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Out Of The Blue

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A strange and surprising dream screws up Lucas' life.
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I woke up in a cold sweat. I had just had the most realistic sexual dream of my life, and it was beyond disturbing. I looked at my cock and it was at least three-quarters hard; and fuck -- if there wasn't a blob of white stuff that could only be cum right where the end of my cock had been just before I woke up.

I turned to the side and was pleased that my wife Nancy had not yet awakened; the bedside digital clock read 6:33 a. m. Saturday morning. I quietly slipped out of bed, wiped my cock off in the bathroom, put on some boxers, wet a washrag and as quietly as I could cleaned the blob of cum off the bottom sheet of my bed. I'd wash all the bed linens later that day. I rinsed out the wash cloth and no longer able to sleep got dressed and went downstairs.

I was freaked out. I never had spontaneously ejaculated before, let alone as a result of a dream. More significant than that, however, was who I had realistically imagined I was having sex with -- my wife's nephew's wife; a twenty eight year old woman named Marcia.

What was even more bizarre -- and disturbing -- was that I had never had any sexual attraction to Marcia (unless in my unconscious mind). She is a short, slim, nice looking woman that most hetero men would consider pretty, but nothing about her had ever floated my boat before. I had known her for six years or more and really liked her personality but had never once ever thought about her in a sexual way, let alone dreamt about her.

But I'm getting ahead of myself -- you probably don't know what the hell is going on.


My name is Lucas Wharton; at the time of my spontaneous ejaculation I was forty eight years old, the same age as my wife Nancy. Nancy and I have an upper middle class life style with a nice house in a suburb of a big city. She's a medical administrator, I'm a custom jewelry designer. She makes around $200K a year, I make around $450K. Our two kids are a twenty three year old girl, and a twenty one year old boy, the girl in graduate school, the boy in his senior year of college, both out of state.

Nancy has a big family; her older sister Ruth has three boys, including twenty nine year old Aaron Billings who is married to the aforementioned Marcia and has been for the last five years or so. All four members of my family attended the Aaron-Marcia nuptials and had a great time. Aaron, Marcia, Ruth and her husband, and other members of Ruth's family, live nearby and we celebrate many holidays with them and otherwise see them often.

I really like Aaron and he and I, often with my son or daughter or one of his brothers, have regularly gone to sporting events together, and sometimes hike in nearby wilderness areas. Marcia hasn't gone to sporting events, but has joined us for the hikes. Even though I'm not related to Aaron by blood he is about my size and has the same color eyes (blue) and hair (blond, mine slightly going gray but not noticeable except on close inspection).

Aaron works as a stock broker; Marci works as a pharmacist.

Before Nancy got up that Saturday I tried to evaluate what the hell happened the night before -- I had never heard of a forty eight year old guy spontaneously ejaculating let alone in his sleep -- and of course there was the totally inappropriate and unexpected vision of Marcia that precipitated the ejaculation. As I was mentally beating myself up for the entire scenario a glimmer of an idea popped into my head; I wanted to dismiss it out-of-hand, but for some reason I couldn't. Before I could come to any even preliminary conclusion, however, it was around eight a. m. and Nancy was up.

I gave Nancy some bullshit story about why I woke early, which she seemed to accept. Strangely, however, she asked "It wasn't because of that homeopathic drug that Marcia gave to you, is it? I told you I didn't think that it was a good idea to take it."

In fact it was the homeopathic compound idea that had popped into my head, that I couldn't seem to dismiss, before Nancy got up. That required further thought, but also a lie. "No, I haven't taken it, but if Marcia gave it to me I know that it's safe. I still might take it in the future."

We started talking about other things, had a busy day ahead, and got ready for the day's activities. It wasn't until late that afternoon, when Nancy was getting her hair done and I was watching a sporting event on TV, that I had time to think about the homeopathic compound.

The weekend before that Saturday we had a family get-together at Ruth's house. I was talking to several family members complaining that some of the time I was having trouble getting to sleep but didn't want to have anything to do with Ambien or other prescription drugs. After that conversation broke up Marcia came to me and said "I've got a homeopathic compound that works for me that I take a couple of times a month. Would you like to see if it works for you?"

"Sure -- if you take it yourself," I smiled at her.

"Actually, I just happen to have a vial in my purse; let me get it for you." Marcia walked over to where she had laid down her purse in the family room and came back with a vial that had a built-in eye dropper. "Just three or four drops in a few ounces of water a half hour before bed and you'll likely sleep like a baby."

I thanked her and put it in my pocket. The first night I had used it was the most recent Thursday night. I used four drops and I did sleep OK, but not well. When I used it again Friday night instead of four drops I used eight and as I dripped them into a glass of water I thought about Marci giving the compound to me, even recalling exactly what clothes she had on when she gave it to me. Of course Friday was the night of my realistic dream and spontaneous ejaculation. "Could that be it?" I mused. "Even if it was, why did I think of Marci and not some famous movie star or athlete, or the woman with the big tits and bubble butt that I see in my office building every few days?" I pondered further.

I decided that the solution to my problem was not to take the homeopathic compound again and tried to purge my thoughts of vigorously penetrating Marci's pussy out of my head.


Things went along normally for the next few weeks, and thankfully I was able to purge my guilt over fucking my niece-by-marriage in my sleep. I had seen Aaron and Marcia a couple of times in those weeks and Marcia seemed to greet me more warmly than before -- but I chalked that up to an over-active imagination, even though the firmness of my cock in response to her hugs belied that thought.

Then came a week where I was having trouble getting to sleep again. The Wednesday night of that week I got maybe three hours sleep and I was unproductive at work (I need to be well-rested to get the inspiration for my jewelry designs). When I was having trouble again Thursday night I decided to take Marcia's homeopathic compound again with the dosage Marcia recommended. I slept OK though not really well, and thankfully didn't have any inappropriate dreams. Friday night, anticipating trouble sleeping, I again took the homeopathic compound but again with four more drops than Marcia suggested.

Saturday morning I again woke up around six thirty in a cold sweat. Fortunately I hadn't spontaneously ejaculated, but my cock was hard and I had had another super-realistic dream of plowing Marcia's field. I got up and took a cold shower.

When Nancy got up at eight a. m. she reminded me that she would be gone until six p. m. at a local medical administrator's conference. "Also, remember that Aaron and Marcia are coming over sometime late morning or early afternoon to pick up my Cuisinart mixer."

"I don't remember you telling me that," I replied.

"I thought for sure that I told you yesterday. In any event, they are. If you're going to be gone some time during the day call them and set a time for pickup when you will be here," she responded.

"Why do they need it?"

"Marcia is making some special goodies for a charity bake sale next weekend and she doesn't have something suitable for large volume baking."

"OK, I'll take care of it; where is the mixer?"

"The bottom cabinet to the right of the dishwasher; it has 'Cuisinart' clearly on the bowl and weighs a ton -- you can't miss it."

I looked in the cabinet, found it, and then kissed Nancy goodbye.

I put the mixer pickup -- and Marcia -- out of my mind since I had a sudden inspiration for a jewelry design and when I do I get to work on it immediately because artistic inspiration has to be obeyed when it comes along. I was working in my in-home small studio when the doorbell rang about noon. At the door was Marcia.

"Hi Lucas," she grinned, walked up to me and gave me a tight hug. "I came to get the mixer."

"Oh, yeah," I exhaled, having already forgotten about it I was so into my new jewelry design. "Where's Aaron; I thought that he was coming with you."

"No need; I told him that I was strong enough to handle it myself. So what have you been up to -- seems that I caught you at the wrong time."

"No -- I was just working on a new design and got distracted," I smiled.

"Can I see -- I won't tell anyone else if it's a secret," she smiled back.

"No secret -- sure, why not?"

I took her into my studio and showed her what I had done so far. She oohed and aahed. "You know that the matching watches that you gave Aaron and me for our wedding present was the most beautiful gift we've ever received. I wear mine almost every day, not just for special occasions," she grinned, holding up her hand with the watch on her wrist.

I was really happy that they enjoyed that gift, because I put a lot of work into it and the materials were very expensive. "Glad that you like it," I beamed.

I went and showed her the mixer, lifted it onto the kitchen table and offered to carry it to her car for her. "That would be great, but first I have something else to talk to you about," she said, her tone seeming to be somewhat serious."

"OK -- what's up?"

"Well, you know that sleep-assist homeopathic compound that I gave you several weeks ago -- did you ever use it?"

I guess that my face showed concern, shock, surprise, and probably several other emotions because looking me in the eye she said "Oh no; did you have a problem?"

"Uh...cough, cough...uh what makes you ask that?" I queried.

"Oh shit!" she exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Recent studies and anecdotal evidence indicates that some people who take it to help them sleep, especially if they use too much of it, have really weird and completely realistic dreams," Marcia said looking me in the eye. Apparently my face showed my horror because she continued "Oh shit -- you've had them too."

I stammered something unintelligible apparently turning crimson as I did so. She put her hand over her mouth and said "Were the dreams sexual -- and about me?"

I guess that even though my words were "Uh, no, why would you even ask that," my eyes told a different story because they seemed to get as big as baseballs and Marcia gasped loudly.

After a pregnant pause she said "Because some of the anecdotal information indicates that happened; the person who gave the user the compound apparently appeared in sexual dreams of the user in a number of incidents."

She knew from the look on my face that was what happened to me.

"I'm so sorry," she said, coming up to me, hugging me around the waist and pressing her boobs into my chest.

I couldn't help myself; my cock inflated to full mast in seconds and there was no way that she didn't feel it. She initially backed up slightly, looked down at my crotch, and for whatever reason made the mistake of running her hand over my stiffy.

I'm not entirely sure of the sequence of events after that, nor the exact details. I speculated that some of the homeopathic compound was still coursing through my veins because my actions were completely atypical of my normally conservative personality. Whatever the sequence or the details some time later Marcia was on her hands and knees on cushions from my living room couch that were strewn on the floor, her skirt was up and her panties were off exposing her moist palpitating pussy. I was behind her with my pants and boxers around my ankles, my hands holding her hips, and my cock harder than it had ever been before in my life moving past her pussy lips into her vagina.

As I mentioned before, Marcia is a pretty and slim woman. What I found out is that she has a magical pussy. While I'm not the most experienced guy in the world when I went to art school and before I married Nancy I had more than my share of pussy. This was the tightest, wettest, most fragrant vagina in my experience -- by far. Also, the sounds that Marcia made as I pistoned back-and-forth, and the way that she seemed to be able to control her pc muscles so that she was squeezing and releasing my cock as I reciprocated, was supernatural. In fact, it was even better than my realistic dreams.

When I came I swear that my cum shot out of me with such force that if I had been masturbating it would have carried twenty feet. Also, I didn't just have three or four ejaculates; while I was too spaced-out to count them there had to be at least eight to ten. We both screamed and when I had shot my last wad we collapsed onto the cushions.

Time seemed to stand still, my mind only registering a hazy reality when we were hit with asynchronous aftershocks, each of which was almost as good itself as any other fuck I had ever had in my life.

Eventually, we lay next to each other with our eyes open. We didn't speak -- we just stared into each other's eyes for the longest time. I recognized for the first time in the six years or so that I had known Marcia that she had almost neon green irises; they were enchanting I didn't understand how I had not fixated on them before.

After we lay there staring for a few minutes unbelievably my cock slowly started to come to life again. When she felt it, Marcia smiled, sat up, removed her top and bra, and then her skirt, so that except for her socks and shoes she was completely naked.

Another surprise -- her tits looked much bigger than when she was clothed; I'd guess C cup and conical. I had never seen conical breasts live before -- but I was quickly coming to the conclusion that they were my favorites.

Marcia helped me get out of my shoes, pants, boxers, and shirt, and once I was naked I started sucking her tits with the alacrity a starving baby might. She giggled, and then moaned with pleasure, as I did that. Once I was partially sated -- I probably could never get enough of conical tits at that point in time -- I did something I had rarely done before immediately after intercourse, and never with anyone else besides Nancy. I went down on her crotch and starting licking her labia, abusing her G-spot, and sucking in her clit. I was able to do this without ingesting any of my cum -- which was leaking out of her pussy -- at least not that I noticed.

Marcia proved multi-orgasmic as she came three times in fairly rapid succession as a result of my finger and mouth play on her pussy. After the third time, in an almost hoarse and weak voice, she mumbled "Fuck me again."

I mounted her, put her calves on my shoulders, and then penetrated her again with my fully rejuvenated cock. Even with the lubrication provided by my last ejaculations in to her vagina she was still very tight -- in fact, heavenly snug. This second go-round we fucked for a long time before I came again, triggering another massive orgasm in her. I finally pulled out and we again lay side-by-side on the cushions.

I must have dozed off, or passed out, for a while. When my eyes opened again I saw Marcia's neon green irises boring a hole in my head. "Fuck, that was intense," she moaned we she saw that my eyes were open. "I can't believe that we did that. While I've always liked you I can't say that I've ever really had the hots for you -- but you couldn't prove that by the way that I gave my all in fucking you today!"

"If that wasn't 'your all,'" I chuckled, "then you would have fucked me to death if you did have more to give because the last forty minutes, or however long it was, was by far the most intense time of my life."

We engaged in some more inane pillow talk, mostly expressing our mutual gratitude, surprise, and ecstasy before Marci said. "I've got to get back before Aaron comes looking for me and if he finds us kills us both."

"I think that you need a shower before you go, though, Marcia. Right now you have the enchanting and inspiring smell of sex."

"No shit, Sherlock," she laughed, "as do you."

We showered together without too much hanky-panky. I really, really came to admire her tiny almost hairless slit and her luscious conical boobs. She seemed to like playing with my foreskin. "I've only experienced circumcised cocks before," she chuckled, "but foreskin is fun."

Just before I carried the Cuisinart out to her car we both looked at each other and almost simultaneously said "Never again." We laughed at that and then I said "I'll feel guilty for a long time to come since I've never cheated on Nancy before and never believed that I would; but somehow the erotic intensity of our coupling will allow me to overcome my guilt."

"Couldn't has said it better myself," she smiled. Then she gave me a quick kiss on the lips, said "No PDA or goo-goo eyes ever, stud," and then we exited my house and I put the mixer in her car. We had no physical contact outside my house and I perfunctorily waved goodbye.

I was more like a zombie than a human the rest of the day. Then another strange thing -- in a day of strange things -- happened. When Nancy got home I was overcome with lust and I fucked her bent over the kitchen table. When we went to bed that night we fucked again -- the first time for two fucks for us in an eight hour period for several years.


Despite the erotic intensity of my coupling with Marcia I still felt guilt for a long time. It didn't help that I took the homeopathic compound another four or five times -- each time experiencing an erotic dream about Marcia but thankfully no spontaneous ejaculation -- until I ran out. I never asked her for a refill.

When Marcia and I saw each other we were always friendly, but never exchanged anything more than a token hug.

Things were almost back to normal when about twenty weeks after Marcia picked up the Cuisinart at a family gathering Aaron had an announcement. "We're pregnant," he joyously announced.

For the first time I could see that Marcia had a clear baby bump; and she was glowing. Of course everyone -- justifiably -- made a big fuss about it. The women were chattering like magpies as they swarmed Marcia. I only overheard some of it. One thing I heard Marcia say: "I started showing later than most women but my OB/GYN swears that I'm almost positively twenty weeks pregnant."

When I heard that I'm sure that my face flushed. I went into the bathroom and got out my iPhone and looked at the calendar. Twenty weeks from that day was exactly when Marcia picked up the mixer from my house. I felt faint, sat down on the toilet cover with my head between my legs for a few minutes, and then washed my face with cold water and returned to the gathering.

Marcia said nothing about the coincidence I perceived so I assumed that I was overreacting and had dodged a bullet.

After Marcia delivered a beautiful seven pound four ounce, 20 inch long, little girl that she named Alicia almost exactly on her due date I made her a bracelet. I put every ounce of creativity I had into it, and spent at least $5,000 on materials. I gave it to her as a joint present from Nancy and me when we went over to her house to see the baby about ten days after her delivery. She teared up when she saw it, gave us both hugs (I kept my crotch away from her), and thanked us profusely. Every time I saw her since that date she has had the bracelet on.


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