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Overpowered at the Office

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One night at work, Simon takes Sandra by surprise.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/05/2015
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My first piece of drunk writing. WARNING: This series features assault, blackmail, home-invasion and forced sex. Ending is left open. Suitable for non-con fans. Mainstream readers or those easily triggered, skip this one.


Sandra was an attractive twenty-six year old. Although she was quite short, her body was beautifully proportioned. In sunlight her ash brown, slightly curled locks strangely alternated in colour between rich gold and vibrant chestnut. Her breasts were high and firm, not big enough to be affected by gravity, but the perfect size to occupy a mans hand. Her legs were long and slender, which gave her the appearance of being much taller than her 155cm height.

Her general expressions were good-natured and quite engaging, especially admirable were the way her hazel eyes lit up when she spoke about anything she was passionate about. It was always with reluctance that men parted from her company, whether they needed to attend pressing work tasks, or if she felt their interest in her was becoming inappropriate.

If she fit into a category it would be the 'sweet girl next door', not the experienced and seductive woman. For this reason, Simon, her team leader, found her irresistible.

Simon, by comparison, was well over 6 feet tall, and towered over Sandra whenever they happened to meet. Simon had very short hair, almost a buzz-cut, and dark, intense brown eyes. He wasn't tall and lanky, but as well proportioned to his height as Sandra was to hers. Broad shoulders and a wide, solid chest did justice to his height, and his legs, though you couldn't tell when he was in business attire, were very athletic. Thirty one years old, he was the epitome of a man.

Unlike Sandra, Simon was not very personable. He was the strong and silent type, and did not often engage in lengthy social conversation. This isn't to say he was unfriendly, but he always conducted himself respectfully, and didn't enjoy discussions which were not work-related. Although Sandra found Simon physically attractive, because of his serious disposition he was never very remarkable in her eyes.

Besides always sticking to the rule 'don't shit where you eat', Sandra, unlike the other women in the office, wouldn't have been interested in pursuing a relationship with Simon even if they were not colleagues. Of course, given Simon's tendency to dry humour and professionalism, she would have been hugely surprised if she knew just how much Simon wanted her, and that whenever she was near he watched her carefully.

To give Simon credit, he had fought his feelings ever since he met Sandra, six months ago. Being alone with her was agony, but not once did he ever betray his urges in her company.

Simon really did believe in the importance of a career untarnished by office affairs. But as the time passed, it became more necessary to spend time with Sandra, since she was transferred to his team a month ago, and he had reached breaking point. Unfortunately, although Simon could be charming when he chose, he was inexperienced with female relationships.

Not to say he hadn't slept with plenty of women, Simon was a highly sexed man, and very familiar with the female body. But he had never desired to date any of his one night stands, never desired exclusivity. That is, until he met Sandra. The dilemma he was presented with was that he was overcome with desire for a woman he worked with, and not only did this woman appear completely unaffected by him, the thought of her dating anyone else drove him crazy. Which was very unlike him.

He did not know how to date women, he only knew how to bed them. Sexually, Simon was very dominating, always in control. On rare occasions, to heighten his enjoyment he involved one of this friends, Steven. Even though some women were reluctant at first, Simon knew how to manipulate to get his way, and although he had never physically hurt a woman, he was not necessarily proud of the methods he had felt necessary to convince a woman to submit.

Yet, no complaints had ever been lodged against him, and if a woman ever felt he had crossed a line, she had never mentioned it in parting, or after. In fact, most had attempted to date him afterwards.

So although he was sure he could give Sandra immense pleasure, he had no idea how to bring about the circumstances to show her. After delaying his passions for months on end (during which time, he had completely lost interest in casual sex) he resolved to give in to his desires. As soon as he decided to cross this line, he realised that if his attempts to seduce her were to be met with rejection, he wouldn't be able to tolerate it. More likely he would have to teach her a lesson in submission.

He wasn't willing to waste time getting her to notice him romantically. He didn't have the patience to woo her, particularly with the prospect that she might reject him, his libido couldn't allow it. It would be less complicated if he just did things his own way, taking her by surprise.


Two weeks since making his decision, Simon was granted an opportunity to act on it. Both he and Sandra were working late, which was nothing new given the reports they worked with often arrived in the evening. However it was the first time in a month, because the other company they were liaising with, the only one to send their data in the evenings, had temporarily closed down for several weeks.

It wasn't until 8pm that Simon and Sandra had completed their work. When they had to work late they usually ordered takeout, and that night they talked business and exchanged a few ordinary comments about their weekend plans over a pizza. Sandra was completely at ease with him, with no inkling that their relationship was about to drastically change.

Simon smiled ruefully at the thought that things would never be the same between them, but he was very excited by this idea. They had always worked well together, perhaps work could be more enjoyable after all, for him at least.

Sandra yawned and stretched before standing up to gather the papers they had rummaged through.

"I have to say, I was really enjoying not having to work late for a while," she said, not noticing the fixated way Simon stared at her.

"I'm used to it," said Simon, feigning indifference to her movements when he could feel his heart quickening. He watched her shrug into her navy blazer and walk toward the door to the file room.

"That's because you're the boss, you don't have a choice," she laughed, and went into the other room to put the documents where they belonged.

It was now or never - this was his chance. Simon quickly stood and stealthily crossed the room, entering the small file-room behind her without making a sound. Sandra might have noticed his entry if she hadn't been humming to herself. For a large man, he could move very quietly, and was right up behind her before she realised he was even there.

As she placed the last file back into its position, she turned and gasped. When she had turned around, Simon quickly closed the small distance between them and placed his hands on the cabinet on either side of Sandra, with no space for her to move anywhere but toward him.

For a moment they stared at each other. He gazed down with terrifying intensity, whilst she gaped up at him in shock and confusion. He could see her pulse racing in fear; his pulse was also racing for a different reason - just being so close to her, he felt his chest might explode.

"S-Simon", she stammered, '"what do you think you're doing?"

She nervously ran her tongue over her lip, and he felt a searing heat flash through his loins. He was rock hard already, and he hadn't even touched her yet.

Looking down into her terrified doe-eyes, he felt so powerful, like a lion who had just pounced on a deer, savouring the moment of capture before devouring.

"Simon, you're making a huge mistake, I don't want this," she tried again, shakily.

Sandra was going through some intense emotions herself, continuously rotating between fear, outrage, and surprise. Was she hallucinating? How could Simon, the most quiet, responsible guy in the office, act so inappropriately? He had never demonstrated the slightest indication of being interested, and here he was, pouncing on her on work premises.

Always keeping other men at bay, it had never occurred to her that Simon could pose a threat. She avoided all situations where she might get into trouble - she was careful not to have too much alcohol when they went out for work drinks, she was careful not to give anyone the wrong idea - she valued her job too much.

If she could only convince Simon to back off. But if he refused...she had no idea what she would do. Staring up at his towering height, she knew she had no chance of fighting him physically. He could easily crush her. God, he could crush her by accident.

"Please Simon," she pleaded. "You're really scaring me."

She tried to edge to the left, and maybe slip under his right arm, but shifted back to centre when she felt his arm tighten as she neared it.

His slow smile filled her with dread. He wasn't going to let her go. She could feel his erection against her stomach and it filled her with terror. All her hopes that this wasn't real, that he was just mucking around, however unlikely they may have been, gave flight as soon as she felt his desire.

She wasn't a virgin, but it had been a long time since she'd had sex. And it was obvious that Simon had a sizeable package. Would he break her? Worst of all, he hadn't said a word. No explanation, no reassurance. To her, the silence was deafening.

Simon enjoyed the moment far more than he had anticipated. He didn't feel any regret whatsoever. In fact, the only thing he lamented is that he never took advantage of their time alone before now. Listening to her pleas simultaneously disappointed and aroused him.

He wanted her to want him, but at the same time he couldn't desire an easy woman. If she melted into his arms he'd thoroughly enjoy it, but he'd also be angry that she gave in so easily, because she wouldn't be the girl he thought she was, the element that drew his attention to her in the first place.

But now he knew she would be worth it - worth the indiscretion, the risk to his job. Soon enough he would make her want him, and only him. She might resist at first but he knew ways to bring her around, to break the strongest willed women, and the task would be very pleasurable for him. Her job was important to her, she kept her work as respectable as he did (up until this point), and he knew she wouldn't want to jeopardise it all with a scandal.

And who would believe her? His smile deepened. The situation was perfect. Of the two of them, she was far more sociable. People would have difficultly believing Simon harboured dark urges or would act with impropriety. Besides, it was too late to back off now. Though he had initial doubts about his actions, he now knew there would be no regrets.

Eyes never leaving hers, she started as he brought his right arm down and rested his hand on her left breast, slipping beneath her blazer. He felt her heart skip under his palm. Although she now had an opening to dart to the left, he applied enough pressure to prevent her from moving away.

Keeping his eyes locked to hers, he felt her tremble indignantly as his hand slowly and deliberately caressed her, thumb brushing over her nipple until it hardened. Then his hand slid over the slope of her breast, down along her small waistline to rest firmly on her hip, again with not enough pressure to hurt her, but enough to hold her in place.

"Please," Sandra whispered. By this stage she was genuinely alarmed. "Please don't do this, Simon."

"I've waited a long time for this, Sandra," he breathed. "These last couple of weeks have been the longest in my life."

She didn't know what else to say, as real panic began to set in Sandra tried to rationalise and keep her thoughts under control, it wouldn't do any good to succumb to blind panic.

'Its ok,' she thought. 'I'm just being groped. It happens, it could be worse. Soon he'll let me go.' She knew better than to believe it, but she held onto that hope.

These hopes were thrown out the window when he suddenly seized her chin with his left hand, tilted her face up to his and brought his mouth down on hers in a ruthless kiss. With his mouth on hers she couldn't speak, but moaned in protest as the hand gripping her chin slid up her jawline and increased pressure, forcing her mouth open to deepen the kiss. She was crushed against him, completely helpless, all the while aware of his throbbing erection moving against her.

She frantically struggled, and heard a low chuckle in his throat at her futile attempts to push against his chest, which didn't budge a millimetre. Her hands on his body only fuelled his pleasure. With the cabinets at her back and him pushed against her, she was well and truly stuck. Although his movements seemed calm and controlled, the urgent rise and fall of his chest under her hands, the heat his body emitted and the force of his kiss betrayed his excitement.

She knew he wasn't using half his strength - he was taking his time, playing with her. They both knew there was no way she could escape him.

But still she pushed at his broad chest, clawed at his muscular arms, pulled at the hand around her jaw forcing her mouth open, and only once tried to buck him away with her hips - she quickly realised the mistake of pushing her hips against his groin. His tongue was in her mouth, probing, rubbing against hers as she tried to avoid it.

The more she strained to push him away with her hands, the higher her chin tilted up to Simon, allowing him to angle his head for better access to her mouth. He tasted like the chocolate milk he drank after the the pizza, and smelled deliciously male. In frustration her hands clenched into fists. She hated herself for noticing anything complimentary about him at such a moment.

She was becoming exhausted, and desperately moaned into his mouth, trying to pull her face away so she could talk some sense into him, but he'd have none of it.

Her moans and writhing drove Simon wild, never before had he experienced so much pleasure with his clothes on. Because he was much stronger he could easily manipulate her body as it suited him. As she twisted her torso to throw him off, he took advantage and inserted a knee between her thighs. He savoured her startled gasp into his mouth, as he deliberately rubbed his leg between hers.

With their size difference he hardly exerted himself at all, even though she was fighting to her limit. To any observer it would appear as though she was writhing against him in mutual passion, because although he was in complete control, he did not use excessive force, and was careful not to hurt her.

It would have been easy to force her to be still under his advances, but with her moving against him, futilely trying to disentangle their bodies while he easily had his way, he experienced an incredible sense of empowerment. A feeling far more empowering than any of his previous sexual escapades, which often had women begging for his mercy. He would remember this moment for the rest of his life, and in that moment he knew he was completely and utterly addicted.

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Marklynda2Marklynda2almost 2 years ago

It's always the quiet ones that surprise you when they let go. great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

WSM98WSM98about 2 years ago

Second story and I'm freaking loving this author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not into sharing, so the mention of him sometimes adding another guy really lowered my interest in the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So hot

Keep up the good work

Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago

You warned. I heeded it. I'm intrigued to see where it goes.

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