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Ownership Pt. 01

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A barista meets an older woman.
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The music in the coffee shop was low as Amy took the orders, a small queue had formed as the end of lunchtime occurred. The twenty-one year old girl was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans under her barista apron with her light brown hair tied up behind her in a ponytail, it was her last hour of work and she could not wait to be done. She was the only person working the coffee shop today, situated on the edge of Glasgow, only one person was needed during the week because of low footfall.

Amy finished the order of the second last person in the queue and the next one stood up, it was a woman, taller than Amy in height with long black hair and sunglasses. She was wearing a long expensive coat and had an unmoving expression. ''Hey there,'' Amy smiled at her. ''What can I get you?''

''De-caffeinated espresso, ensure it is properly frothed on top,'' the woman said in a clipped way. Amy blinked at the assertiveness of the woman's answer, she was brand new to the job and so far most people had been nice enough to her. ''Okay... that's fine. And the name?''

The woman looked at her blankly, ''You don't need my name. Just bring it over to me,'' with that she placed a £5 note on the counter and walked away, finding a seat for herself in a quiet corner. Amy was stunned, she couldn't believe this bitch, she just demanded something and thought she would get it. Amy made up the other orders and called them, the customers thanking her every time they collected but Amy could not get that woman off of her mind. She was still sat in the corner, reading a book, Amy thought the woman could not have been older than forty. She had the urge to make her order and call out, ''Bitch,'' but she couldn't get sacked by another job.

Reluctantly Amy took the decaf espresso over to the woman, a coffee table situated next to her and placed it there, her red heel hanging in the air at the end of her crossed legs. The woman did not even acknowledge her, to the point Amy waited a moment to see if she would, but that never came and she walked away in her huff. Amy was not sure she had hated someone more in that moment. Not only had that woman been rude to her, but she had also ordered her and she had just done what she said? That infuriated Amy even more. The shop cleared out as customers left, it was then only Amy and the woman in the shop, the situation still nagged at Amy. She decided to speak to the woman, to try and get some level of acknowledgement from her. Amy walked up tentatively, ''Excuse me? Do you need anything?''

The woman shut her book and looked up to Amy, ''What is your name?'' Amy was stunned the woman spoke to her, ''It's Amy.''

''Why did you bring my coffee over, Amy?''

''What?'' Amy replied, confused at the question.

''Do not make me repeat myself, girl.'' The woman replied in a harsh but soft way at the same time.

''I- Well it's my job.''

''No it is not. Your job is to make coffee. But you brought mine over despite how I was to you, why?'' The woman asked with her head tilting subtly.

''I'm not... sure, I just thought you weren't going to get it so-''

''And why are you here now?'' The woman said cutting in.

Amy felt like she was being interrogated, ''I just wanted to see if you were okay.''

''You craved praise from me. Didn't you?''

''No, it's just... Well I suppose, a bit.'' Amy was blushing and she wasn't even sure why.

''Tell me, Amy. What do you do? You are at university, I imagine?'' The woman asked, taking her sunglasses off so Amy could see her dark brown eyes.

''Yes, I study physiotherapy. I'm in my last year.''

''Interesting, I take it you can give therapeutic massages?''

The conversation had taken a turn so quickly that Amy was thrown off, ''Yes, I can.''

''I have an offer for you Amy, and you'll get this only once. Come with me now and come to my home and give me a sports massage.'' The woman said it with a blank expression, as if it was no big demand.

''Oh I would for sure but the shop-'' Amy began.

''Amy, this is not an offer to take lightly. Yes or no?'' The woman said, picking up her expensive designer handbag and standing up to leave, reminding Amy of the height advantage she had over her, she could not see the rest of the woman's body because of her large coat though. Amy's brain insisted she said no, she couldn't just leave, but after all Kailey would only be ten minutes and it was not a busy time... Amy looked at the woman, ''Yes.''


The car ride took longer than Amy had expected, she had assumed the woman lived nearby. But as her black SUV kept driving , it only left the city and went into more rural lands. The drive was silent, neither woman breaking the silence the whole ride. After forty-five minutes they were stalking through a road in the woods, Amy was lost by this point, unsure where they were. They arrived to a large gate with a keypad next to it, the woman typed her pin in and it slid open and she drove through. It was not a house they reached at the end of the road; it was near enough a mansion. It was cubically designed with large glass panes acting as the exterior walls to most the house, it was modern and sleek but also oppressive. Amy turned to the woman as she parked up, ''Do you and your husband live here?''

''Husband? Amy do you see a ring?'' The woman held up her non-jewelled hand.

''No, sorry. I just assumed...'' She quietened down, embarrassed.

''You assumed a woman could not own this all by herself? Amy we need you to aim higher,'' with that she got out the car.

Amy quickly followed her as the older woman walked to the front door, ''Hey, umm... what is your name?''

The woman held up a fob on her keys to the door and it automatically opened for her, ''You ask now, as you arrive at me house? For your purpose, only call me Mistress.''

Amy was a bit weirded out by that but just nodded and followed the woman inside, the house as expensive on the inside as it was on out. The furnishings and decorations all looked like they cost Amy more money than she had made in whole life, it was the paintings on the interior walls that caught her eyes though. They were erotic, nude images of women and men, some of them borderline pornographic while others had women wearing stockings and holding implements like whips and chains. The woman had taken her coat off and hung it up next to the door, revealing she was wearing a very short black dress, only thigh high with her coming out the end, muscular in tone. It was her breasts Amy could not take her eyes off of though, nearly spilling out the top a very large voluptuous pair that bounced as she walked over to Amy standing before a black and white picture of a bare pair of breasts.

''Do you like the art?'' Mistress asked her.

''I just wasn't expecting,'' Amy started.

''I find the human body so beautiful,'' the woman started, enraptured by the art. ''They can all come in so many different ways but all retain a similarity at the same time? People are too ashamed by the erotic; I personally think we should celebrate it more. Do you not agree?''

Amy just looked for a moment and then back to the picture, she had never been interested in girls before but even she could admit the pair of medium sized breasts had an alluring look to them, ''I see what you mean.''

''Good, now let's not delay. I have a massage table in the back,'' with that Mistress started leading the way through the huge house, she explained how the top floor of the house was guest rooms that were furnished like apartments although no one was visiting now. They passed a large fancy kitchen that was completely spotless, a large entertainment room with the largest television Amy had ever seen, and finally they reached the gym full of equipment at one end with a stretching area at the other where the massage table was.

''I used to have a personal masseuse who saw me every week,'' Mistress began, ''But sadly they had to be let go, so I have been looking for a new person to take that role. Would you be interested?''

''Oh, I'm still a student, Mistress,'' Amy using the woman's title for the first time, ''I couldn't agree to that yet.''

''We shall see how you do. Now unzip me,'' Mistress pulled her long black hair out of the way of the back of her dress, revealing the zip at her neck. Amy did as she asked and delicately pulled it down, taking note of how well built the woman was under a layer of thickness, underneath her soft flesh was muscles. ''You really work out,'' Amy remarked.

''I try my best to keep in shape dear, it's our only body after all.'' Mistress pulled the dress down and stepped out of it, revealing a large buttocks, Amy was however more distracted by her large breasts barely contained by a crimson bra and a matching lace pair of panties she was wearing underneath.

Mistress stepped out of her heels, turned and climbed onto the table, already a towel there, she went face down and uncooked her bra exposing her whole back to Amy. Amy was in awe of the older woman but realised something, ''Oh I'm sorry, I'm wearing jeans, normally I'm in something I can move about in easier.''

''Take them off,'' Mistress replied from the bed. Amy thought about it for a second but she realised the woman could not even see her anyway, she undid her jeans and slid them down, her black thong swallowed by Amy's large plump buttocks, undoubtedly her best feature to boys. She was not embarrassed by the situation; she had given massages to her ex-boyfriend wearing far less than this. Amy grabbed some oil from next to the massage table that was already there, she spread it over Mistress's back and began to work her. Feeling the well built muscles of the woman revealed to Amy just how strong she was, she was thick in appearance with voluptuous boobs, butt and thighs but the woman was stronger than the show muscles you would normally see on well-built people, Amy herself worked out and she knew the woman could overpower her easily. She felt around her shoulders, her back and then travelled down towards her legs and buttocks. Taking care to make sure she worked the muscle groups she needed to. The woman did not make a sound, even as she hit muscles that were extremely tight and stressed she made unnervingly no sounds of pain as Amy worked them out, it was uncanny. Finally Amy finished with the back, ''Would you like to turn over now, Mistress?''

The woman did as asked and turned her, her natural breasts settling in front of Amy's eyes as she tried not to stare. Mistress kept her eyes closed the whole time, not moving a muscle and that was good for Amy as she could not take her eyes off of the woman's breasts. Amy had finished the massage but she kept messaging areas around her breasts just to feel near them, she was enamoured. Finally she pulled herself away, ''That is me down now, Mistress.''

Mistress smiled with her eyes remaining closed, ''Good job, Amy. Now here is where the ultimatum comes in, listen closely because this is a one time offer.'' Amy's heart thudded in her chest, confused as to what the woman could mean. ''When I open my eyes, you will either be standing there looking at me and I'll take you to the car and drive you home, you will never see me again.'' Amy felt strangely sad about that prospect. ''Alternatively, you will find a blindfold on the second drawer down on your left at the stand where the lotion was. If I open my eyes to you wearing that, I have your consent to continue with you how I like. You have ten seconds.'' Amy's head exploded, what did she mean? Did the woman want to have sex with her? Amy could not lie; she was attracted to the older woman but that was quick. She could just go home and forget about this. But her mind was curious, she had already done so much for this woman just by her asking. She had to continue on, Amy went to the drawer and opened it, sure enough there was a black blindfold waiting for her. She took it out and stood next to Mistress and placed it over her eyes.

Amy could not see anything; she was completely blinded from even the light. All she could do was listen and she did attentively. She heard Mistress move and get off the table, then she heard the clack of her heels as she placed them on her feet and started walking in them again. A cold hand took hers; it was strong and closed around her, leading her away from the gym. Mistress led Amy through the house deftly, not going too fast but still at a pace where Amy could not stand still. Amy had no sense of direction to the place and finally they stopped, ''We are at the top of stairs now, Amy, be careful.'' Mistress slowly led her down a flight of steps, there were too many for Amy to count, especially considering she was trying not to fall but Mistress kept her safe. Finally she heard a key being turned in a lock and a heavy door opening, Mistress pulling her inside and closing the door, locking it behind them.

She led Amy forward a bit more before finally stopping her and letting go, Amy's mind raced with possibilities as to where they could be but she just knew she did not want to leave Mistress's side. Her hand was grabbed and raised, slotted into a binding and closed, leaving her arm raised in the hair above her. The same treatment was given to the other hand and she stood there, like a prisoner. She could hear the clack of Mistress's heels as she circled Amy, the room clearly soundproofed as no noise was emanating from outside and there was a lack of echo as the sound of heels hit the walls. Amy stood there, feeling exposed in just her panties, not knowing what Mistress was even looking at. Suddenly she felt hands on her t-shirt, first around her waist and then gently feeling slowly upwards towards her arms, stopping at her arm pits, Amy feeling the hands press against where they had become damp with sweat. ''Are you feeling nervous, Amy?''

''Yes, Mistress,'' Amy replied.

''Good. I am going to cut your clothes off of you now, silence will be your consent to this.'' Amy felt no strong attachment to her clothing so held her tongue. She heard Mistress walking away and the clink of metal on a tray and then the footsteps return to her. A hand pulled the fabric of her shirt out from her and she heard the snip sounds of scissors as they cut upwards towards her. She felt air on her torso as the fabric parted and this continued until the scissors bit through the neckline of her t-shirt and it fell away from her centre, only held on by her arms. A hand pulled the fabric up towards her arms and started cutting upwards, swift but not a single accidental nick was made to her skin. This continued until the t-shirt was cut away from her right arm and then the same done to the left, completely freeing her and leaving her only stood in her bra and panties. Amy was wearing a mis-matched blue bra and black thong; she obviously had never anticipated this. She heard Mistress circling her again, this time she stopped behind her and she felt a hand on her arse, squeezing her thick flesh there. Amy made a noise as she felt it pinched and suddenly was hush by a shh from Mistress.

One hand kept fondling behind as Mistress spoke, ''Amy, you truly do have a magnificent arse. Don't you?''

''Yes, Mistress,'' Amy replied as she continued to be fondled. Suddenly she heard a snip and her panties were cut loose, the material whipped away from her leaving her suddenly exposed. Amy instinctively tried to close her legs to hide her modesty but a sharp spank immediately hit her behind, a fleshy smack rung to her ears and she yelped. ''No, Amy! You never close your legs to Mistress!''

''I'm sorry!'' Amy cried out but was only met with an even harder smack which only added to the stinging pain she was feeling.

''Who are you sorry to?'' Mistress said to her.

''I'm sorry to you, Mistress!'' Amy yelled out, tears entering her eyes but instead of another smack she felt a hand gently caressing where she was smacked and Mistress's body came close to hers, her mouth to next her ear. The smell of Mistress, a soft lilac smell that Amy only wanted to bury her face into her flesh to breathe in deeper. Mistress massaged Amy's sore behind more and whispered, ''Amy, you need to be a good girl for Mistress. That means when you don't do something right we need to find a way for you to learn, am I right?'' Amy nodded her head with a tear running down her cheek, ''Yes, Mistress.''

''Good girl,'' Mistress whispered and kisses her softly on the cheek causing Amy to internally explode. The praise of this woman made her feel happier than she ever had done in her life. Mistress then turned her attention to Amy's pussy, she felt a hand glide down her toned stomach and over her bare pussy, a finger probing her wet hole, Amy's arousal meaning she was soaking wet down there for Mistress. ''Do you shave every day, Amy?''

''Every few days, Mistress.'' She heard a noise of disapproval from Mistress, making her making her feel bad.

''Leave your bush to grow above your pussy, Amy. Shave the lips but hair aids intimacy so much more down there.'' Internally Amy felt foolish she even did it after Mistress told her this, she could not believe the control this woman had over her emotions. She felt more probing of her pussy lips, ''Very pretty pussy, Amy.'' Which further boosted her mood causing her to smile and say, ''Thank you, Mistress.'' Then Mistress moved upwards feeling her hips and waist, then up her sides and suddenly Amy felt in three quick movements her bra completely sheared at the straps and her breasts exposed. Amy gasped as she felt Mistress hand squeeze her little tits, circling her erect nipples, she moaned quietly and she held a slight giggle from Mistress. ''A-cup breasts, Amy?''

''Yes, Mistress,'' Amy said worried the older woman would not like her smaller breasts.

''It's okay, larger breasts wouldn't suit your frame I don't think.'' Amy felt a slight squeeze on her nipple, slowly getting tighter and tighter. Amy tried not to make a noise, feeling she would disappoint Mistress if she did but the pain ended becoming unbearable and she had cry out. ''Wow, Amy, your nipples can take a bit of pinching.'' Causing that warm glow to emanate through her body again. Next, Mistress walked around her and Amy felt her hairband being pulled out, causing her hair to fall from loose from her ponytail, ''Good length and thickness. I love the colour too, Amy.'' She felt a hand slowly travel down her back, feeling her shoulders and back muscles and travelling back to down to her cheeks.

A finger travelled between her thick arse cheeks, and she held her breath as she felt her hole prodded. ''Amy, are you an anal virgin?''

''Yes, Mistress. My ex-boyfriend wanted to-''

Mistress cut in, ''I'll ask about that later. It'll take work but an arse like this should not be neglected.'' She pulled away from it and walked around again, Amy could feel her breathing on her, she was examining her face, ''Open your mouth, Amy.'' She did as Mistress commanded, of course she did, Amy could not resist doing so. ''I love your freckles,'' Mistress said.

Mistress backed away from Amy, the room became silent and she was worried she alone, she was already attached to Mistress and she did not even know the woman's name. Suddenly she heard movement again, Mistress moved to somewhere far away in the room, revealing to Amy the room was bigger than she thought. Mistress returned, she was setting something up on the ground in front of Amy, something metal perhaps but she was only trying to guess via the sound. Finally, Amy felt something push up against her pussy, something large and round pushed up against her clit. Mistress stepped away; Amy was trying to discreetly hump whatever was around her pussy lips but she was struggling. Suddenly the object buzzed to life causing Amy to gasp out in pleasure, it was a vibrator, the sensation wasn't heavy but the feeling was immense.


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