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Out Of Control

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Sometimes communication isn't the best thing.
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Molly Shorter was in heat again. She waited impatiently for her husband Rob to come back from the grocery. She was naked, sitting on the living room couch, rubbing herself. That was only putting her into a holding pattern. She needed dick.

This was despite the fact that she and Rob had had morning sex that Saturday. And Friday night. And every night that week. And every night the previous week. Often it was twice a day. Molly would have done it more. But Rob, at forty-eight, wasn't capable. Couldn't keep up with her seemingly endless lust. Even with the blue pills he'd bought earlier in the week.

Molly expected Rob back sooner than the hour he'd been gone. She was filling up with lust and need. She'd gone to her gynecologist about what was happening to her. She was told that it was a complex combination of hormonal changes and psychological matters. Empty nest. Being forty-six and starting menopause.

All of that was no real help. She was still horny all the time. All the fucking time! She got a vibrator, which helped. But not enough. She thought of it as artificial. What she wanted....what she needed, was cock. Or cocks. That idea of multiple strange new cocks had tormented her in her dreams. She knew that she was mentally ill. So what?

But she was determined to remain faithful to her husband. She dearly loved him. She dearly loved her two college-aged daughters. She was hanging on for the sake of the family. But she not only dreamed of other men - faceless other men with new and different equipment of various sizes, shapes, and colors - but, in day-to-day life, she found herself assessing random guys she came close to or passed by. Guys at the gym. She had to stop going to the gym.

Guys at work. Several cute new interns had shown up that month.

The guys at the gym and at her work seemed to react to her lust. It was like she radiated sexual need. And she was a very attractive woman, still, at forty-six. Dark hair, slim build, pretty face, striking hazel eyes.

So, she fled the gym.

But she couldn't flee work. That Friday afternoon one of the new interns, Brad - blond, hunky Brad - had made an excuse to come into her office. He stood there at her desk with an obvious erection. This was a twenty-one year old. How dare he? She did not toss him out right away, though. She stared at his crotch for some time, clearly aroused. He moved, shifting from one leg to the other to emphasize what he had. And it seemed to Molly that he had quite a package. And knew it.

When she found herself licking her lips as he smiled at her, she woke up from her erotic trance and shooed him out of the room. As he left, he said, "Sooner or later." She knew it was true. She fled work an hour early.

At home, she used the vibrator. And after dinner she used her husband. There was nothing like a real dick. With Rob then it was almost abuse. But he obliged. She rode him hard. This far into her lust period, Rob was able to stay hard for a longish time. He was drained but still excited. It was nine o'clock when she rolled off him. He fell asleep right away. She woke him up Saturday morning. When she was through with him, he showered, ate toast, hung out for a time, and went to the grocery.

Rob stayed at the grocery for way longer than he needed. He had such a difficult time picking out the laundry detergent. Just couldn't decide. When he did decide, he loaded the bags in the car trunk and walked over to a coffee shop to think.

He sat there sipping and mulling over his options. He knew that he might be in some true physical danger if his wife's hyper-sexuality continued much longer. It had been building for three weeks or more. He decided that they needed to talk it out, and maybe go to some sort of therapy. He'd have that discussion when he got home.

But when he got home, there was naked Molly, the very picture of female lust, staring right at him. He'd always been weak for her. He dropped the grocery bags, dropped his gym shorts and sank down, putting his head between her legs. He licked her until she came, hoping that it would be sufficient.

It wasn't. Molly shoved him onto his back on the soft rug in front of the settee. She mounted him in a savage fashion and started frantically bouncing on him. She stuck her tongue down his throat. In and out. She had another orgasm, and soon another, more intense. Rob came then, as well.

They collapsed, breathing hard. Molly sat up, looking to see if Rob was injured. Rob and Molly were about the same size, 5'9", slim. She was strong. She'd caused him some injury before. Nothing major. Bruises. Lately she'd noticed that his cock was darker than before. Maybe bruised? It still worked, though. She'd begun to fret that she was using him up.

Rob looked at her worried face.

He said, "We need to talk."

Molly giggled. She got up and put on a wrap that was nearby. She walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. She didn't do much to cover up.

Rob followed her and sat also. He wore his shorts, which had a wet splotch.

She said, "Talk, then. But remember Eli Wallach."


"When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."

He gave a small laugh, but he was not about to be dissuaded.

He said, "You're wearing me down. We need to see someone about what's happening."

"I saw Dr. Snyder. She explained."

"I mean, like, a psychologist or a shrink. Both of us."

Molly had a card in her pocket that Dr. Snyder had given her. She said, "I have....the doctor gave me a card for a therapist." She got up and fished in her purse. She handed the card to Rob.

MARY DEACON, Sexual Disfunction Treatment Specialist. It had a local number.

Rob survived the remainder of the weekend....barely. Molly took pity on him. To a degree.

She was indeed worried about fucking him to death. She used the vibrating dildo, while imagining Brad inside her. She imagined that Brad simply walked into her office and pulled out his hard dick. She couldn't lie to herself. And sooner or later he'd pull it out. He was so sure of himself.

She got an appointment for Monday morning with Mary Deacon. Ten am. She continued to let up a bit on Rob and use the Braddo - that's how she thought of the tool. But she did nail Rob Monday morning. Neither went to work because of the appointment.

Mary Deacon was a large blond of about forty. She was conventionally pretty, dressed in business attire. When the two clients were seated in her office, she said, "What can I help you with?"

Rob thought of that as a strike against her. Dangling preposition. (How can I help?)

Molly said, "I got your card from Dr. Snyder. I went to her because, lately I've been constantly in need of sex. Desperate need. Desperate." This last word had more than a hint of pleading in it.

Mary was impressed by the obvious depth of Molly's....need. She said, "I see. Rob, you're benefitting from Molly's condition?"

Rob paused. He said, "Yes and no. At first it was so great. But now, over three weeks....I'm just worn down."

Mary asked, "Have you failed? You know, failed to satisfy."

Rob shook his head.

Molly said, "I've always been able to...to arouse him. I can do that now. But I'm worried for his health."

The three explored alternatives, like vibrators, other toys. But the couple agreed that they were nice, but not sufficient.

Mary broached the idea of Molly stepping outside the marriage, discretely.

Molly said, "I don't want to do that. I promised. I mean, I wake up at night from dreams of other cocks." She turned to Rob and said, "I haven't told you. I'm sorry. I won't do it, Rob."

Rob nodded. Not emphatically. He'd considered that as a possibility. Left it there for the moment. But he thought of it as a possible last resort. He didn't know if he could stand it, though. A big risk to the marriage.

Mary said, "Well, I believe I can help some. We have some techniques available. I'd like to see you individually next. Molly first."

Molly made and appointment for the next day at ten am. Rob would see Mary on Wednesday at five pm.

They went home. Molly took Rob upstairs. Rob went to work that afternoon. Molly, too.

When Molly got to Mary's office at ten the next day, there was a guy sitting in one of the client chairs. Molly stopped and looked at Mary and the guy.

Mary said, "Molly, this is John. He's here to help you with your problem."

Molly looked at John, who smiled at her. He was a heartthrob. He was younger. He had good teeth, too. He was wearing gym shorts and a muscle t-shirt. Altogether he was spectacular.

Molly looked back at Mary and raised her eyebrows.

Mary said, "Research has shown that the best solution to your problem is a series of injections, until it abates. John is here to administer the first few. Go with him now."

Molly hesitated. John arose and took her hand. She stood. She looked at Mary and asked, "Is this...is this something...I mean...."

Mary said, "These injections will eventually cure you, Molly. They're medical in nature, and Rob will not be given any specifics. After some time, twice-a-week injections will taper off. But now you need the injection. Go!" She pointed to the door.

Molly went with John. John led her a short distance down a hall and opened a door. He ushered her into the room. There was a double bed and a small bath with a shower. He bed was turned down. The room was not well lit, and there was a nice fragrance.

John had not let go of Molly's hand. Now he pulled her around into a full body hug. Molly had been undecided. The hug went far toward convincing her.

John put Molly's hand on his shorts, so she could feel his erection.

She was lost.

Molly dropped to her knees and savagely pulled John's shorts down, exposing his magnificent cock. She attacked it, licking and sucking. After a short time, John pulled her up and ordered her to strip.

She was only too happy to obey. She'd never shed her clothing so quickly.

John pushed her onto the bed. She spread for him, and he moved to enter her. She moaned and bucked into him. And they were at it. The initial coupling lasted some time. John brought Molly to countless orgasms before he filled her with his semen.

When that happened, Molly was nearly unconscious.

But she rallied. It didn't take her long to move down and start sucking John. When he responded, she mounted him and rode him for quite some time before she got her second medical injection.

Her third injection came somewhat later, doggy style. John was a magician. An injection specialist.

After the third injection, John said, "That was wonderful, but time is up for today." It was nearly noon. John and Molly cleaned up and went back down to Mary's office, where the receptionist said, "Ms. Deacon says Thursday at ten. You'll meet another injection specialist."

Molly said, "But I like this one."

John said, 'It's Tuesdays for me. Thursdays are for variety. You'll like it." He patted her on the ass and left the office. The receptionist, Stella Mason, leered at Molly.

Stella was a thirties brunette, tall and dark haired. Molly asked, "Have you had that?"

Stella said, "I don't fuck and tell. See you Thursday. Ms. Deacon would like a word before you go."

Molly went back into Mary's office. Mary gave her a big smile. She asked, "Did you enjoy your treatment?"

Molly turned red. She said, "Oh, yes. Very much. But..."

"Are you worried about, you know, infidelity? Because you said that you wanted to be faithful."

Molly paused. She said, "I am worried. But I feel so much....so great right now. John is...well...."

Mary said, "I'm seeing Rob tomorrow at five. I'm going to explain to him that you're getting a series of treatments....I won't say exactly what, of course. Medication and exercise. And I'll tell him that I've given you a mantra to use when you feel lust. I'll explain that your sex drive may abate somewhat. It will, won't it, at home?"

"I guess. I haven't thought about it. This all came up so quickly."

"Yes. I've found that it's best to surprise a client the first time. Avoids guilt. Once they get the treatment, they seldom feel truly guilty. You know, I don't do this sort of treatment very often. John is my partner. My life partner."

Molly stared. "You mean?"

"Oh, yes. He and I live together. Obviously, we have a sort of open relationship."

Molly said, "Listen, Rob wouldn't be like that. If he finds out about the treatments, he'll....he'll dump me, I believe. And, you know, he's very smart."

Mary said, "Molly how soon would it have been before you had sex with some guy? Probably a guy you both know, or at work."

Molly said, "I was trying so hard. But....like, soon. A guy at work almost had me last week. A baby almost. Big, though."

"Then Rob would find out, almost for sure. Guys brag. Or they smirk. Childish ego. People at work talk. Then you'd be up the creek."

"Ah. I see. John won't tell. Safer. But what about Thursday? A different guy, right?"

"Yeah. But you don't know him. You'll like him, Molly. Just show up ready to go. Oh! Your mantra is....Long Haul. Also, I'm giving you a series of mat exercises." She handed Molly a small booklet. Mary continued, "They keep you flexible. But they don't help with the main problem. They're for Rob's benefit."

Molly went home. On the drive, she thought of many questions that she should have asked. Like maybe the name of the guy she'd be fucking Thursday. But her injection seemed to have had the side effect of slowing her thinking. Worth it, no doubt. If Rob didn't figure it out.

She wondered if Rob would be able to tell what had happened. She decided to go back to work and come home like usual. She was surprised at the lack of guilt. She thought of it as saving Rob's health. Also, of course, saving the marriage. A win-win. Well, a win-win-win, when the fantastic sex was factored in.

Rob returned home at about the same time as Molly. He asked her about the session. They were making a salad for dinner.

Molly said, "Mary will explain more. But I got some meds and a mantra and some floor exercises."

"What meds?"

"I'm not so sure. A libido thing. Ask Mary."

They ate the salad, chicken with tomatoes and avocado. Then Molly wanted to snuggle on the couch. They watched a documentary on the Indian diaspora. Then they went to bed. Molly wanted sex, but she resorted to her mantra, silently chanting. She tried not to think about John and his beautiful body.

When they went up to bed, she told Rob, "I'm not randy like before. You get a day off."

He smiled and they slept. Molly smiled to herself as she drifted off, recalling her injections.

When Rob showed up at Mary's office at five pm Wednesday, he was ushered right in by Stella, the dark-haired receptionist. Rob thought she was quite attractive. Stella was aware of that.

Mary told Rob that she was unable to go into specific details about Molly's treatment plan. Medical ethics. But she said that the plan would involve some shots and some talking. (She didn't use the word 'injections.' Too suggestive.) Maybe specific exercises. She expected it to work, but to take some time.

Rob asked, "I mean, how long....how many times will she want sex, with the plan?"

Mary said, "Probably not on Tuesdays or Thursdays, but maybe Wednesday and weekends."

Ron said, "That would be an improvement."

Then Mary said, "You must be in great shape, to have gone on this long."

He said, "I work out. Run. Not so much lately, though."

Mary smiled. "I have a suggestion. I want you to go to, well, a special gym. Once a week. Maybe some morning for a couple of hours."


"It could help you keep up with Molly, until she's more under control. Some exercises, some massages, instruction on techniques."

Rob frowned. "What techniques?"

"Some suggestions on how to satisfy. No actual sex, Rob. But Kelly will....stimulate your libido some. Saturday morning at nine. Here's the address."

Rob frowned again but took the card. He said, "What did Molly say that caused you to feel like my libido needs to be stimulated?"

"She didn't say anything about you being inadequate. But, to be real, you and she have been exclusive for a long time."

"Yeah, twenty-four years. So I believe."

"And now she dreams about other men. Do you think about other women?"

He looked down. He said, "Of course, sometimes. But I'm not like she is now."

"Admirable. You've never strayed?"

"Never. And I want to keep it that way."

"Okay. These Saturday sessions are designed to have you go home and fuck her brains out. To be blunt."

Rob seemed hesitant. "I've always been susceptible to her. She just does it for me. Maybe I don't need the gym."

"It can't hurt, and you'll enjoy it. No actual sex, Rob. I wonder, when you say you're susceptible to her, what do you mean, exactly?"

"She always gets me when she wants me. Always." He looked down. He was embarrassed to admit that. Like he was powerless to resist. But it was true.

Mary saw his chagrin. She changed the subject. "You met her in college? Were you experienced then?"

"Kind of. Not like she was, though. She was very popular with guys."

"She was a slut?"

"No! No, I wouldn't say that. But women can get men any time. She had...from what she told me, she had a variety of choices."

"And she picked you. There you go."

"Yeah. Not right off. But she did pick me. So many years ago."

"Well, time's up now. Go see Kelly at the gym. We can talk next Wednesday."

On the way home, Rob thought through the session and what had been discussed. It was unsettling to him. He couldn't shake the idea that Molly was dissatisfied. But, in the end, he knew that he got her off, over and over again. Even if he was same old Rob.

Wednesday evening, Rob worked extra hard when he and Molly retired. At eight-thirty. He was certain that Molly appreciated his effort. (And he was absolutely correct about that. She started out thinking about John. But Rob put John right out of her head.)

Thursday Molly was apprehensive, but expectant. John's injections had been a great success. And, after Rob's session with Mary, he had wowed her that evening. But....but, some other new guy. Another not Rob fuck. Or fucks. She decided to think of it all as medical injections.

She got the fever. He got the cure.

The new man was Rick. He waited for her in Mary's office. He was a six-footer, slim but muscular. He had straight black hair, but darker than usual skin. Molly was unable to place him, ethnically. She decided to go with the flow. He had a nice smile. Very white, even teeth.

He took her down the hall to the same bedroom where John had taken her. And taken her. As soon as they closed the door, Rick gave her a deep hug and a great kiss. Then he stepped back and motioned for her to strip. She had the fleeting thought that this was just a tad rude. But they both knew why they were there. So, she stripped. She'd worn a dress and panties. No bra. Easy to get naked.

Rick eyed her up and down. He motioned for her to kneel. She knelt. He was wearing the same things that John had worn. Easy for her to pull his gym shorts down. And out he came. No underwear. While he was not as big a man as John, his penis was bigger. And dark. Thick. She was licking and kissing it. So far, he hadn't said anything since they entered the room. When she sucked him into her mouth, he began slowly fucking her face. His hands were on either side of her head. In and out he went.

Rick picked up the pace. He said, "You're going to swallow it all." And he started hosing her throat with ejaculate. She swallowed. As he finished and pulled slowly out, she was still sucking him. A few late spurts overflowed, and some ran down her chin, onto her chest. She scooped it up when he was out of her mouth and sucked it from her fingers.

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