maria's mouth, holding her by the head as he pushed deep.

"Ladies, I want you to switch cucks now," Tom directed our wives.

Our wives looked at each other and laughed. Independent of this scenario, they would never have considered giving each other's husband access to their pussy, even oral only. However, given that it was Tom's idea, they eagerly complied. Maria settled onto Tim's face and went back to sucking. Deb looked down at me with a wicked smile as she hovered over my face. She pulled back the hood on her large, pink clit to show me how excited she was. Deb settled onto my face with her clit meeting my lips and my nose in the tiny patch of pubes on top of her otherwise smoothly shaved pussy. I sucked Deb's stiff clit while she continued to service bulls, one after another.

"Yeah, suck!" Deb demanded as she looked down at me.

I focused on her big, hard button, occasionally licking further back all the way to her puckered asshole and then forward again. The mature slut's pussy had a deep, musky flavor that was accented with the large load of semen that was just shot into her.

"Bet you can taste him, can't you?" Deb teased me, before taking James deep into her mouth.

I couldn't see much from between Deb's thick thighs but I could hear my wife a few feet away, humming with pleasure and gagging on Pat's cock as Tim ate her pussy. I felt Maria's hand on mine and then she grasped it.

"Well that is romantic!" Tom remarked as he noticed us holding hands.

I didn't know if his comment was sincere or sarcastic. My wife gripped my hand harder as she got closer to cumming again. Deb was not far behind. With my free hand I jerked my condom-covered penis. The lubricated latex was making my balls tighten again. I knew my wife was close to cumming as well. Her hips quivered and she grunted onto the cock in her mouth as she came. My sperm jetted out again and was immediately caught within the confines of the already flooded condom.

Deb ground her big pink clit down into my face. Her hips shook and her pussy squirted as she made guttural vocalizations on James' cock. I gulped down the mouthful of saline fluid that shot out of her, then went back to sucking her engorged clit as she finished her orgasm.

"That taste good, Kevie?" Deb teased me as she looked down with a wicked grin.

"Now stick your tongue in my asshole while I take care of this big cock."

Deb came further up on her feet and reached back to spread her ass as she lowered her puckered knot to my mouth. Per her instructions, I probed her pink ring with my tongue, pressing the tip inside. Deb was no stranger to anal sex and her hole quickly relaxed, allowing my tongue inside where it could feel the contraction of her sphincter every time she gagged on the cock in her mouth.


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